The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 03, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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BUTCH OF ITEMS AROII THE CITY New Boxes in Use. Many of the new boxes recently put in at the postoffice were put into use Monday. A large number of them have already been rented. Will Take Six Weeks. It will be six weeks before the won; of repairing the schooner Brooklyn will be completed. As soon as the work is finished the schooner will continue on her voyage tr Havana. To Meet New Minister. The prayer meeting at the Baptist church will be largely attended, as the congregation of the church will have their first opportunity of meeting the new minister, Rev. Sammons, who ar rived in the city Monday. No Legal Sales. Yesterday was legal sales day witri Sheriff Berrie, ".:ut there was nothing doing Not a single piece of prop erty was sold, which is evidence that the taxpayers of Brunswick are pav ing their taxes regularly Coming October 9. The next attraction booked at the Grand opera house is Al. G. Field'-- minstrels, which will be here on Oc tober 9. The advance sale of seals will open in a few days and there will be a rush for seats. Brunswick al ways gives Field’s a full house. Jmvi £ -* t*< V *1 & VI *nfanT,r • ; ? ... : "t-s The K<nd ,r tse&ri cue / S'* * 'r V* fine ffries 1 CAN FURNISH AND PLANT ON SHORT NOTICE, CABBAGE. MAG NOLIA, SYCAMORE, MAPLE DOG WOOD, OAK AND UMDRELL TREES. GIVE ME A TRIAL. D. B. PVLES. 623 E Street. Purihr. ABSOLUTE PmiTT\ is attained in American Queen Beer, and our \ good Southern people—loyal enough in other \ ways—should give full justice here, where \ justice is earned and is due. ' 1 You don’t have to go away for a triumph of purity in beer. p It is here—right here at your door ! This may be news to you, but it is a fact. B In competition with America’s most famous brews, the £ chemists of Wahlheimus Institute, Chicago, declared the decided S superiority of American Queen Beer (their report can be seen in Vgg our office). Now, then, put this question pointedly to yourself— Jj ;i \*f could you ask for a higher proof of quality than this unbiased declaration from such eminent chemists? Hardly. r/L-iMI-W Order a case sent, home, and call fo r it, at all renorts. ACME BREWING CO. FIGHT TRAINS ■ sav, '- nnah & VIA SEABOARD- ’ AIR LINF. RAILWAY. VF KKTROI'N l. Leave Savannah 5*1)0 P. M. L^avp New OrlcatiH 9,25 A. M, Arrive Abbeville 10.10 p. M. " : - h; V" K M Arrive t.'ordele II 15 t*. M. Isuve Montgomery 7.45 I*. A> Atrive Americus 12.45 A.M. 1 L~uve Lumpkin 11.54 I’.. Arrive Riel)laud 2.00 A. M ,| Leave Richland 12.1 WA. * Arrive Lumpkin t! TJ M. ! Leave Americas I.4<A, M Arrive Montgomery 545 A.M. i UaVe Cordele ..... 8.15 A. M Arrive KirmTnghani.". in 4h v M. livuve Abbeville 4,‘_'<rA. ji Arrive New Orleans. tut KM. Arrive Savannah., 9.80 A. M. Tralu will consist of PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPING CARS, Day Coach** bet went Sa van lift) i and Montgomery without change; making clow connection at Montgomery with all lines ill verging for Pensacola, Mobile, New Orleans ami all Western points; Birmingham, Memphis, St. Louis, Nashvillu, Chicago and all Northwestern points; tlie SHORTEST LINK to Montgomery, New Orleans, Rlrnuioglgun, and the earliest I arrival at these points. At Savannah close connection is made tor ail EABTKK.V POUNTW. Richmond, Wash ington, New York ami with Coastwise Steamships for Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York nfW Btston. Get sleepiug car reservations and full information from any WKA BOA Ri > Agent, <*-writ*-to nnitLES I’. STEWART, Asst. General Passenger Agent, Nivwinub, Georgia. