The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 19, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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4 irit BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY CLARENCE H. LEAVY, Editor and Manager. LOUI3 J. LEAVY, Jr., City Editor. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., post office as second class mail matter SUBSCRIPTION BATES. Term* of subscription in the cit and by mall free of charge to all parti of the United States and Canada, Mex Ico, Pert# Rica, Gusm. Phiilppln Islands and Hawaiian Islands. On* Month ..'5? Three Months $1.25 Six Months $2.50 One Year $5.00 Notice of discontinuancs of Ads , and Subscriptions must be made t business office in writing. TELEPHONES. Business Office, Editorial Room.. 188 The Editor The City Editor 840 Society Editor 4<>B-d Office 207 Gloucester Street. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF Glynn County Glynn County Commissioners. The United States Court of Bank ruptcy for this District. ■ T .— .. Correspondence solicited, hut to re ceive attention letters must, be ac companied by a responsible name, not for publication, but as a guarantee or good faith. Rejected communications will he returned if accompanied by postage. Remittance should be made by pos tal note, check, money order or regis tered letter. Address News Publishing Cos., Brunswick, Ga. The News is not controlled by any political machine and will not he sent out to people as a campaign circular in Oils or any other campaign. General Freight Agent Neville, of the Georgia Coasct and Piedmont Rail way says that the Brunswick harbor Is one of the best In the country. Mr. Neville is absolutely right In his con clusions. FLIMFLAMMING ATLANTA SWELL. DOM. Editor Mclntosh, in his splendid Albany Herald, under the above cap tion, takes the following sarcastic shot at tiie custom that obtains in the upper ten of Atlanta's swelldom There is a whole bunch of good horse sense in the conclusions of the gift- ed Mclntosh. Now listen to him: ■'Do you want to know how to have a good time? Well, listen: Get your tailor to ilx up a smart tall rig, till your trunk with Turkish cigarettes, nobby walking canes, flashy cravats and gloves and other paraphernalia of swelldom, and arm your mug with a villainous looking pipe; then hike up to Atlanta and register at the swellest hotel in the village as "P. Preton Goldaby, Busting,” Van Dam Uxmgwad, N. . Y.,” or "\V. iKnoxby Cool boy, Cannon. ’’ Cook as deeply bored as possible, price a block of buildings on (Whitehall street and drink plenty of coco cola. You won't have long to wait. A committee front the Capital City Club wilt blow itselt in after awhile, closely followed by a committee from the Swell-bloke Driving Club, another from the Socie ty of the Sons and Daughters of Mur thasviile and still others from a long list of blue-blooded Capital City or ganizations. Take (everything that comes your way. Drink their wine, eat their dinners, ride in their auto mobiles and coaches and mt yourself be made much in itheir exclusive homes. Tell them what discerning, democratic people—lay stress on that —they are. Tell tnem all about your rich kinfolks up north or on the oth er side of the pond. Don't let your conscience worry you a particle, lor they will be enjoying It just as much as you possibly can. When you fln<l that indigestion and loss of sleep are about to send you to the hospital tell era all good-bye and assure them that Atlanta is the New York of the south. Then go on about your bus iness, They will dream about you up there for a month. The enter pr/ie requires just the precaution. •>on't talk to any Atlanta newspaper men I They are an exceedingly sus picious set hut outside of these the game of AUafiamtning Atlanta swell dew ie 4e*A tmr" Opening up new territory T hat the Georgia Coast and Pied mont Railway Company is deeply m jterested In Brunswiex and that IL‘. company propose to pur this city on an equality with Savann iT in (he mat ter of freight rates Is be*; evidence;* by the resolution of the hosr.l o: trade passed at the m3; iuj held yes terday morning, whhh appears els ewhere in this issue and wince ts sen explanatory. This company, openi.i? up anew territory, as it does, has ma 'e a Irelght rate for the benefit of L’mihs wick merchants which puts them into the country traversed by it on equal terms as Is enjoyed by the merchants [ of Savannah. In other