The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 20, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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4 THt BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY CLARENCE H. LEAVY, Editor and Manager. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr., City Editor. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., post office us second class mail uiattfei SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Term* of subscription in the cit and by mail free of charge to all parti of the United State* and Canada, Mex Ico, Porto R!eo, Guam, Phliippln Islands and Hawaiian Islands. One Month ,50 Three Months *1.26 Six Months $2.50 One Year $5.00 Notice of discontinuance ef Ads and Subscriptions must b* made t business office in writing. TELEPHONES. Business Office, Editorial R00m..188 The Editor 42 The City Editor 340 : oelety Editor 468-.: Office 207 Gloucester Street. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CHynn County. Glynn County Commissioners. The. United States Oeurt of Bank ruptcy for this District. Correspondence solicited, btft to re ceive attention letters must be ac companied by a responsible name, for publication, but as a guaranteed good faith. Rejected communications will be returned if accompanied by postage. Remittance should be made by pos tal note, check, money order or regis tered letter. Address News Publishing Cos., Brunswick, Ga. November 10. How rapidly It is spproacjhing. Wo fear Brother 'Magoon is not heavy enough to be a real, genuine lid holder. The Brunswick Riflemen ought to get busy and 'build that armory and auditorium. Atlanta Is concentrating all of her energies for an immence auditorium. That's Just what Brunswick ought to do. Its dofltira to douglmuts that, several of the members of council would like to see that Union street paving ordi nance repealed. There is plenty of business on the Darien and Western railroad for the merchants of Brunswick, if they will Just, go out for it. TomNwatson says Col.JkUnn, of Town I'oniCß fame, is a Wr. The New Yorhl courta deciiltMJ '"Vt v>a Hue several months ago y ARE THEY SEEKING 31% ? The personal organ of thej jB of lie. city court throwing some very 'JBeuliar M WMHj emitter Hie plank of the plalflH • uUP’fcoplos* ticket.; which tlie municipal owMMsWp®l punß hi ill. e fact oL^^a matter that u.-.y, ig thU one subject ~M B gflmraßrloitt; that it^junaitsHjjfflj L ' *'■■ its ’SjSnßj of O' i t !*>'!• i : e\ '■iM' 1 * •* in UK Mi;.' . B 111 u n who Vjre standll^^^H commit toil to that ever, the platform does ivV for the confiscation of any have . municipal of acceptance CoJB year was honest enough toaav dM favored tjmtmicipaJ b|f* that well t'ounjffli ■: a- l irahh' ai rf. '§k and es reeWßhcst that oufltojto to thß of the There artoJ| lirians and Lfficc In whßßkyears - v / issue, we would like to ask th,; organ of the solicitor of tba city court of Brunswick if its candidate for mayor favors the granting of the same fran chise to the Mutual Light aud Water company, under the same terms and on the same conditions that it has had for twenty years past? That's all that the platform declared for. it did not favor the present franchise neld by that company and It m stated, and. going a step further, declared for complete municipal ownership The proposition Is very plain; save to those who refuse to see it, and the pong-winded outburst from the clan will fail on deaf ears', save, per- haps, In the very circle where the utterances had their inspiration. The organ of the solicitor of the city court has had a good deal to say about the candidacy of Cob Good year a,nA the platform upon which he was nominated. Now how about the other candidate? Who nominated him for mayor, and when and where? Docb