The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 10, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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2 DAY’S DOINGS AT GEORGIA CAPITAL $ _____ NEW NOTES OF INTEREST CULL ED FROM THE CHIEF EXECU TIVE’S OFFICE. Atlanta. Oct. 9. —"I shall serve out my term of office as railroail com missioner," said Hon. Joseph M. Brown, at his office in the capitoi yesterday, ' notwithstanding the state ment published in The Thomasville Times-Enterprise. I don’t know what their authority is for the statement, but it is an erroneous one. "My term expires on October 15, 1907,’ continued Mr. Brown, "arm until that time I shall to the best oi my ability to continue to discharge the duties of my office." Winship Made Judge Advocate. Major Blanton Winship, of the Six teenth Infantry, United States army, nas been detailed by the war depart ment to act in the capacity of judge advocate for the United states troops recently landed in Cuba to control tiie Insurrection there. Major Win ship, who was appointed from civil life from Macon, Ga., where lie for merly practiced law, is well known In social life In his native state. Appointments by Governor. Governor Terrell on yesterday made the following appointments, coinmis slons for which were issued by Exe cutive Secretary Blackburn: r. h. Kohock, of Camden county, to be judge of the county court of Cam den for a term of four years. This court was recently created upon recommendation of the grand jury. D. G. Fusselt, as ordinary and ex officio clerk of trie superior court oi Chattahoochee county, vice F. M. Gordy, resigned. Mr. Gordy Is a mem bar-elect of the next legislature. Emmett Owen, to be solicitor of the county court of Bike county, for the unexplred term ending April 19, I bus, of C. H. Gwynn, resigned. Will Contest Election. Notices of intention to contest two elections —one for a seat in the state senate, the other for the clerkship of the superior court of Tattnall county —were tiled with Governor Terrell yesterday, Hon. C. 11. Curnlne, of Reldsvllle, Tattnall county, tiled notice that he will contest the seat of lion. J. W. Hughes, who was on the face of the returns elected senator for the sec ond senatorial district. This contest will bo decided by the senate when t convenes on the fourth Wednesday in .tune. G. H. Kennedy filed notice that he will contest the election of Kutus Ropers, who on the face of the re turns was elected clerk of the supe rlor court of Tattnall county. This contest will be decided by the Judge of the suporlor court for that cir cuit Will Fight Cattle Tick. Dr. Nlgbvlu, an expert from the de partment of animnl Industry of the agricultural department of the Unites States, arrived in the city yesterday enroute to Fannin and Gilmer coun ties, whore the cattle fever tick is epidemic and tnreatenlng the safety of cattle. Ho called at the state de partment of agriculture yesterday morning, announcing that he woulu investigate the complaint from those counties and would devise means for the extermination of the pest. ABSOLUTEIY FREE! For the next thirty days I will flive to each sufferer of stomach trouble one 50 cent bottle of “Echol’s Iron and Alum Water * absolutely free. This water is absolutely guaranteed to cure any stomach trouble and If you use six one doliar bottles ac cording to directions, and you are not satisfied it has done you •lx dollars' worth of good, you can have your money back for the asking. ED C. BRUCE Bit!Of bought th# entire Elkan •feck, consisting of Pur# Flannel UCdershiits and slips, can save you blotter. 