The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 22, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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2 EGGS ARE SCARCE; | PRICE VERY HIGH they are now selling for 30 AND 35 CENTS PER DOZEN. A treat and entirely unexpected shortage of eggs, the moat lmpor tant article necessary to the prepar ation of the Thanksgiving turkey dinner, confronts housewives, who have planned Just how and what to cook on the national festival day. From the great majority of the local grocery, butcher, produce and commission stores the statement is issued that eggs are not obtainable, and consequently not for sale. Oth ers who have them can command almost any price they choose. Sev eral dealers are selling what stock they have at 25 cents (per dozen, a number of others are charging 30 cents. How long the supply pos sessed ft ty these various concerns will last Is only a matter of time, and if indications be true, they will db unable to replenish their mock. Exceedingly few farmers are bringing eggs to the city, and those who do appear on the streets with fresh country eggs find no trouble in disposing of their stock. The wise virgins At hose hens are scratching and a during tho present egg rßg. wehHve a complete line o* SCHoff SHOES AT LOW PRICES pberlJn. “Meet me at The MECCA.’ THE UP-TO-DATE RESORT OENTLEMRN. POLITE AND PROMPT SERVICE All high grade goods ti*t ti e beer vy'rfisnt|- and.i'j*- m * te * *t & te * n m m* m te*i ** ; tfISCE ESTATE. ; LOANS AND I INVESTMENTS * ; See us for tho \ best city prop- ; * erty. v \ 1 s an kii mgm real estflfe. ! BOYD I CO, I 110 Newcastle Bt.l Phone 304 M * i Mm i "mci ! i IAIN. S f' n A Y shown M AND > o\WSm m || C Ail./ 1 /.ifl HAY fc HA V 1 <| L AON, JB A -|6> U U® Tlf.O. Jffi IBHrJ Newcastle anlciouc# V Kiiu or cartridge*, rtfleg, dirks, hlllies, etc., go to Stg Lorigon. \I AL P OW % RAILROADS ARE HEAVILY FINED LINES BETWEEN NEW YORK AND ATLANTA HAD TO PAY twelvelthousano. Because of the continued delay of trains between New York and At lanta the railroad companies operat ing them have recently been fined twelve thousand dollars by the au thorities in Washington and every possible effort is now being made to Improve the service. This Information was given out frofh Washington, but the roads that have been fined were not mentioned. No doubt the Southern is among them, as their trains rrotn tho east ore always delayed. .. FJjpcjciaJl.v is tills trot of No. I|,- which comepi through to this city. The fine of $12,000. has been im yosed within the pas* three months, ho the rail/roatss ha vie paid irather high for their delays. These belated trains cause great inconvenience ail along the line from New York south and merchants and others have been damaged douolo the amount that the roads have been fined. The famous Dattman Shoe at 3b ti Newcastle. A cold is much more easily caret when the bowels are open. Kennedy's i.axatlve Honey and Tar opens th bowels and drijKlke cold out of tit* system In old- Sold by ail, druggists. io street. H. M and-., it. Bear 1$ a For * •I High Qualify It Beimtos aw# Stren<rLheai the Body With Predyff c*d "'umtluueLt f A- i <Urc.,sh •„ . r jD* .4- . tl>a? J* fti ni , pfl’irt l?i 1 tvs \ikfm ;ji| ■•■■■ yi tirsi* if'&t * mfoMvwrni ?-•.,nourish* * \g • .... Ijhgjmt h.n*| I )till bun ftri-WT And it if j2u'*dj for list weU\!is I'd t.i.H Mu-iti ’■•iffSSr any o'iho -Ti Y r • ”d* • .•'ttrlfi- .-yid rji>*.,>.-. :ir- wtiu-fc* S', I ,'" i.4” Pi" ’fffctU,! null i.icw-ety at *"tep w < 1 'bty cb,- iin, .-I of malt and h<sv> ar used. nn<l U,. wind,- Pabst proctsb ts u +tv*fiSU*M ~f MLimttfio prepress 4He .vault tty years' puV ault of an thr best Muff-a methods in the sdcticn of brewing, jt, most im potant feature of tl„- r 4 nt H. .vlnfc pro. css Is the Jhibsl mnthodEnf m. king a 1 , 11 Vi JS reiiuires fda.vs • and s**i 'cad In nmiiy breweries, but the eight-day Pabaf nrocese Is the \ y Bn-.., mall, containing ,II ihe nun nious fond qual Jan*bo of m m l e , ' ,y in ; '•-anlln. ss dtkHngntshes ? ffti i * f'"oc*s,. ami UK? abt purity. Thf rmm©'Pabpt always *taTia& £r&.' l ""' ii,WS3 and ‘he best If your food doesn't taste just rleht or If your digestion is a little “off "ur your upuetite Is poor, drink Pabst niue Ribbon beer before or with your meals, f OB clothiug of nil kinds at Biu I^tb •on. • ... Orders takeu for fruit and weddln •cakes at Ijcbon’s. ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS SELL HARVARD’S RYE. ALL FIRST GLASS SALOONS SELL HARVAPD’B RYE. % 8 Hum ft* . >r -A > *■ } & > ' ,;l ': OAtLY fliWi, Thursday, November z 2. 146* I —— HAVE THE FEET TO FIE 01JR iHOES J ' SEE OUR NORTH WIN DOW FGR THANKSGIV ING FURNISHINGS. THANKSGIVING | Silver plated knives and for Rogers, 12 pieces $3 j Teaspoon--, Rogers. 6 . . . 6Cc , Table sjeons, Rogers, 6, . . . $1 I .7 . ■ | Butter krlves, ,;**♦ rt, i 1 Sugar shells, plated . .. j Stag handle Carving Set ~sl [Heavy steel Carving set $1 ’ BOVAL D,MtTY VE F v FINE FEE LB. *. ENVELOPES TO "WHITE ...... SOAp _ FLOpTs ;~- , 5t Mar ‘ C..rv n 0 fork §\ ~ _ ♦ e • - ; - *9l i . Stove Pans. 14x14 "W f t Pry Pans,.large * ♦ .. p* . . ■- •• • --U- JR-; 10c 4 1 Fancy Pillow Tor,-, # ... to. ♦ ♦ New Pin Trays v . ... 15c ♦ ♦ Sutterrnlik Sono, i i- .jM 10c f Violet Scan, ♦ .1, , . 10c Oatmeal Sc-r Mt. *♦ f° r .10 C< i ior ioc “ ®lupc’g 10c. sot I a WORDS. Household Will m So.. sand aches of a lo be entirely free cron—uriiytry dis tnaL. jM$- kidney 'o tell how this io brought about ig words to l.un readers. carpenter, resld ■ avenue, east Sa "I used Doan's ckache and dlffi •y section* Mv l.v and the potn severe at ae lay off work. ", “W ,ual ' e lay off work, nf nJR” 1S the ' h, dys were >r .i. It a dark color, were full scalded like coats ,na “-v remedies, hut im.ilr any “y health I woubgffitvn on account of mv rest mi W :lir i B °. mdch at ui * h t. and t ills up in the morning tired them. ut. i saw Doan's Ktdnev n,u B V jnd KOt a hox °f medleiueßy gave me new life, a! . little faith left in any I attribuwinee using the pills mv KmftSy Icome regular and normal' name to Wy cure entirely to Doan's Plenty 1. and you cau use my Brtmswickl p ffect.” drug store*' proof like this from report. ple. Call at Manoes For sale*d ask what customers cents. New nil dealers. Price 50 States, Cos., linlTalo, agents, for the United take no otl^L.* —■■ ■■ ... tfati)b*t-Doan's—and AIR ANUFACTURERS, SHIPPERS B AND DEALERS IN ■crossties and LUMBER m York Office No. n Broadway Ik. brown. Wf' ■‘•MjinfiTwtfsA. Specials for ; b. mssßAm ; ™ Ms? r stock, and.nv.tbou; frLdsoa,? A^AYS ,n for A GOOD FRIENDS TO CALL AND SEE US > Lunch, Breakfast, Dinner, Supper SAUSAGES. Frankfurter* Batogrre Ring* Knackwurst Salami Pastrami Cervelate Smoke tongues Smoke cheek* Corn beef Haad cheese Liver aauaage tausage : C, -,CK. : F Y 0U W ON 8 ?A?t R rND A SEE L US w E FEE F Q *° C **^f*" lD ' BE PLEASED. EE US WE FEEL SURE WILL i B. NUSSmiiM / Hb & Jj w % hl. n |jJnEli 3 ii'J;; “honij 220 W' ** ir,r Gas Heat els * A L RAD,AT °" B ' WATe. * JUST RECEIVEL. THEY ARE JUST 1' * EATE S i/T KING WINTER. OUR GAS STovL WHAT VOU NEED and ;Ha Great COAL; NO WOOD; V 8 *' NO flufua . ~ ■ . . " * \Co. ; Butter Knives 25c and 10c Japanese Trays, decorated . . .85c ; Black Japanned Trays . . zw, ; Bread raisers, covered 25c Egg Porchers, holds 5 eggs .. . ,25c I Pickle Trays, 13 in. ioc I- _____ „ Double Turkey roasters.. . ,25r, 50c ' Oyster Knives ig c ' TMachine Oil, bottle gV Hearth Broom. Dust Pans .... ..Just arrived. Beautifully Large Jug, with 4 steins beautiful Dinner Set dec. Jk| Cereal Set. Decorated, Jan V|if gILA ■ Fancy Lot Pms "Coif Post Card Albums mMkj L;l CHEESE Swiss Newchatell Promage du bri. Limburger Phil, creams Edama pineapple Rockford Minster Caviar Brick Handcheese numerous others. SEE OUR JEWELRY NOVELTIES IN SOUTH WINDOW. FISH Habuutt Stergeon Salmon Spratts Bloadera Mackerel Herring Sardelles Sardines Brook trout h'Pport Herring Cod ffSh Anchovis