The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 10, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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6 NEW BUNK ASKS FOR A CHARIER I*'" APPLICATION HAS BEEN FILED WITH SECRETARY OF STATE IN ATLANTA. The application for charter of the Glynn County llank appears in The News this morning, having been filed with the secretary of state in At lanta Monday. The incorporators 01 the new bank are H. \V. Gale, .1. J. Lott, W. H. Wood, Chas. F. Browne, T. Newman, and J. J. Vickers, all oi this city. The capital stock of the new' bank ing institution is placed at $75,000, all of which has been paid in. The stock is divided into shares of SIOO earn. it is expected that the work on the new bank building at the corner oi Gloucester and Reynolds streets will begin as soon as possible and will be pushed to completion. The bank hopes to begin business within a few months. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE 0 = bOHOOL SHOES AT LOW PRICES PEERSON. OLD DR. DRUMMOND. After many years of patient study and experiment, has given the won 1 a preparation which is an absolute and permanent cure for every form of rheumatism. The price is $5, but it is two large bottles, enough for .i month's treatment, and will relieve the worst case from the first dose. Sent by express upon receipt of price by Drummond Medicine Cos. New York, with full particulars and testiiuouin s of wo iderful cures. Miss Kate Slater is making a spec ially of children s hats this fall. See them at her millinery opening Friday and Saturday. Ail kinds and styles of siloes at Pearson 8. Huts that are sure to please win no displayed by Miss Kate Sluter Friday and Saturday. Don't forget to atten i her tali millinery opening Call up Davis and Taylor’s stables if you want dirt for raising your lo* or sfdewf.lka. Don't full to get Mcßoops from Lehcn. Nice and crisp. l|Ek WHEN BUYING YOUR FALL CLOTHES |§| Iff LOOK DEEPER THAN THE SURFACE 1 - - - - | i imj | Make a Careful Inspection of the Inside Material and Workmanship. _ If you will come here and do that with our stock of winter models tYou will find that in You will be satisfied that !| \ 4j9ft quality of material and tail- we have said, or all that oring, they equal the costli- fI M >’ OU haveheard in favor of WjBL our Fashionable Clothes is pBHF . est creations of swell custom WM absolutdy correcf< > .-0.. I SIO.OO to $30.00 mjf Fashionable Fall Furnishings. May be found here in a profusion of styles and makes. Look to 1 ' Made m Syracuse. us for something new, something different. We are always on the FORM TWO L . J thefechhfjmekrshelco. alert for new, nobby and natty ideas in Neckwear. Drop in from wm" time to time and see our specialties. WOOD -BAILEY CLOTHING CO~ “The New Store.” WHAT THE KIDNFYS DO. Their Unceasing Work Keeps Us Strong and Healthy. All the blood in the body passes througl the kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys filter the blood. They work night and day. When healthy they remove about 500 grains of impure matter daily, when un healtny some part of this impure mat ter is left in the blood. This bring3 on many diseases and symptoms— pain in the bark, headache, nervous runs, hot, dry skin, rheumatism, gout, gravel, disorders of the eye sight and hearing, dizziness, dropsy, deposits in the urine, etc. But .1 you keep the filters right you win have no trouble with your kidneys. .1. C. Humphrey, dealer in stoves and ranges, 252 Jefferson street, Sa vannan. Ga., writes; "1 write you to state that Doan s Kidney Fills did me | so much good that I feel it my duty to tell about it. 1 could scarcely at tend to my work so bad was my con dition I was run down, weak and nervous and had more annoying symptoms of kidney trouble than t can mention. Before I began using Doan s Kidney Fills, my weight was about 125 pounds. Now it is lau pounds I have taken hut two boxes and am now on tlie third. I had tried specialists, and I thought almost, everything recommended for kidney trouble, hut notning did me any goon until ! got Doan s Kidney Pills. They seemed to build up my whole system and I felt better than in years.” Plenty more proof like this from Brunswick people. Cali at Hunter’s drug Gore and ask what customers report. For sj le by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Go., Buff alt, New York, sole agents for the United States Remember the name—Doan’s—ami take no oilier. Every lady in Brunswick is invite I lo attend the opening of Miss Kale Slater’s millinery parlors Friday aim Saturday. A special invitation is ex tended to all strangers. Th-j prettiest line or fall hats ever displayed in Brunswick will be seen' at Miss Kate Slater's millinery open ! mg Friday and Saturday. Blue Ribbon Beer. Jest icreived, a car load of Pabs Brewing Company’s Blue Ribbon beer s ,ime Is sold at alt first class saloon in the city of Brunswick. Retail 15 * "mis per bottle und $1,50 per dozen. T. New mar,, sole agent. 