The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 13, 1906, Image 1

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VOLUME 6, NUMBER 43. MAYOIALITK CANDIDATES MAY HAVE A JOINT DEBATE GOL C. P. GOODYEAR CHALLENGES 1. SIGNS He Asks lor a Division of Tima at Meeting Thurs day Night 10 DISCUSS THE ISSUES He Bay* Important Questions are Involved In the Present Cam paign 4nd Thinks Voters Should Hear Them Die r * t sussed Jointly. It is likely that the voters ol Brunswick will have an opportunity of hearing the issues involved In tut present municipal campaign discuss ed In Joint debate between the tw_ mayoralty candidates. iG. P. Good year and W. F. Symons. - Col. Goodyear lajit /night malien Mr. Symons a letter inviting hiu. to meet nim in a joint discussion and asking tor a division ot time a. tne sheeting arianged by tne bu nions supporters on Tnursda. mgnt. In nis letter Col. Ooouyea. that tnerc nie a number o. ,'mportant issues in votvcd in tm present campaign ar.d ne uiinks tna. the voters wuuui ii.e to near a jO,u. discussion on tnem. Air. aymous win probably reply u '■the letter today,'as ue wui receive - througn the mails this morning. i\- douot uie voters ot tne city wou.n like very much to hear tne dis.ussed and it Is more loan pic able that Col. Goodyear s Cuaiieu 0 n will be accepted by Mr. Symons. The letter addressed to Mr. s>> morns is as fouow: Brunswick, Ga„ Nov. 12, 1906. Hon. W. F. Symons, Brunswick, Ga. My Dear Sir: I note in the afternoon paper that yottr friends are going to hold a mass meeting on Tnursday nignt, the 16th inat, at which time the is sues of the present muni.ipai cam paign are to be discussed. As you are perhaps aware I am a candidate tor mayor at tne comin*, primary, having been nominated a. a mass meeting ot the voters an.: taxpayers ot tnls city neid on Mon day evening. October Bth, lao6. As you aie also doubtless aware there are many issues in the cam paign; issues which l hold to iae pai amount to ail others In this portlcu lar stage o£ Brunswick’s growth and development. I believe that the time Is bore lor a greater Brunswick and I believe that we of Branawi.k aie In posses slou of the material factors to make that greater ErCnswick and make It now. You have probably noticed that i am pledged to a platform of "pro gress and prosperity and the muni pal ownership of public utilities” In this city. The former has been my platform for the 36 years Jthat 1 have lived In Brunswick, the latter plank ts one that comes as an en vironment of public conditions that must enlarge to keep pace with the Industrial and commercial march of the present time. I hold that It ts the first duty of •very citizen to devote his beet ef forts to the upbuilding of that mu nicipality which give* him his dally bread; .1 believe that It is absolutely the duty of every man to answer that of duty when It oomea from *&e classes and the masses of the people, and for these two good rea sons I an standing /before the peopi* of this dty aa a candidate tor tty fctgbMt eftce within their gift M ttrfi bm I dun not go into mar # i mm to*** into this fc* * * **** ** ftor The Brunswick News. friends are to rally on Thursday nlsht 1 desire to ask the privilege of a division of time on that occa sion with you. it is undestood oj course that in the event of your ac ceptance of this invitation we shall enter into a full and impartial dis cussion of the manifold economica questions and issues that now con front the people of this city. A committee of our friends. lr view of your acceptance, will ar range the details of the meeting as to opening and conclusion, length oi time. etc. I beg to assure you that this let ter is prompted and actuated by only the best motives and my only desire in adresslng you is to give the peo ple of this city aa opportunity of getting a thorough understanding oi the several matters that/necessarily effect so vitally tbelr well being an interests. / If you elect to accept this in vita tlon to a joint debat* I also desire to say to you that not only myself but my friends wilt use their besi efforts to Insure a very large attend aac*. Thanking you In advance and wi* assurances of my trig a personal re gard, I am. Your* very respectfully, • C. P. Goodyear, oooglblL gei AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE JOFFEE COUNTY MADE BEST OF FER AT WAYCROSS YESTER DAY AND WoN COLLEGE FO. THIS DISTRICT. The people of Douglas and Coffet •:ounty yesterday a ge.iu .ne sample ot push, energy and en iciprise when they went before tnt trustees of t gricultural college .o tne Eievft ug.essioual uio rrict in Waycross and won over a number of competitors. There were wounties thoie iu wnich larger