The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 23, 1906, Image 1

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VOLUME 6, NUMBER 50 I. EMU IS NOW READY TO EYTEND — + — President ol tne Darien S Western in the City for Business MtETINC ON TOR TODAY He Will Probably Submit His Propo sition to the Business Men of Brunswick and a Decision May Be Reached. K Manager Emerson and Agent Neville of the mid jl'leduiont Hull- JW arrived In ItinnawlcK over (lie \t Bngh'.uii .ml Atlantic mill ■ lug In the private car ■ V. & P railroad f|-he arrival of the Illtlrß'fß H"" hand .ml .-to ■rmli' i':( of the John Atniod from 'he city ■id ><l Trade and Urn WOWL Mr Kmcr ragWvd in the ei';. and fneas. While he has not yet made known the demands that will be made of the business men of Bruns wick. he has announced that he is In the city for the purpose of defin itely deciding whether or not the Darien and Western is to make Brunswick its terminus. He wants Hit) mat) extended to Brunswick, the people of Brunswick want it to come and, with such a mutual desire, It is believed 'that within a reasonable length of time Brunswick will have her fourth railroad. The committee took the railroad officials in .charge yesterday after noon, fcut only an informal meeting was hold. They were given a drive over thd > ity, accompanied by Messrs. Albert Pr-ndig, H. A. Wrench, F. D, Aiken, C. 11. Ogg and K. R. Hopkins Another meeting will be held today and the committee and Mr. Emerson may get down to business. He will probably make known his proposition and then the people of Brunswick will have an opportunity to see just what can he done. To Cross Altamaha. Was it not for the fact that the railroad will have to cross the Alta utaha river at a if.oint above Darien, necessitating the erection of a bridge at a great cost, there would bp no trouble whatever in bringing the road to Brunswick. It could be ex tended here l'or a small amount and tbfwrailroad would not ask anything of nr business men, it'llt to get here It A absolutely necessary to cross ihe ißnmaha. Mrßfmerson has figured that the cost In the neighborhood of lltlHpo, and It is a part .of this Brunswick will proba bly be niked to furnish Mr. Emer son, asfctated above, has not yet submitter bta propOßH&>n, and there fore it not whit will be branded. iA Local Road. •J . If the yj&rien and Western Is ex-, tended Brunswick it will be a strictly Hral road. Mr.... Emerson mated that he would put on a schedule, to and from thu# giving the people line of the roaxV an to come to Bruns-', wick, day, and return to their night. The read ,t present nntf from Darien to Col lins. iu Tatnall county,| distance of 9U miles and is being rapidly ftt u-udtvi to %tdsvg|Mi^asy. through a n.n tuuciiud in ,iKt would °i iel J||#fi^^ l * >u 2i ny * B >r The Brunswick News. that little city anew outlet to all points, both by rail and water, in fact. It is not believed that anything in the line of progress could be se j cured at present which would be i more benefit to Brunswick. The road would necessarily have [to erect adequate terminals in the city, would have a depot, freight terminals, and, growing as it is at present it would be one of the most Important railroads touching Bruns- wick. Manager Emerson seems anxious to exfiend; here; his Une is backed by ample capital and It iB generally believed that when his proposition is submitted it will .be accepted icy the business men of Brunswick. and that within another twelve months this port will be the terminus of a fourth railroad. The meeting to bo held today be tween the local committees and t{) raiload officials will probably deter mine something. officers Named BY COAX LINE DIRECTORS ARE NOW MJT ON THEIR ANNUAL INSP®TION OF THE RO*D,I Charleston. S, C., Nov. 22.