The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 19, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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6 LEGAL ADVE RTMSEMErffS. SHERIFF'S SALE. State of Georgia. County Glynn. There will be sold before the door of the court house of said state anu county in Brunswick, Georgia, be tween the le;al hours of sale on the first Tuesday in November, 1906, that certain tract, lot or parcel of land in said city, coufity and state, and de scribed on Baldwin s map of said city made in the year 1837, as the eastern one-fourth of "Old Town” lot no. 4XI. levied on as the property of Tom Thomas to satisfy that certat i justice court execution in favor of j. M. Burnett for $47.1*5 principal, besides interest and costs. Bevy ma le and returned to me by K. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff of said county. W. H. BERKIE, Sheriff of Glynn County Keorgia. DISCHARGE IN BANKRUPTCY. District Court of the United States, Eastern Division, Southern District oi Georgia. In Bankruptcy. Notice of application for discharg in bankruptcy. In the matter of P seller, county of Glynn, Georgia. To the creditors of the above named bankrupt: Vou are hereby notilted that the above mentioned bankrupt has Bleu nis application for a discharge front ail of the debts provat)le in bank ruptcy against the said P. Keller. the said application will be heard by the Hon. Emory Speer, judge ot mo United States District Court, fo. ioi l division and district, at the ot ited States Court House, at Savun i.ah, on the 22d day of October, 1906. All creditors of said bankrupt are nouned to appear at the time and place stated, and show cause, if any tney can, why the prayer contained in said petition should not be granted. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this 91,i uay of October, 1906. T. F. JOHNSON, Clerk. Notice to Debtors and Creditors Notice is hereby given to the debto to the estate of Hannah T. Osborn late of said county, deceased, to ren der In an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed by law, properly made out All person udobted to said deceased arc requeat d to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 29th. day of Au gust, 1906. W F. Bymons, Executor of the estate of Hannan T. Osborne. , 9 -28 -6 vk' There is only one branch of mer chandise wo pretend to know any thing about and il is the only branch we sell—shoes. Peerson’s. The styles in shoes at Peerson's me as picnutui mu! as varied as the autumn leaves. SHOES OF ALL KINDS ANf STYLES AT PEERSON’S Jjjjfc WHO MAKES YOUR # Sr CLOTH ES? That’s the question you will be asked = And one you will be t proud to answer===if you wear Clothing* from our store. “EFF EFF" and See I / 'Tj 1 Fashionable I IF ALL WE CLAIM FOR THE NEW I I Clothes '!££, model suits and overgar '•MM ||p .am I .as** MENTS ISN’T TRULY DESERVED J ' £. J CLOSELY FOLLOW THE IDEAS OS V* NOTE PARTICULARLY OUR LARGE S' jv M'.-Wm I NEW YORK CITY’S SMARTESi COLLECTION OF SMART AUTUMN || j' ’ TAILORS, EQUALLING THEIR _j/f SACK SUITS AT M ft §f pit I COSTLIEST CREATIONS AND WILL ft f M l' r ' '' '•IT* :::^:±Yr sswEU -1 , <'fyfp'' 10$30 Special Strong: Line of Raincoats ™:° cio izr\ t A . nn tO WOOD-BAILEY CLOTHING COl ] “The New Store.” I A LIQUID GOLD CURE AND LAXATIVE GOUGH SYRUP THE ORIGINAL L HEiW Tb* Bed Clover Bloeiem and the Honey Bee on Every Bottle. “A Cold or a Cough nearly always pro duces constipation— the water all runs to the eyes, nose and throat instead of passing out of the system through the liver and kidneys. For the want of moisture the bowels become dry and hard." Nearly all other cough cures are constipating, especially those containing Opiates. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar moves the bowels, contains no Opiates. KENNEDY’S LAXATIVE CONTAINING HONEWAR Relieves Colds by working them out of through a copious action of the bowels. Relieves Coughs by cleansing and strengthening the mucous membranes of the throat, chest, lungs and bronchia} tubes. For Croup, Whooping Cough, La Grippe, Influenza, Bronchitis, and all Coughs, Colds, Lung and Bronchial affections no remedy is equal to Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar. Children like it. Put up In 25c, 60c and SI.OO bottles at the Lab oratory of E. O. DoWitt & Oo.,Chicago, U.3. A Notice Is hereby given to the creditors ot the estate of Cyrus Morris, late of said county, deceased., to render in In an account of thetr demands to me within the time prescribed by law, properly made out. And all persons indebted to said deceased are her by requested to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This the 31, of August, 1906. John Byrd, Executor of the last will of Cyrus Morris. When a horse is so overworked il lion down and in other ways declares its inability to go further, you would consider it criminal to use force. Many a man of humane impulses who would