cltie.. man Douglas are located, but none ot them were aole to meet tne libera. „i£er made oy uie Coffee county me tropolis. As announced in The News eev aral days ago Governor Terrel, called a meeting ot tne trustees in this district tor yesterday in Way cross, bach county was allowed one trustee, Glynn being represented by v\. F. Symons. Several of the coun ties in the district were bidders to; tne college, among them being Coi tee. Ware, Irwin, Fierce and others. The otter made by Coffee was a great surprise to the trustees. It wa, thought when the offers of Ware auu Irwin were read that one ot tnese two couuuea would surely secure UK college, but when the claim and offe. from Ccffee were put before the meeting it did not take the trustees long to arrive at a decision. Here .8 what Coffee offered: Fifty acre; of land. $60,000 in cash and free light and water. That was enough to land the college. Both Ware and Irwin, as well as Pierce, made liberal offers, but it could not compete with that of th. people of Coffee county, and the agricultural college for the Elovent' district will be located in the thriv Ing little city of Douglas. To Pave Wayoross Street. Waycross, Ga., Nov. 12. —The city council at its meeting last night passed an ordinance providing for the pavement of Albany avenue from the court house to the southwestern extremity of the car factory grouns. The material to be used far the pavement will be cement gravel from Augusta. Death ef Miss Burdett The many friend# of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burett are sympathizing with them In the death of their daughter Lulu, which occurred Sunday night. Tbs remains, accompanied by th family, were takes to •rmaaab for interment The empathy of the community < with the toraarsi ffto*w * *dr c•** r BRUNSWICK, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, NCVEMEER 13, ISC6. CONEY CHARTERED 10 GO 10 BAHAMA ISLANDS Local Tug Will Spend lent locks Picking l'p Barges Lffl EARLY THIS MORNING Miami People Charter the Big Tug to Pick Up Barges and Lighters Which Were Blown Away by Recent Hurricane. The Brunswick tug Edgar F. Coney left port at an early hour this morning for South Florida, where she has teen charteed by a Miami towboat company for two or tnreo weeks' service. Capt G. W. Dillon, of Miami, ar rived in the -ity yesterday and left awcard tne Coney. Tue puipuae for wuich the big Brunswick tug has been chartered la best told in mo following article from yesterday's Jacksonville Times-Uaion. "Among the B,riivals in the city yesterday was ca,.t. G. W. D.llon. iUom Miami, who 'is en route to OrunswiCto.. Ga„ to secure the targe, o>,an going lug Edgar F. Coney, on wnich ue will many a trip to the Bahama Islands to pica up seveial ugnters and barges belonging to tne . loiiaa East Coast railway. "These baiges werjS being used in the construction o'if tile K.ey West extension, and tne great hur ricane oi October tu. were blown oat ..u sea and some pi tnem have since been it",ported as being asuore ai otunni, one of.'tue most normwosi eiiy of the Bahama Islands. (Jiner* „ave Keen ( rytported at different points alone' me cahauia lsiamis. and one ba/ge, or ramer house u oai. ,s ashore! near Jupiter inlet on tne Florida toast. , "hapt. Union talked most interest' ingly yestferday ot the splendid man uer in wnich all of tne concrete piers coat have been put in place stood urn great storm. Not a one of them was damaged in the slightest degree, snowing conclusively tnat the work manship was first class in every par ticular. "He said that several heavy barges w’ere thrown against one or two o, ihe 'concrete piers, but the pic, were not damaged. "While the company has on ban; several hundred thousand barrels < cernont to use in the construction of these piers, none of the cemen was damaged for uearly every hair' of it was safely under cover at Key West at the time of the great storm. "The houseboat that is ashore near Jupiter iulet is known as houseboat No. 3. and Is very similar in con struction to the ill-fat i houseb: ■ . No. 4, which was swop, out to sea and battered to pieces by the im mense waves, and from which there I was great loss of life. It is be- j llovod that houseboat No. 3 D la good shape, for the captain of the vessel that reported it as 'being ashcre at that point was able to distinguish the number, which la high up on the house. "One of the barges ashore at Bi mini Is loaded with coal, and it is reported that the coal is all Intact. “As soon as he can arrange for the trip on the tug Coney, Capt. Dil lon will start from Biunswlck for the Bahamas." / man shot/down his \y IFF AT GAINESVILLE, Gainesville, Qa., Nov. 12. —Gaines ville was the