— the annual meeting ol the Northwokm railroad, held hero today a of 4 per cent, was declared and tip' following officers elected; Thomas' Wilson, president; .1. P Post, treas urer; it. D. Conly, secretary; John' Wilsot# auditor, directors, H Wal ters, Baltimore:J. F. lUtarac. Man: ntug; T. M. Emerson, J. F. Divine, Wilmington; ) Alexander Hamilton, Petersburg. The </■ annual meeting ,of the j Charleston and Western Carolina DaJlroad Company followed- All stock was repi-mented. Officers were elected for the ensuing year, as ‘tor* lows; John B. Cleveland, Spartan burg, president; H. Walters. Balti more, first vliW'-preeldent; T. M. Emerson Wilmington, second vice president; ,T. F. Post, treasurer; It. D. Oronly, secretary; directors, J. P. Cleveland, Avery Patton, Green ville; J. O. C. Fleming. Laurens; A. F. McKissick, Greenwood; .1. A. Brock, Anderson; J. P. Doughty, Au gusta; H. Walters, Baltimore; Mi chael Jenkins, Baltimore; Alexander Hamilton, Petersburg. At 2 o’clock this afternoon the private car left for Savannah. A short, tour of the Atlantic Const Line system routh of Charleston will be made. IMMIGRANTS DID NOT WORK LONG SOME OF THOSE BROUGHT TO SOUTH CAROLINA HAVE AL READY QUIT JOBS. * Columbia, L C., Nov. 22. —Some GO of the Immigrants who came over on the Wlttekind and went to work In' the Ancferson cotton mills, have quit in a body, and are walking about the streets of Anderson talking to each either . and getting themselves more dissatisfied. Borne of the for eigners 'are complaining that they were deceived into hr] they get more '■p > > they are getting, and : liflggiglEVth fcr Gwyun, -vho lias tlßfr jorupng them talking with says there is sotre thirl couMpiatm, though have! talked direct and examTnod the clrj culars on which they were Induced t4l leave their happy homes in Europe say there is nothing deceptive about the circulars. professional agi tators among the crowd are trying to dissatisfy people who are satis fied and disposed to work. The mill authorities say the foreigners ara being paid exactly the same as the local help, and that this is all that will be paid, that j*y help Is getting: what experienced' help In . phis county}' get!?, but, that -3 content tc, Mrk as local gr,*en hands work, it Is said most of the' newcomers want |to go back ty"%orU, that they quit iwiWUsf. sympathy for those it U haMSW? || § BRUNSWICK. GA.. FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23. 1906. MINOR MATTERS OP LAST NIGHT t BEFORE GOUNGIIj City Solans Had Very Little Work to Dispose of at > Meeting J mi mom™ Another Ordinance Fixing Ralfl fo) . Light and Water Was PlJpB, on Its First Reading— ISj| f M I a tecs Disposed of.MlJr City coun.ll met In (seClou last night, •nit nothing 1 /unusual importance came up. Tm j present were: Chairman of CrS./i) Now man. presiding; Afdeig|i Wgpd, Wright, Cook, Golden an|Bale. Tho minutes of the last rognM iim&Upg | were read and confirmed I Under the head of peltions and communications only oil or tsyo matteiys of minor ImporAce wens before tbo solotts mid tßy were Nutckly disposed of. B the head of reaoMalans wag* -\p<i there were inthMBfXBK her ’©Reduced several ufflM rii.d \fVroprlat lon.,<t(*< -trid.-i V- .", i J r • ■ ''• !i ■’ l,; 1-1' ' B} r| > ' . ■ia •i 1 \ :kw'• -japP|Kihr ..<*• . . f ‘ I ter tile puf j ( J Oak I i \ I'jOjp! ;-,i; Vhe fflialf oi the <Py, \y Vi-1 lljf i M >te r ' a similar A j C S^H^Hb ou vcinber 23. W • • 3‘t t" By Aldernm V ' . ; . f®pr<>pi'l ni mg si;.n ulUill,a a bulkhead nB i such Is uadi® ffllliiSl / nt > ‘he [ wafer cmi.-'tapfc.ji.;ffelJßlSy l -0 the boulevard, * prob m ly be const i-uci^Bpa^B^- . By Alderman uUlol ' lzlne the mayor to issue deed ;o the A„ B. and A.^HBp e terminal site as soon as tho ytjsl °f $25,000 , is paid to the board flßducatiA by ] the road. jij * ByAJdermun VVood,H ov| ding that a keeper he emploS f° r Orange Park in New Town Mho resolution wus passed und sot/ |t<* will ly be named to of the park. Under the head itWdlnances only two wo re Intfod ur-y j One of them was by Alderman <WK amending the ordinance recently Wed by coun cil making it as' the law to erect awnings streets. The ordinance laßßglit does not Include Bay spocifleH the kind of material tWshould be used. Another, Introdtßl by Alderman Cook, fixing -the iB to be charged by light, water Jm, electric light plants, was pratsVlly the same- as introduced by thgglWor at the las' session of count* This , was referred committees on ordinances and CjOkunio on sanita