The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 17, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Doings In Mr. L. M. Beggs Is slightly 111 to the regret of his friends. • • • Mrs. Mitchell Lamb, of Woodbine, la the gueat of her sister. Miss Ida L^arob. • m m Mrs. C. D. Parker will entertain the Acacia Club next Wednesday af teruoon. •• * 1 Mb s Leslie Butts leaves in a few days to spend several weeks In Jack: rmvllle. • • • Mias Zoe Craig has arrived from Way r< ss to visit Miss I-’ogene Wil liams and Mrs C. M. Tilton. • * • Miss Gr-orsria Etta Orne, of Wil mintr'on. N. C.. is the guest of Mrs. J. M. Young and Mias Marie Wlm berg. • • • Mr. and Mrs. James M. Young leavers today for a visit to Mr. Younr'a old home in Quitman and Waycross. • m m Mrs. J. C. Lehman and Mr. L. Goldsmith have removed to the homo of Mrs. Ed Brute where they have taken apartments. Miss I/Tulso Baker who had her arm severely sprained a few days ago by being thrown out of her po,ny cart, is recovering from her injuries. • • • Mrs. 11. L. Harris, formerly of Brunswick, has removed with her children 10 Los Angelos, Cal., where Ernestine Harris haa a.ent the past year. <m m m Mr. and Mtb. Julius May will re move 'December l to the Goldsmith homo on E street, which they re cently purchased and on which they are having a number of Improve ments made • $► • Mr. R. E, Briosenlck is fencing in bis lot on Prince and Wolf streets. This is ono of the prettiest resldone* lots In Brunswick and Mr. Bides e nick will probably erect a handsome residence on It lat r on. • • • The Slxhand Euchre Club met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. R. R. Hopkins. This was the first meet ing of the season and was much enjoyed by the members. The prize STOP! | LOOK and LISTEN l K • J|L j ust * or one momtJnt consider the necessity ,of Wl owning a Cravenette or Overcoat for these cold days Wfl \ anC * n 'S^ ts * |§ 1 /\/\!/ ahout you and note the >well coats that you see on i || the backs of the well dressers, f|: ; ::.|| and torcuriosit y’ ssake • nHif* | V | Cli’Afl to the. wea r ers as they express their satisfaction re ‘ garding the fit and feeling of the swell tailored gar- ||| |j[_ y roqM ments they have purchased from us, lr ' S,X J r . FORM FORTY-SIX Cack> THF. r.rhtlElMt R 11S1ELCO 1 c;>/wch', in " """' ' '""" ■— ' THEFCCHHZIMCIt 1 HHZLCO. .‘Quarter Size Collars WOOD-BAILEY CLOTHING CO. “The Warm Store in the Heart of the City.” I Society was won ibv Mrs. J. W. Bennet. Those present were Mrs. J. D., Sparkß, Mrs. W. .M. Tupper, Mrs. Bolling Whitfield. Mrs. W. G. Brant ley, Mi-s. J. W. Bennet. • • m Mi. E. H. Mason, of Brunswick, a prominent banker of that city, is in the city for the wedding of bis nephew, Mr. Lee Mason Jordan, and Miss Vranceis Carter, whih took placo last evening.—Atlanta Journal. Miss Ethel Conoley entertained the Junior Slxhand Euchre Club very plea-antly yesterday afternoon. Tho prize was won by Miss Kezzie Con oley. The members iiresent were Misses Rita McKinnon and Frances Grant Nightingale, Mrs. T. Q. Flem ing, Jr., and Mrs. T. J. McCall Mies Irene Wood and Kezzie Con oley were guests of the club. • • ■ Mrs. W. C. Lemon complimented Mrs. Thomas McKev with ad l ght ful reception yesterday afternoon from four to six. The rooms were charmingly decorated, the dominat ing color mote b<|!ng bluet. Tiny bouquet# of blue forget me-nots were given the guests as souvenirs of the occasion, which was a farewell a* temlon to Mrs. McKey prior to her departure for Valdosta. Among those assisting Mrs. Lemen in re celvlng were Meedames E. R. C nant, Hoyt W. Gale, A. M. Way, r K Herndon and Misses Alma Wright, Mildred Lyon and Margaret Young. Many guests called during the afternoon and the occasion was a thoroughly enjoyable one and a graceful compliment to Mrs. McKey, wliosu departure is greatly regret ted Danger From the Plague. There's grave danger from the plfc guo of Coughs and Coids that ars so prevalent, unless you take Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. Mrs. Geo. Wall3 of Forest City, Me., writes: "It’s a Godsend to people living in climate where coughs and colds prevail. 1 nnd it quickly ends them, it pre vents Pneumonia, cures LaGrippe, Sives wonderful relief In Asthma and Hay Fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off Consump tion. Coughs and Colds. 