not willingly harm a kit ten. is guilty of cruelty where his own stomach is concerned. Overdriven, overworked, when what it needs is something that will digest the form eaten and help the stomach to recu perate. Something like Kodol For l)y pepsla that is sold by all druggists. THfc BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 19, 1905 Doings in Mrs. I. N. Bishop is improving af ter her recent Illness • • Miss Elizabeth Symmes has been a re; ent visitor to Atlanta. • • • Mis Clyde Durant of Birmingham, Ala., is visiting relatives in the city. * * * Miss l.,eah Johnson is now attending trie Southern Dusine s college in At lanta. • • • Mrs. S. P. Draper, of Carthage ienn., is visiting her son, Mr. Davis Draper. * * * Miss Leuora Meyers left last night for Savannah to spend some time with friends. . * * * A meeting of the Ladies of the Mac aber s is called for fids afternoon at 3,30 o’clock at their hall. , Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Wright will re turn shortly from a several weeks visit to New York and other cities. • • • Mrs. Hatty F. Dunwody will return next week from Asheville, N. C., where site has been spending several weeks. * a * Mr. anil Mrs. L. D. Odum will re move into their new residence short ly corner Union and Albemarle streets. A number of improvements have been made on the residence. APPEARING OLD Actn an i Her <o Profitable gmitioy -11:1111. Ton eanr.~t r.fTnr.l to grow oM. In Ih :o u; j rf strenuous competition ft Is neoposar/ t Maintain, as long as post Jits i. youthful t upta ranee. It is in . os. ".ho to do It.'.; without rc talnh -t a lo.xuri. v.a ftor li cf ba'r. The presence cf Dandruff indicate* the presence of a burrowing g‘-—n which liven and thrive* on tlio roots of the hair until it causes total baldness. NcWbro's Herpictda is the only known destroyer of this pest, and it is as effec tive nil it Is delightful to Uflo Herptclde makes an elegant hair dress ing aa well as 'Danuruft. cure. Accept no. rubs'.tl’ute —there Is none. (Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpioide Cos., Detroit. Mich. For sale by SruKli’s Pharmacy. For Sale. Good nurse and buggy, cheap. For particulars address Box 33, Bruns wick, Ga. Society Among the pasengers leaving New York today on the Mallory ship are Mr. and Mrs. Miller Nightengale and daughters. • * • Mrs. J. M. Madden is at present vis iting in Wt Hington, Ohio, and will re turn to the city in the course of a tew weeks. * * a Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Tapper and children, who {.have been spending some time lr, Maine, will return to tne city next week. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ST* S /-- ” Signature of C GO DOWN TO THE CiTY HALL AND REGISTER. Mandolines, guitars, banjos, violins, acordioiis, mouth harps and ah iuiuD uf musical instruments at Big n,evi nOU. oil clothing.of all kinds at Sig Lev son. Bins Riboofi tsu.-r. Jest leccivet!, a car load vi v'itk swing Couipajy’s Blue lUhaoa no:-.. .ti.c is soul at ait iirst class suit* ~ . the city of Brunswick. Ueuui uu per cotUe and per c .. '. Newmaj., soie agent, 2iS Bav -■ r. .. Every late wrinkle in style, but not a wrinkle in the fit ot tue snots from Peerson’s. Old fashioned pound cake, tire kin mother used to make, 25 cents pei pound at Lebeu's bakery. 190 A street. Rheumatism. Is quickly relieved and promptly cured by Dr. Drummond’s Lightening Remedies. The internal remedy is pleasant to take, acts immediately, and is for rheumatism only in all its torturing forms. The external pre paration restores stiff joints, drawn cords and hardened muscles. If your druggist has not these remedies in stock, do not take anything else. Send $5 to the Drummond Medicine Cos., New York, and the full treatment of two large bottles will be sent to your express address. Agents wanted. All kinds and styles of shoes Pee. son- PLEASURE!) FOR Ml YOU ARE INVITED TO MAKE US A VISIT WE AF.E PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HANDLE THE STEIN WAY, KNABA. WEBER. FISCHER, HARDMAN HER RINGTON AND OTHER PIANOS. HONESTLY MADE, ACC URATELY TONED, MATERIAL THE BEST, WITH GREATEST DURABILITV - SEE US. FLEMING & BRYANT VICTOR AND COLUMBIA TALKING MACHINES 118 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 53. We Have We have in our New $200.00 Refrigerator the Following: CHEESE, Genuine Imported Swiss. ROQUEFORT, MUENSTER. FRAMAGE de BRICE. PHILA CREAM CAMEMBERT. FULL CREAM AND HANDCCHEESE RUSSIAN CAVIAR and HOLLAND HERRING. A J- J jVI 9 a 227 Grant St. - A /■\! *1 T *3 PHONE 296 TT'S ! HU I S T**? overcome vM scr I'trtii Y HU t fit HilS s&3££3.l i , - =-~—-=r or and bW!sh “ pafi ot amnstruaiion.” They are •• LiFE SAVfiBS” to womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. : Jbfc-4 Tnoivn remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm-W becottins a pleasure. SI.OO FISH. BOX BY MAIL. Sif -y Crugjst.s. OK. AH> ITa CUKMICAL CO.. Cleveland. £