The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 14, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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2 GOOD WEATHER FOB mines IT IS HARVESTING TIME NOW AND THEY DON’T WANT ANY RAIN. As If In recompense for the harsh conditions which obtained a few months ago, this section is now 'be ing granted wealhc* that is truly perfect. Over all the county blue skies are hanging, and the harvest season, which is now at hand, is on< the like of which is seldom seen. More suitable weather for the har vesting cannot be The crops have undergo te many ' re verses this year, but the gathering season is endeavoring to make up for that. Not since the 16th of Oc tober has a real cloudy day obtained in this vicinity, and substantial rains, such as would prove very in furious at this time, had not fallen for a month until Sunday. Dry weather is what is needed cow, and the continued absence of vein that is 'being experienced is rroving a great boon to the fanners. 0. is allowing them to gather in 'the!" crops without trouble or loss, and I resulting beneficially to all agricul tural interests. This has been one of the coldest autumns in the history of the weather bureau. Nearly every day a deficiency In the average temper ature is registered, and observers are beginning to believe that if tbo condition prevails that records! be smashed to pieces. Already this month there is a deficiency of 2d degrees in the average temperature, while the deficiency for the month of October was 69 degrees, almost an average of two degrees, per day. fine 9rees I can FURNISH AND PLANT ON SHORT NOTICE, CABBAGE, MAG NOLI A, SYCAMORE, MAPLE DOG WOOD, OAK AND UMBRELL TREES GIVE ME A TRIAL. D. B. PVLES 423 E Street <*EAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INVESTMENTS See us for tho best city prop- : erty. ! 1 — 1 J Bargains in 5 all kinds of i real estate. ! > BOYD & CO. i 110 Newcastle St. Phone 301 1 LADIES I HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF FOUN TAIN, BULB AND WHIRL SPRAY SYRINGES EVER SHOWN IN BRUNSWICK. AND YOU ARC NV <TuQ ! O CALL AND EXAMINE SAM: EVERY LADY SHOULD HAVE A SYRINGE, AND I HAVE ONE TO SUIT ANY LADY, AND EVERY ONE ABSOLUTELY GUARAN TEED. ED C. BRUCE Newcastle and Oleuasetar St Fcr pistols, cartridges, rlflss, dirks, MUjss. #tc., go to Bi* Lertso*. ALU FIRST CL AS# **<*£#if HASVAfIJS'# nr*. OCIL3EE IS AT A SM DEPTH NOT A GOOI RAIN HAS FALLEN SINCE fIRST WEEK IN CCTOBER. The Macon 'lews of Monday says: But one tine thle year has the water in the Ccmulgee river reached a lower level ban it was fpund this morning when local Forecaster took the soundings. The water today is just 2.7 feet it depth. At one time during the suiuner it went as low as 2.7. There Ik .sonething reuiarkrfblo about the cleameaß of the water in the river at (resent owing to tin lack of rain, '/yoking at, Ihe river from the East Macon or the Spring street bridges, and the bottom 1 tlie stream cau almost ibe seen in the deepest pats, and can easily be distiniluishot near the hand Such a (ondltioi of the river has proven a disadvantage to those who make a living b 7 fishing. Why the watir is low, may be easily determined when the facts ;< known that not since the 16th of last October has a trace of rain fallen in Macon, with tbo exception of the small shover yesterday after noon. The last Daily decent sbowe r that has been l;lt. in Macon, fell during the first of October Tim lack of rain has rot only pushed tic river far back inb Its bed, hut has given it a very dear current. The samples of river water that (have been sent daily b the government bureau at Athens. Ga.. have of lat< resembled spring water on account of the lark of segment CASTOR IA For In faults aad Children. The Kind You Havi Always Bought Signature of WHERE WAS THI MAYOR AND COUNCIL? T am solely nnd iirectly responsl ble for that Neff trolley car fran chise N. D. Russell. City Clerk.” For double barrel shotguns go to Slg Lovison. WHERE WAR THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL? “1 am solely nnd directly responsl I ble for Hint Neff trolley car fran chise. N I). Russell, City Clerk." “Meet me at I he MECCA.” THE UPTO-DATE RESORT FOr GENTLEMEN. POLITE AND PROMPT SERVICE All hig*h grade goods in the beer whiskey and ci gar line. BARGAINS -IN HEAL ESTATE Are you looking for a home, ■a farm, a good-paying busi ness, or a good investment