1 have got them for men, home'll and children, dig Levitan. See Feerson for school shoes , Old feshtossd pound cake, the kin. wed */ oaks, u eenta per wd At Übea a bakery, IN * at tmfu JURORS DRAWN FOR CITY COURT A .LIST OF THOSE WHO WILL SERVE AT THE NOVEMBER TERM OF THE COURT. Following Is a list of the jury drawn for t.he November term of the city court: J. E. Harris, M, C. Austin, C. W. Cowman, F. S. Nash. J. C. Calhoun. Henry Girvin. liruce Carroll. D. W. Winn, B. I’adrosa, t. D. Ogg. J. C. Purcell. E. D. Gregory, R. J. Matthews, C. W. Taylor, Eugene Marlin, j. F. Norris, J. VV. Maner. c. M. Gowan, John Currie, B. E. Peerson, A. w. Corker, '\ hos. Racket, E. ii. Houseman, J. A. McCall, W. F. Symons, .1. S. M. Symons, B. F. Mann, E. If. Houseman, J. C. Burford, Leopold Arnold, E. N. Jones, H. E. Taylor, N. R. Barnhill. Fred Baumgartner. W.P. H iggiubotliarn, ELECTION NOTICE. Headquarters First Regiment of in tently, National Guara, Georgia' Special Orders, No. 12. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 7, 1906. I. \n election for second lieutenant of Company G, this regiment, is order ed held cn the 12th of October, at th armory cl the said company, In Bruns wick, Ga 11. The polls will be opened at. 8:0 p. m , and remain open one hour. By order of Colonel Gordon. C. H. RICHARDSON, Captain and Adjutant. Official: C. H. RICHARDSON, Captain and Adjutant. Hosiery for children. Elkan's 15, 20 and 25 cents line ai! going at 10 cents each, three pairs for 25 cents at Sig Eevison. ftftlnh Bingham will be at I lie Grand October 10.' Cot all good people liea his xvit and humor, wisdom an t ; athos. Yankee, negro and Dutcn dialect myslc and story telling, tie Is tno best. .1017N D. ROUNTOS. Brunswick’s Candy Store. Don’t buy burnt sugar and imagine you are getting pure chocolate. Such substitutes are injurious to health For pure chocolate and al 1 other can dies call on me. A fresh supply received every ween from Menier the- famous chocolate maker. Either in 'bulk or in beautiful pound and half pound boxes. FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOF.S, ETC. TAFFY CANDY MADE FRESH DAILY. 208 Newcastle Street. BARGAINS -IN REAL ESTATE Are you looking for a home, a farm, a good-paying busi ness, or a good investment for your surplus money? We can please you as we have on our list a large assortment of property. Does this interest you? Seven-room, two-story resi dence, nicely finished, gas, hot and cold water, bath room, etc., in good residence district ONLY 52,000 New five-room cottage on Un ion street. Model cottage. All conveniences. $2,850. Close irr. CLAY & CORNEILOUS Oglethorpe Hotel Building. THE ARCADE • BRUNSWICK'S ORIGINAL HIGH CLASS SALOON FINEST LINE OF BRANDIES, LIQUORS and CIGARS P. KELLER. Prop. PHONE 247. OU clothing of all kinds at Big ben *ofl. THE BRUN3WICK DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 10,1906. oit can word WANTED. WANTED —People to know thatUncie Sig will loan you money on anything of value. All legitimate business sol icited. Sig Levison, 308 and 309 Bay street. WANTED.—At once, three colored messenger boys, with wheels. Apply Postal Telegraph Cos. WANTED —Furnished room witn privilege of bath room. Address C, P. O. Box 53, City. WANTED.—Young man (white) for grocery store; salary $5.00 per week to start.. P. O. box 130. WANTED. —Table boarders. Apply to Mrs. C. W. Floyd, No. 903 F street. WANTED. —Cady or gentleman oi fair education to travel and collect ior firm of $250,000 capital. Salary, sl,- n72.00 p*T year and expenses. Salarv paid weekly and expenses advanced; references required. Address with stamp, .). A. Alexander, Brunswick, Ga. WAN TED. Travt 'ing salesman and resident brokers to sell rice on commission. Russ Rice Cos.. Ltd. New Orleans, Lr. FOR RENT. FOR RENT. —Three connected rooms tor