tion, light Alderman Wood, of,the JKf Committee, made a irtcdldn- fliatlp /iommlttee he au thorized by to send a dele gation of tMe to some neanby city If it. tmeessary -when the vi..on the ordl- motion was carried. If cornuilttee will VM|| Hier cl y •<> lock into the llg#i Her rate the adjourned Looking Into Indian Kjtfuds.Jjif j Muskogee, I. T ANARUS, hj Eoulks. special repr I’ Itoo ;• elt, lnvi-stig iiiou into the .ulegei® In lonncction with the Nation tow lot. sale. Cgfl wa (Hm.indr-.l by . i gmgty c V •l< (■ ln< : v.'jiiqhi jH Klin-nt oitlc-aa, with thousands of <4 ko i nor+oQ oy - rw> apringftol'd, .Mass.,’ NoyOS man k dead here and Jpmlaß , arc wpc* #> -iy t, HOARD OF TRADE'S L,ANNUAL MEETING /HELD YESTERfIAV I YVJ. Aib to Dead the yoiwnarcial Body During f ie Coming fear C. 8. AGO AGAIN SECRETARY Large Number of the Members Pres ent and Considerable Business < Was Dlsoosed of—lmportant Resolutions Passed. The annual mealing of the Bruns wlclt Board of Trade was at the city hall yesterday morning 9k 10;30 o'clock with a ntimber of m mem bers present. T| elrcHin 0 f offio are for the &uj|yfc§r resulted as 'follows:-, #,;■ ••’resident, j|p g AUt*n. First F. p, m, rachau. j.-; Second Ylßfi iVesident. T. New man Secretary, C,<p ogg Tdreciois. A Fondig, C. ISfimlyear, C. E Arnold, !: F. Wm- C. Downing, N. Bnianuff O. mm- w. B .fcioi; J. M. Burnett. ( ail Smith, who I ‘j'lheadod’ Smotjfor the past. | /r and whttlhp,.. -.ada Vtaost (J f. TrcJv. of '^PS9KRL r.. - th ns requesting hotter servioe. 1 it is more than likely that the .board, at its next meeting, will de cide to hold night sessions, as is I done -by a- majority of commercial iodlos. Thlß was discussed yester day anti Messrs. Straihan and Cook both pointed out the advantages of i idglit s< when ail the Stem j here con ltl get away for an hour or jmore. No action was taken, but the [matter will be brought up at the' uext session All nu mbers present displayed on thusiasm and it is believed that the board will be well supported during the • QDnilng year. Several resolu tions! Wore introduced, one of the most' lmiportant being the following: I Whereas, the second session of | the s!>th congress will convene next |month; and, Whei eas. It Is understood and believed that at said session of con gross a river and harbor hill will be [passed; and, Whereas, the further Improve* j meat of the inner and outer harbor of [Brunswick, Georgia, is .now more imperatively demanded and neces sary by reason of geater commer cial interests than at. auy time here tofore. • [ crcf-0 |; filing, building sldpti, w&re j houses, coal chutes, a light and pow |er house and other terminal facili ties on a large scale thereby pro viding for handling of an im mense amount of new commerce which said railroad expects to bring to Brunswick; and further, that the attention of congress ’be alao ( di rected to the fact that the said rail- road company has been Instrumen tal in and directly responsible for the establishment of anew steam ship line plying between Brunswick and New York, the said line consist ing of four steamers, one of which has been completed and Is* now In commission, the other three of which are rapidly approaching completion, and has likewise aranged In addi tion for a steamship iio ply regularly between New York and the city of Havana, Cuba, torching at the Dort of Brunswick both going and coming. Resfefvedi, further, that the at tention of the congress be Invited to the fact that the Southern Rail way Company and the Atlantic Coast Une dbailway Company each have large tornrtual facilities at Bruns wick, over which a large and grow ing buslnoss Is being handled, and the Southern Railway Company Is J now preparing to enlarge its termi nal facilities by the ereollon of a large additional warehouse for the storing of imports. vthat all the previous reSSKtions and recommen dations of this board In reference to the necessity fcO Increasing the rtex-k of water inner harbor arm outer bar be and the same are j hdfeiby re affirmed and now urgac, upY>u the attention of congress, and iin addition thereto that congress be j invited to, consider resolutions of the varlouH iCoiiMperclal 'bodies through pul the Y nttVi '3,atm. urging: in creased and pth of water at Bruns wick, (which resoluliohn are now pending mmgf said Congress; TtesOlV'-J, ’lev, • a copy ot these °r ithmeciiatensUfesentstive in oon- Hon. WtUlJrfi.G. BrahiTey, and t • A*,)ci; Of our two aenators. Hon. A O- Hf-ron 'in* Hon. A. S. Clay, and to ich of mr two senators, Hon. hour -, of and , to Hon. Theodore E. Onrton. chairman of the river and hSrlior eoihjSfi'ttee of the hoafe; eg, representatives, ■ ■ ■- ——— . Wiwt to Succeed Bell, i Washington, Nov. ,22. —Brig. Oon. J. Franklin Bell, who is now in com mand of' the army In Cuba, has been ordered home and L Gen.T. J. Vl-’lnt will replace him in Cuba. Brig. Gen Wint is ’mow h unmand of the iKipshiment. \of the Missouri. When Gen, Bell w-as ordered to Cuba It was, understood that his as signment was only tempo: afy. iacoilisioNfli sup goes oei STEAMER AND TUG BOAT COL LIDE— PA3BENGERS E3CAPE IN NIGHT CLOTHES. • Portland, Ore., Nov. 22. —The riv er steamer Lifeline wu.i sunk tojffy in a colliclon with a tov. mat. in the Casrade river ofr Laluer. The accident occurred early this morning, before the passengers ataagi the steamer were up, and. In U|e!r night Clothes, they all escape) M cascade as d&Hthe crew There were no fatalities, butt the. steamer will be a total A>£.b. A Harry Thaw'* P vhjew York, Nov. 23.—Dovelop- MlfeiiidiAte today make it certain of Harty K. Thaw o.i having murdered Sta . the u cl:ite-'Laij^^ ( i PRICE, FIVE CENTB. CHAMBIDLAIN IS A PHYSICAL WRECK —— His Death is Sow Expected at Almost Any Time by Tboso Close to Him lilS COSBITIOS IS HOPELESS Weekly Review of John Bull Bays He is Nerveless, Voiceless and Almost SitVitlesq—ls Wheel ed to His London, Nov. 22.—announce ment was made Joseph Chamberlain tva3 a wreck The Weekly Review jB John Bull says; JfM 'Joseph ChamberlaflPiß nerveless voiceless, almost sightless and pap al :lc. He Is now wheeled twice a week to his Orchid house.” It ia believed that his health is falling so rapidly that he will not live many more weeks, and the an ndunceffient *'f his death at any time will not oau e a surprise. ' -wMRS. ANNA R. DEMING DEAD. Estimahl.- i *dy -Passed Away Yes terday After 4pngll|ness. After an over • period of six fweeks,fitfrs. Anna R- Deiuftg i- •* s-ad aMHrt'lgte yesterday afternoon |* the rw!-i|ncS of Mrs. H. R. Monk street where, With her draK*r. Miss Lizzie Dera ing, she was making her home. - Jlrs- DosftUijjgfeah liefin in a critical condition U \st several days, suffering from rougsstion of the lungs. H- son. Mr. c. W. DenMng. was called o th> city Tuesday from Alabama on account of ; the serious condition of his mother. Everything possible has been done for her dur ing her lliueqm but to no avail. The deceased was loved and es teemed by a %argo circle of friends in Bruziswick and elsewhere, who will he grieved to learn of her death Land has tho sympathy o* Ithe < m community. was tho widow of tho ■■ee W Demlng and was HBf Maan, Ga.. whore she reSWbdABUI r. few years ago when she removed; to Brunswick, accom panied by her daughter. Miss Lizzie H. Doming, to make her home here her son. She was 72 years of ago and is survived by one son and one daughter. All of her life she has been a consistent and devoted member of the Presbyterian church and until she was too much ad- TanceMpn xgo wa prqfcninent in church ijiurk. ThevJhin*' 'aJ will occur from the Church this afternoon at 2: sijifee clo k.- Relatives from At lanta and J<nv.,;rmvUle%wi!l arrive in the city ..this mbijM to attend the The genu amen wl|l act as ysW bearora: L. H., Jones, J. 8- Afj Hymens. H. F. du ntgnon, TANARUS, flWFrlght, W. C. Brobs °l! ‘ IMw,a Brobston rad F. fmXy. The jd tho many other I ■ i-|a tally in extending con ■ mi J|re ■’ >--oJs X<jo - cordially to cil aniT the goods at. 309 NjjJ castle. ■ *■—- ■■■" 1 Mora Fevsr. Havana, Now. cases yellowy fover developed here todjH whlclf makes seven cases cttjftnd three inf IjpS’p'jjl: name ■E^fho • win to bust- for PY GOODS Lt BE DISPLAYED Bdv 21. Mrs. M. W. Hy a, new line of ■d hats a ii 0 f latee* V ;$£ fancy feathers jgftceiyed.