The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 06, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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IT’S A NECESSITY. I - B ' ; / IF I *sl - *4 wk Are you thinking about getting a . IB 4s§* chiffonier? If the bureau ay closet >s MrirpQ §s K , iv.;v'-L f 3 ■ i ivvj tm crowded its really needed. With a ■ fl family of children its almost a neces- I Rangel sity, and the styles we are showing ■ Ik k*’ a ‘* l ' so nmch to the appearance of any 1 From I bi d-room. Golden and quartered oak, ■ highly polished, heavy French plate K ■ mirrors, graceful shape fronts. We $6.50 to $25,001 believe our goods are all right, but we B want your opinion. We want them to B ; lease you. BHI^H!rBSBBHBMfcEBMff®iciF?KfS£2HKBndKSaSaSSS C.MeGARVEY. 516 NEWCASTLE STREET COINKY & PAPKt P —Dealers in— COAL AND WOOD BRICK, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER HAIR. SHINGL.EB AND LATHB SEWER PIPE, CHIMNEY FLUES FIRE BRICK AND FIRS CLAY 628 BAY STREET PHONE 18. B v / - Now’ is the time to buy if you expect to share in profits which are bound to follow the upbuilding of Greater Brunswick. Below We Give a Few Bargains Information to parties inquiring. Call on,'phone or address BROBSTON, FENDIG & COMPANY We’re no Quacks in our business. Our store e:i-‘ joys a reputation second to nona for the'honesty of its offerings, if in need of any Drugs and Medicines we want, you to call on us and see what we have. You’ll be satisfied and find exactly what you’re looking for. We aim to please, and offer the best or drugs at prices that can not fail to attract the closest buyer. Make us a call and convince yourself. Smith’s Pharmacy NICE HOME NEAR THE CITY, SEVERAL ACHES OH GROUND, S3,OUU. WELL LOCATED RESIDENCE ON GLOUCESTER STREET, $3,200. TWO NICE COTTAGES ON E STREET, SI,OOO. RESIDENCE ON E STREET, CLOSi IN $1,700. RESIDENCE ON E STREET, NEAR F, $2,250. RESIDENCE ON G STREET NEAR ELLIS. $3,000. PRETTY HOUSE ON REYNOLDS STREET, LARGE LOT, $5,500. NICE HOME FACING THE PARK, 3,500. PRETTY RESIDENCE ON UNION ST.CLOSE IN, HOUSE IN REAR, $4,500 LARGE DOUBLE HOUSE, UNION ST. LARGE HOUSE IN REAR, $7,500. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, SAfUROAV, OCTOBER 6, 1906. CORPORATIONS ARE VERY SLOW i ONLY SMALL PORTION OF THOSE IN THE STATE HAVE SO FAR MADE THEIR RETURNS. The corporations in Brunswick which have not yet made their re turns with Secretary of State Phil Cool;, bad better do so before Novem ber 1, or they will be subject to a line of s.">o for their failure. The fo.- lewing from the Atlanta Georgian o£ yesterday on this subject will be of interest here: “To date. 79(1 corporations nave tiled returns with the secretary of state, a majority of them being foreign cor porations. “The time limit set for corporation.? to make these returns will expire on November 1, and after that date every corporation neglectful of the new ob ligation wifi be subject to a line or SSO, wb-ch may make some of them regretful of the oversight. “ ‘it is within my discretion to assess this SSO penalty for failure to make these returns,’ said Secretary of State Cook Thursday. ’I shall hate very much to do it, but a great deal of publicity has been given the matter in Atlanta and other state papers, and. it loons to me that corporations witt have no real defense when I have to call them to task. ” WATCH THIS PAPER FOR FALL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM MISS KATE SLATER, BRUNSWICK’S ORIGINAL MILLINER. See that your druggist gives y no imitation when you a*k for Ken uedy’s Laxative Honey tad Tar, th ortaina' Lftxatlt* couth arrwu ——i—i ... 'IT- HOUSE NUMBERS It is very important that your houses be numbered. I can get you brass, white enameled or nickelotd num bers cheaper than you can have them painted. Call and see my samples. WILL B. FAIN Pmms f pTls. e A Sahk, ( kkvain Kviikk for Huppukmmko Mknhtkuatiom NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. Safe! Sun*! Speedy! Satis- I | luetioa t.uuruteed or Money Refunded. Sent prepaid t. r $l.OO per box. \\ ill send them on trial, to he paid Tor when r, ..ced. Samples Free, iryour druggist doe* out have them send your order* to the * _UNITEO MLCJICAL CO., BO> T 4, L.NC.eTEH? P. Sold in Brunswick by Huberts & Calnar ODD FELLOWS IS MEET OCTOBER 30 GRAND MASTER MEYERHARD7 WRITES LETTER URGING A LARGE ATTENDANCE. The grand lodge of Georgia Masons will meet in one hundred and twen tieth communication in the city o .Macon on Tuesday, October 30, ami will be called to order by Grand Mas-j ter Max Meyerhardt, of Home. The attendance will be unusually large; probably 1,200 or more delegates will be present. The past jear has been one of wonderful prosperity for Mason ry in Georgia. Willi live hundred lodges. 