The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 16, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Just Received A Full Line of Ladies’. Mens, Children’s HATS Zelmenovitz, TELEPHONE 215. 218 NEWCASTLE STREET. JUST RECEIVED 1907 LINE of GO - CRRTS ROBERTS Stove and Furniture House THE STORE WHERE PRICES ARE RIQHT. We Refund Money if you are Not Benefitted '==C L ARO== * • / ' f **** ' ' 4V An Excellent remedy for people who have no appetite. Cures coughs, bronchial and lung troubles. For pale weak wom<?n Claro has no equal. tB „ • s MM? 3 vJ. EM ORGAN ONE Ladies' Coats AND Cravenettes IN ALL LENGTHS BOTH SOLID COLORS AND MIXED. A VERY SWELL LOT THAT WE WOULD LIKE FOR POU TO SEE BEFORE MAKING A PUR CHASE. CHILDREN’S AND MIB3ES’ LONG AND SHORT COATB. LEVY'S tiM tkufiiWlCK M'L? tit'A'a ocrose* %. iso*. ONLY TWO HUNDRED HAVE QUALIFIED REGISTRATION FOR THE CITY ELECTION CONTINUES TO BE VERY SLOW. Yesterday started the third week of registration for the approaching pri mary, and up to the nour the books closed in the afternoon only about 225 voters had qualified ior the elec tion, over 100 of them having regia- j tered last week. It is expected, nowever, that before the end of the present week the total number will be near 300 mark. The campaign has merely commenced in the city and it .will oniy oe a few more days before the politicians will have men in the field getting people to register. It is Laid to make an estimate ot what the total registration will he this year. There will, of course, oe only a few negroes to register, as tney can not vote in the primary and can only cast their ballot for the nominees at the general election. Many believe tnat not mere than 1 000 or 700 wili qualify. if there is any style in a shoe you have seen in a book, look over our stock and you will be pretty sure to find it. Peerson’s. SHOES OF ALL KINDS ANP STYLES AT PEERSON’S. Folks with tender feet become sprinters alter wearing shoes from peerson'p. Infants* soil s, lf> to 26 cents values at 6 ( into per pair at Sig Levison. Call up Davis and Taylor’s stable If you want dirt for raising your lots or sidewalks. NEW ARRIVALS NEW BUCKWHEAT NEW '"LAP JACK FLOUR NEW GEORGIA SYRUP (In Cans) NEW MAPLE SYRUP NEW HONEY (In Bottles) 214 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 307. 1.1.1 MILLER OIED JESTERDIY WELL KNOWN AND PROMINENT CITIZEN PASSES AWAY AF TER A LONG ILLNbSS. Mr. H. ‘M. Miller, one of Bruns wick’s oldest and most prominent citizens, passed away yesterday morn ing at 7:20 o’clock at his home on B street, alter an illness of several months. During the past several ■ weeks his condition has been very serious, and the end has been mo mentarily expected for the past sev eral days. The deceased was 80 years of age, and his life has been one of which any man should leel proua. Close to thirty years ago he came to Bruns wick from the old country and cm-! gaged in the harness business with tils; sou. Mr. Constance Miller, n:i -r the firm name of H. M Miller & Son. For years he was at the head of this firm and finally went into the furni ture business, which is still operated under the name of H. M. Miller .& Son. The success of the firm at present speaks test of the success of the deceased. He was actively con nected with the business up to a year .'ISO. .Mr. Miller is survived by his wife and six children. Mr. Constance Mil ler. of tnis city; Mr. Frank Miller, ot New Jersey; and Messrs. Herbert ana Charles Miller, ,of South Carolina. | and one daughter and one son In Dor many. The funeral will occur this morn ing at 10 o’clock from the residence, 309 B street. Father Dunne, ot St. Frances Xaxier's church, officiating. The following gentlemen will act'as pall bearers: Fred Baumgertner, C. Arnheiter, F. E. Twitty. K. H. Scam and E Fabian. The deceased was a I member of Rathbone idge. Knights or Pythias, and that lodge will be repre- J sented at the funeral by the following j members: Max Isaac, F A. Dunn, 1,. | Ludwig, J. IT. Tankersley. The News joins with the many other members of the family In ex tending sympathy. | fine ffrees I CAN FURNISH AND PLANT ON SHORT NOTICE, CABBAGE, MAG NOLIA, SYCAMORE, MAPLE DOG WOOD, OAK AND UM3RELL TREES. GIVE ME A TRIAL. D. B. PVLES. 623 E Street. G. F. ANDERSON. AgL L. C. SMITH VISIBLE TYPEWRITER JgP Typewriters Rented and Repaired DOLLAR RIBBONS AT 76c. Rain .Coats When need a Rain Coat you need it bad. No matter how many Over coats may have, there nothing to take the place oi useful Raincoat. When Old “Prob” says Coat and, if his prediction w doesn’t come true, it will an- Jffl all THE PURPOSES OF AN OVERCOAT. Va Many Men will wear them all through—the coldest k* weather. jO They like them i-o ause they are not as clumsy as a a 4 regular Overcoat, yet their length protects the limbs. & Our Rain Coats tins season are cut in true Overcoat w A BanJß tutor —oja'is at waist and full at bottom. KAISER’S l Clothiers to the whole family. JTa FULL HITS FOR LADIES I HAVE THE HANDSOMEST LINE OF FALL HATS EVER DISPLAYED IN BRUNSWICK. LADIES ARE INVITED TO INSPECT THEM. M 135 L. G, JACKSON * OPERA HOwSE BLOCK. LA MAISON PARISIENNE “The ONLV French La dies Tailoring and Dressmaking Es tablishment in Georgia. DON’T WEAR READY MADE GARMENTS WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THEM MADE TO ORDER AT R. DENI2ET AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATE. ALL KINDS OF PLAITING, BUTTONS MADE ON SHORT NOTICE. HAVE YOUR BANDS, FOLDS, PIPING. PINKING MADE AT 2c. PER YD. WHILE YOU WAIT. CALL OR PHONE 311 Get in Touch With the Rest of Us BY HAVINB A BELL TELEPHONE In Your Home, Your Office, Your Store CALL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT OF outhern Bell Telephone end Telegraph Cos., AND WE’LL TELL YOU HOW