The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 15, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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IfIMN a DAVIS Wholesale Lqiuor Dealers AGENTS FOR ACME BREWING CO Mail order busi= ness a specialty. 224-228 BAY ST. BRUNSWICK. GA. A cold is much more easily cure i when the bowels are open. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar opens th bowels and drives the cold out o! me system in young or old. Sola by ai> druggists. Old fashioned pound caKe. tire kin mother used tr make. 2S cents per pound at bakery. Ino 4 utroet THE ARCADE BRUNSWICK’S ORIGINAL HIGH CLASS BALOON FINEST LINE OF BRANDIES. LIQUORS and CIGARS P. KELLER, Prop. PHONE 247- New Greek i American Restaurant i AND LUNCH ROOM. I I I NIGHT AND DAY [NEATEST PLACE IN THE CITY , EVERYTHING FIRBT CLASS I SERVICE UNSURPASSED. t I , NOW OPEN. I | IN OLD ARCADE BUILDING t NO. 210 GLOUCESTER ST. ; POLETIS&HOODENPYLE TELEPHONE NO. 4SO. The styles In shoes at Peerson's ae p.entiful and as varied as the autumn leaves. CAR LOAD OP PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE WIRE FENCES ARE CHEAPER THAN WOOD Figure With ROBERSON & CO. en the subject Phene 426 No 2 Wright's Spuare H. B. GARNETT. GENERAL CONTRACTOR When In need of—— A PLASTERER, A PAINTER, A CARPENTER Cell on the old original M. ■ OAPMBTT i UAHKt A PVU, AMO MMP L*T* UNt Of tAW MIU MACH fNEKY, INCLUDING ENCINEd and MOVM. * OWM * • MOM. H. eOK, NEWS AND NOTES ALONG THE BA! DAY’S SHIPPING RECORD ANC OTHER NEWS OF INTEREST ON F.IVER FRONT. Following is the record of the movement of vessels at this port yesterday: Arrived. S:hooner Jennie S. Hall., Watts. Providence. Cleared. _ S hooner Hattie Du r ,I'horndike. Irvington. I Schooner Mattie sfjn-ook, Skons gaard. New York. M SaileeF Steamer DaltonkalJ. Williams, Liv erpooi. f River Notes. Tlie Clyde line .steamer Katahdin. which arrived Tuff day, will sail to day. * The schooner jlattie Dunn, which cleared yesta.'dar, has on a cargo of 414.000 feet <jf lumber. It is understood that the schooner Brooklyn, whirhl put into this port several weeks igo damaged, acu which is now ready to sail, will not continue to Havana, but will take on a cargo a* tjhis port Special Notice. Ndither the fanasster, owners nor consignees of the British steamship Fernfleld will be responsible for any debts contracted thy the crew of said steamship. \ F. D. M. Straoiian & Cos., Consignees. If there is any style In a shoe you have seen in a book, look over our sto k and you will be pretty sure t> And it. Peeraon’s. ♦ 1 FOR FRESH MEATS, VEGETABLES ETC., CALL UP S,Q. DENT & SON 1501 Cochran Ave, Cor. Q Street PHONE 427 Also Dealers in General Merchandise Satisfaction Guarantteed. GO TO MARCATOS’ THE METROPOLITAN: RESTAURANT i < . i OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. 4 4 4 FREE DELIVERY TO ALL “ 4 SECTIONS OF THE CITY -i . 1 4 . We serve the best the market 4 'Affords and Pay Prompt to any and al IComplaints 4 . 4 . 4 MARCATOS& CO . PROPS, , . PHONE 321. fMC iNUNSWteK 9ATLV ftCWfl, THURSOaV. NOVEMBER 19 1993 COVERED EDOM HEADjO FOOT With Crusted Scaly Eczema When One Month Old —Could Brush Scales Off Body —Young Lady is Now 17 Years o'd and Skin is Without a Scar —Cured By CUTICURA REMEDIES AT EXPENSE OF $4.50 “When I was one remth old I was taken with eczema. Alt :.- bring under the treatment oi two doctors for one month snd no improvement, my mother was advised by a druggist to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I was one crust of sores from head to foot. My mother could brush the scales off my body; and my finger and toe nails fell. After using six cakes of Cuticura Soap and about as much Cuticura Oint ment I was completely cured. I am now seventeen years old and my skin has not a scar. I am still finding wonders in Cuti cura; after washing a fever blister two days it was completely gone." Your Cuticura friend, Miss Eola Glasscock, Oct. 2!, 1905. Marksviile, La. The attention of parents is called to the fact that, the Cuticura. Remedies were used on a one month oid baby with complete success, proving what we have always claimed that these great curatives are so pure, so sweet, and so delicately medicated that they may be used on the youngest infants. COTICUM REMEDIES Are the Best for Skin and Blood “About three years ago my face be gan to get rougfi with acne and kept getting worse. A year ago I read in a paper of the Cuticura Remedies for the skin and blood. I sent for them at once. I used the Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Pills, and in three months my skin was soft and smooth, and. the pimples have all disappeared without tne services of a physician, I think the Cuticura Remedies are the best that any one can use for the skin and blood," Liny G. Sehieferle, Sept. 5, 1905. Sinta Paula, Cal. CmidtuuSosp, Ointment, and Pills r.r€ sold through,nut the world. Putte lmujf ChPiu- Corp.,Sole I‘ropa. Mas*. &f“ isend tor sr licw to Cara for tto Skltt.' Danger From toe Hague. There’s grave danger from the pla gue ot Coughs and Colds that ara so prevalent, unless you take Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Mrs. Geo. Walls of Forest City. Me., writes: "It's <1 Godsend to people living in climate where coughs- and colds prevail. I find it quickly ends them. It pre vents Pneumonia, cures LaGrtppe, gives wonderful relipf In Asthma and Hay Fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to w T ard off Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. &0e an . SI.OO. Guaranteed by Smith Phar macy. Trial bottle free. Notice. The. managers of the Greek-Amer icncn restaurant wish it distinrtl v U"d"rslood that it has no connection with ( ar>v othmr restaurant in the city. This, the original “quick ol der” restaurant. ! s located at the corner of Gloucester a"d Gran streets in the old Ar ade building, Poletes and Hoodenpyle. OUR FOUR DOLLAR SHOES FOR WOMEN AhE BEAUTItS. SE THEM AT FEERSON’S. ALL FIRST uLASS SALOONS SELL HARVARD’S RYE. Shoes for your wile, b'lmes for yom children; shoes tor yourself at Pee. son’s. Oil clothing of ail kinds at Slg Lev son Children and Hoys’ Suits at a sa ing of Bf> per oent at Slir ! e\ Ison Infants’ socks, 15 to "5 centa value at 5 cents per pair at Si* Levlson. Ladles long h.ack silk gloves. Gus Hoffman’s Bazaar. . 3!us Ribbon Beer. .Tl’St tece'ved a -a- load of Pah- R-ewlng Compa-iv’s Bine Rib-hon bee- Same Is sold fit all first cla°s s avion In the city of Brunswick. Retail f e-.nto nor hottie and Th wr dn-ze-n T Vow-mat., sole agent 218 Raw itree- ! IHE NEWS’ BUS NESS D RE( IOKY. K _ * FAC IS ABOUT BRUNSWICK „ Br\L NSW ICK IS A RAPiDUV Gi ,oNG Ui Y AND IS Tn£ Clol fjnT ON fnc SOUTH ATLANTIC COAST. ThEaE /.efc AMjl\G rliß ‘ p - f RES-N Ta fIV c MEhQnANTo Ai\U BU-Incso MEN AND Tr.Et Ai .E IN POSITION TO S-R E T,.c <-U-.LIC IN Tnc-ln AtS. J uo.iVt ulNti. ; v htPREtExTATIvE SOSINESo C-mCeIiNS CL aS -tF i£ 0 A-PHABE ICALcY. ; AhCr.ITEOTS. J. Architect a..u jui. ,e., oelecic ; lets 01 b timing aiwa, ! on naiid. 1; you co.ncui.dHt j titiuuj cmiiiiiu^.oate w..,. I 1 BiC/Ciss ai.d Auto.uooiies. j B. .1. ui-vvuic Automobiles, Inc., ties, cycling a I cessunes. ami reuium ! Give us a ,au. lei. 124-2 3iUi Newcastle Si '• BO TTLING WCPKS. BrunswicK Bottling ana Manufat I 00., Manufacture!s of Flavoring fc.x I tracts. Soda Water and Aimer 1 Waters. Harmless Colors and Junes, Cldars, and Venegars. dike ami factory 212 Ogletuoric BROKERS. J. H. Pace. Merchandise Broker. Telephone 123 BLACKSMITH & WHEELWRIGHT. J. O. Brown & Cos. Wheelwrigut and blacksmith; hors, shoeing a specialty; wagon and cai fiage painting, hepaiiing of turpea tine wagons and timber carts a spec dilty. idW Alanstie.d street, Hruus wick, Ga. BARBER SHOPS. Allen & Thrash, Tonsorial