The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 07, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A Full Line of J||| MOTHER'S FRIEND JgL SHIRT WAISTS Tmb Mothers* Fuseli patent shirt vm,6r Clucago-Rocldoi-d Hosiery Company Kenosha. Wis Ji, An) IN WHITE AND panc/, with A OR WITHOUT COLLAR, SIZES FROM 4 *° 12 PR,CE 50s. ill a^ s ° a ne of Black Cat Hose i * SSo* Vo Bullonr cnn If lorn off, rilhn in Hffnaritig or H ashing. Th* Motheri’ Friend lines r- V, ;y entirely with the sewing on ..! button*. It is supplied with _ —_ _ adjustable belt, which is rantv V ■ '*’ T TS J taken off when the waist is a I —c % / \ / waahedj the buttons are tivetrd I B V on the \elt, consequently cannot ■ -o* SL—esf ™ be torn off, either in wtars’.'.v washing it ironing. New Fall Goods Just Received l ,M M *T BACK prom new yorkwith a full line of fall uuoDS, MILLINERY AND DRESS QOODS. COME SEE THEM. Zelnienovitz, TELEPHONE 215. 216 NEWCASTLE STREET. JUST RECEIVED 1007 Line of GO CARTS ROBERTS Store and Furniture House THE STORE WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT. We Refund Money if you are Not Benefitted C L A R 0= / An Excellent remedy for people who have no appetite. Cures coughs, bronchial and lung troubles. For pale weak women Claro has no equal. J.E MORGAN P 47 NB •Hi tiftUNiWICK DAILY N£WS SiHffti&Y. OCTOBER 7, 1906. A GRAND MILLINERY OPENING Miss Kate Slater Will Display Pretty Hats Next Friday and Saturday. On next Friday and Saturday Miss Kate Slater Trill have her grand tail millinery opening, which will be look ed forward to by the ladies of Bruns wick with great interest. At this opening Miss Slater will dis play one of the handsomest lines eve seen in a Brunswick millinery estab lishment She has personally select ed the stock and has all the latest styles and creations in ladies’ head gear, among which may be mentioned the new Peter-Pan shapes and the Yistafile shape, with Oainesborougn effect. The prevailing colors this sea son are brown and gray, mixed with green. One of the handsome hats to be displayed by Miss Slater is a London smoked pearl, trimmed with plumes, another is a handsome Gainesborough, also trimmed with plumes. The ne.v shade of red, trimmed with hand some peasant feathers Is also a most attractive iiat. * Miss Slater has an exceptionally prettv line of read.v-to-wear hats and is making a specialty this year of chil drens hats. She also has a pretty line of bonnets for the ladies more advanced in age. Miss Slater will send out invitations to the opening this week but she re quests all the ladies, of the city to at tend, and extends a cordial invitation to the many strangers in the city. Much Interest Here. A great deal of interest is being manifested here in the gubernatorial election in New York and some few hots have been made. All are of the opinion that Hughes will be electeo but Ihev are betting on the majority. Infants’ socks, 15 (o 25 cents values at 6 cents p< r pair at Sig Levison. NEW ARRIVALS NEW BUCKWHEAT NEW ("LAP JACK FLOUR NEW GEORGIA SYRUP fin Cans) NEW MAPLE SYRUP NEW HONEY (In Bottles) 214 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 307, WHITES A CARD ON THEJSUBJECT CITIZEN THINKS THE A. B. & A. SHOULD BE TREATED FAIR BY THE CITY. Editor The News: Recent developments in connection with the board of education of Glynn county and the Atlanta. Birminghai i and Atlantic railroad, is a subject that affects every good citizen of Bruns wick. There is no necessity of going into details that every ten-year-old school boy in Brunswick is familiar with, and there ir no question but what tile fight the board of educatio i is making on the A.. B. & A. to force them out of thousands of dollars by a feature which never entered into the original agreement. It is wrong, ana should not be imposed upon the people of the A. B. & A. There is every practical demonstra tion that tjie railroad company win do even more than was anticipated. Their terminal improvements will run into the millions before completion. And why these people should be handi capped in their endeavors and Brunswick be made to suffer, simply and solely because the board of edu <at ion h’as seen fli to bring about a point on tecnical grounds. If we liai no right to confer an absolute titv to the terminals holdings of the A B. & A. w'hy did we go to the legis lature and get permission to grant them a title in fee simple? The oniy remedy to my mind is. this: The mayor and council being the creative power of the board of education tney| certainly should have the same power to displace a set of men who are noi only acting contrary to tile wishes o the said hoard, but in defiance of the will of the people. The natural increase on valuations resulting from the improvements made hy tne railroad will quadruple thu amount of the claim against the rail road company. As honest men we snouid oppose this injustice by even means in our power. I am simply a > voeating a square deal. Citizen. The Trees Will Live. Those who claim to know say that the palmetto trees recently set out. in the squares of the city, will live and others are of the oiunion that they will die as soon as the cold weather sets in. It is to be hoped thar ttie lormer are correct. G. F. ANDERSON, AgL L. c. smith VISIBLE TYPEWRITER Typewriters Rented and Repaired DOLLAR RIBBONS AT 75c. Special Bargain Sale MONDAY and TUESDAY OCTOBER 8 and 9 EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. SEE OUR CIRCULARS KAISER’S FULL NATS FOR LADIES I HAVE THE HANDSOMEST LINE OF FALL HATS EVER DISPLAYED IN BRUNSWICK. LADIES ARE INVITED TO INSPECT THEM. MISS L. G. JACKSON OPERA HOy,SE BLOCK. LA IMAISOIN PARISIENNE tabMahment” 'in Georgia!"* Tailori, ’ a and Dr "*klnfl Ea rANONuIwEETuRr READY MADE GARMENTS WHEN YOU tw? T JI EM MADE TO ORDER AT R. DENIZET AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATE. MOT| , r>e K,NDS ° F PLAITING, BUTTONS MADE ON SHORT INU I ICc, HAVE YOUR BANDS, FOLDS, PIPING, PINKING MADE AT 2c. PER YD. WHILE YOU WAIT. CALL OR PHONE 311 tie* in Touch With the of Us *Y HAVING A BELL TELEPHONE In Your Home, Your Office, Your Store CALL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT OF outhern Bell Telephone anil Telecraph Cos., AND WE’LL TELL YOU HOW