scene of a tragedy last night when Derry Brigham. Jr., shot and instantly killed his wife, it is alleged, because ha found her in a cane patch in the rear of the bou* with another man. The load entered her stomach. The woman dropned dead, Brigham had been suspecting the infidelity of his wife for some time and had -.been watching the house, with the abov# result. A large and ejccltrd crowd gathered at too home, but Brigham managed to Men** Brigham is a fara#r U* to fßtottrtf *f <*** THOSE REGISTERED WILL REMAIN ON THE LIST i ] oii:ic I radices Decide to Eel RegisTdlion List Stand as it Is NONE WILL SE GUI Oil Agreement Reached Between the Two Campaign Managers Yes terday—Registrars Will Not Purge list. The city registration list will not be purged by tne registrars, but in stead every voter who was on the boons when they closed on Novem ber 5 will remain on there and w, he allowed to vote at the approach ing pr.mary, wane ail Uum wuo nave oetn summoned to appear he ioi e the ooaiu of registrars are nou neu u.afc it wiu imi Do uoooasary tui tne in to appear. Turn ae.eouitnt was reached b;> i.cnuuitiees tne two poiiUtu. taouens yesteiuay, ine regiaum.. met at lu o clock, but one of the meniceiß, Vv. j. Way, was a-isen. ana it was impossible to trausa. business, it was uen sUogesteJ tna tne of vuteia to leit as it stood at present. inis agreement wx*. saiibiaoiery to noth siues ajd ut luiiuwwig uouv_o \\aa lboucd; lii Uubvyii K. ua.., nuv. x.l, 1£06.. In tne interest or haimony it L. hereby agreed by and ueiween tnt campaign oi u,e C. F. uOtuj'tu.i and tne campaign tom mi uee of the W. F. faymnob o - net tnat tne list oi rogtoteie voters to vote in tne coining city puinary shall remain as it existe.. uc ti.e citbe ox te regifjiration book, of tne legiottiiug of tne city of in uiibWick. on enfe stli day c .voveiii„ef, lcou, witnoat modifies non, addition or re/ecuon ot uuoie, ox voters or persons claiming tne right to vote and /lie said )ist. as i. appears o.i tne bpoix of registered ■ ours in the of the clerk of the mayor and cpuncil of Brunswic. and as heretcfdfre published shai. govern in said/primaiy election. it is furtuer (greed that the Board of Registrars of said city shall be re quested to recall all subpoenas issued by tne respective parties as atoie said and that said Board of Regib trars shall giro ipubli. notice through toe press of/the recall ot said sud pceaas so tfiat parties served witl suxpoenas need not further attend the meetings 'qfj said registrars. It Is further agreed that the Boarc of Registrars shall, pursuant to this agreement and within the time al lowed by law, certify the list of reg tstered voters as already publlsbt to the election managers of said pn mnry election without addition oi rejection ot any names appearing thereon. MAX ISAAC, Chairman C. P. Goodyear Campaign Committee. H. F. du BIQNON, Chairman W, F. Symons Campaign Committee. ANOTHER WRECK; INURE HURT PASSENGER CN MISSOURI PA CIFIC WRECKED WITH BERI OU3 RESULTS. 6t. Lcuis, Mo., Nov. 12.—A Mis sourl Pacific train waa wrecked last night at 10:30 o’clock at Eu reka, Mo. Twelve passengers wore seriously Injured, It being reported that a majority of them will die. Tw< were fatally Injured and died today while 25 others received injuries. DIXON'S PLAY HERe TONIGHT. Urga House Will Probably Witness "Th# One Weman." It is topectod that the largest feme* of tfca mum wwi om ttoo TRAIN LOAD OE WRECKED, evening to witness "The One Worn rn” Thomas I ixoi's r.ew plry whci wi Ihe ! lesanted at the G and Thi rlay has betn one if the most im portant theatrical events of s-a son, and has • —*. wid-ly dlsussed by both press and public. iue record made by “Ti.e Clansman” last season has created gieat interest ia "The One Woman,”’ as they are bot hy the same author. Tne advance sale of seats has been large and it is expected that a lull housa will be present tonight to witness/ the play. SOLDIERS hOr.BIDLEN TO ENI tk POLITICC St. Petersburg, Nov/ 12. —An im perial order ,has befa issued for bidding soldiers cf a/l lanks to to come members of political associa tions of any party j whatsoever, a. tend political meetings or take par, in agitations agaiqkt the govern ment. Violations 6f the order wii. be severely punished. Balloon Traveled Over Mont Blanc Aix-les-Bains, Nov. 12. —The bal Icon Milno, which; was sent up Iron, the Mi,lan interhcAional exposition has anived here, after having trav eled over Mont Blar.c. CONFERENCE WILL MEET SQUNII IMA SOUTH GEORGIA METHODIST TOHOLDANMUmL MEETING It THAT CITY LATER IN THu PRESENT MONTH. The South Georgia Methodist cci ference wiil meet in Valdosta' o: Wednesday, November 23, at tin first Methodist churcn. The