27,000 members, and $30,000 in the treasury, Georgia Masons now lead every southern state except Texas. The Masonic home is m splendid condition, and the inmates are well cared for. Grand Master Meyerhardt lias sent th following loi ter to the lodges: “My Dear Brother: The one hun dred and twentieth annual communi cation of the grand lodge of Georgia will ‘he one that you cannot afford io miss. It will be a magnificent re union of the representatives of the 27,000 Masons of Georgia. It wifi mark a splendid epoch in the liistorv of Georgia Masonry. "The past year lias been one of un paralleled prosperity for us. Our numbers have rapidly increased. Our harmony has not been disturbed. So dally and morally we have reached i high plane. Our home lias been con, ; fortably maintained, all expenses have 1 been fully met, we do not owe one cent, and when the grand lodge meets j we will have in our treasury a sur plus of about s3ii,oho. Surely Georgia Masons' have good reason to be proud of this wonderful record. "Come and join with us in a grand love feast and in thanksgiving to ilin* from whom all blessings Mow. 'Bring with you our faithful past masters. They have helped in sow ing the seed. We want them at the ingathering of the harvest. Let u? make the coming communication so glorious and so inspiring that its up lifting influence will be felt in all the years tc come. Let us make it a festival of rejoicing. "Please read this letter at your next communication, and believe me, with true Masonic love, Your friend ana brother, “MAX MHYIsJRHARDT, “Grand Master.” A fine line of suit, cases at very low figures at. Hig Levison. LARGE HOIJBE ON BOULEVARD $3,000. NICE COTTAGE ON COCHRaN AVENUE, $1,500. NICE LARGE COTTAGE ON E STRL ET, CLOSE IN, $3,500. THREE GOOD HOUSE NEAR HOTt. L $9,000. PRETTY COTTAGE ON GLOUCEST ER STREET $2,200. NICE HOUSE ON LONDON STREET $3,200. LARGE HOUSE ON M/> NSFIELD STREET, $4,500. PRETTY HOUSE ON C STREET NEAR COURT HOUSE, §3,000. WE HAVE FOR SALE NICE RESIDENCE AND BUILDING LOTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY; ALSO QUANTITY OF SMALL PROPERT> FOR INVESTMENTS. | AScgclable Preparation lor As i siiuilaliiVT !lie!'ikkJ;u'.dßefill;! ; Lull the Stomachs aad Dowels of Promote s Digestion.C heorfui ness and ReshConUims neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not N ah c otic . fkxjJt of Old JOrSAKUEL l’/TV/{£d flint/Jun ■Seed' - v .'i/x .S 'UUT * \ AWi< lie S*llt I Seed e Ji'iijtennint - ) HiCtttieWMf* Safer I ffwrn . Stetl - 1 Clflnltfd .1 /wy hihlp'peerrt 'Flavor. / A perfect Remedy forConslipa Turn, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms,(Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF Sf.EEl* Facsimile Signature of Ct/cluAs. NEW YORK. ■M *> EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. THE ORIGINALrftiNFIIYk The idea of a Cough Syrup that will act Lf|l f?® * V J on the bowels, and thus assist in expelling F IrR colds from the system is new and original In Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar. |B|fpojj|pL^ LAXATIVE €#||§|§* A certain, safe and harmless rcmedyfor thape all Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, VWf La Grippe, Bronchitis, Influenza and all W W dttk Lung and Bronchial affections. Mothers |lp|g bSeR W praise the children’s favorite Kennedy’s Ja.-**. J&. A Laxative Honey and Tar COUGH SYRUP I All Frsporoß at tbs Laboratory of 35. O. DcWITT * CO., CHtCAOO, V. I. A. r f*TW - -n 01 ovia BLOSSOM ABO Til BQBBT BBS IS B BTBBT BBTMB. GASTOfIIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / % Signature j \l a Jfv In nj- Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TH* OCN T AUN COMPANY. NEW YORK OIUT. 3