for your surplus money? We can please yoj as we have on our list large assortment of property. Uoee this Interest you? Seven-room, two-sf>"y resi dence, nicely fl* j i-*d, gas, hot and cold water, bath room, etc., In good residence district ONLY $2,000 New five- room cottage on Un ion street. Modal oottago. All eonvonlonoos. SIJoOI Close In. CLAY & CORNEILOUS Oglsthorpo Motel Building. XYMfi for smbi frtsi m v+ ; sblMmhs 100 UMnp si Vtaso t-Mi iftONSWOK SAlti NOVEMBER 14. iOe w E H AYE SHOES ro fi r YOUR FEE! YOU HAVE THE FEET TO nr OUR SHOES LETS TRADE Si 3SS PEERSQN’S 214 NEWCASTLE ST. INTERESTING STORE NEWS Ladies Hand Bags 75c to $1 Fancy Handle Umbrellas $1 Childrens Woolen Mitter.s 10c Childrens Woclen Leggins .. ..10c BeautifEil Wash Ties 10c Hearth Ercorr.s 10c Toilet Parser, 7 rolls 25c Our candies are the Best Goods ever offered for the Money—Fresh shipments every week, Per lb lOc Fresh Fig Bars, elsewhere 20c. . . 10c V/ater Eottles .15c Chrysanthemum Vases .10c Dainty Fruit Bowls -. . 10c Celery Tray 100 ‘ r .— , ■ ■— ~ Five Piece Table Set 75c Candle Sticks 10c Sugar Dishes lQc McClure’s 10c. store COMFORTING WORDS. Many a Brunswick Household Will Find Them 30.. To have the pains and aches of a bad back removed; fo be Entirely free .rom annoying, dangerov>rmry dis orders Is enough re ma.*\<* kidney sufferer grateful. To te.i how this ?reat change can be brought about will prove comforting words to hun dreds of Brunswick readers. Janies C. Adams, carpenter, resid ing at 2U4 Oglethorpe avenue, east sa vannah, Ga., . nays; "I used Doan’s Kidney Wile for backache‘and diffi culty with the kidney secretions. ,viy cack ached constantly and the pain across the loins was sc severe at .imes as to make me lay off work. ne secretions from the kidneys were strong, had a dark color, were full of sediment, and scalded like coals of fire. I used many remedies, but nothing had any effect. My was run down on account of my rest being broken so much at night, and I would get up in the morning tired and worn out. 1 saw Doans Kidney Pills advertised and got a box of them. They gave me new life, al though I had little faith left in any medicine. Since using the pills my back has become regular and normal. 1 attribute my cure entirely to Doan’s Kidney Pills, and you can use my name to this effe;h” Plenty more proof like thts from Brunswick people. Call at Manor 3 drug store and ask what customers report. For sale by ail dealers. Price, 60 cents. Footer-Milbnrn- Cos.. Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan's—and take no other. AMERICAN I -AND=- m go. MANUFACTURERS, SHIPPERS AND DEALERS IN CROSSTIES AND LUMBER' New York Office No. 11 Broidwey S. K. BROWN, Mngr. BRUNSWICK, QA. A COMPLETE LINE OP SHOE! WSWMJIRr LATEST STYLES AT B. Missß/tM afl - ii i -IT —n ■ MsnMumHMMHMHWMMi WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF GERMAN DELICASSEES WHICH ARE NOW ON SALE, AND GIVE BELOW A LIST OF A FEW SPECIALTIES Alf/vAYS IN STOCK, AND INVITE OUR FRIENDS TO CALL AND SEE US FOR A uuOD • Lunch, Breakfast, Dinner, Supper SAUSAGES, CHEESE FISH Frcnk-rurters Swiss Hai.-utt Balogffe Newchatell sttrgeon in 0® Promage du brie Salmon Knackwurst Limbu.ger Spratts Salami Phil, creams Bloaders Pastrami Edams Mackerel Cervelate Pineapple Heriing Smoke tongues Ro.ktord Sarde.ies Smoke cheeks Minster Sardines Corn bsef Caviar Brook trout Head cheese Brick lyippert Herring Liver sausage ttandcheese Cod fish oooee liver sausage numerous others. Anchovis WE HAVE ALSO JUST REOEIVED A FULL LINE OF PICK LES, INCLUDING THE FAMOUS M-AGCEBURGER DILL PICK LES. WE ALBO C*RRY A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AND IF YOU ONCE CALL AND SEE ’JS WE FEEL SURE YOU WILL BE PLEASED. B. NUSSB4UM 303 Newcastle. Phone 229 Gas Heaters QAS RADIATORS, INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATERS JUST RECEIVEL. THEY ARE JUST WHAT YOU NEED LURING WINTER, OUR GAS STOVES ARE A GREAT CONVENIENCE AND ALWAYS READY FOR USE. NO COAL; NO WOOD! NO DIRT. PHONE NO, 7. Dutual Light & Water Cos. i Splendid Shears, value 15c .. ..10c Good Deck Playing Cards 10c New Parlor Games, cards, val 50 . .40 A practical toy Typewriter .. . .$1 New Shipment “Prescut” Syrup Pitchers, value 60c ,35c Ash Pans 15c Two Quart Enamel Sauce Pan ..15c Rice Double Bailers, good size . .600 Mens and Boys Hats 10c Crank Sifter -jOo Work Baskets ....10c Anew line Tablets 5c and 10c Buggy Whips .. 10c