60c anu SI,OO. Guaranteed by Smith Phar mney. Trial bottle free. tHC BRUNSWICK DAILY NBWB, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1? :3Ci DVE RTjSE FI E N T S. State of Georgia, County of Glynn. To the heirs at law of Mrs._ Mar that Hardy and devise 'a indeV the will of W. W. Hardy and Iha other devisees named therein, and to a.! creditors cf said estata: You are hereby required to he and appear, in person, or by attorney, at the December Term. UK. :>f IV court or Ordinary of Glynn County, Georgia, and then and 'here pr.-sent proper proof of your claims as heirs at law of Mrs. Martha Hardy t.- and devisees under the will of W. W. Hardy, deceased, and as other de visees named in said will or as cred itoi s of said estate, at the time and place when such proofs as heirs, de visees or creditors shall be passed up* n by the Court of Or llnary. Witness my land and official sig nature, this Bth day of November. 1906. HORACE DART, Ordinary Glynn County, Georgia. PUBLIC SALE. State of Georgia, Glynn County. By virtue of an order of the court of ordinary of 4 said 'county, there will be sold at nil' ll: outcry on the first Tuesday in December. 1906. at the court house door in said county, between the usual hou's of sale, the following described property, to-wit: That certain tract of land in the 26th district. G. M. of said couniy con taining twelve (12) acres, more or less, known as the home place of W. fi. Manoe. deceased, on Blythe Island therein, aqd heing the same tract of land conveyed to the said W. B. Man oe by those certain three (3) deeds the first from Louisa C. Doerflinger, which deed is re;orded in book H B page 514, of said county; the sec on 1 from Euphemia A. Harris, recor ded in book R R, page 20, and the third from the Seaboard Land. Im provement and Manufacturing Com pany of Georgia, recorded in book N dervis and >recor|? thereof is had N, page 345, reference to which sai l for all purposes of description; said property to be soid as the property of the estate of W. B. Manoe. Terms of sale cash. Elizabeth Manoe, Administratrix of W B. Fanoe# es tate I handle the best line of new good*: In the city. Do not be fooled b\ business opponents who try to tli you different CaJl and be convinc ed Sig Levlso.n. Blue Ribbon Beer. Jest iece!ved, a car load of Rah <"-wing Company’s Blue Ribbon bee bone Is sold at all first clues saloon i the city of Brunswick. Ueiail i “tits per boftie and $1,50 per dozei T. Ncwmai,. snip -ivent ?t8 Bav strep We don't buy once a year nor twice a year, but we arc receiving shoes all the time. Peerson's. Drummond Medieme Cos.. New York. Gentlemen:—Seed me on© more bot tle of the Remedy and one of the „.niment. Father thinks he is al most well. He is fr- - e from pain, the swelling almost gone, and the stiff ness in his joints better by far than : he ever expected. He wants another month's treatment, and thinks y tne : time he takes t.iat he will be sound i and well of rheumatism. Laura Bush- j ong. Sulphur Li:k. Kv. Readv-to-wear hats, o: the latest style will he dif'la vp.i a. Mis* Kh'p Slater <■ millinery opening Friday anu Saturday ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS ScLL HARVARD’S RVE I Will save you big monev on cloth ing. Every steamer and railroad \ brings new goods. Sig I.evison. I . . .. JOHN D. km.-NTD* Brunswick’s Candy Store. Don’t buy burnt sugar and imagine , you are getting pure chocolate. Sucu ! substitutes are injurious to health i For pure chocolate and ai l other can dies call on me. A fresh supply received ev v week from Menier the famous chocolate maker. Either in hulk or in beautiful pound and half pound boxes. FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOES. ETC. TAFFY CANDY MADE FRESH DAILY. 208 Newcastle S’reet GO DOWN TO THE CITY HALL : AND REGISTER ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS SELL HARVARD’S RYE BLENDED V Java Coffee 3 CANS for SI.OO A FINE COFFEE IMPERIAL SHEESE per Jar 15s.’ POTATO CHOPS package. 10c. AT KEANY’S -STERLING STANDS FOR NAME and QUALITY. IF YOU ARE PARTICULAR ABOUT WHAT YOU WRITE WITH BUY A mm FIIINTAII PEN WE ARE HERE EVERY DAY TO FULLY GUARANTEE THEM They are the Very Essence of ease and satisfaction in Writing —SOLE AGENTS— FLEMING & BRYANT Stop Dipping and Buy a STERLING FOUNTAIN PEN $1.25 to $6 118 NEWCASTLE BT. PHONE 53. Barrington Hall C The Steel Cut W Ull wG A . T h e F i nest Moch a& J ava Per lb can . . 35c For sale only at A 1 4 IV! > C 227 Grant St, W'/-\ 111 > O PHONE 296 .Gs f S sisr rNNihu i AL rSLLb asal . r - f*r~: or and banish “pi of menstruation. They are “ LIFK SAVERS -*’ to womanhood, aiding' development of organs and tWßk'> known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harr^B becomes a pleasure. SI.OO Pl*K BOX BY MAIL. 9 ®&£2Siis' by druggists. Di;. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland*