The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 14, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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IT’S A NECESSITY. i Are JOU linking about getting m __ # H chiffonier? if the bureau or closet * 1 ICCS 9 crowded its ready needed. With tyS&SHS&k family of children its almost a nece.- I Rangel slty, and the st> es we are showtn Ki i** s add so much to the appearance ot an 1 From I Ife—3s bed-rcom. Gclden and quartered oa ** ll ‘ * highly polished, heavy French plat ■ ■ mirrors, graceful shape fronts. W I $6.50 to $25.001 >elieve o -, r goods are all right, but w B gl -ant '-our opinion. We want them t C.MeGARVEY. *l* NEWCASTLE BTREPT CONEY & PARKER —Dealers in— CO/VI. AND WOOO • RICK. LIME. CEMENT. PLASTER HAIR BHINGI E 9 and •EWER PIPE. CHIMNEY FLUES FIRE BRICK AND FIRE CLAY 626 BAY BTREET PHONE tB. We’re no Quacks / in our bustne9s - ° ur ®t° r V jlPl§NlflP“‘ i° yß * reputation second to none ■ for tb ® honesty of it# offering* it la need of any Drugs and Medicines we want you to call on us a.iX see what we have. You'll be jratlsflrd and And exactly what ■ you're looking for. We aim to please, and offer the best oi drugs at prices that can not fall to attract the closest buyer. a and convince Ph'trm cy Now’ is the time to buy if you expect to share in profits wh eh are bound to follow the upbuilding: of Greater Brunswick. Below We Give a Few Bargains NICE HOME NEAR THE C'.TY. SEVSRAL ACHES Of GROUND JA.sov WELL LOCATED RESIDENCE ON GLOUCESTER STREET $3,200 TWO NICE COTTAGES ON E STR C ET. $1.500. ESIDJNCE ON E STREET. CLOSi IN $1,700. RESIDENCE ON E STREET. NEAP F. $2,250. * tESIOENCE ON G STREET NEAR ELLIS $3,000 ’RETTY HOUSE ON REYNOLDS STREET LARGE LOT $5 SCO nee HOME FACING the PARK 3.500 ’RETTY RESIDENCE ON UNION ST CLOSE IN HOUSF N '• f 4 1 LARGE OOUBLE HOUSE. UNION ST large house in real 1 ■ Information to part it. r inquiring'. Grl! on, phone or address BROBSTON, FENDIG & COMPANY. rHI BRUNSWICK OAILV NEWS. WEONEs&AY, NOVEMBER U, HINGS AGAIN GEIS SENTENCE 'KIS TIME TEE EXECUTION H DEC N FIXED FOR DECEM BER 3. Valdosta, Ga„ Xcv. 13 —J, G. Rawlings was this merning fer the cuith carried into the court and sentenced to be hanged. Ke .vas taken at 8:30 o'eto k before juidge Mitchell at the coart hcusre, who rixed the date of the execution on Monday, December 3. Rawlings made a ten-minute state" ment, in whi-h l.e d.elated that :e was innccent as the judge of the crime with which he was charge He tcld Judge Mit< hell that if h; and his boys were hanged t.i blood woa.u ae cm his (the judge’s) head if they were not gi anted anew trial. in passing sentence the judge ex plained to Rawlings that it was not in his power to giant anew tit rl U he wanted to. Mrs. Rawlings, wife of the pris oner, was piesent. It is understood that a roque.-t will be made of Governor Terre.l i~ grant a respite to Alf Mooie of tn to dayß longer in order tpat tie a. and Rawlings may be hanged at the oame time. Monies execution is now IWo l for Novell!De. 3U. Orders taken tor ti uU and weddin at Lebou . For saie. Uood horse ana ouggv, Cheap. Fo parti-uta.s addiess box 3k, bnyrs wick. Us.. niCKS’ gIfiCAPJJNi aches ,and ' And Nt-rvousoess Trial bottle 10c At d/u* stoic. Notice. ; All parties are to. hidden from cut ting or removing any wood, lumber o, l4cci.!