The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 22, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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5 News for this department should he telephoned the society editor, phone 4(18-2. _ • * • Mrs. E. R Conan# entertains the Bridge Club this afternoon at 3 o'clock. * • • Mrs. C. Downing and Miss Made leine Downing have returned from New York. m m m Mrs. W. H. DeVoe Is improving from her illm-ss to the (pleasure of her friends. • • • * Mrs. Frances H. Mallard lias re turned from a deligiltfi'd visit to Jacksonville. * • • Miss Lieslta Bkfts left yesterday to spend several weeks visiting in Jacksonville. • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stiles are with Captain and Mrs. C. S. VVylly tor a week or two before going house keeping. * * Miss Marguerite Brantley has re turned to Blackshear after spending a few clays with Air, and Mrs. W. U. Brantley. • • * Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fox and their family are removing to the residence next, to .Wns. L. Allan on Union st root. • * • Mrs. Joseph ‘ Champaign hus re turned to St. SiAm front Savannah and her glad to know thiit Iter imaitHS Improving. \ call the Toadies of i lie Maccabees be held this af ternoon at :i::jo Hlhe home or Mr#. Codrtliind „A full attend ance is urged. _ ■&N FURNISH AND PLANT ON ■HV NOTICE, C’iiMMf - msmsmF HK MAPLE DOG oak ahd umbrell HRes. GIVE me a trial. H D. B. PVLES. pF 823 E Street. lCvcry late- wrinkle In style, but not a pb„ JfeOga, from i‘werviontT • \ form fori* , orvNIUHT^^H nu. 11 citunMM hit “S-Tj?-* tto.ngs.m Society .. uUfciy ’ { M■ fy l.i :;*} 1 tltl*n. XsurSr**’*?;£•; \.. * ■'•, 'M cl.iw Iwd reinoveU th ; W-m *t.d iiatu u njfith U >&, at <J ’in nix fWSvT& ivq&ro-U •wit of h*!f. Bold by leodJJnf UrtMEpbta %tud .We in a tamp a for #.uupte to TU* ifrtfltcM* Ca. Detroit. Micb. ..v,, ; For eule by Smlffl'i. tiarmncv. * S ' : ’ S T C?p^ P(|ri and' I LISTEN just tor one moment and cR, s ider the necessity of owning a Cravenette or Overcoat for these cold days and chilly nights, M # I™l 1 Aalf ahout yoU ™ d notc the sWt ! [“>> that you s <* on ■—T^rolV ( f Quarter ?SM*i7fJars . 2^ " Little Aliiss Mina Engelblkzen is suffering with a severe cut on her i head caused by a horse kicking her when Bhe ventured too near him. Seven or eight stitches had to te taken in the wound. § ... Mrs. W. H. Shadman returned j Tuesday front Savannah and was the guest of Mrs. H. R. du Bignon until yesterday when she left for St. Simon. Her friends rejoice to know that she has fully recovered from her recent illness. Mrs. C. Don Parker was hostess at a delightful meeting of the Aca cia Club yesterday afternoon. The looms wei% charmingly decorated with a profusion of chrysanthe mum!, these (lovely llowers being gracefully disposed in Japanese vases and jardinieres, giving a Japa nese louch to the pretty affair. The markers were do. orated with hand painted chrysanthemums. Five hand euchre was played aud the first prize was won by Mrs. Thomas Fuller, the lone hand by Airs. J. W- Benuet and the consolation by Airs. F. D. Al. Strachan. Miss Fannie Aiken was the guest of the club. The mem bers present were Alesdumtek ' \V. F. Parker, H. B. Alaxey. Thomas Ful ler, F. D. AI. Strachan, \V J. Butts, P. AI. Nightingale C. A. Taylor, X. Emanuel, J. W. Deunet, H. Al. Bran ham, Allsses Frances Grant Nightin gale, Alaud Nightingale, Tallulah Fleming, Irene Wood, Kezzie Conob.y, AladeW*f |k j wit ing and Mary Clay. JCIENCE .-RSVENTS BALDNESS. riw Fatal v.crm aug UjHeme*>y Sow j l nun u> be ti.ld. ..No man ! \hoae liatr Is out dead ~t the roots, need i ... iialil If tio will uS N'ewyru'', )larpl l etc, the new scalp n!l*ef,UCi;.- IJerpi- Ade do-ttroys the ipirrii (tiro -mo tiny liatr ; off at tl.e root; H1..1 Wtt> the scStip uf 1 di.jiUniiT ami leaves It m •> perfectly IMMsMMnMijMOii. Air. ManSett, In the THE iEUNSWICK DAILY NEW*, tHURSDAV. NOVEMBER 22, IM6 HANDS DAW WITH IERRIBLEECZEMA Suffered for Ten Years—Spreading to Body and Limbs Despite Efforts of Three Doctors —Another Re markable and Speedy CURE BY THE 4 CUTICURA REMEDI* m "T had eczema on my hands for years. At first it would break outoiwl in winter. Tiien it finally came Wm tstay. 'y had th-B® good doctors to all they could, buH none oft thgtft any gor,<L: fthen u-ofl one box of Culicttrn Ointiper. t arid three of , ('ntieura Ib-solfctm t anti wancWupietely cured. Mv httiub* were raw, ail ot etf, inside and out, and the eczemas was spreading all over mar bm limbs. Before, l bad used of Cutieura Resolvent, together wiMft. the Ointment, my sores ft-r< marly healed over, and by tin- one 1 had used the thud bottle, J v put •entirely'-' wflll. 1 had appe* W aag was fleshier (tin I ever we -, D> any one who has any -kin or tdood duutse X would honestly advise them *<• *P*t the* Cutietira Remedies and get •.y.-i'-umcker “ 1 have is'cn 1 J--1 wit; on the.back of my neck :ih44lfl b*r four nr five years It litul Mi Scmtigaud . bitniingseiwat ion, and was a,very un comfortable feeling l hav%tn>d the i Cufieura .Soup, t mnuient, aiHftKcsoivent ’ Pills three months, and can Say lam Completely eutvjl.” Re-|ieetfully, Mrs. July 2k, PJOS. Ocean Citv^jT rtrtb tjrft Sniji, ami re til. „ ' Al' dirr JWf'lu ;,I . p. f fHiJlr l'. Hi/Skl Apfi 1 1 •-*, ■ • iiuw lj ' 53 i’ T.‘ k © liHry Pirn HHr Trlalfo' Drdmmoiid Medit-md Cos New York, Gentlemen Send me one more bot tle of the Remedy and one of the Father thinks he is al most. well. He is free from pain, the swelling almost gone, and the stiff ness in his joints better by far than he ever expected. He wants another •month’s treatment, and thinks by the time he take? tuat he will be sound and well of rheumatism. Laura Bush ong, Sulphur i.ick# Ky. , Readv-to-wear hats ot the latest Style will be displayed ac Miss Kate Alters mUßnury opening Friday an<i MWe don’t buy once a year not a year, but we are receiving Hioes all the time. Pee t son's. |WI will save you Idy money on clot ti lths. Every steamer and railroad Firings new goods.. Sig Lev iron. JOHN l). Rol ?fv rOS. L Candy Stare V Hou’l lifj burnt sttavfi Ohd ii:iagiu-: i\" biatc Sunn Vwtit'utes Site iio'unoifcS t,. bt- a Uh SV.P r e ahsjr ai' : Other can dißeal! on m<itf \ . •’“•ft every wee ; ! fromMeuler tUf. faniens choyolnta >uavß Kltber iit-Wik or tn beautiful 1 poutiWhd half itptind bo.-veis. i .-iNEI FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO t. B BACCOES, ETC. ( TaIV CANDY MAOE FRESH m ' OAILV I 308 Newcastle o"et GO N TO THE i *<r _~*4T6r. Zmwm l = •tfap' Av .-Alt ", 0 '’• Javli 3 <M A N -STERLING STANDS FOR NAME and QUALITY. IF YOU ARE PARTICULAR ABOUT WHAT YOU WRITE WITH BUY A STERLING FOUNTAIN PEN WE ARE HERE EVERY DAY TO FULLY GUARANTEE THEM They are the Very Essence of ease and satisfaction in Writing —SOLE AGENTS— FLEMING & BRYANT Stop Dipping and Buy a STERLING FOUNTAIN PEN $1 25 to $G 118 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 53. yUgton Hall „ lb’ , _ j; ie Steel Cut COTiee rJ, inest Mocha & Java 8/ lb can . . 35c For sale only at CAHN’S 227 Gra,M PIIONE*#/lS IgjJ PENNYROYAL Plls£ BSP f mcuMrofction." They am ••UFUsavW JbJW oiiiaub.KMl, aitliug- development of onntJHyaH reme ! , y for women equals them. ;' ii 3?&eL *-' becomes a pleasure. Its 1.00 | > |'|{ itiiv ill '.’t' y drU **' ,s t. DR. AToi-rS^MiSKvIEsE j|i .six THEFECHHEIMt.f{ IISHLLCO H HcVyOIU * _CFfMiFf^F