The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 17, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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7 Tttfc bkUiNswICK INtWt PUBLISHED DAILY BY the news publishing COM PANT CLARENCE H. LEAvV, Editor an. Manager. _OUI3 J. LEAVY, Jr., City Editor. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. Entered at the Brunswick, Ga.. posi office ne second claaß mall matte. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms of subscription In the clt and by mall free of charge to all pari of the United States and Canada. Me> Ico, Porto Rico, Guam. Philippic Islands and Hawaiian Islands. On. Month ‘*9 Three Mentha Z* Six Months Jf-r? One Year so ° Notlca of discontinuance af Ad' and Subscriptions must ba made t business office In writing. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF Glynn County Glynn County Commissioners. Tne United States Court of BanU ruptcy for this DlstrlcL Correspondence solicited, but to rt calve attention letters must bo a< companied by a responsible name, no tor puoilcatlon, but as a guarantee ° good faith. Rejected communications will bo returnee If accompanied oy postage. Remittance should be made by po uil note, check, money order or regia tered letter. Addrese News Publishing Cos., Brunswick, G. HAVE ESAU AND JACOB AGREED. It ia to bo hoped that the people of this city will catch tbo full sIR al.Tcance of tho action of lta clt; ooundl, when It deliberately hold ui the resolution Introduced by Aldet man Gale providing for the purchaa of the plant of the Mutual Ugh and Water Company bv the city o Brunswick. For months and months the pret ent administration has boon clauiot lng for this property. It has sad died this one Issue on every mum clpal camtiaigh since it .has bem In power; it has charged that tb. ticket of Col. Goodyear Is launches at the Instan. e of the light and wa ter company, Its spell-bludera hav. announced from the stump and the organ of tho solicitor of the cltj court has charged that the Mutua i.lght and Water 00. Is a blood sap plug corporation, that It has fasten od Us lauits into Uie cltv excheque and even deeper Into the pocket: of the taxpayers of this community But when this blood sapping coi poratlon offers to sell to the city o. Brunswick we find tills same polli ioally dominated city council ref us mg to .purchase, at a valuation al ready tixisl and practically agreed to by a special committee, and it hat neon hinted that some very dark and well laid schemes are "solely and directly resiKinslblo'’ for the de feat of this resolution and for the pre-arranged executive session in which Alderman Gale's resolution was literally stabbed to death. In Lhe interest of the taxpayers wt call upon the mayor and council tc tell the people of Brunswick, wht ought to know, why It was that a the eleventh hour they refused to eo. ure the much coveted pri‘ ioi which they have been apparently lighting ail these years. The News i violating no confidence when it isys that it believe* It has Informs lion and we promise the people that cut ess some explanation is made wi •hall give them the benefit of our information before Tuesday's elec tion. If the tpeople of Brunswick are paying too much for light and water whoso fault Is It, and why wtu; It deemed necessary to kill the dale resolution, which Is, or was. the onl* genuine move yet made looking to the ownership of this property by the city. We recall a little reference to Jacob's voice and Beau's hand We also recall that are charged that several Jacobs were listening to tha voice of Eeao and vr* are per* uade4 to the belief that porhape Bstu apd Jacob hare agreed that It would be bad politics to remove the light and water company from this campaign just at thle time and they here been •**•*• H **, ind reprehensible moUvea in their agreement. It is time to take the people of his city into the confidences of tht nayor and city council and we de nand. sneaking for the- neocle, that hey be told why, fighting for en years, for this plant they bav efijsed to aectfpt the golden egg vhen It was laid at their very door IHOOT. LUKE. OR GIVE UP THE CUN. Why don’t the mayor and council naterlallze In something definite, something traalcaWe, something Utainafole, In all this matter of light ind water and trolley lines? First the Neff. Nefforbullt. Niffer loing franchise for a trolley line. Second, an ordinance to fix light ind water rates so preposterous in ts terms as to insure Its long ret ention In the courts. Its final ijule us. We do not have so low an idea •f tho intelligence of any member