The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 01, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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■V V vVvro ’ S i 9'W*VW,^vrtv,v WVlwW(wv SCpSB Bl^^C? Fine Clothes© Makers BALYIiMORr NEW YQRKV 9riee THE ORIGINAL BUDY.'EISER To Dealers per Barrel $10.50 To Cos numt’.o $ll.OO ANHEUiiER BUBCH EXPORT To Dealer* l.s.ffl To Consumers $lO 00 PABST CELE BRATED 3LUE RIBBON Tie Dealers $10.50 Te* Consumers $ll.OO THE PABST EXPORT To Dealers $ 9.0 C To Consumer* SIO.OO EVERARDS NEW YORK BEER To Dealers slo.oo j To Geneumsr* • $10.50 EXPORT s -00 0 £0 w t $. ?{eimcn t * *, f, , v >5 ; v ' 218 BAY STREET SOLE AGENT. uipot’T.. m Jf*, e and Saving Deposit* Same Interest f PER CENT COMPOUNDED aUAJ^RLP. 1 11 '"" "" "'" "" npf- IAYLO* i ““iHVfcf TAYLOR u\ ve ry Feed and Sale Stable ial I V %Sft jJ arroCK FO R *AUf. ?S®MPT MACKJwA^^* HEAVY e>VAO, e*r nd **♦*• B***, " -*>* '“m -Xt'-fc--'•.'*?• > '•:••'• ifm DRESS BETTER; KAISERS T CLOTHIERS TO THE WHOLE FAMILY. DAILY N*W. THURSDAY, fiOVEMSE* 1, I*oi THAT is what hundreds of doing— our fine Ready-foHmp| tf*|K s instead of bothering with a tailor.. YOU GET SETTER CLOTHES THAT WAY; BETTEM „ |t 1* j|®Jßff 0 |VJ • NINE TIMES IN TEN YOU GEl’7, BET TAR FIT, TOO. YOURSELF WHAT A SAVING THE WHOLESALE TAILOR HIS BIG CAPITAL, HIS ENORMOUS i. LYING OF FABRICSjEfei*), ?! |T’ | A SSJ AND FINISH ’ ING A THOUSAND SUITS AT A TIME, ARE A YOU ' QQN’T MAKEJTHE Mfi 1 ..- V HEVRS DEAR AT DO THE T< f \ , f-GiVE*~3QMETHING FOR N’OTi.tfjG—GOOD CLOTH AND HIgW,?- jOF ZaBCR COST FAR MORE THAN . ~~ jlßHlj|y /VwHEI? sls TO S2O A,ND UP WILL PAY .FOR ONE i.JjOn 9PL£ND\D SCHLOSS FEW DOL- W.ARS YOU MIGHT SAVE DON’T REPRESENT ECONOMY—OR GOOD SENSE, EITHER. cljMg IN AND US SHOW YOU HOW GOOD “READY CLOTHES" CAN BE. We have all the Latest Styles is “SCHLOSS” and ! other Fine Clothes for men sl &to $35. Danger From the Plague. There's grave danger from the pla gue of Coughs and Colds that are so prevalent, unless you take Dr. King s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Mrs. Geo. Wall3 of Forest City, Me., writes; "It’s a Godsend to people living In climates where coughs and colds prevail, t find it quickly ends them. It pre vents Pneumonia, cures I.aGrlppe, gives wonderful relief iu Asthma and | Hay Fever, and makes weak strong enough * to ward off ConsumPa tion, Cough* and Colds. bOc anR SI.OO. Guaranteed by Smith Phr* macy. Trial bottle free. fi i ijfif * i Increase Ilfllil By Eat,ns Your HI llm Leben’s Appetlt* IIU TV Bread. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FOR Fancy Cakes. I AM AFTER YOUR TRADE AND WILL SELL YOU THE VERY BEST Bread, Rolls and Cakes THE BAKERS ART CAN MAKE attention sv on border* Give me a trial and join the great army of Pleased Houie Keepere. ffrunswfflftakery F. W. LEBEN, Prep. IlirMiii, llQt rye, Franca anj Sjread today at !.>>*n’ baa atreet. Notice. Upton PrcMlnft Club hat re Jbm tOS Neweaatie atreet t M the etcma t 817 NcwaaaSlJ tf/ptm Hi ' w. a ’jftjl ‘ . **tßbkpW£ J 'iiaEß*' ; * >1 : ‘: vT i ■' taP' ’ • ffersenah H. W. Tilton, of Savannah, ie la city. b T R. Maun, of jacfcnonvllle, wae in Tie city yesterday. B. D. Haynes, of Savannah, wa* in Mm city yesterday. H. C. North, of Atlanta, spent yes terday U) tne city. John M. Hall, of Atlanta, is regis tered at the Ogletnorpe. J. D- Crawford, of Waycross, was a visitor to the city yesterday. 8. A- Cister, of Augusta, was among the visitors to the city yesterday. C. H. Lowthor. of Bowling Green, Fla., Is spending a few days tn tne city. Dr. J. A. Connor and 8. P. Jr., of JVajrcroaa. are days i the A War <■ Howard.9k MaJw|J|j amoct, -oso regiate&|*tf| tun;.. .Ja 1 J urge T. A. Pajglyf jn ue -lty yaatorH| toae last night. W. K. Broker, I k and R E. iVwls, <9 ainone 'ho yHI tors Jr ->.'j FOR SALW-A a barglj , farm. !■ acre tard^H fence: orWfoty- room barns: 21 vl of cattle; 30 heading hogs; 1 horse and wagon; tarmiuß ImplemAits; four miles from city! one-fo*H% mile from railroad station! Party leming the olty; must go. Apl ply R- WMirden, 1009 G- street, L bO DOWN TO THs£HH ”-ND REGIBTF R. J| GO D*W**lo TH ffriwi AND -gjK FALLW^ANS COAL 1 -AftD- 'if lOOD WE WISH ••‘O ANNOUNCE THAT WE ARE NOW OPEN FOR BUSI- - NjjSS AND HAVE A LARGE - <m)CK OF COAL AND WOOD AL A TRIAL ———— | Jll IIM tfl. RHONE 44A 'VO Ait KINDS, SS. 7