The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 18, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Society News Tlie social calendar for this week included the following affairs: Mon day afternoon The Bridge Right meets ut 3:13 with Misf* Frances Giant Nightingale; Tuesday morning the Morning Literary Club meets from 10 to 12 with Mrs. W. F. Bar ker; Tuesday afternoon Mrs. .1. \V. Iteunet twill entertain the Sixhand Kuchre Club; Wednesday afternoon tin- Aca la Club meets with Mrs. C. Don Parker; Thursday afternoon tlie Married Women's Card Club will meet at 3 o'clock with Mrs. .1. V. Bramo; Friday afternoon the Junior Sixhand Euchre Club will meet with Miss itita .McKinnon. Miss Mary Clay has returned from a visit, to New York. * * Judge J. W. (Jennet has returned from a trip to Bainbridge. • * * Mr. T. J. Wrighit is recovering from an illness of several days. * * * The littlo son of Mr. and Mrs. I>. W. Krauss has been named Dani< I ,ee. * ♦ Captain vV. M. Tapper loaves this morning on a business trip to Nov. York. 0 * * Miss Rita McKinnon will be host css to the Junior Sixhand Chub next Friday afternoon. • * * Mrs. I',. D Walter ha returned from a visit to Mr. anil Mrs. W F. I’enniman In Savannah. * * Mrs. i. N. Bishop left last night tor Virginia, where she was called by the di ut li of her sister * • • Mrts. 'Thomas McKey and little Howard McKey left yigiterdav for Valdosta where they ure to reside. • * • Mr and Mrs. K. C. llyer will ar rive next month from Colorado to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. t .1. Wright * * Miss Frances ('riant Nightingale will entertain the Bridge Eight to morrow afternoon at her home an Halifax Square. • * • Next work will (lie a very gay week including Thanksgiving and a LOOK and Strtn USt tor ° ne moment anc * consider the necessity of jw . It owning a Cravenette or Overcoat for these cold days j||f \ ant * chil| y nights, |£ I a ' lout y° u anc * note t^e swell coats that you see on B! lb ! | P", I and f or curiosity’s sake ||?-.;:M | >M| I ]cfo|l to the wearers as they express their satisfaction re- ‘'“ MVwm\ rm . 11 garding the fit and feeling of the swell tailored gar- If ff \ roRM rCy.s,x ments they have purchased from us, ' fip w* * Tin. H.CHHMMI R PISHFLCO FORM FORTY-SIX Beck) K. * * Kk mmmmm i^————— COPYRIGHT. 1908 MBB9BBB -jat jatfcj** “ ““ THE FECHHEiMER FISHEL CO. Quarter Size Collars _“fFMFF WOOD-BAILEY ClOTHlOr^ “The Warm Store in the Heart of the City.” number of affairs given in honor of the national festival * * ■ !>r. and Mrs. I>. I). Atkinson, Mas ter Dunwody Affklnson and .Missels Annie Dean and Caroline Atkinson are spending the week-end at Spring Bluff • * • Mrs. F. if. Brewster, of Darien, formerly of Brunswick, will return shortly to make her home here with her sisters, Mrs. Browning and Mrs. Reagan. * * Mrs. if F. Wiggins and her chi! dren alter a visit to Way cross are ■ ith Mrs. Thomas O’Connor fo a da or two before returning to their home in Albany. • • • Mrs. Elliot;, of Winterport, Maine, who has come to make iter home with her son, Mr. E. D. Elliott, is improving rapidly in health since her arrival in Brunswick * • m Mrs. W. 10. Kay and the Mi-s.-s Kay leave this afternoon for Jack sonville where they are ito reside. Their departure is very much regret, ted by their friends in Brunswick The Ladies' Aid Society of St. Mark’s church will hold a doll and Christmas gift stile on December 12 at the parish house. Many pretty and useful articles are being made for the sale and quantities of dress ed dolls will be on sale. GOT HIS HAIR BACK. Wai Perfectly Xlaii' lien Hr Started to far Vrrvfiri m lleriilclde . Frederick Manual!, Maryland block, Butte, Montana, bought n bottle of New bro’fi Herplcide. April -. .9. uud began to use It for entire baldness. The hair fol licles In Ms scalp were not dead and In 20 days lie find hair all over his head. On July 2 he writes, "ami today my hair = u thick ur.l l-.xrrlnnt as any one could wish.” Nawliro'n fferplcido works on an old principle and whh a new dis rovery- destroy the ejiu e a 1 you re move the effect lierpielde destroys the germ that causes dandruff, falling hair, and finally baldness so that with Iho cause gone th- effect cannot remain. Stops falling hair at cnee and a now growth starts. Sold by leading druggists. Send lOr. in stamps for