if council as to for a moment sup wee any member expected such atee to prevail. Surely they should hoot or give up the gun. THE EXPIRING EFFORTS OF AN EXPIRING MAYOR AND COUNCIL. In accordance with tho grand land play of tho mayor and coiin -11 or “little gnat” Russell, or both ombined. of a Neff franchise filled vlth promises which could not be ept, could not attract capital, did lot attract attention of capital, now n an expiring effort to retain r<> tical an ordinance Is read or the first time, not Intended u >0 passed, conveying promises of a ut In water rates. In light rates, tot Intended to be kept, not capable f being kopt, used to suppress tha Toyt Ode resolution, the first lealthy ar.d practical step toward uuniclpal control, and this la mu nicipal politics. The Gale resolution meant lta mu ll ate city control of the light and vater plant—an asrreement to fl tanco It. Why, If tho Symons faction and he mayor and council are sincere van this resolution that meant so uu h to Brunswick and her people oppressed by an executive session? Why were the people not called into the confidence of the mayor rod couueil and still we ask. WHY? g 100 Por a Bottle. This would not be a lergo price to -ay for Dr. Drummond’s Lightning .emedies for rheumatism if one com i lot get relief any cm-aoer. The utrummond Medicine Cos. New York, ,ave re.elved nundreds 01 unsolicited estimonlals from giatelui people re itored to health by the use of tneir emedies, who would not hesitate ro -ay any price rather than suffer the ormer torture. It you would like to ry these remedies, and your druggist ms not got them, write direct to me ompany. Agents wanted ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS SELL HARVARD’S RYE. OLD DR. DRUMMOND. After many years of patient ntudv rod experiment. ha< given the worn] t propitiation which Is an absoluU rod permanent cure for e> ery form of '•heuinatism. Tho price is (5, hut It Is two large bottles, enough lor noutn'i treatment, and will relieve the worst case from the first dose. Sen? >y express upon receipt of price by Drummond Mediclpe Cos. New York, with Dill particulars and testlmonla's if wonderful cures. Cold weather means heavier shoes. See Peerson's. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE O" SCHOOL SHOES AT LOW PRICES PEERSON. Mandolines, gultaro. banjos, violins, soordions, mouth hfcrps and sll kinds of musical Instruments at Slg Lsvl son. Keep the Dowels open when you hare a cold and use a good remedy to allay the Inflammation of the mucous membrane#. The best Is Kennedy’s laxative Honey and Tar. It contains no opiates, move# the bowels, drives out the cold. Is reliable and tastes good. Sold by all druggists. OUR FOUR DOLLAR SHOES FO* WOMEN ARE BEAUTIES. SE THEM AT FEERBON'S. ALL FIRST ULABB SALOONS SILL HARVARD'S RVE. Shoes fftr vmrr wife: One for vnur • “M’dren; shoes tor yourself st Peer sea's. Of] clothing of sll kinds st Big Lew j see Notice. The managers of the GreeV.*mee loam restaurant wish It distinctly n"drflood that It b no connection wtrh err other restaurant fn the city. This, the original "quick or der" restaurant, fa located at the comer of Gloucester and Ortgi ffreft# fg <ts fji At'iii bnqdfnf fofJaa W'pt TFrfff'fr** ' ftft Mt/MWMK OAH.V Ntw, EAfUROAY NOVEMBER. 17 I*o# ▼"X Dangerous coughs. Extremely perilous coughs. / 1 0C' tl,at ra 'P an<l tear t-ie throat ?r.i lungs. JUw/ t/ {, & Coughs that the whole body. You need L f a regular medicine, a doctor's medicine, for 1 S~f he* * uch a Cou s h - Ask y°ur doctor about Ayer’s Uu \J / £0 Cherry recmral for there severe cases. */ W have ro secrets * We publish j. r /v—Co ^ >arat; LowelL Magg* Big Shoe Values ~. ; * SHOE/S SECURE THEM? j FOR STRONG CHILDREN Come to my place and I will ft show yo the smoothes! and i edeaneot stock of Men’s Wo. men's and Children's Shoes in the city—Composed of the van -11 jS3p$T ’ Vi ous Standard and Reputable * NO CUT u Lines New goods arriving 6teadily, insuring all the *ate6t ICHOOL SHOES A SPECIALTY I Geo. W. Owens, CORNER E AND L BTREETS. THIS XMAS VOU'LI. BE HAPPY! surety if y<(u faAjr your friends with srme one or mor c appropriate gift sought out with loving thoughtfulness from our timely display of perfumery in fancy bottles, toilet articles, manicure sets, shaving seta, fancy boxrel otc. - The show la free and our pricing fair. THE ATLANTA FrtARMACY. Tel 310. Sub-Postofflce Station No. 1. COLSON HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE, MACHINERY AND BUPPLIEB. OF ALL KINDB SAW MILL OUTFITS. Agonta for ATLAS ENGINES AND BOILERSL WIRE FIELD FENCE. COLSON HARDWARE CO. A Yeung