The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 03, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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FALL BARGAINS IN B Refrigerators 25 PER CENT REDUCTION Buy now for next summer. You can't make money easier. We have 10 Refrigerators left, which we want to move’ out of our way. Next summer you will have to pay 20 per cent more for the same Refrigerator C.MeGARVBY. 316 NEWCASTLE STREET CONEY & PARKER —Dealers in— COAL AND WOOD BRICK, LIME, CEMENT. PLASTER HAIR, SHINGLES AND LATHB SEWER PIPE. CHIMNEY FLUES FIRE BRICK AMD FIRE CLAY 525 BAY STREET PHONE 18. aliaSilF; Now’ is the time to buy if you expect to share in profits which are bound to follow the upbuilding of Greater Brunswick. Below We Give a Few Bargains NICE HOME NEAR THE CITY, SEVERAL ACRES OR CHOUNU, S3,bUU. WELL LOCATED RESIDENCE ON GLOUCESTER STREET, $3,200. TWO NICE COTTAGES ON E STREET, $1,500. RESIDENCE ON E STREET, CLOSE IN $1,700. RESIDENCE ON E STREET, NEAR F, $2,250. RESIDENCE ON G STREET NEAR ELLIS. $3,000. PRETTY HOUSE ON REYNOLDS STREET, LARGE LOT, $5,500. NICE HOME FACING THE PARK, 3,500. PRETTY RESIDENCE ON UNION STXLOSE IN, HOUSE IN REAR, $4,500 LARGE DOUBLE HOUSE, UNION ST.LARGE HOUSE IN REAR, $7,500. Information to parties inquiring. Call on, ’phone or address BROBSTON, FENDIQ & COMPANY^ SUCCESS is wliat we are tti ways striving tor m our business. We have succeeded m buying just what you vvaut. Wilts'- you see our TOILET ARTICLES you will undoubted ly agree wltll us. Not atone is the as sornt me co geuir sortment lucre com plete than ever be fore, but there is a character about our goods that you will recognize as dis tinctly high grade. You cannot men tion anything we ought tto have that is not there. We sufill be glad* to have you get Pro scriplions filled They’ll he list riglT Smith’s Pharmacy THE BRUNSWICK DAILY N6WB, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3. i909. CAPT, CUMMINGS DIES SUDDENLY HE TOOK FIFTEEN PILLS SUNDAY AND DIED AT HOSPITAL MONDAY NIGHT. Capt. Tom Cummings, one of the oldest marine men in Brunswick, pass ed away at the city hospital Monday night ('apt. Cummings was removed to the hospital Sunday afternoon from the sl >cp Faretta, where he took sud denly ill. It is understood that the o*l mariner on Sunday took fifteen pills, but wliat they were nobody knows. He was soon stricken serious ly ill and it was known that his death would soon follow. Capt. Cummings was for many years a pilot on the Brunswick bar, but it has been about fifteen years since he lias served. He was well known along the river front generally amd had many friends among the marine people. The prettiest line o" rour-in-hand neckwear ever offered in thecity at 25 cents eaeh. Come and look and be astonished. Sig Levlscn, SOS am. UOS R / at.raot. WE DEVOTE ALL OF OUR TIME TO SHOES AND CAN GIVE THE BEST QUALITY, MOST COMFORT, AND LATEST STYLES. PEERSO CONEY, KING & CO. Frefh Today OYSTERS AND SHRIMP. TELEPHONE ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION PHONE 492. ISMMpTIIs! A krtain Km.ibr fur HuKPitiMNitn Mbnstkuation. NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. Safe! Sur*l Speedy I Satin .Y'L oUttr 0Uttr 1 ant,J “‘ ,ir Refunded. Sent prepaid ,♦ , 0i) per box. W ill send llienion trial, to be pan r„ r wlicu .elievcl .Sampled Free. If your druggist docs uot haw toi iu send your orders to the _ UNITLfJ MEDICAL CO., BOX 74. LkNCkbie/p* Sold in Brunswick by Roberts & Colour CLOUDS LOOKED BAD STORM IS FEUDED A HEAVY RAIN, HOWEVER, WAS THE EXTENT OF THE BAD WEATHER. When a heavy and very dangerou". cloud made up in the northern skies yesterday afternoou, which practically made the city have the appearance of night, many people in the city, espe cially those who are easily frightened by bad weather, remembered that an other storm was reported to be head ing this way, and there was no little uneasiness felt in the city. However, the extent of the weather disturbance was a heavy downpour of rain, which started about 4:30 in the afternoon and lasted until 6:30. U wain one of the hardest rains of the season. Nothing lias been heard of the storm which was reported to ho mak ing up in the Yucatan Monday, an 1 it is hardly thought that it will pass along this way’. Notice Is hereby given to the creditors of the estate ot Cyrus Morris, late of said county, deceased., to render in in an account of tlielr demands to me within the time prescribed by law, properly made out. And all persons indebted to said deceased are her by requested to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned.- This the 31, of August, 1906. John Byrd, Executor of the last will of Cyrus Morris. Ring up 286-3, Leben's bakery an get some of those delicious almoud maroous tday, 100 A street. WATCH THIS PAPER FOR FALL. ANNOUNCEMENT FROM MISS KATE SLATER, BRUNSWICK’S ORIGINAL MILLINER. SHE ARCADE BRUNSWICK’S ORIGINAL HIGH CLASS SALOON FINEST LINE OF BRANDIES, LIQUORS and CIGARS P. KELLER, Prop. PHONE 247. LARGE HOUSE ON BOULEVARD $3,000. NICE COTTAGE ON COCHRAN AVENUE, $1,500. NICE LARGE COTTAGE ON E STRL ET, CLOSE IN, $3,500. THREE GOOD HOUSE NEAR HOTtL $9,000. PRETTY COTTAGE ON GLOUCEST ER STREET $2,200. NICE HOUSE ON LONDON STREET $3,200. LARGE HOUSE ON M 4 NSFIELD STREET, $4,500. PRETTY HOUSE ON C STREET NEAR COURT HOUSE, $3,000. WE HAVE FOR SALE NICE RESIDENCE AND BUILDING LOTS IK ALL PARTS OF THE CITY; ALSO QUANTITY OF SMALL BROPERT'- FOR INVESTMENTS. [966^boi>sJ | AYegetable PreparatLoniorAs similatiitg the Food andllcgula I ling the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestion .Cheerful ness and Rest.Coiilains neither j Opium. Morphine nor Mineral. | Not Nut c otic . 1/nyMofr'U nrSAMUELPITCHKH Umi/Jun Seetl ** , s/ix Senna * I tioeK* •//<* Sells - 4 Auisr iW * 1 ftpfjejininl - / lit Caiiiotiah Soda •+■ i ItofftSemJ - CinrtheJ .iiyar nint*i\jn f en rin iwr / Apeifecl Remedy forConslipa Hon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Fe verish ness nml Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. f- Al.b’ irit>nth% old !v r -y; jSI)OSFS, 7 JSCI NIV EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. THE ORIGINALrfMNVItft The idea of a Cough Syrup that will act fw. f 0 : ** | j on the bowels, and thus assist in expelling H 5 tl “ colds from the system is new and original in Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar. jßppmlfSK LAXATIVE A certain, safe and harmless remedy for yuapk all Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, ~ La Grippe, Bronchitis, Influenza and all If W WHEVMF Lung and Bronchial affection*. Mothers Rra W praise the children’* favorite Kennedy's JS.M.vCv' M-aJIBB m Laxative Honey and Tar fEMIJKROVfejk COUGH SYRUP lAH* mt tha Laboratory of B. O. DcWITT A CO., CinCAOO, U. ■. Am r m OI.OYBB BLOBBOH JMD TBS BOBBY BB 1* OK SVSttY BOTTUB. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the I \ Signature of W aM' In Use \}~ For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THI Cf.-ftun COMPANY. HEW VUIIH OITV. 5