The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 05, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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—NEWEST STYLES IN— CORRECT CLOTHES FOR GENTLE The right style is one of the things AL w E shall take pleasure m lowing you our new ® J STYLES OF that you can count on in our SCHLOSS CLOTHLS CLOTHES put there to stay by expert tailors HRf. \ MABTER HANDS who know what style is IrS HARVARD SACK ; ONE 0F THE ° s ’ t KNOW YOUR CLOTHES ARE RIGHT Jm USUAL CHARACTER AND CIALLY BROUGHT OUT RICHT QUALITY. TAILORING AND “SAIVIPE ‘K, CVCry* invariably favorable. In %sa. j|soj jo $30.00 stfllgS'- $15.00 TO SS.B3 We also carry a large stock of the famous “SAM PECK” Clothes fes Young Men KAISERS CLOTHERS TO THE WHOLE FAMILY. % 9riee %Ut cf fleer THE ORIGINAL BUDWEISER To Dealers per Barrel $10.50 To Consumers $ll.OO ANHEUSER BUSCH EXPORT To Dealers ' $.9.50 To Consumers $lO 00 PABSTCELEBRATED BLUE RIBBON To Dealers $10.50 To Consumers $ll.OO THE PABST EXPORT To Dealers $ 9.50 To Consumers slo.ou EVERARDS NEW YORK BEER . To Dealers slo.Ou To Consumers $10.50 EXPORT $ 8.00 9. Viewman, 218 BAY STREET SOLE AGENT. ,MAUUORY LiI|MP Direct as. Service between New York and Brunswick „ -I . EVERY FRIDAY FROM NEW YORK AT 1 P M. DAIUINU* * EVERY FRIDAY FRIM BRUNSWICK Tl SUIT TIDE. Lowest Hates and Unsurp ;*sed k > as<;nife r Accommodations Apply W. M. YUPPER A CO„ or C. H. MALI.ORY A CO, IniMwltk. U Burling lll b . Nw York CK J. B. E. *. TAYLOR D4VIS & TAYLOR Livery Feed and Sale Stable HEAVY DRAYAQE, STOCK FO R SALE. PROMPT HACK SERVICE Cor Q and O Street* Rhone W The BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1906, Danger From the Plague. grave danger from the pla gue or Coughs and Colds that are so prevalent, unless you take Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Mrs. Geo. Walls of Forest City, Me., writes: “It’s a Godsend to people living in climates Where coughs and colds prevail. 1 find it quickly ends them. It pre vents Pneumonia, cures LaGripye, gives wonderful relief in Asthma and Hay Fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. 50c ana sl.oo. Guaranteed by Smith Phar macy. Trial bottle free. Increase llfllii By Eating Your Hllyy Leben’s Appetite IIUII Bread. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FOR F"ancy Cakes. I AM AFTER YOUR TRADE AND WILL SELL YOU THE VERY BEST Bread, Rolls and Cakes .L THE BAKERS ART CAN MAKE / Prompt attention given to orders Give me a trial and join the great army of Pleased House Keepers. Brunswick Bakery F. W. LEBEN, Prop. Fresh cream, llgnt rye, French and (4 rah am bread today at Leben’a bak ry, 100 A street. Notlce. The Union Pressing Club has re moved irvui 309 Newcastle street i the rear of the store at 317 Newcaatl ere>et. Phone 141-3. W. H. Martin manager. 9enonah J. -VI. Herbert, of Savannah, is m the city. J. Stovall Smith spent yesterday in Atlanta. • W. N. Stow.e, of Jesuit, was a visitor to tlie city yesterday. Judge James iD. Gould, of St. Simon, sitent yesterday,Jin the city. It. S. PyleSs is,Jspending a few days at Fancy on,business. C. .1. O’Farrtfdi,’ representing tlie At lanta Journal, is in the city. Col. Mike Brown has returned from a business trip to Jacksonville. W. L. Wallace, of Ocean Pier, was among the visitors to the city yester day. Charlton Wright, of Slotting, was among the visitors to the eily vesfer day. * J, B. Wright, of St. Simon, was among the visitors to the city yes- 1 terday J. If. and O. F. Crawford, of Way cross, are spending a tow days in the city. C. Ai. McKinnon, of McKinnon, Ga was among tlie visitors to the city yesterday. Hon. J. a. Morris, of Jesup, repre sentative elect to the legislature, was in the city yesterday. r. B. Moore, the traveling repre sentative of the Atiauta Constitution, was in the city yesterday. L- W. Baker left last night to take in the Macon fair. From there he wi*i go to Atlanta to reside in future. son 1 ' Cloth,ng ot all kl,uiß at SI K Levi- SHOES OF ALL KINDS AND STYLES AT PEERSON’S. Shoes for your wife; shoes for your children; shoes for yourself at Peer son's. Wa fit your feet. Peerson. fS Make Your ? Own f lee Creauni ' Dissolve one package of JcII-0 See Crea.m Powder in one quart of milk. Put It Into the freezer and in ten minutes 1 you’ve got two quarts of most de j licious Ice Cream. That’s all there Is to It—No Eggs—No Flavoring-—No Sweet ening—No extras to add—all that I / Is done in the powder. 7 Je!I0 left Cream. Powder reduces the cost to about one cent .. .\l a plate,so tfcut everyone can afford to eat it. ft?) 1,., . (Jh | Take your choice of four kinder W bLL** V I Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry I r 23 Mnt3 at mw ■m j. | Gre' rs or by mail. In ordering it 9 -y iimll five name of grocer and I LfJr* v; T • a'• ’ r v of our new illustrated (Cw TlZ— I recipe books. y tv7 J a 65^ j The Genesee Pore Food Cos., ■■MMMailllllllllll IJE HOY, N. Y. " Tin work of all kinds aart oondi: ions promptly dorm. Cobh AWh ever, W, Neweastal* street Call up I’/avis and Taylor's stables if yon want dirt for raising your Jo' or sidewalks. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE SCHOOL SHOES AT LOW PRICES PEERSON. Removal Notice. U. Goldstein has removed hiß sho shop from 309 Newcastle street to 31 Newcastle street. DR. GEO. COE3TER, VETERINARY SURGE Of All domeetle animals treated, U*v Orders at Ente#’* Drvs Meer* CUAMfi aiu f nirahility, style arid comfort in an nhoes bought from J’corson. All kinds and styles of shots at Peeraon b. Old faHhlonerl pound cake, tire kirn mother used to make, 25 cents per pound at Lebeu’s bakery, 100 A street NOTICE. Ts hereby given to the creditor of the estate of John Henderson late of said county, deceased, to ren dor in an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed by la • properly made out. And ail person indebted to salcl deceased are here* by requested to make Immediate pay ment to the undersigned. Thia Au gutft Jl, 190 b, J, M. Moeely Administrator of John Henderson 7