The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 10, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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5 Doings In Mies Minnie Akin is in Jackson vllle to attend the carnival. • • • Mr. and Mrs. R. R- Hopkins have returned from atrip to Savannah. • • • Mrs. Miller Nightingale entertained tlie whist club yesterday afternoon. • • • Miss Irene Wood will entertain the As You Like It Club next Thursday morning at 11 o'clock. * • Mrs. W. E Kay and th<- Misses Kay leave ne*t week for Jacksonville where they aVe to reside. • • • Mrs. Edward H. Masi a will enter tain the Married Woman’s Card Cltio next Thursday afternoon. • • • Mrs. Charles F. Gray and her lit tle daughter will arrive tomorrow to visit Dr. J. A. Butts and family. • ~ Mr., and Mrs. George Burford and children left last night for Ken tucky aider a vlfcit to Dr. and Mrs. It. i' Burford. • * • Ml sea Janie and Christine Mc- Nally. of New Orleans, were guests of Rev. Father Dunne Tuesday en route to Havana Master Timmons Knudson enter tained his little friends yesterday In honor of his eighth 'birthday The occasion was mtrh enjoyed by the little folks attending. • * • Tlie friends of Ralph and Alfred Wood wUI learn with Interest that they have boon promoted to the rank SOFTNESS OF SEALBKIN. la EtvftlrC lij Ilium/ Hair Where Piimlruit tri Eradicated. Sealskin Is ed-ni...1 the world over for us c-ftneru #:i losstnose; and yet the hum: n hair L p, i!. . a soft and tfloesy wher health) ma radical cause Of all hair trouble i d:r which is caused by a pesUfouj* ... v !ti? that saps the vital ty of t).f< h.i : i iu u. Newbro's Herphddu h tr. , < , ■ vri. atlon that is fatal td the and. ' l ' ■ m Without dan dmfr there Is it* null', hut a lux urlu; t yru A'lh of g!o; h> woft hair la cer tain f orrlng the r. tip won't cure dan druff I'll! the dandrufr germ. Thouo *nd*i of women owe their beautiful suits of hair to Newbro’o Herplclde Sold by leading drußßlstr. Send 10c. In stamoe to The iterpietdu Cos . Detroit, Mich. For eaia by SraWn’o rtarmacy. RIGHT DRESS! „ The proper equirinent for occasions where nil Dress and 1 uxedo Suits are necessary can be Jy he Style, (. ut acd Finish ot these garments equal the costliest creations ot the m< rch'ant talor at We have these suits on exhibition in our store \ '/ * an <J w iH take pleasure in showing them to you yijj§ , We assure you ot a correct and up*to~date Fit, form forty.five - ■ THE FECHHEJmER HSHEL CO. asaamrU - “IFSIfF" The very latest FULL DRESS ACCESSORIES including E. & W. Full Dress Shirts. Cuffs and Collars, * Good Form” Neckwear, Full Dress Protectors, Gloves, Vests, etc. “WOOD-BAILEY CLOTHING CO. The Day Light Store Society of sergeant and corporal respectively at the i'orter Military Academy in Charleston • • • Mrs. T. Q. F.eming Jr., entertain ed the junior Sixhand Euchre Club yesterday afternoon The first prize was won by Mrs. J. \V. Bonnet, a guest of the club. The consolation was cut by Miss Rita McKinnon. The club members a-rosent were Misses Ethel Conoley. Rita McKin non an|! Mrs. T. J. .McCall. The guests of the club were Miss Hazle Nightingale and Mrs. J. W. Bennef. Danger From the Plague. There’s grave danger from the pla gue of Coughs and Colds that area so prevalent, unless you take Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs aud Colds. Mrs. Geo. Walls of Forest City. Me., writes: “It's a Godsend to people iiving in climate where coughs and colds prevail, i find it quickly ends them. It pre vents Pneumonia, cures LaGrlppe, gives wonderful relief In Asthma and Hay Fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward of Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. &0c ano $1.0(1. Guaranteed by Smith Phar maey. Trial bottle free. 1 handle the best line of new goods tn the city. Do not bo fooled bv business opponents who try to tell von different. Cn'l and be convinc ed Hlg Levleon Durability, style and comfort. In a shoos bought frotn'fPeeraf.'i. Notice. The managers of the Groek-Ainer lcacn restaurant wish It distinctly understood that It has no connection with any other restaurant iu (he eity. This, the original “quick or der” restaurant. Is located at the corner of Gloucester and Grant streets In the old Ar ado building Poletea and Hoodenpyle 3hoet for your wife; ahoea for your children; ahoea for yuuraelf at Peer aon’a. Oil clothing of all kinds r( Big l.ev,- ■on Children and Boys’ Bulls at a tut/ lug of 35 per cent, at Big Levlnori infuntu’ socks, 15 to .15 cents values at 5 cents per pair at Big Levison. OUR FOUR DOLLAR SHOES FOP WOMEN ARE BEAUTIES. SE THEM AT FttRSON’S. ?rtt t*Mu NiWlCk odiL-f M-fykto. AV, MOVgMiJf rt w ivi* LEGALAOVERTj SEME NTS. CITATION. State of Georgia. County of Plynn. To All Whom it May Concern: John B. Hutcheson, having in prop er form, applied to mo for perma nent Letters of Administration ion the estate of Mary Lizzie Alexander, late of skid count)’, thlla is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Mary Lizzie Alexan der to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by taw, ana show cause why permanent /adminis tration should not. be granted to I John B. /Tutcheson on \fc>.ry iJzzie i Alexanders estate. V Wltnees my hand and official Rig i nature/ this nth da?