The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 11, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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I • IT’S A NECESSITY. ■ 4 ,; v L 8 Are yon thinking about getting p • , ' B chiffonier? If the bureau or closet ! s I crowded its really needed. With a I . B family of children Its almost a nece.i I “'** ** 8 WBm showing § „ B : "* tl s " ' l >‘ - h to the appearance of any rrOll 1 H bed room Golden and quartered oak, B highly polished, heavy French plate ■ ' B mirrors, graceful shape fronts. W I $6.50 t0525.00| believe our goods are all right, but w ■ ■ want your opinion. We want them to ■ please you. C.MeGARVEY. t 1 NEWCASTLE BTREBT CONEY & PARKER —Dealers in— COAL AND WOOD SICK. LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER HAIR. SHINGLES AND LATHS SEWER PIPE, CHIMNEY FLUES FIRE BRICK AND FIRE CLAY 5 BAY STREET PHONE 18. Now’ is the time to buy if you expect to share in profits which are bound to follow the upbuilding of Greater Brunswick. - S' Below We Give a Few Bargains NICE HOME NEAR THE CITY, SEVERAL ACRES Oh GROUND, $3,*W. , LARGE HOUSE ON BOULEVARD $3,000. WELL LOCATED RESIDENCE ON GLOUCESTER STREET, $3,200. M1 ._ NICE COTTAGE ON COCHRmN A ENUE, $1,500, TWO NICE COTTAGE3 ON E 3TRRET, SI,BOO. wl „ , NICE LARGE COTTAGE ON E STRb ET, CLOSE IN, $3,600 RESIDENCE ON E STREET, CLOSE IN $1,700. , THREE GOOD HOUSE NEAR HOTe. L $9,000. : RESIDENCE ON E STREET, NEAR F, $2,250. ' PRETTY COTTAGE ON GLOUCE3T ER STREET $2,200. RESIDENCE ON G STREET NEAR ELLIS. $3,000. NICE HOUSE ON LONDON STREET $3,200. PRETTY HOUSE ON REYNOLDS ST REET, LARGE LOT, $5,600. LARGE HOUSE ON MANSFIELD STREET, $4,500. NICE HOME FACING THE PARK, 3,600. PRETTY HOUSE ON C STREET NEAR COURT HOUSE, s3^oo. PRETTY RESIDENCE ON UNION BT.CLOBE IN, HOUSE IN REAR, $4,500 WE HAVE FOR BALE NICE RESIDENCE AND BUILDING LOTS P LARGE DOUBLE HOUSE, UNION BT.LARGE HOUSE IN REAR, $7,500. ALL PARTB 0F THE C,TY * AL6 ° QUANTITY OF SMALL PROPERT FOR INVESTMENTS. r ts Information to parties inquiring. Call on, ’phone or address BROBSTON, FENDIG & COMPANY. We’re no Quacks in our business. Our store ea -loys a reputation second to noE9 for the honesty of its offerings if in need of anv Drugs and Medicines we want you to call on us auot sea what we havj. You’ll he satisfied and find exactly what you’re looking for. We aim to please, and offer the best ot drugs at prices that can not fail to attract the closest buyer. -Make us a call and convince yourself. Smith’s Pharmacy fMt BRUWNWiCK BAILY NEWS, suwi>AY, NOVEMBER U, I*J*. ST THE GRAND It is not an easy task to write a play which wins the approval of the clergy, and yet has in it all the tricks of the successful modern com edy-drama. Thomas Dixon, Jr., in his newest play, "The One woman,” has not only won the approval of the churchmen, but the regular theatre goer as well. lu creating the characters of "The One Woman*' .Mr. Dixon merely tried to construct a play" showing a real istic and yet Intensely human cross section of modem life permeated as it Is with Socialism. All the high lights and dramatic Incidents were placed at their true value and by ihe time the creative genius of this Southern dramatist had finished, a great, throbbing, thrilling play, brim full of nuinan interest, was attract ing the staid and blase theatre-goer, as well as the novice. The moral which Is implied, and which appears only between the lines, is as dominant as though cast in a statue of deathless bronze