The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 01, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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6 ,)oin * s ln . bociety Mrs. H. F. UuowoJv and her chfl-Caroiine Uurford, Helen dron have returned from Atlanta. • m • Miss Hattie Peake has returned from a stay in Savannah, and ’other cities. m m m Mrs. Irene L. Baker is improving from her illness, to the pleasure of her friends. • • • Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Krauss are welcoming a fine little son. who ar rived yesterday morning. m m m Miss Alma Wright' will entertalu this afternoon from four to six a kit: hen shower In honor of Miss BH:i Burdett. % * . * • All those who have library hooks out over tithe arc reouerted to Re turn them to the library this after noon without fail. • • • ,* The many friends,of Mr. and Mrs. J. it. VVrjjtlit are delighted to know that probably remove to ttrunswidfc shortly to reside. • • * ‘Franco Splines will enter tain a aain'ier of the unmarried sot : it urday’afternoon with a handker chief shower in honor of Miss Ella Ilurneti. *, Mi • * w . Rev. and Mrs. 0, Bradley. are spending the week, in Brunswick, to remove' Uo Savannah. Their departure is a matter fit deep regret to the hosts ol friends won during theft* resilience in Brunswick. * • The reception tendered Mr. and Mrs. Chai, Bautugartqer Monday niubt bv Mr. and Mrs. .rtilm Baum garlner at their home on Wolf street, was a very pleasant affair-* A large number o) guests wsh‘ present and they all eiijOyetl the evening. l.iUlfijjtMisßes Eugenia and Annie Muxoy and Buford' Aiken entertained a number ot. lltflu friends last evening with "an informal Hallow'oen pfifty at the home ot their grand mother,? Mrs. Mallory P. King. The hours weriipfrom seven to nine, and the little ..folks enjoyed ‘many jolly Hallow’eep games during the even ing. The little guests were Misses Lellasj and Alice Barker, Elizabeth Walter, Katharine O’Connor, Mar garet 'gnailpk'ipfJtden Montgomery. . notic f* DON’T 'WORRY ® About How You are Built-t.We have Wor- t , njfed About that for you. A i WE THERE ARE SPOTS IN YOUR FIGURE THAT AREN'T LIKELY TO MAKE A POL- \ I L 0 QWSajfcMTH ENVY—CORNERS WHERE YOU SINK IN, WHERE YOU TO SWELL OUT- |V' So*". 'j|* 'Mk ANGULARITIES THAT YOU AREN’T EXACTLY PROU% OF. BUT yAi CAN ‘ A *J- y . WHEN YOU -WEAR * i ' \ T ~'M ' - JOFt HH i iNew Vork Citv , ( ) \ * 1 ™f Clothe KEEP Me nYoung' Jj^ NEWCUS. FIGURE IN THEM ALREADY, SO THE V-V 'yi J f/MM, |f NE ' PHONE ar BUILD OF a GREEK athelete. *., v d&P gf OT* J W I LL FIND THE9E IN A N ASSORTMENT |P^ idp . 4 | % i \M ■Mjmr or* ’ ,v ' .’ ■ . Branham, ciara aid JlMfciu Wood, Masters Jtv- Benn*U Sparks, Edgar Walter, Sydney Fleming, MaU<sHL', ankiin end Isaac Aiken, and cry. Miss Minnie Royal " friends aneiMmagmk, • -:••-• ei.’.,.; 1■- - Use- ■•'■■l- .! I dl.-, Nr, J|§f Jg|| 1 ■ Those I’n-seol^^H ' * .ylHit-ey Miss jmSm eve ■SmM 'M: *v *> ombiems n eiHHHHHHn over (he - e 1 Jr ii - < .. , ' ' '■ e T i: war umn leaves vines, ropres^^Pi K a woodland scene Here thf \v< re served in ptcnicmehlon. Those invited were Nightingale, Buford •lobdtm, Ethel Conoley, Kezzlo Con 1 Symoiugf .fane Mapon. IMaiWflgbtingale, Emu Wright, Mil- TallulM Fleming, Es telle Brown, Lilt lie %fly, Leola f ,nI vin, Julia Brown, Haddle McCullough. Margaret Young. Frances Grant Nightingale, Messrs. Georg* Sherman. Holmes Sheldon, Herbert mlryim Charles Redding, Hunter Hopkins. Charles Weinlng. A. C. B|nk, Jr J. I- Andrews, Hugh Burford, Mrl colm McKinnon, Alfred Ciovatt, Jtsse Thomas. Richard Everett. C K. Dodd. M r . D. Ballet. Uurford Coney, Carlyle Elliott. Frank Staev. John "pace,'B. K Brown. I handle the best line of new goods In the ettj. Do not be fooled by business opponents who try to fell you different Ca'l and be convinc ed, Slg I.evlso.a. fn! WiihswicK oaiiv Mitiri, fUQUSJkV, novembeb 1,1 m, TAX NOTICE * State and County Tax Notice, 19c To collect State and County lax fo the year 1906 l will he at the followin precincts on dates mentioned: Bt. Simon, Oct. 18, Nov. o and De' 3. Sterling, Oct. 22, Nov. 8 and Dec. Bladen, Oct. 24. Nov. 8 and Dec. t>. Hrpokman. Oct.. 25, Nov. 9 ana Nov.’ 29. At Court House at intervenin dates. , H. J. READ. T C. G. C. /sT ~ HICKS* tOgICAPUDINE I v 'Wjamf.,* CUR E 5 irf®# :;, '4 AL ‘ L aches ISpy.' - AurJ y,rvnllSll>'n T:ui bi.a'.e -..1,1 glB. you Win? You realize that n ■■ any:! itm liie-*- •i.v.