Mother at T 9, *Mt mother has suddenly been made young at TO. Twenty years o ntens# suffering from dyspepsia h entirely disabled ber. nntit six months Rgo, when she betas taking Ele-trt Bitter* which have completely cure! , 'r and restored the strength and activity she had In the prime of lit* writes Mrs. W L. OH pa trick, of Daa 'orth. Me. Greatest restorative medf cine on the globe. Seta Stomach i,lvor and Kidney* rtsht pnrtfle* the blood, and cares ICnlnrln, BHtesnesi and Weaknesses. Wonderful Nerve Tonic. Price Mm Onamataad hr iaotg fßmtsmaffg. ONE GENI ft m WAN! ED. IVah’likkl —ieuyna auuw llial Ja g wju luuu >uu money oa auy luiag Ut vaAl. All ivgmuiau- business SO> Big ncViouii, 6 r it> auu 3o u Day st.i WANTED —Six good agents to do pleasant, agreeable worn, ean te moiy anywueie desired. Salary sou,Oi> per mourn. promotion. Apply in person or by letter to J. W. Warner, Farawood, Lljun county, Ua. WANTED —Night watchman. Applj at new court hom-e at once. WANTED—IO good r.ana sewers. Ap ply at once at K. Den Let. WANTED —Collector; gona chance for promotion. Call on James and Lo.. £>t,6 Monk St. WANTED —liev. Sain Jones’ Life and Sayings, by his wile, is the biggest seller ever published. Price only $2.-j0 Magnificent outfit and right to terri tory only &0 cents. Don t miss this chance of your life to make money. Write quick. Circulars free. L. J. Nichols & Cos., Atlanta, Ga. WANTED. —At once a lumber Inspect or. One capable of taking stock Good salary to the right man. Ad dress Inspector, News oifice. Hilton & Dodge Lumber Cos., E. A. Edward^ WANTED. —Traveler for establishes house. $12.00 per week Expenses tdvanced. References. Address, with stamp. J. A. Alexander, Brunswick Georgia. WANTED. —Table boarders. Apply 11 Mrs. C. W. Floyd, No. 903 F street. FOR RENT. i‘UK SAn,E. —Tne handsome residence of Col. W. E. Kay. For particulars see Brobston, Fendtg & Cos. FOR SALE—Carpets, window shades furniture and other household goods All procti ally new. Jn-P- to Mrs Julius May, 510 Glonseestsr St. FOR SALE.—At a bargain; truci farm. Fourteen acre farm under fence; one four room eottsge an barns: 84 bead of cattle; 10 heads of hogs; 1 horse and wagon; farming Implements: four miles from city: one-fourth mile from railroad station Party leaving the city; must go. Ap ply R. XV. Durden, 1009 G street. LOST. LOST—Between Ooc i in avenue and Wolf street, a go’l natch and small chain. Rewa. 1 if lo’mued tc 1205 M street. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED TO RENT—Three or four rooms for light housekeeping near postofflee, bv couple without chil dren, or would rent, a larger house with another couple. Address "Room*," New* office. FOR SALE # 0 mmmmmmrnmm Ix 6 Heart face flooring;, dressed to match’ Cheap. Benito Padrosa. To The Public ' HAVING LOCATED A CEMENT STONE PLONT CORNER OF F AN. D STREETS lAM PREPARED TO DO A GENEPAL CEMENT WORK FIRST „_Aa‘ W0 o, < AT A REASONABLE FIGURE. ALL SIZES Of WHITE ANL OOICREC -iEXiGON TILE AND CURB OF THE REGU LATICN SIZE. . RESPECTFULLY SOL'CI” A SHARE OF YOUR PAT RONAGE. J. D. Ba dw in The Brunswick Bo.tlinjy and Manufacf urinsr Cos Manufacturers of SODA WATER AND MINERAL \V ATERS, CIDERS, CORDIALS NEC TARS, VINEGARS, SIMONS SPECIAL GINGER ALE AND RYE OLA, PHONE 273 218 OGLETHORPE 8T For ACCURACY PROMPT DELIVERY and PURE DRUGS HAVE YOUR Prescriptions Filled at MANOE’S Pharmacy 505 GLOUCESTER ST. PHONE 37. ARE YOU THIRSTY. If you are and a good drink of the Best CUh is key or Finest Beer will quench It I can fix you. See my wine and cigar list. h. Seliy, 229 Grant Street CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS Let us be your Wash woman BRUNSWICK STEAM LAUNDRY. Cline & Ludwig, Props. - Bottlers of Coco Cola and other Soft Drinks 110 RICHMOND ST. FHONB 1t PARKER-HENSELL .. Ellin GO. All flnccpc nf FOUNDRY UNO MACHINE REPAIRING SPECIALLY SQUIFFED FOR MARINE WORK Perfectly Adapted Marine Rail way Phone 16-3 Brunswick, Oa. BROWN & CO DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS AND SHIPPERS OF Railway Crossties AND DEALERS IN ww I- ■ W Yellow Pine I umber BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, TcTTltc* COUCH j and CURE the LUNOS I * ,u Dr. King’s j New Discovery /Consumption Price # rUR I OUSHSand 60c & SI.OO ISOLDS Free Trial. *tb ~ 1 nr ~r law i.iiFiii a—.w n—lll 111 Surest and CluieKest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. . Cobb and Wheeler GNERAL TINNER3 THE OLD RELIABLES. 25 Years in the Business. GOOD WORK PROMPTLY EXECU TED. Phone 313. 313 Newcastle St Cal] up Davis and Tai-Ws stable ” ’ dirt ijr raising your lo* or sidewalks.