words, if the wholesalers of Brunswick desire to | sell goods to the dealers on the line of the Georgia Coast and Piedmont Railway they are now in position to complete with the Savannah jobbers without the past disadvantage of freight rates in favor of Savannah. General Freight Agent Neville, of the G. C. & P. Railway Cos., was in the city yesterday and announced this action on the part of the railway company to the local board of trade and that organization, with commenda ble enterprise, passed a resolution call ing upon the merchants of Brunswick to send their representatives into the territory opened up by the new line in order to show our appreciation ol the consideration extended to the Brunswick dealers. It. is to he hoped that the whole salers of Brunwick will comply with the resolution adoped by the board of trade and go out after this business which, according to all commercial condltons, is naturally Brunswick’s by by right of distance and geographical situations. There Is no more material factor In this country than new railroads; they build cities and towns as if by magic and this coompany is now going through a splendid section, which, in a few years, will yield to the touch of commercial and industrial activity and will open up new and valuable terri tory for Brunswick. The News is pleased that Mr. Neville has seen fit to pay Bruns wick a visit and our people are fondly hoping that the day is not far distant when this matchless port, this growing and enterprising city, will be head quarters for the Georgia Coast and Piedmont Railroad Company. That Board of Trade resolution, ptfb ished elswhere in this issue, has the 1 oper spirit of prgress and enter prise and ought to appeal to our job bers - i -fj lew, i Brunswick wholesale dealers should xtend their territory to include tin Georgia Coast and Piedmont railway company and should send t.heir trav- Hng men into that section at once. 'this has been a bad year for poli ticians with personal newspaper or gans, ns Col. Est ill and Clark How ell have found out and as W. R. Hcarst and the local political news paper-solicitor will probably learn shortly. The steamer.. Wildcroft cleared rom this port yesterday with a cargo f 45,000 crossties tor the Panama Railroad Company. The cargo was (valued at about *.-,000. This is a ew business tor the port of Bruns wick too. We repeat that it is a peculiar con itlon when a solicitor of a court of justice in any community has to bol ster up his political fortunes by own ing and operating a newspaper in the Interest of the political oligarchy to which he owes his office. We would like tor those who be blieye in the simplified system ot spelling to tell us how to simplify the spelling of the word scissors. Castro Is worse than the average cat. He has been reported as dead at least seven times at Caracas, an. at last reports he was still very much alive. This habit of bank presidents jumping with the cash has struck Canada, and an Ontario banker is off with one million. Now where can our Canadian iriend go to even up with fhosT fellows who Jump to Can <U os occasions? ThB EftUNSWiCK DAILY NEWS, PfilbAY, 6CYOSRR id, idCJ. g-y 1 Ask your doctor about these throat coughs. He wiilj M L f tell y° u h° w deceptive they are. A tickling in the M. ff M ){// throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better W explain your case carefully to your doctor, and ask f * f rt C* about V our takin g Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Then U / do as he says. Get the best medicine, always. We hare no eeerets! We publish J.C. Ayer Cc., AT THE TOP t CLIMBING TO THE TOP OF THE LADDER OF BIG CLOTH- j omnn | SENDS FORTH A MESSAGE | OF A GREATER CLOTHING ! FROM THE COMMONPLACE : ALL THE CUSTOM-TA'.LORED i FEATURES, BOTH INSIDE j PRICES RANGE FROM $10.03 RIGHT STYLE, RIGHT QUAL ITY, RIGHT MATERIAL, AT RIGHT PRICES. 