The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 04, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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—NEWEST STYLES IN— CORRECT CLOTHES FOR GENTLEMEN The right style is’oneof the things ij|j| we shall take pleasure in showing you our new that you can count on in our T+l cr ,,, ACC ri nTurc SCHLOSS CLOTHES - hLOSS CLOTWE " __ |MKp||§r | WE HAVE THEM IN ALL THE NEW MODELS, DESIGNED B'' put there to stav by expert tailors \ HP, MASTER HANDS -1 * * ■ If* w\ WE WOULD LIKE FOR YOU TO INSPECT THE NEW SCHLOSS who know what style is ’B, 4 Jjß||BjJ:\ IMS “ harvard " sack - ° ne of the best designs for fall. A&sSKT .-- * WE HAVE NUMEROUS OTHER “SCHLOSS” MODELS OF UN- K NOW YOUR CLOTH Es'aßEßi'gH’ j USUAL CHARACTER AND SMAR TNESS. SPECIALLY BROUGHT OUT # RIGHT QUALITY, TAILORING AND II 'V , llJilbltey **C?AAA HP“\£ M FIT AS WELL. | UJ |l O AIVI K C.L* l\ way about what* **• ~o“ •*><•* ever you, buy here. * onß ’^ an d away from the vulgar and |1 ~ l s M TO 5301 515.00 TO $30.00 We also carry a large stock of the famous “SAMPECK” Clothes for Young Men KAISERS CLOTHERS TO THE WHOLE FAMILY. 9riee %kt cf fteer THE ORIGINAL BUDWEISER To Dealers per Barrel $10.50 To Consumers $ll.OO ANHEUSER BUSCH EXPORT To Dealers . $.3.50 To Consumers $lO 00 PABST CELEBRATED BLUE RIEBON To Dealers $10.50 To Consumers $ll.OO THE PABST EXPORT ' To Dealers ' $ 9.30 4 To Consumers slo.ou EVERARDS NEW YORK BEER > To Dealers slo.Ou To Gensumers $10.50 EXPORT $ 8.00 9. Vimmaxi) 218 BAY STREET SOLE AGENT. MALiIiORY LiijSE Direct 88. Service between New York and Brunswick ( EVERY FRID * Y NEW YORK AT 1 P M. SAItINUb: every Friday frim Brunswick ti suit TiDe. Lowest Rate* and Unsurpassed com m relations Apply a w. M. V UPPER A CO. or C. H. MALLORY A CO. ; A**hm. •runawlek. Q*. 13 ■urllrte Bile. Naw York City i. 8. DAVIS, E. F. TAYLOR | DAVIS & TAYLOR Uitery Feed and Sale Stable a HEAW drayaoe, stock pc r sale, prompt hack service If Cor 0 and D Strooto 2f THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, THUJ.3DAY, OCTOBER 4, 1908. SOUTHERN, SdASf--*- RAILWAY SCHEDULE Effective January 9, 1906. N. B. Following schedule figures published only as information and are uot guaranteed. TO THE NORTH AND EAST. Nos. 23. 34. 17. 30 nv. Brunswick 9.50a. 8.30 p Ar. Jesup 11.20a. 10.20 p Ar. Savannah 1.05 p. , 12.15a i. Columbia 7.00 p. 6.00a .w. Asheville 1.06 p ar. Charlotte 10.25 p. 9.55a Ar. Danville 2.21a, 2.10 p Ar. Richmond 6.58 p. 6.42 p Ar. Washington 9.50a. 9.50 p Ar. Baltimore 10.50a. 11. lip Ar. Philadelphia 1 p. 2.35a Ar. New York 3.30 y. 6.30a TO THE WEST. Nos. 15. ' 13 Lv. Brunswick 6.50a. 3.30 p Ar. Jesup B.loa. 10.20 p Ar. Ma ?un 1.30 p. , 4.00a Ar. Atlanta 4.10 p. 6.30a Ar. Home 7.10 p. 7.25a Ar. Chattanooga 9.55 p. 9.45a Ar. Knoxville 1.40a. l.lOp Ar. Louisville 8.50a. B.lop Ar. Cincinnati 8.15a. ’• 7.40 p Ar. St. Louis 6.12 p. \ 7.32a Ar. Birmingham 9.15 p. 12.01a Ar. Memphis 7.05a 8.05 p Ar. Kansas City 9.40a Ar. Chicago 7.23 k Trains arrive at Brunswick as fol lows: No. 14 arrives at Brunswick at 8.00 a. m. with connections from Bar annap and Bast, and also from At lanta and V.’sat. No. 16 arrives at 4.25 p. m. from At lanta and West. THROUGH CAR SERVICE. Nos. 29 and 30, “WASHINGTON AND FLORIDA LIMITED,, carrying Pullman, Drawing room and Sleep lng cars between Jesup and New, York. Nos. 13 and 14, "The FLORIDA LIMITED” carry through Pullman Drawing room. Sleeping cars be tween Jesup, Atlanta, Cincinnati, Chicago, Kansas City, and Colorado Springs. UNEXCELLED Dining car ser vice on ail trains. For information ai to rates and