opening session will be calle to oruer at y u clock, and Bisho, Ward, the junior Disnop of tin church, will (preside. The belovi Bishop Calloway, who i3 recognizee as tne greatest orator of tile collet of bishops, was to preside, but. ov iug to ill health, whicu couiiuu-i u to ms home i.i Miss.saf’ppi, it is un dorstcod that he will jiui be able t preside or to attend tue cuute.eaot Bishop Ward cojnes from the No Geoigla ccniereace. /wnere ho wli preside, direct to Valdosta, this ben uia se.ond confereivte. He was elr od at the general conference / ai tiiimingham last spring. Itev. M. A. Mdrgan, pastor oft: church there, agitated by Dr. A. Williams and a unmoor of commii Lees, nave been engaged in securing nomes for the delegates. About two thirds of those expected to attend aave been assigned homes, and the others will bo listed next week, at which time a list of the delegate* and their hosts will be (published. There are two hundred and twenty ministers in the South Georgia con feieuce, and nearly all of them wil be there. They have been invited to bring their wives, and it is probabl that many ladles will attend the con feience. With tbe forty lay dole gates and the thirty-five or forty chur-.h officials in the various depart ments, together with the many vlsi ors. it is expected that about seven hundred people will attend the c-o teiencu. 'me. o will be no trouble whatever In entertaining tbe crowds and the hospitable people of that city are extending a cardial invitation to all church workers to come. The South Georgia conference stands high in Southern Methodism, being recognized as one of the mosi aggressive and rapidly growing of the conferences. It leads the other onferences in the amount ol money! raised and the number of mission aries supported by Individuals and individual churches. Rev. T. IV. Gar bu*t. a ^rym!’' n nt lumberman, sup ports three missionaries In the for eign heid. Owing to the great growth of th churches in the conference during the past year, both in njenv':ershi>' and missionary spirit, the conferenc* which Is to meet there this month win be ene of the most important and largely attended is tbs history PRICE, FIVE CENTS. IMMIGRANTS FIFTY MISSING SIX COACHES WERE DESTGDIED BY THE FIRE Timing Ciklih TEinM eT Down Fer.-Fctt • [mbai.kment MANY REPORTED MISSING Train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Bearing 167 Immlgrante Collided With a Fatt Freight Missing People Were Pro. bably Burned. Valparaiso, Ind., Nov. 12.—A serf jus and fiightful accident occurred mday c-n the Baltimore and Ohio .allioad. It la believed that fifty people were killed. The train was loaded with 167 im migrants who were being carried to points in the state. The passenger, .v..icli was moving at fall speed, col lided head-on wltu a local Height at Vocdvllle, a shoit distance from this city. The coaches were hurled down an jmbankmeut and. ten of them quick, y caught on fire and were almost cmpletely destroyed. The coaches .vent clown a ton-foot embankment. Fifty of the 167 immigrants are hissing and it is believed that they vere burned in tbe coaches which veie consumed by fire. A number of the others were more o less in jured. ERIE ENGINEERS WILL NOT STF.KE LACKAWANNA RAILROAD [SS CIDED TO QfRANT INCREASE OF S3O PER YEAR. New York, Nov. 12. —The Lacka wanna railroad today conceded to the Id-hour a day request of the engineers on the bystem and granted an increase of s3u per year In pay. It is new announced tnat tne engl neei s on the Erie railroad will not btiti.c to aid the firemen, and it is also understood teat t..e latter have decided not to declare a strike. ROBBERS WORK AS FIRE BLAZES As Fire Is Raging In Texas Town Robbers Dynamite Store. Hillsboro, Texas. Nov. 12. —While attention was d.rented to the out skirts of this city this morning by two fires tho hardware store of Smith and Thomas, located in the center of the business district of Hillsboro, was dynamited and partly wrecked by robbers. After an exchange of shots, in which no one |Eas injured, a man wh° gave his name as Walter Jeffries, and claiming: Fort Worth. Tex., as his home, yas arrested in the build ing where I the explosion occurred. The fires, /which resulted la the de struction of the lumber yards of Ole Wllkersoy and several small build ings, causing a loss of SIO,OOO, It Is believed were started by a con federate of Jeffries. As far as can t>“ learned nothing was taken from tha stoie of Smith and Thomas. First Successful Flight. Paris. Nov. 12.—Tne tinmens* dir- Iglblj balloon, LaVille De Paris, constructed by M. Deutsch, made the first flight successfully today. The balloon was in the air for on* hour and corerod a diatanco of 12 BUM.