The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 20, 1906, Image 3

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IT’S A NECESSITY. a Are you thinking about getting chiffonier? If the bureau or closet ; s crowded its really needed. With a family of children its almost a neces sity, and the styles we are showing add so much to the appearance of any bed-room. Golden and quartered oak, highly polished, heavy French plate mirrors, graceful shape fronts. W believe our goods are all right, but w I want your opinion. We want them to C.MsOfIRVHY. Sl6 NEWCASTLE STREET CONEY & PARKER —Dealers in— COAL AND WOOD ■ RICK, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER HAIR, SHINGLES AND LATHS SEWER PIPE. CHIMNEY FLUES FIRE BRICK fND FIRE CLAY S2t> BAY STREET PHONE 18. Bt. - . rra af \ V Now’ is the time to buy if you expect to share in profits which are bound to follow the upbuilding of Greater Brunswick. Below We Give a Few Bargains NICE HOME NEAR THE CITY, SEVERAL ACRES OF GROUND, M,WJ. WELL LOCATED RESIDENCE ON GLOUCESTER STREET, *3,200. TWO NICE COTTAGES ON E 3TR*. ET, $1,600. RESIDENCE ON E STREET, CLOSc IN $1,700. RESIDENCE ON E STREET, NEAR F, $2,250. RESIDENCE ON G STREET NEAR ELLIS, $3,000. PRETTY HOUSE ON REYNOLDS STREET, LARGE LOT, $6,500. NICE HOME FACING THE PARK, 3,500. PRETTY RESIDENCE ON UNION BT.CLOSE IN, HOUBE IN REAR, $4,500 LARGE DOUBLE HOUSE, UNION 8T LARGE HOUBE IN REAR, $7,500. Experience is the beat teacher. The best scholar is he who learns from the experience of others. Take the matter of Doctors Prescriptions pon't you know (that, people who are real judges of our goods never trade anywhere else? And you know that they are as careful of a dollar as They have learned where to get the best DRUGS at rally low prices. We are ready to teach you the same lesson any lime. Smith’s Pharmacy Information to parties inquiring. Call on, ’phone or address BROBSTON, FENDIG & COMPANY. THE EffUNSWICK OAILY NEWS, TUESDAY*. NOVEMBER 20. 1903. 11l THE GRAND The Jewell Kelley Stock Company opened a two nights' engagement at. the Graud last night, presenting a very pleasing play to a large and appreciative audience. The company is an unusually good one, playing at popular prices, and every one present enjoyed the even ing's entertainment. /A. number of pleasing specialties were introduced during t inlermissioj/ between asts. The company \y(i! till the boards again tonight, /presenting "Jesse James, - the grit v/ild west show, tt ml' it is expected tliat a large house will lie present. Rheumatism. Is quickly relieved and promptly cure,. s>y L>r Drummond's Lightening Remedies. The internal remedy is pleasant to take, acts immediately,' and is fcr rheumatism only In all its torturing forms. The external pre paration restores stiff joints, drawn! cords and hardened muscles. It your druggist has not these remedies] in stock, do not take anything else. | Send $5 to the Drummond Medicine Cos., New York, and the full treatment of two large bottles will be sent to your express address. Agents wanted. SIOO For a Bottle. This would not he a large price t pay for Dr. Drummond’s Lightning Remedies for rheumatism if one could not get relief any cheaper. Tlio Drummond Medicine Cos. New York, have received hundreds ol unsolicited testimonials from grateful people re stored to health by the use of their remedies, who would not hesitate t pay any price rather than suffer the. tormer torture. If you would like to try these remedies, and your druggist has not got them, write direct to the company. Agents wanted I AM MOW PREPARED TO DO General Plumbing OF ALL KIND We carry a full and complete llnf of STOVES and RANGES a njjf do all kind of STOVE REPAIRING. J. H. # 0 H N E, Phon* 397, 428 Newcastle Street. DeVoe’s