light housekeeping, furnished or unfurnished, with privilege of bath. Apply 128 Newcastle street. LOST. LOST —Bicycle No. 81380 with coaster brake. Return to K. E. Fouche •jlli Bay street, and receive reward. l.OS'i Small Irish setter, brown and white. Rather poor and has the iiianc Return to 501 First avenue and receive reward. j.OST—Silver watch charm, wlm allies head on it. Bears initials R. E. S. Owner will be rewarded by re tur: irg tu R. L. Sherman, at office bi Downing company. LOST. —In the vicinity of the Cypress mills, a black and white pointer dog. Answers to the name of “Dandy.’ Please return or communicate with i J . M. Nightingale, at the office ol’ the Downing company. MISCELLANEOUS. ers will find nice comfortable room nd good table board at ’lO5 G street AMERICAN I i ==AND== TIMBER CO. MANUFACTURERS, SHIPPERS AND DEALERS IN CROSSTIES AND LUMBER New York Office No. 11 Broadway S. K. BROWN, Mngr. BRUNSWICK. GA; REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INVESTMENTS See us for the best city prop= ertv. Bargains in all kinds of real estate. BOYD & CO. 110 Newcastle St, Phone 304 Reacr-toweer hats cu the latest style will be displayed at Miss Kate Slater s millinery opening Friday ana Saturday. Shoes for your wife; shoes for your children; shoes for yourself at Peer sons. SHOES OF ALL KINDS AND STYLES AT PEEftSON'S, For Wednesday and Thursday Only A complete assortment of Taffeta Ribbons, all widths and colors, per yard .... sc. 10c. 15c We want to impress you with the splendid value of our Children’s Heavy Ribbed Black Stocking-s . . 10c To close out our stock of ladies’ ribbed gauze Under vests we will place ai! we have on sale at 2 for , Isc Perfumed Vaseline, large bottle 5c Large Size Ingrain Rugs, 24x56..75c Smoothing irons, perfect goods, per pound 4 C . Good quality table goblets, each . ,5c Good bluing, large box, 3 for 5c A few fancy doilies, choice . Table fern dishes 25c Linen handkerchiefs, gentleman's size, 3 for 25c McClures Laundry Soap ( for . . 25c. ■New Greek” i American Restaurant > AND LUNCH ROOM. ► NIGHT AND DAY NEATEST PLACE IN THE CITY EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS SERVICE UNSURPASSED. NOW OPEN. IN OLD ARCADE BUILDING ' NO. 210 GLOUCESTER ST. ] POLETES&HOODENPYLE] ( TELEPHONE NO. 480. I Do General WALL PAPERING DO YOU WANT YOUR HOME DECORATED IN THE LATEST UP TO DATE STYLE? IF SO CALL ON ME AND I WILL SHOW YOU MY SAMPLES OF WALL PAPER. I WILL DO YOUR PAPER HANGING, PAINT ING, GRAINING, STAINING, KALSOMINING AND PICTURE FRAMING AS GOOD AND AS CHEAP AS ANY ONE CAN AND LIVE. DROP US A CARD. J. M, Wilson 502 MONK STREET. IF YOUR CHILDREN ARE h NEED OF SHOES FOR SCHOOL TRY PEERSON'B. A COMPLETE LINE OF SHOES IN THE VEBY LATEST STYLES AT PE&REON't. McCLURE’S 10 Cent Store Let Us Build Your HOME We do general contracting and building of all kinds. Estimates fur nished on short notice. BOWEN & THOMAS, 512 Monk St. Telephone 154. The Brunswick Bottling and Manufacturing Cos Manufacturers of SODA WATEP. AND MINERAL W ATERS, CIDERS, CORDIALS NEC TARS, VINEGARS, SIMONS SPECIAL GINGER ALE AND RYE OLA, PHONE 273 • 218 OGLETHORPE 8T FANNING TIME WE HAVE A FEW SECOND HAND FANS (AS OOOD At NEW) WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT SB-00 TO *9.00. SUPPLY LIMITED. SEE US AT ONCE IP YOU WANT ONE. WE ALSO HAVE A SUPPLY. OP BRAND NEW PANS flutual Light & Water Cos. Hanging fern dishes 25c Good toilet pins, 5 packages f0r....5c Good safety pins, per dozen 3c Steel hair pins, assorted sizes, box. .3c. hast black spool darning cotton, 2 f°r 5c “Eureka” .spool .silk,, all colors, .6 f °r .... ......25c. Pure bristle hair brushes 25c “Gold Dust,” 7 packages for 25c- October 10 th. land 11 th.