The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 13, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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6 SENDS * LETTER TO TOE VETERANS GENERAL WILEY CALLS ATTEN TION TO APPROACHING STATE REUNION. Gen. C. M. Wiley, of Macon, com idfcndisg the Georgia division, United Confederate Veterans, Is sending out a communication to all the eampi of the state, calling attention to the annual reunion, which is to be held In Savannah, beginning November 11. The letter follows: "Dear Comrades: The next reunion of the Georgia division, U. C. V., will bo held in the city of Savannah, Ga, on tho 16th and 14th of November, next. “The railroad fare will be 2 cents a mile for round trip. “The hotels and boarding bouses w ill all chargn reduced rates. "The major general comman lug earnestly hopes that the entire mem borship of your camp will be present <>!• that occasion. The headquarters of the division v-'ll be at the Do Soto Hotel. Tho convention will be called to order ac JO o’clock a. m., on the 13th. Each camp will immediately appoint dele gates and alternates, and forward tho names and your dues to Col. J. W. Wtlrox, adjutant genoral, at Macon, Ga. “The veterans of Chatham county and the citizens of Savannah will take great pleasure in entertaining the old heroes of tho 00’s, and arc making great, preparations for your pleasure a id oomfort, and are proud to have the opportunity to glvo you a royal welcome. Uy order: C. M. WILEY, “ Major General, Comtnandlug Georgia Division. U. C. V. “J. W. WILCOX, “Adjutant General." Hals that arc sure to please will pe dtsplavod by Miss Kate Slater Friday aad Saturday. Don’t forget to attend her tall millinery opening See Peerson for school shoes. Infants’ socks, 15 to 25 cents values at 5 cents per pair at Sig Lovlson. Mpk WHEN BUYING YOUfifFALL CLOTHES " Mb cyjl'l ]K ' . LOOK KEPER TH*N THE SURFACE ' Make a Careful vjnspection m the Inside Material and Workmanship. r #lf you will come here and ao that with our stock of winter models t You will find that in You will be satisfied that g.| quality of material and tail- we have said, or all that [A * A1 .. wiW you have heard in favor of IjM oring, they eqjral the costli- J _ . Pf *salr~ s2i i■ W * vNrl our fashionable Clothes is £vt PWi Eg. i- §7 est creations qi swell custom ibs lfrei\ correct - Vigy^ J tailors, but at half their price |£| SIO.OO to $30.00 £■ . Fashionable Fall Furnishings. * I*o W \ r fit May be found here in Profusion of styles amj makes. h£ lljL ' J *o ~ " StrKUM. f n j something new, different. *We are always on the the ■ affrt for new, nobby and na Neckwear, Drop in from “W&Wr t * me to t * me see specialties* Bap f|:| N fcp- X A 1 2 . WHAT THE KIDNFYS DO. Their Unceasing Work Keeps Us Strong and HeaPhy. A 1 the blood in thet body passes througl the kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys filter tlje blood. They worV night and day. When healthv they remove about 500 grains of Impure matter daily, when un healtny some part of this impure mat ter is left in the bl<>od. This bring3 on many diseases and symptoms— pain in the back, headache, nervous ness, hot, dry ski?, rheumatism, gout, gravel, disorders of the eye sight and hearing, dizziness, dropsy, deposits in the ur lie, etc. But .1 you keep the fllteri- right you will have no trouble with your kidneys. J. C. Humphrey, dealer in stoves and ranges, 352 Jeflerson street, 3a vannau. Ga., writes: “l write you to state that Doan s Kilney Fills did me so much good thi* I feel it my duty to tell about it. l could scarcely at tend to my work so bad was my con dltion I was run down, weak ana nervous and had more annoying symptoms of kidne f trouble than i can mention. Before I began using Doans Kidney PIUb, my Weight was about 135 pounds. Now it is ]u pounds I have taken but two boxes and am now on the third. I had tried specialists, and I thought almosi everything recommended for kidney trouble, but nomlng did me any goon until I got Doan s ICldney Pills. They seemed to build up my and I felt better than in . Plenty more proof lifcffthis from Brunswick people. Call at Htyiter’s drug stere and ask what customers report^ Formic by alf dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Cos., BufTitl r. New York, solo agents for the Unitei States Remember the name—Doan’s—aao take no other. Every lady in Brunswick is Invite I to attend the opening of Miss Kate Slater's millinery parlors Friday ana Saturday. A special Invitation Is ex tended to all strangers. The prettiest lino of fall hats eve displayed in Brunswick will ho seen at Miss Kate Slater's millinery open ing Friday and Saturday. Slue Ribbon Beer. Just leeelved, a car load of Pabs brewing Company’s Blue Ribbon beer •’tune is sold at all first class saloon hi the city of Brunswick. Retail 15 cents per bottle and $1,50 per dozen T. Newman, sole agent. 