The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 10, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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9rke Hidt ef i&eer THB ©RIGINAL BUDWIISIR To Dealers per Barrel $lO 5u • To Consumers sllo* ANMEUSIR BUSCH EXPORT To Dealers $ 8,80 To Consumers $lO 00 PABST CELEBRATED BLUE RIBBON To Dealers $10.60 To Consumers $ll.OO THE PABRT EXPORT To Dualars $ 9.30 To Consumers $lO Oo 6VERARD3 NEW YORK B*€R To Dealers slo.ou To Gens urn era $10.60 eXPORT ou 9. Tfewman, 218 BAY STREET SOLE AGENT. Reason Number ONI - WHY YOUR ACCOUNT SHOULD 8F- WITH The National Bank of Biunswick DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK, ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, IN THE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Tim* and Saving* Deposits Same Interest POUR PER CENT COMPOUNDED QUARTSRLP, jxmmmmmmmm-r - 'n — • - imam-jut J. P. DAVIS, ■ *■ TAYUOR t D4VIS & TAYLOR Liivery Feed and Sale Stable hiavy bhavagk, *tock po r sale, prompt hack srrvice Car • and St rest# Rhews f DRESS BETTER; 'PAY LESS TP HAT is what hundreds of sensible men are doing— * buying our fine Ready=forService Clothes instead of bothering with a tailor. jgjfejfll""%j YOU GET BETTER CLOTHES THAT WAY; BETTER STYLES AND BETTER SATISFACTION. NINE ■ry TIMES IN TEN YOU GET A BETTE R FIT, TOO. AS FOR THE COST, YOU CAN SEC FOR YOURSELF what a saving the wholesale tailor makes; his army of detail specialists, his big Smm&m capital, his enormous buying of fabrics and his system of cutting, making anb finish DON’T MAKE THE MISTAKE OF BUYING CHEAP READY-MADES BSff IPW ? THEY’RE DEAR AT ANY PRICE. NO ONE CAN DO THE IMPOSSIBLE m- : v ;‘ kMm- j | yO I — GIVE SOMETHING FOR InOTH I NCF GOOD CLOTH AND HIGH-CLASS | LABOR cost far more than thef used to. 1 fej’W •* Mfe WHEN SIS TO S2O AND UP WILL PAY FOR ONE OF OUR SPLENDID SCHLOSS SUITS, THE FEW DOL- Sjtgl? llif W 'i||§ ;/ LArt* YOU MIGHT SAVE DON’T REPRESENT ECONOMY—OR GOOD SENSE, EITHER. SOMB IN AND l§i Hf jfi | LET US SHOW YOU HOW GOOD "READY SLOTHES” DAN Bft f iM^ra We have all the Latest Styles is “SCHLOSS” and C ‘ other Fine Clothes for men --- $lO to $35- BALTIMGFtr NSW YORK. CLOTHIERS TO THE WHOLE FAMILY. * fwt i(Kf&§WfeK fiAILV SATUfiDAV, NOVEMBER <O. Free Medicine Samples uo not prove tnat a remedy Is good for anything. If you want to expert ment., try samples for other ailments i nan rheumatism. You can't afford to lose time and risk life in taking jahances with any medicine which has aoT stood the test of time. Drum mond’s Rheumatic Remedy lias a twenty year record of cures. Write to the Drummond Medicine Cos., New York, for literature. We tan fit everyone, from Cinder ella tc the Giant. Peersion s. For siugl übarrel ehotgunr *e to Stg Levleon. There is only one branch of mer c.iiandise we pretend to know any thing about, and It is the only branch we sell—shoes. Peersoa’s. Increase I mill By Esitinu Y° ur Him Leben’s Appetite HUH Bread. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FOR Fancy Cakes. I AM AFTER YOUR TRADE AND WILL SELL YOU THE VERY BEST Bread, Roils and Cakes THE BAKERS ART CAN MAKE Prompt attention given to orders Give me a trial and Join the great army of Pleased House Keepers. Brunswick Bakery p. W. LEBEN, Prop. Fresh nrsem. i*i* 7s, rrencJi wa Orsjmm bread today •* l*to** *>•* IT, WS A straw. I Personals E. L. liyrd, of Wayneavllle, is in the city. / G. W. Brandon, oGAVoodbine, was in the city yesterday. .1. A. St. Simon, spent yesterday in the city. T. .1. Wright is iback from a busi ness trip to Jacksonville. B. C. Butts has returned from a business trip to Camden county. _________ Dr. R. DySpratt, of the quarantln v station, sclent yesterday in the city. H. C. Powell, of Atlanta, was among the visitors to the city yes terday. Yen. Harry Cas.sii, who has' been quite ill for some time, is reported to be irr^irovlng. R. S. Wellborn, of Atlanta, was among those registered at the Ogle tliorpe yesterday. J of the Atlantic Coast Line, was among the visitors to the city yesterday J. 3 ,N Davis and G W. Brandon, the well-known Woodbine turpentine operators, are in the city A H. Lewis, of Atlanta, who has been spending a few days in the city, returned to his homo last night W. Et/Calney, manager of the ‘‘One yWornan." which will be pre sented at the Grahd Tuesday night, j spent yesterday in the city When a horse la *o overworked it Ilea down and in other ways declares its inability to go further, you wouw consider it criminal to use force. Many a man of humans Impulses who would not willingly harm a kit ten, is guilty of cruelty where his own stomach is concerned. Overdriven, overworked, when what It needs is something that will digest the fooo eaten and help the stomach to recu perate. Something like Kodol For Dys pepsia that is sold by alt druggists. ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS •ELL HARVARD’S RYE. FALL MEANS COAL -AND WOOD WE WISH T Q ANNOUNCE THAT WE ARE NOW OPEN FOR BUBI- - NEB AND HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF COAL AND WOOD AL WAYR ON HAND. 4MVE US A TRIAL IVERSON COAL & WOOD CO. •OR I STREET AND OOCHRAN AVE PHONE 448. Let Us Build Your HOME WE DO GENERAL CONTRACTING AND BUILDING OF ALL KINGS. EG TIMATES FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTIOE. BOWEN & THOMAS, 512 Monk St. ' Telephone UM. 6