and placed among the players. "The One Woman” will appear at ihe Grand next Tuesday, Nov. llitii. .Seats now on sale at box office. ALL FIRST Class SALOONS SELL HARVARD’S RYE. If there is any style iu a shoe you have seen in a book, look over our stock and you will be pretty sure to find it. Pcerson’s. Every late wrinkle in styie, but not a wrinkle in the fit. of the stioes from Peerson’s. THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE TUESDAY NOV 13th { THOMAS DIXON, JR. Author of “THE CLANSMAN,” Pre sentß Hia New Play 'The One Woman 1 ' A STUDY OF LOVE AND SOCIAL ISM, SUGGESTED BY HIS NOVEL OF THE SAME NAME. "The greatest play of the century. 1 ’ Richmond Times Democrat. “A Better play than ’The Clans man’.”—Richmond Journal. Seats on Sale a t Box Office. WILL CUT DOWN THE COMPANIES THEATRICAL TROUPES TO BE REDUCED BECAUSE OF INCREASED RATES. The reported action of the confer ence committee of the Srntheastern Passenger Association In raising the rate for theatrical companies to a fiat rate of 2 cents per mile for par ties of ten may have a tendency to cut down the number of people iu the large troupes, but it may also call for a demand from the public to allow it the same privilege. It is possible that a test will bo made of this rate, and if me ruling that the party rate must be open to the public as well as the theatrical people holds good, It is probablo that any number of people traveling from one city to another may club to gether and demand the cheaper rate. The commission, however, has not yet 'held that the party ticket is open to the public, (but If It does a groat deal of the travel between tne larger cities may be mane on this tkket. ■ A former theatrical rate of 2 cent* per mile was allowed troupes of from ten to thirty-five, and 1 3-4 cents per mile for parties of from 35 to 50. Troupes of over 40 people were al lowed a rate of 1 1-2 cents pe rmile. The baggage rates will remain the same. MlCfes ’ CURES ACHES And Nrrvousnosc Trialboiua 10c At drugstore; For hunting coats, shell belts, leg gins, gun covens, etc., go to Sig Levi son. For eato. uood horse and buggy, oheap. Fo particulars address Box 33, Bruns wick. Ga. I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO General i Plumbing OF ALL KIND We carry a full and complete line of STOVES and RANGES am do all kind of STOVE REPAIRING. J. H. BOH NE. Phone 397, 428 Newcastle Street DeVoe'e old Stand. mm* lA, 1 1 Vegetable PreparalionforAs i i simiialing UtcFoodaiulßegula : Ung the Stomachs andßowcls of rNFANXSVfCHILDKEN Proniolcs Digcslion.Cheerful ness and Rest .Contains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic. riKtflf QfOte&SAKUI'UHrCHKH Soul' /fix. S'/i/ut * \ fic/fuille Solis i /U\ise. Seed + Bupejinmi - ) Bt Carbotuite Soda * i r/anfisd •ibaar iftntrfyrmn. flavor, / Apeifecl Remedy forConstipa- Tton, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fe verish ness iind Loss of Sleep. Fac Simile Signature of new' YORK. AI to inoiiHi v old, •' D n °*v>T-j,yci ms EXACT CCPV OF WRAPPER. FOR SAUE Six Hundred Thousand Acres Virgin Pine Timber, in Qa. and Fla. ALSO TWO HUNDRED THOUBAND ACRES TIMS-*' READY rOR SAW MILL PURPOSES. HAVING BEEN BOXED. WELL LOCATED FOR PURCHASERS. ADDRESS Southern Land & Timber Cos P. O. BOX. 177, CRUNSWICK, GA. OPERA HOUBE BLOCK. emu For Infants and Childrfln The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / . Signature *w ft JfV In my* Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA tm ocN-tAun oo„n*. on* van* omr. 8