old Stand. Notice. All parties are forbidden from cut ting or removing any wood, lumber or other effects from the lands be longing to the estate of William Haynes, said land being near the Darien road, containing 50 acres; saids being purchased from J. R. Dillon by Wm. Haynes, deceased. Ail parlies trespasing on said prop erty will ibe prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Hannah Haines. ALL FIRST Class SALOONS SELL HARVARD’S RYE. GOT HIS HAIR BACK. Was Perfectly But 1 When He Starred to Use Xcnbr.N's Herpicide . Frederick Manuell. Maryland block N Butte. Montana, bought a bottle of New bro’s Herpicide. April ’as, aud began to use it for entire baldness. The lialr fol licles in liis scalp were not dead and in 10 days ho had hair all over his bead. On July 2 lie writes, "and today my hair U as Iht K nr 1 1 as any one could wish.” X v’hm's Herpicide works on an old principle and with anew die covery—destroy tiv cmu a- aud you re move the effect. Herpicide destroys the germ that cause:, dandruff, falling hair, and finally baldness so that with the cause gone the effect caunot remain. Stops falling hair at once and anew growth starts. Sold by leading druggists. Send !oc. In stamps for sample to The Herpicide Cos. Detroit. Mich For t>aie by Smlefi’s, nannacy. Ladles long 'biaclc silk gloves. Gus Hoffman's Bazaar. Children and Boys Suits at a sa/- ing of 35 per cent, at Slg Levlt.on. Infants' socks, 15 to 35 cents values at 5 cents per pair fit Sig Lev Ison. Orders taken for trutt cakes at lichen's. ** ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS SELL HARVARD’S RYE. OLD DR. DRUMMOND. After many years of patient study and experiment, lias given the wond a preparation which is an absolute and permanent cure for every form of rheumatism. The price is $5, hut it is fwo large bottles, enough for montn’u treatment, and will relieve the worst case Iron, the dose. Stuff by express upon receipt of price by Drummond Medicine Cos. New York, with full particulars and tesUnJunia’a of wov'erful cures. Oil clothing of all kinds at Sig Le?b eon. ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS SELL HARVARD'S RYE. AT THE GRAND. MONDAY AND TUESDAY. Nov. 19th anti 20th. ..With Special Tuesday Matinee. The JEWELL KELLEV J STOCK CO America s nonular priced organization. A car load of special scenery. 6—Big Vaudeville Acs 20- l-eople—2o. Tuesday Matinee (Curtain 3 p. m.) “LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY.” Tuesday Night “JESSE JAMES, THE MISSOURI OUTLAW.” Prices—Night, 15, 25, 35, 50 cents. Matinee—Children, 10 cents, adults 25 cents, Ladies free Monday night upon the usual condition. Seats on sale at box office. LARGE HOUBE ON BOULEVARD $3,000. -|mf NICE COTTAGE ON COCHRAN A ENUE, $1,500. NICE LARGE COTTAGE ON E STRb ET, CLOSE IN, $3,500, THREE GOOD HOUSE NEAR HOT ft L $9,000. > PRETTY COTTAGE ON GLOUBEST ER STREET $2,200. NICE HOUSE ON LONDON BTREET $3,200. *T ?ff I9BI LARGE HOUSE ON MANSFIELD STREET, $4,500. PRETTY HOUBE ON C STREET NEAR COURT HOUSE, SB,OOO. WE HAVE FOR BALE NICE RE3IDENCE AND BUILDING LOTS IF ALL PARTB OF THE CITY; ALBO QUANTITY OF SMALL PROPERTV FOR INVESTMENTS. w fl I ffl t ' INFAN.I r M ■ jgk jfl y 'f% . ' ■ . MSB ■ fl r flsragr:.--.’' m s .. pi' yWfYQRK. At b m nil ills old )5 Dusts - ])Ci ivi s EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. FOR SALE Six Hundred Thousand / Acres Virgin Pine Timber, in Ga. and Fla. ALSO TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES TIM*-* t READY rOR SAW MILL PURPOSES, HAVING BEEN BOXED, WXUI LOCATED FOR PURCHASERS. ADDRESS Southern Land & Timber Cos P. O. BOX. 177, BRUNSWICK, QA. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. Over . Thirty Years CASTDRIA TH otnRiUH OOMFAMf. NSW fdM CITV.