The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 14, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Doings In Jillss Poarla Rennet has returned from & visit to Josup. • % • The dance at the OgWhorpc is the event of this evening. • • • Mrs. n E. Calnan Is very ill at her home on Norwich street. The Tea'hers* Athletic Club met resterday at the gymnasium. • ■ • The Acacia Club meets tills after noon with Mrs. P. M. Nightingale. • • • The Hospital Auxiliary will meet this afternoou at 3:30 at the city hall. • * • Mrs. F. D. Aiken and her little son Hugh, leave Frjday to spend a week or two in Savannah. • • A meeting of ihe Oak Drove cetne ter;.' society Srill he held tills after noon at 3:30 In the chapel ... A number/of new books were re -•eh ed at the library this week, among theta several of tbe latent i.ovds. I Several i f w clubs are being form ed /on thej winter among Brunswick ladies. Wntfi the season promises to t>e a vqry (bright one ben* t I ** * Mrs. w. (J Iktmen has Issued cards lor a reeciiion to be given Friday afternoon.’, hL>v. IC. from four to six, in honor V>M Mrs. Thomas McKey, who leaves [Saturday to make her home in Vilnosta. CLEANLY WOMAN. En-once*ly TSilnlv, 1> * ‘loourlaic Her I calp That Slie (.'area Uaoilrnlf. C.i’ w vri .-• bus tir. erroneous Idea that by :-.■<•■ - ; the ■ alp, which rs rr.r-■ the duniniK scales, she In curing the dandruff' Cm may wash her scalp every rr:.- • r- 1 hue da draff her life lor Ai-cem;-.;t:ld iyr felling hair, to:- The oi •- way tr the wo'. Jto euro do: -ruff :to ;:!! t’ • (’oniruff germ, et ere 1* re s. itr pt or; I m that will do that h'l' Hcrpicide Herpi cido by kill. i’.u isndruft germ, leaves the hai> f, r . ns healthy Nature Intend ad Destroy the cause yon rcmo ,r * it’ l * effe-. ‘.fill the dan iSruT germ with If rtdoldo. Sold by tending druggist* Send lfto. In stamp* for satnnlf to The HerptcWe Cos., De troit, Midi. For sale by Smlen’w navmaey. RIGHT DRESS! The proper equi; ment fjr occasions where Fnll D ress and Fuxt do Suits are necessary can be I W4r * he Style, Cut aed Finish ot ihtse garments | VTyL j|K the costliest creations ct the mt rchant tailor at a vei A muc h lower price, VVe have these suits on exhibition in our store \ y, w *h take pleasure in showing thvm to you w^m We assure you ot a correct and up~ to-date Fit. form,'orty.five I THE rEQHHEIMER HSHZI. CO. X<w * B^fFE 19 * — ________ The very latest FULL DRESS ACCESSORIES including E. & W. Full Dress Shirts, Cuffs and Collars, “Good Form” Neckwear, Full Dress Protectors, Gloves, Vests, etc. WOOD-BAILEY CLOTHiTCO. The Day Light Store Society Miss Lulu Stacy will retuvti in a few days from a visit to My 6. A. H. Howell in Augusta. ... j Mrs. W. H. DeVoe wl/i visit fo lurnbus next week as delegate to the D A. K. convention from the Bruns wick chapter, and will *e the g-ues' of Mrs. Samuel Hatcher durin P her slay. / • • • -Mrs. Klwird and Miss Katharine Uurdett/ will to dtiy from Savannah where they ac companied the regains of Miss Luir F.urdett, the funeral c<\ cumng yes torday. Rheumatism. is quickly relieved and promptly cure.) >y Dr Drummond's Lightening Remedies. The interna remedy is pleasant to take, acts immediately, and is fer rheumatism only tn all Its torturing forms. The external pre paration restores stiff Joints, drawn cords and hardened muscles It your druggist has not these remedies in stock, do not take anything else, bend #6 to the Drummond Medicine Cos., New' York, and the full treatment of two large bottles will be sent to y >ur express address. Agents wanted Orders taken tor fruit and weddin cakes at lieben’B. For aie. Rood horse and buggy, cheap, ho particulars address Box 33. Brens vfek. (la. A , HICKS’ SMCfIPUpE ALL ACH&3 vfo.jbS.AJftffi. And Nfftt.uhttt •> < Trial Lotto 19c Aldruj .. When & horae la ao overworked It Ivs down'and In Either ways declares Its Inability to go further, you woui.i tonslder It criminal to use force. Many a man of humane Impulses who would not willingly harm a kit ton, is guilty of cruelty where hlB own stomach is concerned. Overdriven, overworked, wnen what It needs is something that will digest the food eaten and help the stomach to recu perate. Something like Kodol For Dys pepsia that Is aold by all druggists. Cal! up* Davis ana Tavior s stable If you want dirt for raising your Jot or sidewalks fHi *RUN4w’i6K iAICY Ri*'§ WEDNMSJAY, NOVEMBER 14. 