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. PUBLIC SALE. State of Georgia. Bounty of Glynn. Under and by virtue of authority and power of sale contained in that certaiu deed to secure debt, date I December 6th. 1904. in favor of the undersigned, from Mary T. Johnson Laurence Johnson, as trustee for uis said wife, Mary T. Johnsoi and his children by her horn and to be born. Said deed to secure debt be ing recorded in Book 12, page 459, ec seq.. of the records of said county, reference thereto being had for ah purposes. There will be sold before the door of the court house of said county in Brunswick. Georgia, on the first Tuesday in November. 1906. io the highest and best" bidder for casti all that certain described real estate, to-wit: All of that certain tract, lot or parcel of latfd. situate, lying and being in said county and state, and in the 26th district Georgia militia of said county, containing tour and eigtit tenths (4 8-10) acres, more or less, and bounded on the east by the Boule vard, leading from Brunswick around the marsh out towards old Tom Lamb’s place; and being identified o-.t a map or plan made r ; y K. A. Penn! man of a sub-division of the Deraero Hammock tract, recorded in Bool; U< > of the general records of said Glynn County. Georgia, by number as lot number two iNo. 2) and being- the 'same tract of land upon which the parties of the first part now reside, and having originally been conveyed py Geo 11. Plant to said Laurence Johnson by deed of date. July 25tn, 1899. record of which deed is found in Book SS of the General Records of said county, folio 798. reference to which said deed and map is here made and had for all purposes; for the pur poses of satisfying the indebtedness to the undersigned, and secured b said deed to secure debt, amounting t > the sum of four hundred ami eight ami 27-100 ($408.27) dollars, principal, be sides interest, taxes, insurance prem iums and costs of this proceeding, as provided for in said deed to secure debt. Purchaser pays for title. This October 2, 1906. Laurence Johnson, as trustee for his wife, Mary T. Johnson and his chil dren by her born and to he born, as well as the said Mary T. Johnson in dividually. By J. B. WRIGHT, Their attorney 1-, fact under power o? sain. U. W. KRAITSIS. Attorney for said J. B. WRIGHT. See that your drpgg'st gives yo no Imitation when you &|r for Ken nedv’i Laxative Konev r.od Tar. tit v-gina.' Lurttlvr* couch nyrnv. WATCH THIS PAPER FOR FALL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM MISS KATE SLATER. BRUNSWICK’S ORIGINAL MILLINER. A fine lino of suit cares at very low figures at Sig- Levi son. THS BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1906. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Aopbcation for Leave to Sell. State of Georgia, County of Glynn. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned lias applied to the ordi nary of said county for leave to sed land belonging to the estate of W. B. Manoe, for the purpose of payment of debts and for the purpose of distribu tion to heirs. Said application will ne heard at the regular term of the court of ordinary of said county to be held on the first Mondav in November. 1906. this the 2d dav of October, 1906. ELIZABETH MANOE, Administratrix upon the estate of IV. B. Manoe. Stanley Land Company and A. Brad ley Coley vs. John Gaffney. Petition to subject land sold under bond for title to the unpaid portion of the pur chase price. In the superior court of Glynn county, Georgia. December teqfln, 1906. To the defendant, John Gaffney: Take notice that a petition lias been nled by the plaintiffs, Stanley Lana Company and A. Bradley Colev, against you in the above named pro ceeding. said cause being returnable in due course to the next term of tne superior court to he held in and for Glynn county. Georgia, on the first Monday in December, 1906, and you are hereby commanded and require! to i;o and appear at the next term ot said court to