- of November. I mu. v HORACE DART. Ordinary. First Baptist Church. Rev. j. T. Sammons, pastor. Sub ject for Sunday morning. "Privileges and Responsibilities of a Christian:” Rom. 8:12 30. Sunday evening, Acts 24-25. Sunday School 9;45 a. m. FTd-wrick prayer >moettng Wednes-, dav at 7:30 p. m. Vlbsitor-- :\yft strangers are cordially Invited /fro worship with us- / State of Georgia, f County of Glyjib. / To the heirs at\iuw tn Mrs. Mar that Hardy and devisees under the will of W. vV. HatUV'jnu Ih ; otl’tr devisees named therein. and 1.) ;-.l creditors of said estate: You are hereby required to i <■ and appear, in peraou, or by uitornoy. <i the December Term. ijj r ,. of t l u court 01 Ordinary of Glynn County, Georgia, and then and ’boro pr.-setr. proper proof of your laims as heirs at law' of Jlrs. Martha Hardy a: and devisees under tue will of W. W. Hardy, deceased, aud as other de vlseeti named in said will or as en-d --liors of said estate, at the time and place when such proofs as heirs, de visees or creditors shall be passed upon bv the Court of Ordinary. Witness my hand ami official sig nature. this Bth day of November, l&Oti HORACE DART, Ordinary Qiynn County, Georgia. True and tried friends of the tarn 11 y—DeWStt'a Little Early Risers Beßt for results and best to take Rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes fol low the use of these dependable little pills. They do not gripe or sicken. Sold by all druggists. Men's rubber boots; men's, ladies’ 1 and children’3 rubber over shoes at i Big Levison. ALL FIRST CLASS 3.V C3N3 j SELL HARVARD’S RYE. | We don’t but ome :i y> r nor I twice a year, but we are' rei-e'.vlug shoes all the time Foerson > Drummond Medicine Cos.. New York. Gentlemen: —Send me one more bot tle of the Remedy and one of the ~nimcat. Father thinks he is al most well. He is free from, pain, the swelling almost gone, and the stiff ness in his joints better by far than he ever expected. He wants another month’s treatment, and thinks by the time he takes tuat he will be sound and welt of rheumatism. Laura Busb ong. Sulphur Lick. Ky. Readv-to-wear hats. 01 the latest style will be displayed at Miss K;:>e Slater's millinery opening Friday amt Saturday ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS SeLL HARVARD’S RYE. I will save you big money on cloth ing. Every steamer and railroad brings new goods. Sig Levison. JOHN D JUNTOS Brunswick’s Candy Store. Don t buy burnt sugar and imagine you are getting pure chocolate. Sat o substitutes are injurious to health For pure chocolate and ah other c.m dies call on me. A fresh supply teceived every week from Menier the famous chocolate maker. Either in bulk or in beautiful pound and half pound boxes. FINEST FRUITS. CIGARS AND TO BACCOES, ETC. TAFFY CANDY MADE FRESH DAILY. 208 Newcastle S*reet GO DOWN TO THE CITY HALL and REGISTER. ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS SELL HARVARD’S RYE. BLENDED Java Coif 3 CANS for SI.OO A FINE COFFEE IMPERIAL CHEESE per Jar 15c POTATO CHOPS package 10; KEANY’S -STERLING STANDS FOR NAME and QUALITY. IF YOU ARE PARTICULAR ABOUT WHAT YOU WRITE WITH BUY A STERLING FOUNTAIN PEN WE ARE HERE EVERY DAY TO FULLY GUARANTEE THEM They are the Very Essendfe of ease and satisfaction in Writing —SOLE AGENTS— FLEMING & BRYANT Stop Dipping and Buy a STERLING FOUNTAIN PEN $1.25 to $6 118 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 53. * Smoked Salmon, lb. . . 40c Snap Beans, fresh picked, Green or Waxed Beans per quart . .... 10c All Kinds of DELICATESSEN r IHNS 227 Grant St, wrl 11 PHONF. 296 Ig?PENNYROYAL PI?! SaS'l Jjs&araijflgK ”, “ or and banish “painr of Menstruation.” They arc *• UFE SAVIIBS” to girls at ':f TCs womanhood. aiding development of organs and body. He Known remedy for women ••imals them. Cannot do harm — lif SOESglll beeom.-s a pleasure. !M.Ot> I’DItBOX BY MAIL. Solo **RSQs& y DR. MO'J US CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Ohio %