The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 17, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Just Received A Full Line of Ladies’. Mens, Children’s HATS Zelmenovitz, TELEPHONE *ls. 216 NEWCASTLE STREET. JUST RECEIVED 1907 LINE of GO -CRRTS ROBERTS Stove and Furniture House THE STORE WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT. We Refund Money if you are Not Benefit ted =CL ARO— i *aqgwiugu ii mm— i . An Excellent remedy for people who have no appetite. Cures coughs, bronchial and lung troubles. For pale weak women Claro has no equal. i J. E MORGAN 2? NE Ladies' Coats AND Gravenettes IN ALL LENGTHS BOTH SOLID COLORS AND MIXED. A VERY SWELL LOT THAT WE WOULD LIKE FOR POU TO SEE BEFORE MAKING A PUR CHASE. CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' LONG AND SHORT COATS. LEVY'S ftRIiKSWiCK ftA'LV NtWS WEDNESDAY - , OCTOBER 17. 190$. BANK WILL OPEN ABOUT JANUARY ANNOUNCED THAT NEW INSTITU TION WILL BEGIN BUSINESS ON JANUARY 9. The Glynn County Bank will open for business in Brunswick Wednes day, January 9; at least that is the (late now fixed, ancl unless something unforeseen turns up before that time Brunswick's third tanking institution will be ready for business. It is understood that Mr. Allen, the moving spirit in the new Dank, will arrive in the city next week, at which time the contract for the erec tion of the building will probably b : awarded, lne plans and specifications have already been received in the city and the contractors will submit bids in a few days. The building will probably be com pleted during the latter part of De cember and everything will be in readiness for beginning business on the above date. GO DOWN TO THE CITY HALL AND REGISTER. If there is any style in a shoe you have seen in a book, look over our stock and you will be pretty sure to find it. Peerson’s. YOU CAN GET STYLE AND FIT WHEN YOU BUY SHOES- FROM PEERSON. Folks with tender feet become sprinters after wearing shoes from Peerson’s. Infants’ socks, 15 to 25 cents values at 5 cents per pair at Sig Levison. Call ui Davis and Taylor’s stable if you want dirt for raising your lots or sidewalks. HEW ARRIVALS N NEW BUCKWHEAT NEW -LAP JACK FLOUR NEW GEORGIA SYRUP . (In Cans) NEW MAPLE SYRUP NEW HONEY (In Bottles) 214 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 307. LOCAL FIRMS TO SUPPLY MATERIAL ALL LUMBER, ETC., FOR NEW TELEPHONE COMPANY TO BE SUPPLIED BY HOME FIRMS. It is understood that all the mate rial to be used in the construction ot the new building of the Southern Beil Telephone and Telegraph Company will be furnished by, Brunswick mer chants. Asa matter of ;aet orders tor a large majority of the material has already been placed, most oi which has been ordered and will ar rive within the next few days. The work of tearing down the old library building has been completed and within the next ween or ten days active work on the new home of the telegraph company will begin. The building will be entirely com pleted before January rust, as win probably the entire new system to be installed nere. (SCIENCE HtiiVENTS BALDNESS* The FolrJ Jci-ri , n,i l <m Heiaely Now Knots of Science. It Is the rarest tiling in the world for t man to be necessarily bald. No mar. t hose hair Is not dead at liio roots, need i ball it he wlii use Newt-r.Vn I r err-1- c!e, the new ccalp antnepik;. Herpl ;lde destroys the germ that cute the hair iff at the root; and cleans the sc-tip cl iandruff and leaves it in a perfectly wealthy condition. >lr. Marrr.ett, i:i the Maryland Block, Butto, Mart., wa? en tirely bald. In less than month Kerpi- Jide had removed the ( : ni s c: hair growth, and nature did its work by cov ering his head with thick hair an Inch long, and in six weeks ho had a normal a 'lit of hair. Sold by leading dru -gists I Send JOc. in stamps t'or sample la 'flu Kerplclde Cos.. Cetrcit. Math, For sale by- Smith's Pharmacy. The styles in shoes at Peer son' are as plentiful and as varied a.; the autumn leaves. BHOES OF ALL KINDS AND STYLES AT PEERSON’S. There is only one branch of mor-; eiiandise we pretend to know, any- \ thing about and it is the only branch we sell—shoes. Peerson’s. OLD DR. DRUMMOND. After many years of patient study and experiment, ha.-; given the word a preparation which is an absolute and permanent cure for every form of rheumatism. The price is $5, but it is twe large bottles, enough for a month’s treatment, and will relieve the worst case from the first dose. Sent by express upon receipt of price by Drummond Medicine Cos. New York, with full particulars and teal imonia's of wonderful cures. -— —— ■ j For Sale. Good horse and buggy, cheap. For particulars address Box 33, Bruns wick, Ga. G. F. ANDERSON, AgL I. C. SMITH VISIBLE TYPEWRITER Typewriters Rented and Repaired DOLLAR RIBBONS AT 75c, Rain Coats '^ s Npi When you need a Rain Coat need it 1 l So matter how many Over- \ coats you may have, there is ) nothing to the 01 useful Raincoat. When Old ‘‘Prob’’ says "Rain” put on Your Rain f w Coat and, if his prediction 1*94 doesn't come true, it will an- AM i ALL THE PURPOSES OF AN overcoat. fA Many Men will w< ar them all through—the coldest weather. prj They like them i; (i ause they are not as clumsy as a ksg regular Overcoat, yet their length protects the limbs. Our Rain Coats tnis season are cut in true Overcoat FA Suuiß tu.ioj—a; a’is at waist and full at bottom. jk' ; KAISER’S Clothiers to the whole family. Wj FALL HITS FOR LADIES I HAVE THE HANDSOMEST LINE OF FALL HATS EVER DISPLAYED IN BRUNSWICK. LADIES ARE INVITED TO INSPECT THEM. MISS L. G, JACKSON OPERA tfOoSE BLOCK. LA MAISON PARISIENNE "The ONLY French La dies Tailoring and Dressmaking Es tablishment in Georgia. DON’T WEAR READY MADE GARMENTS WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THEM MADE TO ORDER At R. DENIZET AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATE. ALL KINDS OF PLAITING, BUTTONS MADE ON SHORE NOTICE. HAVE YOUR BANDS, FOLDS, PIPING, PINKING MADE AT 2c. PER YD. WHILE YOU WAIT. CALL OR PHONE 311 Get in Touch With the of Us ■Y HAVING A BELL TELEPHONE In Your Home, Your Office, Your Store CALL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT OF outhern Bell Telephone and Telepteph Cos., AND WE’LL TELL YOU HOW