The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 13, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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2 FOUR OF NOMINEES ILLJtKE MCE (Continued from page on*-,) and consenting to stand as requested, beg to say that if chosen and elected, will to the best of my ability per form the duties required of me falth tmiy. I owe allegiance to no faction and will be free to use my best ei forts in aiding the industrial develop ments of our beautiful city in ner (druggie for future greatness. I en dorse the platform adopted by tho mass meeting. / Respectfully/yours. JAMBS 'll LAM BRIGHT. From Mr. Dart. Messrs. J. S. Wright, Max Isaac, L. H. lvcavy (y i6linton Brown. Gentlemen J I beg to acknowledge receipt of yfax communication notify ing me that at a mass meeting of the citizens yf Brunswick that 1 was se lected as one of the candidates for the board of aldermen. 1 desire to < xpress my sincere gratitude for tho honor conferred upon me by my fal low citizens, and should X be elected 10 the office for which 1 have heed nominated it will be both my pleasure end duty to render to our city my best services for her upbuilding and advancement. I heartily endorse the platform of ‘Progress and Prosper ity” and the municipal ownership oi public utilities and will ever exert every energy in my power to place our city in the rank she so richly deserves. Yours very truly, CLAUDE DART From Mr. Lisaour. Messrs. J. S. Wright, Max Isaac, C. H. heavy and Clinton Brown. Gentlemen: i wish to acknowledge receipt of yours of 12th inst., in which you advise that I have been selected as one of the people's caudiilate for alderman. While I appreciate the houor con ferred, after due consideration anu conference with tho officials of the company which I represent, I flnu that It will be impossible for me to accept. My duties as commercial agent 01 the A., B. & A. railroad necessitates my frequent absence from the city, and occupies all of my time. Further more, the scope of development in tended by tho company which 1 rep resent is of such consequence that * would prefer not representing the city as alderman while this develop ment is taking place. 1 thank the, people of Brunswick and yourselves for your kind feeling towards mo. With very kindest regards and best wishes Sincerely yours, JOS. C, LIGEOUR. ABSOLUTELY FREEI For the next thirty day* i wfl give to each sufferer of stomach trbubl# one 50 cent bottle of “Echol’e Iron and Alum Water* absolutely free. This water is absolutely guaranteed to cure any etemach trouble and If you use six one dollar bottles ac cording to directions, and you at'? not satisfied It has done you six dollars’ worth of good, you can have your money back for the asking. m ~S , Ed c. Bruch Hosiery Hr children. Elkaawis ?0 and 25 cents line all going W 1 cents each, thregjpalra lor 25 cjs at Sig Levlson. TAX NOTICE and CounJ^jPlx To collect ShfPWd A# fiapß.fo the year UlOfi 1 will” e al^^MTowtn precincts *n dates menti^^Br St. As. aud De' Sterling. Oct. and Doc. 4 ltladen. Oct. 84V 0 and Dec. 5 Brookuiaa. Oct. v. iov, 11 an- Nov. 29. At imorvonlng Old mother used U< jtound at lxbeo's bakttM V „■ ' Cali up Davis and SsSf-y -or i a or sldetrf.lks Resdv to-^l' Rt ® !