--. ;.-<[iii■ ■ .'.'Hfctth. with mind and bod-, in t-in iHnau cm woman with <!!>•,r i ■HSlve organs is not la shape tor wtirk or a dav’s | la> H<>v. Htocpect to win? K<H-l - 1- 1 comains tin- --t - ' '■k ■ H bn., -m. ' 'JO and hr..-: given the v. a nropat-an^Fwhich is an absolute and perroaiient for eery lop# if rheumatljh. T!-e price’ is $5. hut u i' two (■ge bottles, enough for ruonfn’s trtnent,.and w*:l relieve tin worst euuf from the first dose. Sep’ ' exprcA upon receipt,, of price h Drummcfim Medicine Go. ;New Yorlv, with full particulars and testimonial of wo /■'erful cures. _.p pragßl 0 For oaie. Good' mine and buggy, .-nenp, • For imrll uiars address Box 33, Bruns -■'••k (la. : Wo <an tit uveryoue, from Cinder ella *<; the Giant. Peer son s. When a horse is jo overwdfksd it lies down and in other ways declares iu fnfibiHty to go further, you woum eousirk* It criminal to use force. Matn’Ma man of humane impulses not nilllugly barm a kit of cruelty where his own stomach is concerned. Overdriven, overworked, when what it needs ts* something that will direst the fooa eaten and lietp the stonr* 1> '<> reed Iterate. Something like Kudo- re !;& popsia that is Bold by all d*r* .-IshH ALL FIRST CLASS SALCOiNS*' SELL HARVARD’S RYE. x£oo Reward was offered without a break tor Twentv Year** for a case' of rheuiha tism which could not bs cured witu Dr. Drummond s Rheumatic Remedy, \ and no one ever called for it. This treatment drl- es the disease trom th: j blood, and restores stiff joints, drawn j fiprds. and hardened muscles. If your ! onigglst is not in stock with it.'wrlte * the Drummond Medicine Cos., New York, for it without delay. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE 0 = SCHOOL SHOES AT LOW PRICES PEERSON. For double barrel shotguns go to’ Sig Lcvison. For sing) chair el shotguns go to Big Levis an. I will save you big money on cloth ing. Every steamer and railroad rings new goods. Sig Levi-on. JOHN D. ROUNTOS; Brunswick’s Candy Store. Dou’t buy burnt sugar and imagine you are getting pure chocolate. Sueo substitutes ere injurious U> fiealtii For pure chocolate aid ah oihw can dies call on me. A fresh supply received every w from Men ter thy famous chocolate maker. Either In uik dr fa behutUm rmund and half pound boxes. FINEST. FRUITS, CIGARS AND TD BACCOES. ETC. TAFFY CANDY MADE FRESH DAILY. p-.dVp.b- Newcastle S’reet OoK OWN TO THE CITY HAL! '■ rj^FCISTF.P - -U- RYE, f SPECIALS. GRAHAM FLOUR V BUCKWHEAT FLOU|R [-•. HOLLAND RUSK j j’ TOASTED CORN FLAKES ’ APPLE BUTTER. . \; *~"~ r % 4* —*-*— ~ 7^i ' S -STERLING STANDS FOR NAME and QUALITY. IF YOU ARE PARTICULAR AEOUT WHAT YOU WRITE WITH BUY A urn hi pei WE DAY TO FULLY GUARANTEE THEM AGENTS— FljpNG & BRYANT Stop Dipping and Buy a STERLING FOUNTAIN PEN $1.25 to $G 118 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 53. We Sell ZIMMERMAN’S JACKED MEATS AND SAUSAGE AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES FRANKFURTERS 15c. !a. : 5 KINDS of BOLOGNA .. ...16c. lb. CORNED BEEF 25c. lb. BOILED BEEF 25c. lb. 4&L PASTROMA ...356.1b. SPECK with PAPRIKA . . . 2<Jc. lb PAT 1915 c. th EICYCLE DELIVERY FOR ALL ORDER# OF 26c. DR OVER e A UN’S 227 PHONh 29ti -‘ ■Mf $ * f#*f ?C ! i! " ? ' owr, '® n >* W.-a!r --r’p'-w rtim 3 |*sf fi l"i II ’i A an. * -- • : _**:*? * •• -*■• “ oruissions, increase vi„- of imv.ii,, ■i .: i; SAVERS**’w K . ’iaT* ifif aw '*