Artists. Spools' manacurist fur ladies. Tsl 17G, Opt ra House building. Ladies Hairdressing a Specialty CONTRACTORS. Bowen and Thomas. General Contractors. Tel 154. CEMENT C.ONTR ACTORS. J. D. Baldwin Cene-al Cement Contractor All sizes of white and <n vert Hexl on tile and curb. Side-walk builders Vrite us. TURPENTINE STILLS. M. A. Ba’ er & Cos. Manufacturers 01 seamiest turpen tine srihs. Repairing a specialty.. Brunswick, Ca. Pensacola, Fla. 1 DEVELOPMENT CTMPAN'ES. Brunswick Development Cos., Max Isaac. Presi lent. Rrunswick. Ga • We lend monev to hu!M houses 'f von building consu l ns. We can enable you to own your home Brunswick Ga. THE LARGEST FfWIIiEE REUSE 111 EEIITH CEEREH We carry everything; from the kitchen to the parlor and guarantee price Price .... $15.00 Write to us lot prices and mention this paper. COAL ANJ WOOD. 'V"-‘ svit UL| OL VW wt.ll 00. KtM l \ .0 . tr. t L.l Idu- lt stiU t | uiitu. Tel. 4 10. Co* i buuul uuu. ! u.c.iue. Ci.OoS-i lL DEaIXEyS. ! -runswck l. Obtuse u. C> Co. OI'Ul <l* V'tCrv, Lau. Liberal ius,,e- uou. Highest casi 1 prices i'lompi re: urns, tiujeis an Umippeis of ciussiujs. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. A. M. CalJer, Electrical cent. actor mid dealer t j electi ic supplies oi all kinds, li. me wiring a specialty. Opera uousc building. ELECTRICAL C;N TRACTOR it. L. FAitiVlKiv, Before having your inside wiring leue see it. L. Farmer, Phone 202-4 FURNITURE. Geo. F Gay. General house furnishing goods: urniture. stoves and sewing machines old on easy teiuis. lU2 A streeL. irunswick. Ga. HAY AND GRAIN. N. W. FiNUIEy & CO., Cont igimienis so iclt< u. Prompt re* I minis made. Prouuce, 1 1 >1 \ anil grain, [Hour, grits ami meal 224 Bay streei Brunswick. Ga. LIQUOR HOUSES. Cong-*;s Hall Saloon, J. It. Mays & Cos. Wines, liquors, cigars and tobacco.’ We make a specialty of the mail order business. PLUMBERS. Gil-nore & Wood. General and sanitary iilumlx>rs am dealovs in tdirnhers’ supplies. 4i • Newcastle street. Tel 225. PLANING TvllLl S. Brunswick Planing & Forwarding Ce, , T. O Fleming. .11.. Manager finn ing mil', sawmill, div kiln. Rough ami dressed lumber, wem net-hoarding. ftoi r ing. ceilings, moulding ami ,n„lde flu. ish. Phone 102 Rrunswick. Ga. TINNERS. C b'r A, Wheeler. Contracting Timers. P’lune .113 311 N wcasll - St. .-.u, ......... ....... am.e. we rr\ .. IX ki.,wr\i.iu 6. 4.C.V.. v- -IjP •ii U u 1,1 1u a 1.1 .a O dI, u 4 Laaa .liUutH lUawL’tl Uu uit j li.|„ 0 oi mi„ I Ulo iUI plot la Jo, jtWtli lUbtilug, vV/UliS dtivt dAiVCd. PAINTER. J. I*l. Ujw£, General Louse puui.cis. Satisfi. 10.1 fcv.n. auue- ui e.ery jo-. Ui u ‘i-li, oeor b lu. SALOONS. Union Sa>von House, G- Loe.veiiMem, ivlgi. Wines iigu-ix,, v.i a u.s a.m tobae Everytl ’iig m u.e wmssey line. J-, v-iaue a spo, uilvy. SHOES. . E. M. Pee. son & Cos. When you have need u; shoes give us a call. 214 Newcastle street. Telephone 44 1. Brunswick Exclusive Shoe Store. sash, door & bunds. Georgia Sasi., Door & Blind Cos., Mamiiacimere 01 s;i''ii. do,ns auu blinds. Tel 3i-3. Corner Prince St. and Cochran Ate. * WOOD YARD. J. A. Davis. Dealer in oau and pine wood, orner Cochran avtiii.e and George vtreet. Te.epLone 2Mi-4. Prompt -crvice. F'ree delivery. TINNER. H. S. ReJdi k, Contracting iinm-r ’. .111 will con sult your own Inlerests by comniltni eating with me Pefoi’e letting your conlraf ts for tinning. I’nene Jyy 125 Newcasile Si. Brunswick, Ga. V E3LEY H. GrtENFIELD. file D iv’ng Coniracnu- Wharf Rull.l Ing and Tr-stle Wcr 1 : a sper-ialtv 500 I. Street. Brunswick Oa. W - G o n s AND HARNESS. TANARUS, B. hur-'s, Manufacturer and builders of all kiiidr ni warn ms and harness. Te. ”'l. 214 Newcastle street UNDERT’KRo ant EMBALMER. G* -ts G IT" •ei-tnker and emh-ihner. Surfs. fa'fton "uaiantoed In everv ense 01 enihalming. 12-1 A street, Hnniswlek • Wt MAKE AWNINGS FOR YOUR RESIDENCE OR YOUR STORE. 3