schedules, etc., appW to H. B. SPENCER, G. M„ Washington Li. C. t>. tt HARDWICK, P. T. M.,Waah lngton, u C W. H. IaYDOB, G. P. A.. Wain lngton, D. C. BRODKB MORGAN, A. G. P. A. Qa. . a. HOOBEMAND. A„ Brunswick, Oft., ‘Phone K 1 Personate O. 11. Wootten, of Lumber City, was here yesterday. j A. C. Banks lias returned from a trip to New York. H. L. Smith, of Savannah, spent yes terday in the city. Ed Decker and Jonn i woony leayj Saturday for New York. T. W. Mallard returned yesterday from a visit to Thomasvilie. Frank Marsh, of Atlanta, is spend ing a lew days in the city. Judge A. J. Crovatt left last nigiit on a business flip to Atlanta. Hoe. Thomas W. Lamb was among the visitors to the city yesterday. James S. Wright has returned from a pleasant visit to Novia Scotia. H. ("’iruthcrs, of Athens, was among the visitors to the city yesterday. J. R Burrows, of Atlanta, was regis tered at the Oglethorpe yesterday. T. H. Raines, of Savannah, was a guest at the Oglethorpe yesterday. J. Hunter Hopkins returned ye si c day from a business trip to Savannah. F. D. Aiken is back from a business trip to New York and other eastern points Supt. Wilburn, of the A., B. & A., has returned from a business trip over the road. Capt. W. M. Tupper has returned from a business and pleasure trip to Searsport, Maine. Capt. C. A. Russell has returned from a pleasant visit to New York anu other eastern cities. Dr. C. M. Gowen was a passenger on the Mallory liner Sabine, which arrived from New York yesterday. Durability, style and comfort In ail shoes bought from Peersr.n. ■ i All kinds and styles of shoes at Pearsons. | Make Your /; Own Ice Creaum '|l l • Dissolve one package of , 5 Jell-0 Ice Creaum Powder ain one quart of milk. Put It Into the freezer and in ten minntea yon Vo got two quarts of most de |, • licious Ice Cream. 1 ( That’s all there is to it—No \ ’ Eggs—No Flavoring—No Sweet - I ening—No eatma to add—all that 1 I v j is done in the powder. r* i Jell-0 Ice Cream Powder F—\ <1 ! reduces the cost to about one cent / 1 i a plate,.so that everyone can afford ' (-•"’i ■"?,IV |to eat It. | . , TTy 1 ' Take your choice of four Idndai <JELL~VJ I Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry * | A r llodUnnav ° rod - ILti LKLAM i ; Two p acka E 3 f ° r *s cents ■* ? ISrocers or by malL In ordering !, | by mail give name of grocer and * Jisk for one of our new illustrated V lfccipe books . V ■ , iy , ;T Gf-N es f F E R£rY ** oo ° P 0 * The Genesee Pore Food Cos., - ■■ r.T , LE ROY, N. Y. A Tin work of all kinds and oondit loius promptly dou-4. Cobh A Whooker, *ll Newnaatala street Vetspbo* Call up Davis and Taylor's stables If you want dirt for raising your k>* or sidewalks. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE O® SCHOOL SHOES AT LOW PRiCBB PEERSON. Removal Notice. G. Goldstein has remdved his sho shop from 309 Newcastle street to 31 Newcastle street. OR. GEO. COIE4TER, VETERINARY EURGEOf. All domootlo animals troatod. lam Ordoro at Scum's Dtkb start BUMUI iaaj OMrSi w . i WANTED. Two white messenger boys; ca.i ■earn Eroui SIB.OO to $25.00 per mouth. Apply .Western Union Telegraph Com pany. Old fashioned pound cake, tire kiu> mother used to make, 25 cents per pound at Lebeu’s bakery, 100 ▲ street NOTICE. It hereby given to the creditor of the estate of John Henderson late of oaid county, deceased, to ren •der In an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed by la * properly made out. And all person indebted to said deceased are here* by requested to make immediate pay nrent to the undersigned. This Au .AUdt'7l, 1900. J. M. Mostly Administrator o l John Henderson 7