The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 17, 1906, Image 2

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“ *• J-' H 1 B B attorney Georgia. The turpentine ‘VWnblne” has It' headquarters In the south, and many cnmidatnta have been (received by the government authorities concern tag its operations. It is alleged th* a hard and fast agreement exists be tween the various constituent com panles belonging to the smcalle trust, and that the (business and te ritory have been divided up In rog uiar octopus fashion. A representative of the d'strict at torney at Macon, Ga., it is learned has been in conference with the dir trlct attorney here, and it Is under stood the government Is on the tral of the concern. It is intimated tha' the turpentine trust so-called is in f.uenred,' and controlled to a greatei or less, degree hv the Standard Oi Company, although government of ficialif are disposed to be reticent o: tills /phase of the question. It b i noirn. at any rate, that Standftr tt/rests In the past have ent- J absorb the tunr.cntine and rosli •viustrles, but how far they have iccecdod. If at all. remains to be Useloaed. The determination of the govern meat to dissolve the Standard 01 Company, If possible, by means of suit In equity and Us announced In tontion to make It hot for the Stand nrd all along the line, appears tc justify the opinion that the Fedora’ authorities strongly suspect that Ir tlmate relations exist between tin two enterprises. For dale. Good horsd and buggv, cheap. Fo particulars address Box 83, Bruns wick. Ga. tfEAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INVESTMENTS 4 See us for tho best city prop- ; erty. < Bargains in j all kinds of i real estate. ) > BOYD & CO. I 110 Newcastle St. Phone 301 f LADIES I HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF FOUN TAIN, BULB AND WHIRL SPRAY SYRINGES EVER SHOWN IN BRUNSWICK, AND YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE SAME EVERY LADY SHOULD HAVE A SYRINGE, AND I HAVE ONE TO SUIT ANY LADY, AND EVERY ONE ABSOLUTELY GUARAN TEED. ED C. BRUCE Nrwesstls and Glouoetter St For pistol*, cartridges, rlflsi, dirks, Lillies, etc., go to Big Levisoa. AM, FIRST CLASS SALOONS CLL HARVARD'S RYE, , ■ SUainrr KsHp^BßlfCju \> on. Y Schooner Hallr Diiun. Thorndike, rvlngton. Schooner Herbert D. Maxwell. Quillen, New York. Schooner Mollie S. Look, Skous caard, Havana,., CASTOR IA For Inf an to and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature) of For hunting coats, shell belts, leg tins, gain covens, etc., go to Sis bevlson. For double barrel shotguns go to Mg Levtson. Position Wanted Young man with good habits and T ood references wishes position in office. Small salary to start with \. 8., this office. Stanley Land Compao/ and A. Brad ’ey Coley vs. John Gaffney. Petition o subject land sold under bond for title to the unpaid portion of the pur these pilee. In the superior court or Ylvnn county. Oeorgia. December •prm, 1906. To the defendant, John Gaffney. Take notice that a petition has been tied by the plaintiffs. Stanley Lana Company and A. Bradley Colnv, ignlnet you In the above namorl pro -ending, said cause being returnable In due course to the next term of tna superior court to be held In and for Glynn county, Georgia, on the first Monday In December. 1906. and you are hereby commanded and require i to he and appear at the next term ot ■laid court to answer said petition, as In default thereof the court will pro ceed as to Justice shall appertain. Witness th*‘ Ifonorahle T. A. Par ker, Judge of said court, this Ist lay of October, 1906. H. F. dtißignon, Clerk superior court. Glynn county. Georgia. “Meet me at The MECCA.” THE UP TO-DATE RESORT FO r GENTLEMEN. POLITE AND PROMPT SERVICE All high grade goods in the beer whiskey and ci £ar line. BARGAINS -IN HEAL ESTATE Are you looking for a homo, a farm, a good-paying butt neao, or a good Investment for your surplus money? We can please you as wo have on our list a large assortment ot property. Does thla Interest you? Seven-room, two-at ->-y resi dence, nicely fl , i-d, gat, hot and cold water, batn room, etc.. In good residence diatrlot ONLY $2,000 New flve-rem cettage en Un ion street. Model cottage. All convenienses. f&MO. Close In. CLAY & COIEILOUS Oglethorpa Hotel Building. Rubbers for bob; robbers ter tr Fr Kkkm 4b aMMUoa of hen THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NCWS, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 100 w HAVE SHOES 10 FIT YOUR FEE! YOU HAVE THE FEEF TO Fir OUR SHOES LET’S TflflDE PEEISOI’S 214 NEWCASTLE ST. MORE GOOD NEWS * t SEE OUR WINDOW FOR SPECIAL D|SPLAy Qp A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF ft S .. m ENAMEL WARE IN JEWELRY and BASKETS l\ew line Kibbons, NORTH WINDOW. CHOICE 10c all widths and col ors, yd 10c Ladies Fleece lined Undervests 19c Childrens Winter Weight Stock ings 3 for 25c Childrens Wool Leggings, ali col Childrers Mittens Wool all col er* 10c Bcby Caps. Winter Goods choice 25c Ladies Initial Linen Handkerchiefs each 5c Good quality Silk Umbrellas ..SI.OO Mens Fancy Suspenders 10c ENAMEL WARE—'TINWARE 2 qt Enamel Boilers ...10c 8 qt. Enamel Dlshpans . .100 5 qt Pudding Pans ~..100 Frying Pans, 20c size 10e Large size Pie Plates . ..10© Just arrived, Jardiniere. 15c to $1 Pretty line Umbrella hall stand $1 Flower Pots, all sizes 5c to 40c McClure’s 10c. store COMFORTING WOP.D3. Many a Brunswick Household Will Find Them So.. To have the pains and aches of a bad back removed; lo be < ntlrely free from annoying, dangeror, 'ritiary dis orders is enough to kidney sufferer grateful. To foil how this ?reat • change can be brought about will prove comforting words to hur.- Ireds of Brunswick readers. James C. Adams, carpenter, resid ing at 234 Oglethorpe avenue, east Sa vannah, Ga., says: “I used Doan’s Kidney Dills for backache and diffi culty with the kidney secretions. My aek ached constantly and the pain across the loins was so severe at imes as to make me lay off work. n secretions from the kidneys were ■strong, had a dark color, were full of sediment, and scalded like coals of fire. I used many remedies, but nothing had any effect. My was run down on account of my rest being broken so much at night, and 1 would get up In the morning tirea and worn out. I saw Doan’s Kidney Pills advertised and got a box of them. They gave me new life, al though 1 had little faith left in any medicine. Since using the plils my hack has become regular and normal. 1 attribute my cure entirely to Doan's Kidney Pills, and you can use my name to this effect" Plenty more proof like this from Brunswick people. Call at Manoes drug store and ask what customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 ents. Foster-Milburn Cos.. Buffalo, \ew York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan's—and ake no other. AMERICAN TIE —AND— TIMBER GO. MANUFACTURERS. SHIPPERS AND DEALERS IN CROSSTIEB AND LUMBER Nsw York OfSco No. 11 Broadway S. K. BROWN. Mngr. BRUNSWICK. QA. A COMPLETE LINK OF BHOEB. JJJMIMrjRY LATfiT STYLE* ATj FOR THIS COLD SPELL WE HAVE COAL SCUTTLES at ..25c FiRE SETS, SHOVEL, POKER and TONGS ON STAND . ..SI.OO LONG HANDLE FIRE SHOVELS, STEEL POKERS .. 5c 10c B. NIJSSBAIM WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF GERMAN DELICASSEES WHICH ARE NOW ON SALE, AND GIVE BELOW A LIST OF A FEW SPECIALTIES ALWAYS IN STOCK, AND INVITE OUR FRIENDS TO CALL AND SEE US FOR A uoOD 1 'inch, Breakfast, Dinner, Supper SAUSAGES. Frank-furters Balogrte Rings Knackwurst Salami Pastrami Cervelate Smoke tongues Smoke cheeka Corn beef Head cheese Liver sausage veoee liver sausage WE HAVE ALBO JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF PICK LES, INCLUDING THE FAMOUS M-AGDEBURGER DILL PICK LES. WE ALBO CXRRY A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AND IF YOU ONCE CALL AND SEE U 8 WE FEEL SURE YOU WILL BE PLEASED. B. NUSSB4UM 303 Newcastle. Phone 229 Gas Healers GAB RADIATORS, INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATER* I JUST RECEIVEL. THEY ARE JUST WHAT YOU NEED LURING WINTER. OUR GAB STOVES ARE A GREAT CONVENIENCE AND ALWAYS READY FOR USE. NO COAL; NO WOOD; NO DIRT. PHONE NO. 7. flutual Light & Water Cos. Ladies Fleece lined Stockings 3for 25 Mens Fancy Socks ...,10c Mens Linen Handkerchiefs 3 for 25c Good Razor Straps 10c Good Razor Hone 10c ■■ ■ ■ -r — . China Shaving Mugs 10c J GLASS-WARE—CHINA Table tumblers heavy glass 6 for 10c Good quality Punch Glasses. 6 300 Large size Pickle dish . . 5c -* 44 — 4—4 4 4 4 44 —♦ Decorated Dinner Plates, choice 10c White Granite Cupa and Saucers .. Pr set 36c Crank sifters 10c 8 qt Kitchen Dipper So J - - , „ Potato Sheer, now kind 10 Frying Basket ioe Heavy Goblets each 6o Syrup Pitchers 10c CREESE Swiss Newchatell Fromage du brie Llmbu. ger Phil, creams Edams Pineapple Rockford Minster Caviar Brick Handcheeae numerous others FISH Haiiuutt Stergeon Salmon Spratts Bloaders Mackerel Heri ing Sardelles Sardines Brook trout ’ lyippert Herring Cod fish Anchovle