The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 20, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Ladies' Coats AND Crav^lettes, IN ALL LENGTHS BOTH SOLID COLORS AND MIXED. A VERY SWELL LOT THAT WE WOULD LIKE FOR YOU TO SEE BEFORE MAKING A PUR CHASE. * CHILDREN’S AND MISSES’ LONG AND SHORT COATS. LEV*S, Just Received __ - k A Ladies*. |Mens, Children’s HATS Zelmenotitz, TELEPHONE tl6. 216 NEWCASTLE STREET. W received a a& We Ji| $ / W i* r sL*i| wter j to iB AhnExc^M finfe BfiUfKSMCK CA'LV Ntws October 20. 1906. ILL ON ISLAND MAY DUN AGAIN STATED THAT IT WILL OUGHLY OVERHAULED flS* PUT INTO OPERATIqHF Those who have said that mills of tne Hilton and Dodge Company at St. Simon. whlcMmye closed down some weeks ago. resume operations, seem to\Jfil w mistaken as the now spending tliousandds of in putting the , mammoth [iltuitM nrst-class condition and It is as soon as tlie repair work is Wash ed the operations. .Kill be resunwt. It this 'ftaiemetm is irue i v will be good news to tn* many*/lio re side on 1 lie island and depear entire ly on the mill for a livelihiffl and it will doubt left's cause many who were thinking of removing to remain there until t.lie mill starts up again. While it is true that a targe num ber have .left the Island there 9*6* still the majority of the mill workers there ancfgfce iact that they afe to remain wjßlie a source of pleasure to their ißty Brunswick friends. Pte*6ed with the Music. The music for the Riflemens' ball 1 last night was furnished by the Mec- j ca orchestra and many favorable com- j ments were heard of it. Every one of the members is a musician ahiUfcv an Brunswick is to gratulated >u tne fact chestra is tv .emalu here 'WRSk winter. Ha , i *1 everyone, from CiudJ| Peer son s. B IN TO THE CITY HALL ■iHSieRTER. Fine , Candies e Ji.A received the of iindies that ever came Ml Brunswick. and Choice Choice MnrshflHftA- Choice Choice Almonds®jg v Choice Belmonts Choice Wafers Choice Ice CupF f.iii.i- e MmfajStl •} , ! f * ■ | AGED BURGLAR WAfONCE GENE OLD MANjfcfeVENTY YEARS OLD HOUSE to^h'cVjiL II e. The burgla- turned out to Ire something unusual in His line. He was a veil dftprsed wV.He man/ wearing patent leather: shoes and awp?w hat, but was bent with age, bevmt close to 70 years oid. After, giving several names .lie. finally settled upon one Edward R. Sherman. ujUich he asserted was his real name. 'He refused to give any informal ion about himself, simply stating that he was in need of money and had gone into the house in search of It. He said he carried no weapon with him having only a screwdriver with which be took off a Window to secure an on |traAm. He was turned over to <the court ou the bur glary. It is believed he Is a,i old professional." This gentleman burglar’’ was ar rested here during the fair held in and oschped from jail jiist ■: \jßmi the session of the superior court jfmich would have tried him. He waft, ■•aught in the act of picking the pock w.s of a visitor to the fair; in fact jV< had already secured the watch of | tTu visitor, and was then after his if the time for his trial i .s aged burglar escaped from the" jclvnti' county jail and nothing lids’ •’•a heard from liiin until the ar If'-d In. Atlanta. I The description suits film exactly !e wag a swell dresser, patent lenih % shoeftr'a swallow tail coat, etc,, and Jhtre is no doubt but that he is one shrewdest all-round crooks’ m Rain Coats iiHlliii ! When you need a Rain Coat (j you need It had. flHHtf I No mutter low many Over- MBBffP* ii* E coats you may have, there is KflMn& s .v*{fc\ J nothin; to take the place 01 H the useful Raincoat. When Old "Prob" says Bctl 1 '4.rW at ‘'Rain' put on Your Rain F N '^gmmpp I '■ Coat and. if his prediction PM ♦■■jPpS doesn’t come true, i( will an- /M h Bwer. ALL THE PURPOSES OF AN OVERCOAT. % Many Men will w< ar them all (through—the coldest weather. ilsfl WM They like them because they are'not. as clumsy as a a regular Overcoat, yet their length, protects the limbs. M V Our Rain Coats season ;ai .cut In ft rue Overcoat Bunii uijoj —epfis at waist and-ifilt at bo#om. gk KAISEfrS [l Clothiers io the wJbe. rA I FAIL HATS FOR LADIES • I HAVE THE HANDSOMEST LINE.OF FALL DISPLAYED IN BRUNSWICK. LADIES £RE INVITED TO INSPF.CT THEM. A ' * ,f * Ml S3 L. G. JACKSONi OPERA: HOwSE BLOCK. ,- * . LA MAISPN PARISIEININEWB “The OhjL.Y French La dies Tailoring and in Georgia. F * EAR READ'/- GARMENTS WHEN YOU MADE TO ORDER AT R. DENIZET A Ijb RATE. AL , KiND sSt PLAITING, BUTTONS MADE ON SHORT NOTICE. uavF YOUR BAWDS, FOLDS, PIPING, PINKING MADE Wh/iLS- VOU WAIT. CALL OR -HONE 3.1 Get in Toyfcch With the Rest of Us BY HAVINB A BELIi, TELEPHONE In Your Home, Your Office, Your Store CALL Of|P outhern Bell Telephone end lelepgfl Con AND WE’LL Vei-L YOU HOW . bt Benefit £e Ironchi rJ