> Tla imii dl mlilFii ELECTION HELD BY THEJIFLEMEN COMPANY ALSO TOOK UP THE MATTER OF GIVING A GRAND BALL. • The Brunswick Riflemen last night held an election in their armory for a second lieutenant, naming J. Y. Brame, who was nominated by the company last week. The election was held by Col. J. C. Stiles and Lieut. Commander F. A. Wrench, both re tired. The nominee, of course, re ceived every vote cast. The Riflemen %Ibo took up the matter of giving a grand ball next Friday night, the anniversary of the organization. Committees were ap pointed and all preliminary arrange ments were made. The ball will us given in the parlors of the Oglethorpe hotel. An admission of one dolla will be charged, each gentleman hold ing a ticket being permitted to bring as many ladies as he desires. The Atlantic band will be on hand to furnish music up to JO o'clock, when a first-class orchestra wUl.ji* for the dancing. The company will 'do everything possible to make the ball a big success. * S' JOT HIB HA!H BACK. Wn* Perfertly Bill’ Wlirii He Started to toe rtfithr * IL-rplclde . Frederick llaruell, Maryland block, Butte, Montana, bougl.; a bottle of New bro’s Herplcide. April S9, nod began to use it for entire baldness. The hair fol licles In Ms scalp were not dead and In 10 days he had heir all over his head. i>n July Ilia writes, "and today my hair ; as thl< 1: c.r:d I'.xur’nnt an any one could win.!.'' Nowbro'Jt llerplcido works on an old principle r-l wllh anew and: eoveyy—destroy lie catt-c a. 1 you re move the effect. Herplcide destroys the srerm that causes dandruff failing hair, and finally baldrics so that with the pause gone the effect cannot remain. Stopa falling hair at once and anew growth starts Sold by leading druggists. Send Me. In stumps for sample to The Herplcide Cos, Detroit. Mich. For sale by Smith'-, Pharmacy. Orders taken for fruit and wedding cakes at lieben's. JOHN D. ROUWroS, Brunswick’s Candy Store. Don't buy burnt sugar and imagine you are getting pure chocolate. Suer substitutes are injurious, to health For pure chocolate and al 1 other can dies . call on mo. A fresh supply received every week from Menier the famous chocolats maker. Either In 'hulk or in beautlfu; pound and half pound boxes. FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOES, ETC. TAFFY CANDY MADE FRESH DAILY. * 208 Newcastle Street HARGIS -IN HI ESTATE Are you looking for a home, a Tarm, a good-paying bd ness, or a good Invewient for your surplus money? We can please you as we have on our list a large assortment ot property. Does this interest you 1 Seven-room, two-story resi dence, nicely finished, gas, hot and cold water, bath room, etc., in good residence district ONLY MO M h five-room cottage On Un* mWn street. Model cottage. ■All conveniences. $2,850. ■Close in. lUY & GORNEILOUS Oglethorpe Hotel Building. THE ARCADE , A BRUNSWICK'S CLASS SALOON FINEST LINE OF BRAND'S and ClQAßS^fetriri fWi fMtawe* sallv ocTese* is, io OTE CENT s worn WANTED. WANTED—PeopIe to know that U ncie Sig will loan you money on anything of value. All legitimate business sc* 1 cited. Sig Levison, 30S and 3b® Bay street WANTED— At, three colored messenger boys, with wheels. Apply Postal Telegraph Cos. WANTED—Furnished room with privilege of bath room. Address C, P. O. Box 53, City. WANTED.—Young man (white) for grocery store; salary $5.00 per week to start. P. O. box 130. WANTED. —Table hoarders. Apply V Mrs. C W. Floyd, No. 903 F street. WANTED.