The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 20, 1906, Image 8

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THE NEW IMPERIAL JL Swellest Overcoat of the Year 3111/ HiwiiHUHinr $1.50 TO $5.00 O i l Smartest Design Brought Out for Many a Season. a I This is Die Coat You will see worn by all the best dressers this Winter. Dignified. simple, aristocratic in the extreme, it is thoroughly a Gentleman's garment j PvjXfe. Equally appropriate as a Dress Overcoat or an e very day convenience. You can see from the picture the distinguished look that this new French Jj/ \ V You will like the model; buy a genuine Schloss if | Made garment in this style and you will like the |jß| Coat. In no other make can you find the same ||Bb unfailing good style, materials and fine hand- ' ' We are sole local agents for the Celebrated BCMLOS9 CLOTMINU We otter you a splendid selection of the best of these unequaled garments CT THE ABOVE STYLE AND OTHERS FROM $15.00 TO $30,00 at P riceß from $lE> up- We have all the latest styles in fine and medium grade suits and overcoats at all pricesand everything that’s good In winter TROUSERS THAT FIT and everything that's good in winter furnishings. Corns and see us, $2.50 TO $B.OO KAISERS CLOTHIERS TO THE WHOLE FAMILY. 9, ice %i&t cf Sieer THE ORIGINAL BUDWEISER To Dealers per Barrel $lO 50 To Consumers $ll.OO ANHFtJSER BUSCH EXPORT To Dealers $ . 3.E>i) To Consumers $lO lit) PABST CELEBRATED BLUE RIBBON To Dealers $10.50 To Consumers $ll.OO THE PABST EXPORT To Dealers $ 9.50 To Consumers SIO.OO EVERARDS NEW YORK BEER To Dealers slo.ou To ttensumers $10.60 EXPORT $ 800 9. Jiewman, 218 BAY STREET SOLE AGENT. Reason Number ONE WHY YOUR ACCOUNT SHOULD BE WITH The National Bank of Brunswick DLPOBIT3 RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK, ON CERTIFICATE* OF DEPOSIT, IN THE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Tim* and Savings Deposit* Same Interest FOUR PER CENT COMPOUNDED QUARTERLP. - v - t —fcn - • 'S' t i. 9. DAVIS, E. F. TAYLOR , D4VIS & TAYLOR tv-V ■ 'Livery Feed and Sale Stable HIAyY DRAVAAE. STOCK FO R SALK. PROMPT HACK SCRVICB C*f •MS * Street* omm f THE PIWN9WICK DAILY NEW*. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20. IMS Free Medicine Samples no not prove that a remedy Is good for anything. If you want to experi ment, try samples for other ailments han rheumatism. You can’t afford to lose time and risk life in taking chances with any medicine which has not stood the teat of time. Drum mond’s Rheumatic Remedy has a twenty year record of cures. Write to the Drummond Medicine New York, for literature. We can 111 everyone, from Cinder ella to the Giant, i’eeisoai). For singl ebarrel shotguns go to Sir. Lev Ison. For ale. Good horse and buggy, cheap. Fo particulars address Box 38, Bruns wick, Ua. I IftLif B Y Eating Your H||\N Leben’s Appetite IIUVI Bread. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FOR I : ancy Cakes. I AM AFTER YOUR TRADE AND WILL SELL YOU THE VERY BEST Bread, Rolls . and Cakes the bakers art can make Prompt attention given to orders Give me a trial and join the great army of Pleased House Keepers. Brunswick Baker) F. W. LEBEN, Prop. VYe*h mn, Hen* rya, mac* and Orn*ara *r*ad today ad LPbra’a Sak 17, MS A HTML \9ersonah > C. C. Collins, of Atlanta, spent yesterday In the city. , W. K. Brown, of Coffee, Ga., is in the city for a lew days. I R. L. Williams, of Ja ksonville, ' was in (he city yesterday. I. A Myers, of Macon, was a visitor 'to the city yesterday. J. S. Dtinwody, of Savannah, Is spending a few days in the oily. Captain Halverson returned yesterday from a two weeks’ visit to Chicago. Dr p. G. Douglas, of Atlanta, who has been spending several days in the city, returned to his home last night. Fred T. Newell, one of the South ern managers of the Columbian Na ttonal Life Insurance Company, with headquarters in Atlanta, and one of the ifcest known Insurance men in the state, is spending a lew days in the city. Danger From the Plague. There’s grave danger from the pla gue of -Coughs and Colds that are so prevalent, unless you take Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds Mrs. Geo. Walls of Forest City, Me., writes: "JCs a. Godsend to people living in climate where coughs and colds prevail, l find it quickly ends them. It pre vents Pneumonia, cures LaGrippe, gives wonderful relief in Asthma and Hay Fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. 60c ana SI.OO. Guaranteed by Smith Phar macy. Trial bottle free. Every late wrinkle In style, but not a wrinkle in the tit of the shoes from Peerson’s. ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS SELL HARVARD’S RYE, True and tried friends of the fain I Hy—DeWitt’a Little Early Risers Best for results and beat to taka Rosy cheeks and sparkling eyea fol low the use of these dependable little pill*. They do not gripe or sicken. Bold by aU druggists. FALL MEANS COAL -AND WOOD WE WISH to ANNOUNCE THAT WE ARE NOW OPEN FOR BUSI NESS AND HAVE A LARGE - - STOCK OF COAL AND WOOD At. WAYS ON HAND GIVE US A TRIAL IVERSON COAL & WORD CO. COR I STREET AND COCHRAN AVE PHONE 448. Let Us Build Your HOME WE DO GENERAL CONTRACTING AND BUILDING OF ALL KINO*. ES TIMATES FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. BOWEN & THOMAS, 512 Monk St. Telephone I*4.