218 Bav street. SHOES. BOYS AND GIRLS. AT PC HR SON’S. ?Hfc BRUNSWICK 6XfLV kkvti, OCTOBEP 10. 1906- Doings In Little Sarah Ballard is quite ill at the home of her parents. a 000 Miss Susie Ralston has returnei from a visit to Mrs. Noyes, at Cey lon, Ga. ¥ # * Mrs. Milton McKinnon, of McKin non, Ga., is the guest of Mrs. L. T. McKinnon. ... Mrs. Geo. Scarlett and Miss Pauline Scarlett leave in a few days for Thomas ville. 00m Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Branham an 1 their children will return next Mon day from New York. ... Mr. and Mrs. Blitch, of Tifton, are visiting their son, Mr. J. B. C. Blitcn, on Carpenter street. ... Mrs. J. S. Wright and Miss Ara bella Wright are spending several weeks at the Majestic in Atlanta. • 0 0 Mr. Malcolm McCullough has re turned from Athens and has entire!..' recovered from his recent illness. • *- • Misses Kittle and Ida Foster, who have been the guests of Mrs. Noyes in Ceylon, have returned to their home on St. Simon. ... The many friends of Miss Daisy Scarlett will be sorry to know that slie is very sick in Thomasville, where she is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Hiils nian. • • ■ Mr. C. Downing and Miss Madeliem* Downing sailed from Queenstown a low days ago on the steamer Cedalc, and will arrive in New York next Sun day. There they will join Mrs. Down ing and return to the city. MOUSE NUMBERS It is very important that your houses be numbered. I can get you brass, whit# enameled or nickeloid num bers cheaper than you can have them painted. Call and see my samples. WILL B. FAIN Society The oyster supper to be given by the Altar Society of the Catholic church to-morrow afternoon will af ford the Brunswick public an oppor tunity for enjoying several new dishes, as well as their old favorites, prepar ed by the ladies who have at previous suppers established for themselves en viable reputations as caterers to uie public taste. Dinner will be served from twelve until two; ice cream am cake from twelve until live and from five until eleven supper will be served A fish pond will also furnish much pleasure for the children during the afternoon. The hill of fare will include oyster stew, fried oysters, broiler ham, de viled crabs, roast pork, rice, tomatoes, turkey, cranberry sauce, chicken salad, potato salad, olives, pickles, celery, bread, ice cream, cake, coffee, etc. Attend the millinery opening at Miss Kate Slater’s parlors Friday am Saturday and see her beautiful line of ladies’ and children s hats. 4 Removal Notice. G. Goldstein has removed his sho shop from 309 Newcastle street to 31 Newcastle street. - ■ ■ ■ All the latest creations in ladles neadgear will be displayed by Miss ivate Slater at her millinery opening Friday and Saturday. We now Cater to the Wholesale T rade Only nnNCv viun o on UUiILI, IXIIIU 00 uu. PHONE 492. PLEASURES FOR HOME YOU ARE INVITED TO MAKE US A VISIT wc ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HANDLE THE STEINWAY, KNABA, WEBER. FISCHER, HARDMAN HER RINGTQN AND OTHER PIANOS. FOR A~PIANO, HONESTLY MADE, ACCURATELY TONED, MATERIAL THE BEST, WITH GREATEST DURABILITY - SEE US. FLEMING & BRYANT VICTOR AND COLUMBIA TALKING MACHINES 118 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 53. CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS Let us be your Wash woman BRUNSWICK STEAM LAUNDRY. CSine & Ludwig, Props. Bottlers of Coco Cola and other Soft Drinks 110 RICHMOND ST. PHONE 129 nGTT'S ririllilVfriflWo % r-’J S O Tlie Y overcome Weak. rcdilTriy s fit htL® 'JlSSiiSf'Jk ” —or and banish “pains ot menstruation. ” They are •• LIFK SAVERS ”to girV%; jp&'MpSy wotiiauhood, aiding development of organs and body, .liJra known remedy fur women equals them. Cannot do'harm—life fjSgSraig, liecomes a pleasure. iKi.Ut l*Ut BOX BY MAIL. Sold **y druggists. DR. MuTTS CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Ohio