sample to The Herplddo ro Detroit Mich. For aie by Stolen s, jtarmacy. *KUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, SUNOAv. NOVEMBER 13. IWe The friends of Mrs. Reagan, of Savannah, are welcoming her back to Brunswick after an al/;enoe of several years. Her daughter, Miss Lizzie Reagan, will return shortly to reside here also. Miss Ethel Elliott is enjoying a delightful visit in Boston where she is the guest of .Mrs. Jack Floyd, formerly Miss Ethel Redding ol Way-cross. Miss Elliott will he away the greater portion of the winter. • 0 • Attractive musical programs will he rendered Mils morning at the va rious hitrchcs, those to he sung at the Methodist, Presbyterian and ( at nolle ehurces bring especially pleasing. * * The friends of Mr. and M's. T. F. Winter will lie glad to know that the quarantine is now raise I, as their home has been thoroughly ftimigaf ed and they will be pleased to have them call. • • • The Ladies' Aid Society of the First Methodist church will hold a fancy work sale next month, begin ning Monday, December IV, and iasi ipj throughout the week. The ladies will make a specialty of n-nutifn! handkerchiefs and dressed dolls, and invite * their to patronize I item. Danger From the Plague. i hero s grave danger from the pla gue of Coughs and Colds that are so prevalent, unless you take Dr. King'd New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Mrs. Geo. Walls of Forest City, Me., writes: ”It’s a Godsend to people living in climate where coughs and colds prevail. 1 Hnd it quickly ends them. It pre vents Pneumonia, cures LaGrippe, gives wonderful relief in Asthma and Hay Fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, bile ana SI.OO. Guaranteed by Smith Plmf macy. Trial bottle free. Mandolines, guitars, banjos, violins, acordions, mouth harps and all kinds of musical instruments at Sig Levl son. i handle the best line of new goods in the city. Do not be fooled by business opponents who try to tell you different. Call and he convinc ed. Sig Levlso.u. Drummond Medicine Cos.. New York Gentlemen:—Send me one more bot tle of the Remedy and one of the -iniment. Father thinks he is al most well. lie is free from pain, the swelling almost gone, and the stiff ness in his joints better by far than he ever expected. He wants another month’s treatment, and thinks by the time he takes tnat he will be sound and well of rheumatism. Laura Bush one. Sulphur Lick, Ky. Readv-to-wear hats oi the latest style will be displayed at Miss Kate Slater s millinery opening Friday ana Saturday We don’t buy on. e a year nor twice a year, but we are receiving shoes all the time. Poersonv. I will save you big money on cloth ing. Every steamer and railroad brings new goods. Sig Levison. JOHN f> ROl/NTOS. Brunswick’s Candy Store. Don't buy burnt sugar a.uU imagine you are getting pure chocolate. Sucu substitutes are injurious to health. For pure chocolate and aP other can dies call on me. A fresh supply received every wee'; from Menier the famous chocolate maker. Either in bulk or in beautiful pound and half pound boxes. FINEST FRUITS. CIGARS AND TO BACCOES, ETC. TAFFY CANDY MADE FRESH DAILY. 208 Newcastle Street, GO DOWN TO THE CITY HALL AND REGISTER. ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS SELL HARVARD’S RYE. BLENDED Java Coffee 3 CANS for SI.OO A FINE COFFEE IMPERIAL CHEESE per Jar 15c. POTATO CHOPS package 10c AT KEANY’S -STERLING STANDS FOR NAME and QUALITY. IF YOU ARE PARTICULAR ABOUT WHAT YOU WRITE WITH BUY A STERLING INTI PEN WE ARE HERE EVERY DAY TO FULLY GUARANTEE THEM They are the Very Essence of ease and satisfaction in Writing —SOLE AGENTS— FLEMING & BRYANT Stop Dipping and Buy a STERLING FOUNTAIN PEN $1.25 to $6 118 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 53. Barrington Hall f* The Steel Cut vJ 11 Gt The Finest Mocha & Java Per lb can . . 35c r - Bor sale only at 11 • - r AHNI’Q 227 Granlst * I I o PHONE 296 SPIT’S II HI Sn They overcome Weak lMNjHuYAI PIILS ss&cs&s? M'*WSSe& t * ' . or and banish “pains of menstruatiou. They are “LIFE SAVERS” to girls at JgM'BfcW womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No iuown remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm—life t>ecomes a pleasure. *I.OO PER BOX BY MAIL. Solo 'Ii&SSfP *-y druggists, file MOTT’S CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Ohio