4 RIGHTS THAT MAKE BIG VALUES AT Geo. W. Owens, CORNER E AND L STREETS. HNH - 1 mh WHEN PRESCRIPTIONS ARE WANTED the Atlanta Pharmacy enjoys the favor of all intelligent peopl The reason is not hard to under stand. Reliability describes It exactly. Pnysiclans have made i; perfectly understood that the.r prescriptions must be filled ex actly as written and under no cir eumstances can substitutes ne tolerated. Therefore the bulk oi prescriptions come to us"because we and our drugs and medicines are known to be absolutely re liable. THE ATLANTA PHARMACY. Tel 310. Sub-Postoffice Station No. 1. COLSON HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE, MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. OF ALL KINDS SAW MILL OUTFITS. Agents for ATLAS ENGINES AND BOILERS. WIRE FIELD FENCE. COLSON HARDWARE CO. A Young Mother at 70. “My mother has suddenly been made yopng at 70. Twenty years ot intense suffering from dyspepsia ha entirely disabled her, until six months ago, when she began taking Electri Bitters which have completely cure! her and restored the strength and activity she had In the prime of life writes Mrs. W. L. Gilpatrlck, of Dan forth, Me. Greatest restorative medt cine on the globe. Sets Stomach Liver and Kidneys right, purifies the blood, and cures Malaria, BUlousnesi and Weaknesses. Wonderful Nerve Tonle. Prlye Me. Guaranteed by Tbnroeey, , out cm i mu WANTED. WANTED —People to know thatUnwa Sig will loan you money on anything of value. All legitimate, business sol icited. Sig Eevison, 308 and 30b Bay street. WANTED. —Five oyster shurkers. Ap ply to fish house of J W. Wallace, Bay street. WANTED—Furnished room with privilege of bath room. Address C, P. O. Box 53, City. WANTED. —Table boarders. Apply to Mrs. C. W. Floyd, No. 903 F street. WANTED. Traveling salesman and resident brokers to sell rice on commission, i Russ Rice Cos., Ltd New Orleans, L; . FOR RENT. FOR RENT.—Three connected rooms tor light housekeeping, lurnished or unfurnished, with privilege of bath.l Apply 438 Newcastle street. LOST. LOST—-Bicycle No. 84056 with coaster brake. Return to R. E. Fouche 316 Bay street, and receive reward. LOST. —Four months old pointer dog; white with liver-colored head ana ears; white streak from top of heaa to point of hose; liver-coiored spot on left shoulder. Return to A. M. Smitn and receive reward. MISCELLANEOUS. mANSIENT' > ers will find nice comfortable room nd good table board at 405 G street. GO DOWN TO THE CITY HALL AND REGISTER. M. B. GARNETT. GENERAL CONTRACTOR Whan in nead of A PLASTERER, A PAINTER, A CARPENTER Call on the old original H. B. GARNETT. Open All the Year The Waussa Rons* at Oooa* pj* St SI mot oiaaa, will romaie jw all the reai round. VISITOR* ALWAYS WELCOME MRS. W. L. WALLACE I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO General Plumbing OF ALL KIND Wo carry a full and complete line of STOVES and RANGES and do all kind of STOVE REPAIRING J, H. 8 O H N E. Phone 997, 428 Newoartle Street DeVoe'e eld Bivd. GO DOWN TO THE CITY HALL AND REGISTER, To The Public * HAVING LOCATED A CEMENT STONE PLONT CORNER OF F AN. D STREETS IAM PREPARED TO DO A GENEPAL CEMENT WORK FIRST CLASS WORK AT A REASONABLE FIGURE. ALL SiZES OF WHITE ANC COLORED HEXIGON TILE AND CURB OF THE REGU LATION SIZE . RESPECTFUI-L'' SOLICIT A SHARE OF YOUR PAT RONAGE. J. D. Baldwin K-M—^—L I— : I- * ~ L MAbhORY LIf4P Direct ss. Service between New York and Brunswick 'All INOS* EVERY FRIDAY FROM NEW YORK AT 1 F. M. SAL.IfNIJJ: evCRY priday FRIM BRUNSWICK Tl SUIT TIDE. Lowest Rates and Unsurpassed Pasirnre*- *rconin’ Nation* Apply tl W. M. t UPPER * CO.. ur C. H. MALLORY S CO, AeCHtft. Brunswick. 6 •* Burling BUo. Manx York City Tate Springs Water WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THIS CELEBRATED WATER b < THE GLASS, BY THE CASE OR BY THE BARREL HUNTER’S 505 GLOUCESTER ST. ARE YOU THIRSTY. If yo:? are and a good drink of the Best CUhiskey or Finest Beer will quench it I can fix you. See my vrine and cigar list. H. Selig-, 229 Grant Street. CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS Let us be your Wash woman BRUNSWICK STEAM LAUNDRY. Cline & Ludwig, Props. Bottlers of Coco Cola and other Soft Drinks 110 RICHMOND ST. PHONE 129 PAHELL ENGINEERING CO. All rlficGPG nf FOUNDRY AND MINE REPAIRING SPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR MARINE WORK Perfectly Adapted Marine Rail way Phone 16-3 Brunswick, Ga. BROWN & CO DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS AND SHIPPERS OF Railway Crossties AND DEALERS IN Yellow Pine Lumber BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. KlLLthc cough m> CURE THE LUNGS "Dr. King’s New Discovery /CONSUMPTION Prica * fFOR 3 OUGHSand SO* & $l.OO M ISOLDS Free Trial. nunsMßamaMiaHHMaa Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. Cobb and Wheeler GNERAL TINNERS. THE OLD RELIABLES. 25 Years in the Business. GOOD WORK PROMPTLY EXECU TED. Phone 313. 313 Newcastle St. Call up Davis and Taylor’s stables if you want dirt far raising your lo’ or sidewalks.