—Lady or gentleman oi fair education to travel and collect for firm of $250,000 capital. Salary, sl, D72.00 p'*r year and expenses* Salan paid weekly and expenses advanced; references required. Address with stamp, A. Alexander, Brunswick, Ga. WANTED. Travt Hng salesman and resident brokers to sell rice on commission. Russ Rice Cos.. Ltd New Orleans, )J\ FOp RENT. V FOR RENT—Three connected rooms tor light housekeeping; furnished or unfurnished, with privilege of bath. Apply 128 Newcastle street. LOST. , LOST—Bicycle No. 81',$ with coaster brake. Return to tt. E. Fouche 216 Bay street, and receive reward. LOST.—Lost on Gloucester street. o> tween fiMccca Saloon and Oyster Fac tory, one heart, necklace, with dia mond in center; initials ‘‘R. to L. Reward if returned to "R. at News office. LOS't Small Irish setter, brown •and while. HuUiev poor .and has the mange. Return to 501 First avenu and receive reward. cOST —Sliver watch charm, wkn udijes head on it. Rears initials H E S Owner will be rewurded by re turning to R E. Sherman, ut office o Downing company. r LOST.—A buggy robe, gray on one side and,Mack on the other. Re turn to R H. Everett and receive re ward. < w- “ LOST.—in the vicinity of the Cypress mills, a black and white pointer do|. Answers to the name of “Dandy. Please return or communicate with R M. NlgMUngale. at the office of the Downing company. MISCELLANEOUS. era will find nice comrortable room nd good table hoard at 405 G street AMERICAIfEIE --ANfe- TIMBEIf CO. MANUFACTURERS, SHIPPERS AND DEALERS IN CROSSTIES AND LUMBER New York Office No. It Broadway S. K. BROWN, Mngr. BRUNSWICK. GA. J REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INVESTMENTS t See us*he best erty. Bargains il* te|ll kinds of phgstatadk For Wednesday and Thursday Only A complete assortment of Taffeta Ribbons, all widths aijfd colors, per yard .... sc. 10c. 15c We want to impress you with the splendid value of our Children's Heavy Ribbed Black Stocking’s . . 10c Wo dose out our stock of ladies’ ribbed gauze Under* vests we will pface all we have on sale at 2 for . 15c *********** * * Perfumed Vaseline, large bottle.. sc* ♦ ♦ - —— 4 * Large Size Ingrain Rugs, 24x56 . 75c’ + Smoothing irons, perfect goods, per * ♦ * pound 4c ♦ ♦-Good quality table goblits, each ,sc* * £ Good bluing, large box. 3 for .... 5c * * T A few fancy doilies, choice each .sc* ♦ * Table fern dishes 25c * Linen handkerchiefs. gentleman's ♦ ♦ T ize, 3 for 26s ♦ T '*’*♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦*****- * McClures Laundry Soap 7 for . . . sc. GRAND MILLINERY OPENING Wait for the Immense Opening at Miss Kate Slater’s FRIDAY, SATURDAY OCT. 12th, 13th All the Ladies are Cordially Invited I Do General WALL* PAPERING DO YOU vVANT VUUR HOME r*wCORA3 fcu IN THE LATENT UP TO DATE STYLET CALL ON ME AND SHOW YOU MY SAMPLWuF WALL PAPER. t Wilt DO YOUR PAPER HANGING, PAINT .JNG, GRAINING, STAINING, |ppkL30 MINING AND PICTURE ■framing as good and as ¥ CHEAP AS ANY ONE CAN AND 1 Live. DROP US A CARD. J. M, Wilson MONK STREET JWmKb ARE FOR SCHOOL ,HNE OF SMjH McCLURE’S 10 Cent Store The Brunswick Bottling and Manufacturing Cos Manufacturers of * SODA WATER AND MINERAL WATERS, CIDERS, CORDIALS NEC 218 OGLETHORPE ST EANNING TIME WE 1 v|B EW SECOND HAnAVnS CAS Bnnn A WHl*|®Hji* SELLING AT y ' \ To * AS NEW) ** V 8 AT ONCB W < SSL; * UPPLY nuifcl Light & WatP^o. im*. ... . 1' 3L-, - ix v- ♦ ♦♦♦♦A*****.***.*.**.* *■ Hanging fern dishes 25c * * + * Good toilet pins, 5 packages for. . . ,5c * Good safety pins, per dozen 3c + * •♦ ♦ Steel hair pins, assorted sizes, box. ,3c* ♦ hast black spool darning cotton, Z* ♦ 1- ♦ “Eureka” .spool silk,, all colors, .6* ♦ for * 25c*. ♦ T. Pure bristle hair brushes 25c’’ — *_ > "*■ “Gold Dust," 7 packages for ..25c-f October 10 th. and 11 th