180# OLD DR. DRUMMONO After many years of patient ntudy and experiment, ha<4 given the won-J a prepaiatlon which is an absolute and permanent cure for every form of rheumatism. The price Is $5, but it Is two large bottles, enough for montn’t treatment, and will relieve tbe worst else from the first dose. Serf by express upon receipt of price d.v Drummond McdiclDe Cos. New York, with full particulars and testlmonla's of wo cures. Cold weather means heavier shoe*. See Feerson's. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE O* SCHOOL SHOES AT LOW PRICES PEERSON. Mandolines guitars, ;>a:ijo3. violins, acordions. tnoutli hf.rpsi and all kinds of musical instruments at Sig I^evl son $lOO Tor a Bottle. This would not be a large price to pay fur Dr. Drummond's Lightning Remedies for rheumatism If one eoul 1 not get relief any ctieaoer. The I'rummond Medicine Cip. New York have received hundred# ot unsolicited testimony's from grateful people re Mon and to health by tiie lire of t.neir remedies, who would, not hesitate to pay any riiw rathe? than suffer the former torture. If yDti would like to try tin e remedies, find your druggist hie; not got them, rlt direct to the company Agents wanted ALL FIRST A.LASS SALOON? SELL HARVARD'S RYE. If there is any style in a shoe you have seen in a book, look over our sto k and you will be I- retry sure t i fin I it Peersoii B. Shoes for .our wife: Stifle. f-ir vmii children, shoes for yourself at f son’s. Oil clothing of ail kinds at Kig !r* non Children and Boys' Suits at a a r log of 35 per cent, st Big Levlsoti Infants’ socks, 15 to 25 cento vuiues at 5 cents per pair at Slg Levi sou. OUR FOUR DOLLAR SHOES FOR WOMEN ARE BEAUTIEB. 3E THEM AT FEERSON’S. I handle the best line of new goods tn the city. Do not be fooled by business opponents who try to tell you different. Call and be convinc ed Slg Levlso.t. Men's rubber boots; men’s, ladles’ and children’s rubber over shoes at Sig Lovlson ALL FIRST CLASS SA'.OONS SELL HARVARD’S RYE, We don’t buy once a v.;.-,, uor twice a year, but ' ,- e avo receiving shoes all the time I'ecrrni.'y Drummond Medicine Cos.. New York. Gentlemen: - —Send me one more bot tle of the Remedy and one of the -.niment. Father thinks he is al most well. He is free from pain, the swelling almost gone, and the stiff ness in his joints better by far than he ever expected. He wants another month's treatment, and thinks v the time he takes tuat he will be sound and well of rheumatism. Laura Busb ong, Sulphur Lick. Kv. Readv-to-wear bate or the latest style will be displa/p.l a.' Miss Kale Slater o millinery opening Friday ano Saturday ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS StLL HARVARD'S RYE. I will save you big money on cloth ing. Every steamer and railroad brings new goods. Sig Levicon. JOHN D. fcMUNTOS Brunswick’s Candy Store. Don t buy burnt sugar and imagine you are getting pure chocolate. Suea substitutes are injurious to health For pure chocolate and al' other can lies call on me. A fresh supply received every week from Menier the famous chocolate maker. Either in bulk or in beautiful pound and half pound boxes. FINEST FRUITS. CIGARS AND TO BACCOES, ETC. TAFFY CANDY MADE FRESH DAILY. 208 Newcastle Street GO DOWN TO THE CITY HALL AND REGISTER ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS SELL HARVARD’S RYE BLENDED Java Coif 3 CANS for SI.OO A FINE COFFEE IMPERIAL ©HEESE per Jar Ise.j POTATO CHOPS package 10;. AT KtANY’S I -STERLING STANDS FOR NAME and QUALITY. IF YOU ARE PARTICULAR ABOUT WHAT YOU WRITE WITH BUY A STERLING mi! PE! WE ARE HERE EVERY DAY TO FULLY GUARANTEE THEM They are the Very Essence of .ease and satisfaction in Writing —SOLE AGENTS— FLEMING & BRYANT Stop Dipping and Buy a STERLING FOUNTAIN PEN $1.25 to $6 118 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 53. Smoked Salmon, ib. . . 40c Snap Beans, fresh picked, Green or Waxed Beans per quart 10c All Kinds of DELICATESSEN A H i\PQ 227 Grant St. PHONE 296 : iEJ PENHYSOYfiLPi !IS £SS£S '%I&SmK39% * or and banish “pain? ot menstruation.” Taey are *'LK-’E SAVERS” to girls a? wotnauuood, a iding* deveioi<iifL,t of organs and body. hl( @m£jzm , '' K>vrn remedy for wouicn equals them. Cannot do harm— life gSQ&M’ become* '*y druggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Ohjc