he endorse the dilly-dally tac tics displayed In the rresent admin istration with reference to the frail rhiE<| asked by local people for trol ley purposes, and does he propose to continue the same? Is he opposed to municipal ownership of public utiii ties? Does he believe that the city council should keep faith with the A.. B. & A. Hall wad Company in the matter <jf deeding that com pany the land Upon which it. Is erect ing its terminals? What are hi? views On the Improvement of the streets of the city? These are a few matters of deep concern to the people of Brunswick and probably they would like to hear from the candidate on them^Mfea In the meantime of Col floodyear mI : | ’ might to be a sullicuw|^B|i;.?l- \ • of what •he would do foi^B,gPpr > if the office of work for deep water at this port; his work for countless enterprises; hid! Indefatigable energy and faith in Brunswick all tell of the spirit with which he Is so deeply iluhued, and dining all of the tbiidy-slx years of his residence in this <Sy he has never failed to respond to the call whenever the fate, the good name or the better ment of Brunswick was at stake. • - -Richaiu Croker says lie Is soon to return to New York on a visit. He will find politics there Just us rotten as they use to be. when he ran them The Atlanta Georgian is nominating Hoke Smith for The democratic iparty r (Iprther an! find gnat ; I 1 in \ ’ It y - iif.. ?; I j, ‘i.-C-C THE BRUHSWICH CUftiY SATURDAY, OCTOBER A3, 4J " 1 Ask your doctor about these throat coughs. He will | A) p/~\/y f <ell you how deceptive they are. A tickling in the A. 11l Uti l throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better A 1 explain your case carefully to your doctor, and ask I /~\7lrYrlO him about your taking Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Then KjU, U/ (g d° as be says. Get the bAt medicine, always. m m Wo h*7o no oocrsta! Wo publish j r >ho formulas of ail cur propirati Lowoli. Jtf bsb.’ A"f THE TO* t cm m i iis Qp t GREATER TRtUMP ' ; Ad ( ' Vt|®Br| RANGE FROM SIO.OO ITY, RIGHT MATERIALS AT RIGHT PRICES. 1% rights eo m* Owens, I ( l STREETS. i WHEN PRESCRIPT! WAJM^Dj the Atlanta favor of all The reason is stand. exactly. perfectly uuderslonM prescriptions must. V actly as written .■iiHistanees "ri-sc: Z'j ffeflU WDBD j ‘f know that Unci will loan i'om money on anything •*f value. All iegHlniatc. business so;, icited. 81 g Levisbu, ;iob and 31*“ Bay street Z t Jjdßfc, !-• -r Ap tisJi To The Public HAVING LOCATED a CEMENT STONE PLONT CORNER £>4 F AN. D STREETS IAM PREPARED TO DO A GENEPAL CEMENT WORK FIRST G-A3- WDPK AT A REASONABLE FIGURE. ALL SIZES OF WHITE MEXIGON TILE AND CURB OF REGI LATICN SIZE, . RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT A SHARE PAT ronage. J- D. Baldwin Mallory l3 Direct ss. Service between New York amyl SAII INfiK- EVERY FRIDAY FROM NEW YORK MSB • EVERY FRIDAY FRIM BRUNSWICK tT^I Lowest Rates and Unaurp tssed nvt*’ 'sconim 7fS Apply ti W. M. T UPPER A CO.. or C. H. MALLORY J % IF IT’S Mr %. .MSKms NRWi DRUGS YOU WANT . get IN TOUCH WITH MANOE’S Pharmacy PHONE 37. thirsty. ipphjPd drink u godlinfH s our Wash woijtati 1 TMSWKSK STEAIvi 1 W r LAUNDRY. j mlers of Coco Cota and otfieesSfeoft Drinks HUk* *• r. * XJ 4. PHONE 128. BROWN Jl .dealers, mm V Me ,-v ship II li wav BH j. - J W CrosJ J|® AND DEALERS IN| Yellow Pin l.ulnhefi BJtUNSWItB GEORGIi KILL the Cite u Q mo CURE theluM WN Dr.Kingi MiVi? Discolu r..n /Consumption r?tt{ i-OUGHSasd !■ ROLL'S S ■ r ost ana i .iKOAT and IKS. or KC.YEY iIAJPI Cobb and Wheeler gnepal tinners. k THE OLD RELIABLES. H 25 Years in the BusinesM^^ Bod work promptly r mk Phone 313. 313 Newcastle* Cali up Davis ami razor's If you Wind till' .or ja'.slnx Sr sidewe.lks ’ m . n | H REPAUf MARINE won M ffyarinef * F; * •