The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 20, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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LEGAL ADVE R TISE M _ ENTS - r PUBLIC SALE. State of Georgia. County of GiynD. Under and by virtue of authority and power of sale contained in that certain deed to secure debt, da-®i December Oth. 1904. in favor undersigned, from Mary T. Johirtdn l-aurence Johnson, as trustee for nis said wife, Mary T. Juhoso i and his children by her Dorn and to be born. Said deed to secure debt be ing recorded in Book 12. page 489. et seq, of the records of said county, leference thereto being had for ad purposes. There will be sold before the door of the court house of said county In Bruasv.-ick, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in November. 1996. to the highest and best bidder for casn all that certain described real estate, to-wit: All of that certain tract, lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in said county'and state, and m the 26th district Georgia militia ot said county, containing four and elgnt tenths (4 8-10) acres, more or less, and bounded on the east by the Boule vard. leading from Brunswick around tne march out towards old lorn Lamb’s piece; and being identified on a map or plan made 'by E. A. Penni man of a sub-division of the Demere Hammock tract. recorded in Book_ oo of the general records of said Glynn County, G -orgia. bjvmjtaber as lot number tv o (No. 2) -.and being the same tract of land m‘ V which the j**rttes/M the firs, r yf now reside. h/viug original j" eD conveye t iPi%G(K H. Plant if' said Laurence by; deed ’A. July 25tn, v ’ is fou,ui o' Jaf- General Records folio 798. reference o' and map is hermtuade AKRrliad for all purposes; for the pur -‘V'Ls of satisfying the indebtedness Tmme undersigned, ana seemed Of fplftoed to secure debt, amounting t) the aitoi of four hundred and eight am; 27-100" ($468.27) dollars, principal, ue sldcf' Interest, taxes. Insurance prem iums and costs of this proceeding, as provided for in said deed to secure debt. Purchaser pays for title. This October 2, 1906. Laurence Johnson, as trustee for his wife. Mary T. Johnson and his chn nren by her horn and to he born, as well as the said Mary T. Johnson in dividually. By J. B. WRIGHT, Their attorney la fact under power of sale. U W. KRAUSS. Attorney tor said J. B. WRIGHT. Application for Leave to Sail. {Rate of Georgia, County of Glynn. Notice is hereby give'* that* the undersigned has applied to the ordi nary of said county for leave to sea land belonging to the estate of W. B. Manoe. for the purpose gf payment o> debts and for the purposes of Vlistrlbu Hon to heirs. Said application will ue heard at the regular term of the court of ordinary of said county to be held on the first Monday in Novetnbei 1906. This the 2d day of October, 1906. ELIZABETH MANOE, Administratrix upon the estmJß W. B. Manoe. jMk THE * FINEST UQll P. Kfl" mm > AGENTS FOR ACME BREWING Cw Mail order busi= ness a specialty. 224-226 BAY BT. BRUNSWICK, GA. N4w Or L —- rY > Atperica^yj i^Wf HC rB neat*/;;*:-. EVER# “Meet me at r The MECCA.” \ THE UT-TO-DATBt;nEf- VT Fp.K All high grade goods in the beer whiskey and ci gar line. JOHN U. RoLiNTOS, Brunswick’s Candy sMre. Don’t buy burnt osugar and lmalfite, you are getting uAjn-chocolate. Sack,, substitutes are to£ health'.] For pure chociAr can! dies call on afW 4 A fresh supply week] from Menier t'chocolate maker. Either n bulk or in beauttfin pound and half F'und boxes. FINEST FRUITS, CIGh7Y2. *ND TO BACCOES, ETC. TAFFY CANDY MADE FRESH DAILY. 208 Newcastle Street. Cold weather means heavier shoes. See Feerson’a. IF YOUR CHILDREN ARE It NEED OF SHOES FOR SCHOOL TRY PEERSON'S. Durability, style and comfort lu all shoes bought front gfPeerscn. i .'jy- Slue Ribbon Beer. Just lece’ved, a car load of Pahs ’rev lug Company’s Blue Ribbon best. -iMiiit- is soid at all first class saioOu a the city of’Brunswick. Retail j. 5 ills per bottie and 81.69 per dozen f. N>.wmn„ sole agent, 218 Bav street. Mandolines, guitars, banjos, violins, acordlpns, mouth harps and all kinds of musical instruments at Stg Lgyjk son. Oil clothing of all kinds at SigfKWt non WE HAVE A COMPLETE ufINE O c SCHOOL SHOES AT LOWI PRICES PEERSON. | \ fine ffre^s tHE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1906. BATCH OF HEMS .ABOUND THE CITY Cctdd, Not Work. § ‘O^f account of the rough weather of cue past few days tile government hArVey boat Amelia, which has been Mdng work, in has been Arable 'to go out but It is though that it will-resume w<\rk on Monday. r 1 — The Eagles Eagle Now Comfortable. A neat caga has been built at the entrance of |k Basle's hall and tha handsome bird recently given to ‘lie popular organization by W. C. Ander son is now i omfoytablv quartered nul seems to like its new home very-muc. • gift is indeed an appropriate one. ffieady for the Furniture. By-hunters carpenters