The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 11, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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4 THc BRUNSWICK DAILY NEW!) PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY CLARENCE H. LEAVY, Editor and Manager. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr., City Editor. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. Wtitered ut the Brunswick, Ga., post •ttice ae second class mall mattai SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms of subscription In the cit and by mail free of charge to all parti of the United States and Canada, Mo* Ico, Porto Rico, Guam, Phiilppin Islands and Hawaiian Islands. On e Month -9® Three Months *l-25 Six Months $2.50 Ono Year $5.00 Wetloe of dlscontinuancs of Ads and Subscriptions must be made t business office In writing. Sr TELEPHONES. Business Office, Editorial 1100m..188 The Editor *32 The City Editor „o( iety Editor 4iiß j Office 207 Gloucester Street. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF <lyun County. Glyun County Commissioners. The United States Court of Bank ruptcy for this District. Correspondence solicited, but to re ceive attention letters must, be ac companied by a responsible name, not for publication, but as a guarantee oi good faith. Rejected communications will oe returned If accompanied by postage. Remittance should be niado by pos tal note, check, money order or regis tered letter. Address News Publishing Cos., Brunswick, Qa. Atlanta's big fair It o to good and Mroly shape '■he last note has been sounded tor that Panama and that summer tute lary. Becretary Taft says “Let the Cu bans do the fighting.'’ We see where tua lid-holder la right. The fellow who can not ataud on a platform of "Progress aud Prosperity i not a very good citizen. They are again investigating into the sanity of Harry Thaw. These In vestigations are getting to ho chronic. 1-iavld Bennett 11111 Is painfully sl tenl during these days of political ac tivity in New York, aud Burke Coch ran, oh where is ho? The Idea of an old-time mass meet ing and a platform of principles seems to have put the ward-healers and political office seekers to soma da of consternation. MAKING JEST OF MaRRIAQE. People who think In whole) tme cnannels will no doubt widely approve the stand taken by the members of me Methodist conference In Indiana in condemning the performance of marriage ceremonies under frivolous and spectacular circumstances and agreeing not to officiate at such mar riage contracts, of late years It has been common for young couples to got themselves married on plutforniH at ioc&I fairs, during launch parties, at picnics, and the like. Tne thing has l ***n carried so lar that It would not ne surprising to hear of a ceremony oelng performed during a balloon as eeusion or a tour In a flying machine. All thla Is to be deplored and should discouraged. MaiTlags la a dlvluo institution. it is one of ths most s*rsd and should bs ous of ths most ssrteaa and soiemu events in ths Ilfs st a mau or woman To make a Joke of It Is a sin. Ths cheap notoriety that attaches to rnarrlags ceremonies performed under grotesque or freak circumstances tends to destroy the< sanctity that should pertain to the event, and encourage unthinking peo ple to look lightly upon marriage, i'here is by far too much dangerous ultling with tno marriage ootid, ana the 'tendency by so many to turu it •mo an ostentatious or ludicrous show, whether this be done In the manner in which the ceremony Itself la per formed or Immediately aiterwarda br a set of the fool frtends of the con tracting parties through so-called yokes on the groom and oride whlcn are often as coarse as they are re nrebenslble and which would be re garded is the light of gross insults t wtfrwpfttif people, is all wrong ’* AeniwsHsw a%4 4e**raMe ■ da OL YW£ CITY COUNCIL EVENED UP OLD SCORES. The mass meeting held at the city hall Monday night to nominate a municipal ticket did the’proper thing when it inculcated into its platform a plank censuring the present ad ministration for the