> uoiH tue lands be longing to the estate of William Haynes, said land being near the Darien road, containing 50 acres; saids being puxenased iron) .1 ■(. Dillon by Wm. Haynes, deceased. All parties on said prop erty will be prosecuted to the lull extent of the law. Hannah Haines. all FIRST Claa-s SALOONS SELL HARVARD’S RVE. FREIGHT IRIS MOVE ONSU DAY £1 PR2 "E C" T KOI DT ' ' IS P"’?CE R EG" JL \TI "■ AND UNDER THEI- CONTROL. Atlanta, Ga , Nov. t3.—G or.ia's law prohibiting the runnl ig cf fieight trains cn t o Sibbath is a matter cf Internal ; olioe rtgula i r and in no way i tar feres with in terstate commerce, so holds tie tu coa:t in the final adjali a ion of the ca:e broaght in Habersham cunty a ainst Supt. .1. N. Scale, of the Southern fir allowing a fr: g t to o. erate on the Sabbath Supt. Seal.- was fine I SI,OOO before Judge Kimsey in Habersham county for cp mating a freight train Sun day. He was iadEted In several similar cates. The first time the case was afflimed Cy the Georgia supreme court and it went to the U uted States supreme court, where it was dismissed for lack of it-' i ricn. being hell that no federal question had been raised. In the present case a slmTar ccr victioa was secured in Habersham for tunning ‘.an interstate freight cn the Sabbath from Greenvi’le C.. to Atlanta, Ga. The train con tained no perishable matter. road fought it on the ground that it was interference with interstate business. The s.-neme court *,.s tains Judge Kimsey. However, as the Southern has made the federa’ question prominent, the cate w'il probably go ba k to the United States supreme court again cn the fedeial issue. IMMEMirSpiLLTi I NJVEB KNOWN TORULsX™*s'X- T 4, Lancti,. p. Sold in Brunswick by Roberts & Calnan I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO < ienera 1 P unbing OF A~L KIND We carry foil ana complete line of STOVEC and RANGES an do all kind of STOVE REPAIRING J. H * O H N E Phone 397 428 Newcastle Stree- DeVo**t olt. Stand ARGE HOUSE ON BOULEVARD $3,000. VICE COTTAGE ON COCHRAN A ENUC $1,500. ICE LARGE COTTAGE ON E STRt ET, CLOSE IN, $3,500. HEEt GOOD HOUSE NEAR HOTc. l $9,000. 'FETTV COTTAGE ON GLOUCESTER STREET $2,200. UCE HOUSE ON LONDON STREET 3.200. RCE HOUSE ON V. r NSFIELO STREET $4,500. R‘EITY HOUSE ON C STREET NEAP COUR ■ HOUSE ,3 uOO '• E f>jp s* r n t. EnCE and vuuOiMi i"> *• 'S <>• tut City a i ijO .ani i t v Qf small PRiiPE vF'-tve-.ts LTooDrops. A\cgclable IYcparalioaror As - sunilalir.j UicFoodnndßcgula i Uni* llic Slomaclis and ldowcls cl' _ ■ KurAN IS /CfIICUKCN ? Promotes Digeslion.Cheorful ness and oesiTimlains neillier Opium. Morphine nor Mineral. Not Nahcotic. ne-tpr of Old Dr SAMI EL PtJVfLW SctU ' . Atx fa/i/ia * 1 v llbchellf SiUIS “ I Am\r Seed * fh/ytermi/tt - ) Iti C(tituHinlpSodn+ I Statl - 1 drained Sugar h'/hfr/y/'+r* Manor. / Aperfed Remedy forConslipa ruin, Sour Stomach, Uiarrhtxvt Worms .Convulsions. Fevensh -1 ness and Loss of Sleep. Fac Suuilc Signature of NEW YORK. s At b months old JsDo*>s-JsCini EXAC COPY OF WRAPPER. row s\i.r S x Urn i cl \l. u * i Au v : \ t t I m be?, in i a and \ la. mso rwo thousand acres timb READY /O* SAW Mu i O hpV,E‘ uAVIN( BEEN 9~ >E P AU LOCATED FOR PURCHASERS ' O F,E LI <$ ' ' P O BOX 17? dHUNSw/ILH U> . Fy • (JoSF i* ii)( * CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tlie I % Signature /a[ u of # HJr * n n<7 SG \J For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CtN'AUW COMPANY. NEW VORH ©ITT. 8