ets, who have *03911 at work on tne club house at 'White Oak in Cam don county, have retuned to the city having completed their respective jobs and the furniture which is to lie installed by H. M. Mil ler & Son. of this city, will be shipped within the uext few days. Woid. is W,av Up. qie 0 W ood during the com- wilfcdoubtfess be higher than at any tine in the history ot Brunswick. The..price of four foot oak is now $5 pf-r cord and pine is only a little lest. It is thought that coal will >De bought at about the same price a^astfyear. Boat Turned Oven Fid. Wilchar, \M well known road man. went m. henriityming a few days CBI a v tW: close tall. When VT HgS and Roost poiut the small and the occu pants wore •■But into the water and lutd a hard getting the boat to the shore. TdFfiirilß bagged and Tkheir tilings* the boat were lost. {£* Ducks Y 1 flßkbough 'weather has been very the jkttdfan coast, the home of ttS ''l'll- f Suck, -none of the de liciott* .■ eas yet reached these parts \W hunters say they are Aura L*/' • within the next few weeks i ■ -.j; tuber fii#t if the weather -os coldMip there. It is needle ,j that, tae local sports will he Oplk- 'i when, tie time comes- THt NEWS’ BUSINESS DiRECTO FACTS ABOUT BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK IS A RAPIDLY GROWING CITY AND IS THE BEST PORT ON THE SOUTH AT) COAoT. THESE ARE AMONG HER REPRESENTATIVE MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEI THEN ARE IN POSITION TO SERVE THE PUBLIC IN THEIR RESPECTIVE LINES. REPRESENTATIVE BUSINESS CONCERNS CLASSIFIED ALPHABE TICALLY. ARCHITECTS. J: George Conzienia Architect and buiUlei, Selectei lots of building material always on hand. if you contemplate building communicate witn me. Bicycles and Automobiles. B. J. Olewine Automobiles, bicycles, cycling IP cessories. Repairing and renting Give us a call. Ten 134-2 306 Newcastle St. BOTTLING WORKS. Brunswick Bottling and Manufac turing Cos., Manufacturers of Flavoring Ex tracts. Soda Water and Mineral Waters, Harmless Colors ana Juices, Cidars, aud Venegars. .. Office and factory 212 Oglethorpe BROKERS. J. H. Pace. Merchandise Broker. Telephone 12S BLACKSMITH & WHEELWRIGHT. * J. D. Brown*& Cos. Wheelw right and blacksmith; horse shoeing a specialty; wagon aud car riage painting. Repairing of turpen tine wagons and timber carts a spec ialty. nil it Mansfield street, Bruns wick, Ga, BARBER SHOPS. Allen & Thrash, ) Tonsorial Artists. Speris' manacurist for ladies. Tei 475, Optra House building. m ß Mzjr a!ty divert on tile <• wall, builders. DEVELOPMENT COMPANIES. Rfuißlvvick Development Cos, iWux Isaac. President. Brunswick. Ga. Wo lend money to build houses. If you contemplate building consult us. Wo can enable you to own your home. CROSS-TIE DEALERS. Brunswick Crosstie & Creosoting Cos. Brunswick, Ga. Liberal inspection. Highest casn prices Prompt returns. Buyers and shippers ot crossilcs- COAL AND WOOD. Iverson Coal & Wocd Cos. Relay to serve the puntic on short notice Tel 183. Corner 1 street ana Cochran avenue. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. A. M. Calder, Electrical contractor and dealer in electric supplies of all kinds. In side wiring a specialty. Opera house building. FURNITURE. Geo. F. Gay. General house furnishing goods; furniture, stoves and sewing machines soid on easy terms. 102 A street, Brunswick. Ga. # HAY AND GRAIN. FINDLEY & CO., Consignments solicited. Prompt re turns made. Produce, hay and grain, flour, grits and meal. 324 Bay street. Brunswick, Ga. LIQUOR HOUSES. Cong-ess Hall Saloon, J. H. Mays & Cos. Wines, liquors, cigars and tobacco. We make a specialty of the mail order business. PLUMBERS. Gilmore & Wood. General and sanitary plumbers ana kdealnrs jin plumbers' supplies. 41, pstewrnstie street. Tel 228. PLANING MILLS. Brunswick Planing & Forwarding Cos. i T. Q Fleming, Jr, Manager. Plan ing mill, sawmill, dry kiln. Rough aud dressed lumber, weatherboarding, floor ing, ceilings, moulding and inside fin ish. Phone 102, Brunswick, Ga. Schlitz. Bias been uff^ue Qr y f ide of a > m' common aided it 3 PAWN BROI S. Levison (Uni The old reliable Money loaned on auyt Headquarters for pi clothing, boots aud sho SALOON* Union Saloon Liqu G. Loewensteir Wines, liquors, cigar. Everything in the whit trade a specialty. SHOES. .. E. M. Peerson , When you have need us a call. 214 Newr Telephone 4 Brunswiok Exclusive SASH, DOOR & Georgia Sash, Dcor < Manuiacturers of sa blinds. Tel 303. Con and Cochran Ave. TINNER. H. S. Reddi Contracting tinner, suit your own interestt caung with me before contracts for tinning. 426 Newcastle St. 1 TURPENTINE i M. A. Baker * Manufacturers of s tine stills. Repairing i Brunswick, Ga. WESLEY H. GRE Pile Driving Contractor. Ing and Trestle Work 500 L Street. Br s "4i WAGONS AND ft T. B. Burl Manufacturer and bu kinds of wagons and 194. 214 Newcastle eti UNDERTAKER AND Chas. G. Me Undertaker and emb faction guaranteed in embalming. 124 A str< Georgia.