incompetent ana politically biased manner in which It has handled the subject of securing .i system of trolley lines in this city. The News does not believe that there can be found another case of that Kind In the entire country. We are quite positive that if you started out to-day to search for a precedent where any city in thp land had been so grossly mistreated at the hands or | its own city council, the effort wouln be absolutely futile. In fact the New will offer a cash reward of $25 for the discovery of another instance in the government of any city in the tTnited States, to compare with the record of Brunswick's city council or, this very subject. H<>re for instance was a party of local capitalists, the oust business men In this city and as good as there can be found in the confines of ttie nation, who went to council with a plain business proposl Uon for the construction of a trolley one; they made the offer to put up rf/e thousand dollars to be forfeito t to the city If their contract was no carried out within twelve months they did not ask for any excessive rights or privileges, they were win ing to take the same conditions tha prevail In other oities the size of rfrunswlck, they were financially .re sponsible tor every obligation thev assumed, representing over a million of dollars. But there was ons draw oaok to this crowd of representative gentlemen and business men. They chanced not to have voted for ths administration now In command. That w enough to array the powers tha 1 bo against it. It did not matter how much Brunswick needed a car line or how much It would increase the value of property and promote progress and growth in Brunswick! The embargo Wont Ollt ZiftSr on i>jtii Mot *. evening up old scores Brunswick’s do velopment was retarded at least five years. But the city council handed hack a warm bunch of revenge on men who had not supported It and It was satisfied! And then their con duct of going to Jacksonville and discovering one J. If. Neff. What a travesty; what a farce! And poor old Neff Is now denounced by the very people who found’’ him and in troduced him to the people of Bruns wick, and who incidentally have a ten thousand dollar bond, not worth the paper on which it la written, as a sweet memento of that gentleman and financier! In the meantime Brunswick is with out a trolley line; her franchise was hocked about in all the markets of the east; her growth has been seri ously retarded and her city council deserved to be ceusured by all citi zens who really have the Interest of Brunswick at heart. But the council evened up old scores. This one Issue should defeat any admlnistratlca on earth. Wo call upon the people of Bruns wick. the properly owners and tax payers, to investigate all of the facts 4n this case anu then say whether or not they can sincerely endorse sucu an administration of the public af lairs of Oils city? When a fellow gets Into tu habit of running for everything In sight he ta In e pitiable condition and needs pity more than oensure. The A.. B. ft A Railroad Is today the greatest induatrLal developer la me city of Brunswick aud the city council should by all means kee > every contract it has mad;- with these people. Wh °n you tell people outside what Dnuiswick Is doing iu general do olopiueut they oan not fail to l>e im pressed with the city's enterprise and energy, and such a reputation can do a great good for auy city on earth. The Board of Trade is to meet ia regular session this morning at ten o clock. If you are a member be sure and attend. If you are net a mem ber and you want to see your city grow and prosper you ought to be. Anew trolley line would hare ad vanoed Brunswick st least five years. U era# retarded for political purposes br the present city council Is not that a (Mi lasses lar a Oasy* BRUNSWICK 4AILV fttUMMY. OCTOBER H. 4o*, nr" | Ask your doctor about these throat coughs. He will § tell you how deceptive they are. A tickling in the JL !I! \JLXL throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better W explain your case carefully to your doctor, and ask I * w x-w A him about your taking Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Then do as he says. Get the best medicine, always. . # We hiT no Mcretg! Wg publish J. C.AyerCo., AT THE TOP / t CLIMBING TO THE TOP OF THE LADDER OF BIG CLOTH ■jjfl'Hl SENDS FORTH A MESSAGE OP A GREATER CLOTHING TRIUMPH THAN EVEN I AN TICIPATED. THE STYLES ARE SO FAR REMOVEJ FROM THE COMMONPLACE RFADY MADE, AND HAVE ALL THE CUSTOM-TAILORED FEATURES, BOTH INSIDE PRICES RANGE FROM SIO.OO AND AT THEBE MARKS YOU’LL FIND “BULL’S EYE’ VALUES DIFFICULT TO HIT RIGHT BTYLE, RIGHT QUAL ITY, RIGHT MATERIAL, AT RIGHT PRICES. 