218 Uav street SHOES. BOYS AND GARLS. AT PEERSON’S. ■ t HE BRUNSWICK SIILY N6W$, aCfOBER 13, 19C6 Doings in Society Miss Susie West is visiting rela tives here. • m m m A little son is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tillotson. • • * Miss Ethel Fox has returned from Darien, where she has been visiting friends. •* * * Miss Hattie Peck is expected to re turn the first of next week from Sa vannah. • r * -Mrs. Carrie Waff is now in Athens,* having joined Mr. and Mrs. H. J- Wail there. m • • Mrs. W. W. King has returned to Camden county after a visit to the Misses Hazelhurst. m n * After a stay of two weeks in sa vannah Mrs. N. Emanuel and children are again at home. Miss Clare O'Connor is quite sick at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Thomas O’Connor. • * # Mrs. H. E. Lucas and Miss Rebecca Lucas have returned after spending the .summer in north Georgia. Little Miss Helen Montgomery en tertained her friends yesterday after noon from four to seven, the occasion being her birthday. Many games were played, and the little folks • njoyej a merry afternoon. * We now Cater to the Wholesale Trade , Only CONEY, KING & GO. PHONE 492. Master Frederick Dorsey Walter is spending the winter in Savannah with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Penniwau. * * * Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Tupper ain children are expected to arrive next week from Maine, where they have spent the past two months. ■ • w Miss Alma Wright returns to-.iigti' Arom Jacksonville, Fla., where as a guc-st of Miss Essie Bessant. she re ceiyed many social attentions. m m m Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McGregor rr tumed last night from a pleasant visit north. Mrs. McGregor has been spending some time in Baltimore, while Mr. McGregor has been to Wash ington, Baltimore. New York ana Boston. If an article is imitated, the orig- always best. Think it over, an t go to buy that box or salvo to Kep around the house, get De- Wig's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the orlfinai, and the name is stamped on every box. Good for eczema, tetter holm, cuts and bruises, apd especially recommended for piles. Sold by an druggists. Attend the millinery opening al Mis : Kate Slater's parlors -Friday an i Saturday and see her bonmiful linn of ladles’ and children s hats. Removal Notice. . Goldstein has removed hit stio shop from 309 Newcastle street lo 31 Newcastle street. A cold Is much more easily eurei when the bowels are open. Kennedy ikucatlvo Honey and Tar opens the bowels and drives the cold out of the system in young or old Sold by ub druggists. All the latoel creations in ladle ■ beadjear will be displayed hv IfU-i <vate Slater at her millinery opening Friday and Saturday. I WATCH THIS PAPER "OR FALL ANNOUNCEMENT FRl.vI MIS* KATE SLATER, BRUNSWICK ’j ORIGINAL MILLINER. Lue and tried friends of the fain f DeWitt’s Little Early Risers for results and test to take, cheeks and sparkling eyes fm :ho use of these depend able little They do not gripe or sicken, by a'l druggists. PLEASURES 1 HE A • YOU ARE INVITED TO MAKE US A VISIT wc ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HANDLE THE STEINWAY, KNABA, WEBER. FISCHER, HARDMAN HER RINGTON AND OTHER PIANOS. FOR A PIANO, HONESTLY MADE, ACC URATELY TONED. MATERIAL THE BEST, WITH GREATEST DURABILITY - SEE US. FLEMING & BRYANT VICTOR AND COLUMBIA TALKING MACHINES lIS NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 53. CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS • • ■ jafc Let us be your Wash woman BRUNSWICK STEAM LAUNDRY. Cline & Ludwig, Props. Bottlers of Coco Cola and other Soft Drinks \ 110 RICHMOND ST. PHONe\|9 "W PENNYROYAL mS£SSt? rj.i.idj'A. or and banish “ pains s•%&&s of menstruation.” They are - i.U'IS SAVERS” to girls at womanhood. aiding development of organs and body. Ne -SriJTjs, k-io'Tyi remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm—life '* Uicoines a pleasure. SI.OO HER BOX BY MAIL. SoK> CjSJBHw' **y drnpdiW. DB. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Ohio