answer said petition, as in tit fault thereof the court will pro ceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness- the Honorable T. A. Par ker, judge of said court, this Ist day of October, 1906. H. F. dußignon, Clerk superior court, Glynn county. Georgia. return to lutt3io Spi-nken. Never refer pityingly to the poor. This brands you at once as a dema gogue. Never say anything respectful of corporate wealth. Hi so doing you lay yourself open to the charge of be lng a hired man. Never use slang if you-want respect able people to take stock in you. Nev er u e pure English. The masses hale prlggishuess. Never talk straight to the point. You will Vie accused of taking yourself too seriously. Never toli funny stories. They lead to the suspicion of chican ery. Never praise “our forefathers.” A u eesiry pride is disgusting. Never ap peal to the “sturdy immigrant leaven in our midst.” it riles the old families. --Newark News. Hosiery for children. Elkan’s 15, 20 and 25 cents line all going at. 10 ■ '(■uis each, three pairs for 25 cents ac Sig Levison. Infants’ socks, 15 to 26 cents values at F cents per pair at Sig Levison. 11. IL MILLER k SOR. % * Brunswick Ga. TIE LARGEST FUTURE ROUSE II SOUTH GEORGIA We carry everything from the kitchen to the parlor r and guarantee price Price .... $15.00 Write to us for prices and mention this paper. TAX NOTICE. State and County Tax Notice, 190 To collect State and County Tax fo the year 190 G i will be at the followin precincts on dates mentioned: St. Simon, Oct. 18, Nov. 5 and Do 3. Sterling, Oct. 2!>, Nov. 8 and Dec. 4 Bladen, Oct. 24, Nov. 10 and Dec. ( Brookman. Oct. 25, Nov. 11 an- Nov. 29. At Court, House at intervening dates. H. J. RL’AD, T. C. (1. 0. WATCH THIS PAPER FOR FALL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM MISS KATE SLATER, BRUNSWICK’S ORIGINAL MILLINER. *• -;*>V imi b ■■ V • ‘ *. *.V .* a A Quart of Milk—a package of . ’[• \'J*. *. Jell-O ICE CREAM Powder* ■io minutes In the freezer—and, Lo and Behold, as If l|J|f§ PM .9 by magic—two quarts of the most delicious Ice Cream Jpgff W llil I you ever put into your mouth. jMiLm • fjfjfy And Pure Ice Cream tooj for g|fe:f Jcll-O ICE CREAM Powder ■ endorsed by the Pure Food Commission and received 9 the Gold Medal (Highest award) at the St Louis Exposition, 1004. I Making Ice Cream with 9 • Jelt-O ICE CREAM Powder lls so simple that a child can prepare It — lt requires no eggs, flavor- 9 9 * n g °r *oga—No cooking, heating or fussing. Results are always 9 I the same and failure la impossible. 9 Four Kinds t Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry and Unflavored, ng 9 Beware of cheap imitations. 9 2 Packages for 25 cents at all Orocers. 9 for oar Phutrstod Redpv Booh—lt 1 highly priwl by j Wbct> ordering by tnsQ nend addrew of your Oroeor. WATCH THIS PAPER FOR FALL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM MISS KATE SLATER. BRUNSWICK’S ORIGINAL. MILLINER. WATCH THIS PAPER FOR FALL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM MISS KATE SLATER. BRUNSWICK S ORIGINAL MILLINER. YOU CAN GET STYLE AND FIT WHEN YOU BUY SHOES FROM PEERSON. Call m> Davis and Taylor's slable If yon waul, dirt Lor ruining your lots or sidewalks. OUR FOUR DOLLAR SHOES FOR WOMEN ARE BEAUTIES. SEE THEM AT PEERSON’S. r — H~Ti r~XU f q-r-.- k jjljjjf? Wt MAKE AWNINGS FOR YOUR RESIDENCE OR YOUR STORE. This Steel .JOHN D. ROUNTOS, Brunswick’s Candy Store. Don't Iniy burnt sugar and imagine you are getting pure chocolate. Sucu substitutes are Injurious to health. For pure chocolate and al' other can dies call on me. A fresh supply received every wee* from JVlenier the famous chocolate maker. Id It her in hulk or in beautiful pound and half pound boxes. FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOES, ETC. TAFFY CANDY MADE FRESH DAILY. 208 Newcastle S’reet. 3