4 RIGHTS THAT MAKE 810 VALUES AT Geo. W. Owens, CORNER E AND L STRBBTB. ;<> -f- * * !) it * , —•: fl Ij WHEN PRESCRIPTIONS ARE WANTED the Atlanta Pharmacy enjoys the favor of all intelligent peopl i. The reason is not hard to under stand. Reliability describes It exactly. Physicians have made i: perfectly understood that the.r prescriptions must he filled ox actly as written and under no cir cumstances can substitutes oe tolerated. Therefore the bulk ot prescriptions come to us because we and our drugs and medicines nre known to be absolutely re liable. THE ATLANTA PHARMACY. Tel 310. Sub-Postofflce Btatlon No. 1. COLSON HARDWARE CO. HARPWARE, MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. OF ALL KINDS SAW MILL OUTFITS. Agents for ATLAS ENOINEV AND BOILERS. WIRE FIELD FENCE. COLSON HARDWARE CO. A Young Mother st 70. "My mother has suddenly been made young at 70. Twenty years ot intense suffering from dyrpepsia had entirely disabled her, until six months ago, when she began taking Electrl: Bitters which have completely cured her and restored the strength and activity she had in the prime of life, writes Mrs. W. L. Ollpatrick, of Dan fort h, Me. Greatest restorative medi cine on the globe. Sets Stomaeh. Liver and Kidneys right purifies the blood, and cures Malaria, Btlimisuesi and Weaknesses. Wonderful Mens Toie. Piles Ms. Otawsst—< *rj m m of all Styles, Kinds and nrrnony’O UM Leathers, for School at I LLiiuUH 0 To The Public HAVING LOCATED A CEMENT STONE PLONT CORNER OF F AN.I D STREET* lAM PREPARED TO DO A GENEPAL CEMENT WORK FIRST CLASS WORK AT A REASONABLE FIGURE. ALL SIZES OF WHITE AND COLORED HEXIGON TILE AYID CURE OF THE REOV LATION SIZE. I RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT A SHARE OF YOUR fAT RONAGE. J- D. Baldwin HEALTH : IHe great remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of tbe generatm organs of either-sex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing or Lost WauhSS •mi using. For Bala by HUNTER’S PHARMACs r> * Y DOING YOUR BANKING WITH The National Bank of Brunsw? k 1 11 \ir CAPITAL 51M,000.00 \ SURPLUS $84,000.1 ) ear Gavlnge Department Pays Feur per cent interest coumpounded quarterly WESLEY H. GREENFIELD, Pile Driving Centraeter WHARF BUILDING AND TRESTLE WORK A SPECIALTY. SOO L street, Dhjnewlek, Ga. Tate Spring's Water WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THIS CELEBRATED WATER BY THE GLASS*, BY THE CASE OR BY THE BARREL HUNTER’S ■OS GLOUCESTER ST. AR? YOU THIRSTY. If yeu ere end § good gHnk ef the Be# CLlhiskey •r Fine# Beep will gueneh ft I ean fix yeu. See my wine end el gar IMb H. Selig, til Grant Street. CHAS. BUNKLEY contractor af Plletfrivjng, Psefctulld lag and Treetle Werlt WM. GREENFIELD, MGR. Fheweo tl4 and 417. mmimi emeeri co. All rluficpc nf FOUNDRY MID MACHINE REPAIRING, SPECIALLY EQUIPPED POE MARINE WORK I Perfectly Adapted Marine R^*J way Phone 16-3 Brunswick, QM BROWN & CO * OEALERS, MANUFACTURERS AND SHIPPERS *F Railway Crossti** AND DAL DR* IN Yellow Pine 1 umber • RUNSWICK, GBGRGIA, KSLLthe COUCH AND U Ee THE LUNGS| "™ Dr. Now Discovery /Consumption Price FOR I OUGHSand 60c & SI.OO ! Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONET BACK. Cobb and Wheeled e N B R A L TINNER THE OLD RELIABLES. IS Ye§re |n |hp Business. OOR WORK PROMPTLY EXE£ T3B, Phgn* SIS. sll Newcaetle St, CAR LOAD OF WAGE WOVEN WIRE FBN( 11 WIRE FENCES ARE CHEAPER THAN WOOD llßrijjSß O 1 ■ T~* r- T~ FfUPe With EDEERBON A 8 ($. 1 • the subject AMS SCt Ns t Wright's SpuaM