The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 24, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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4 THE BRUNSWICK NEWS PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY , CLARENCE H. LEAVY, Editor am \ Manager. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr., City Editor. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. Entered at the Brunswick, Ga„ post office ae second class mail matter SUBSCRIPTION PATES. Term* of subscription in the clt end by mail free of charge to all partt •f the United States and Canada. Mex Ico, Perto Rice, Guam. Pniiippin Islands and Hawaiian Islands. One Month . -50 Three Mentha %1.2S Six Months *2.50 One Year *5.00 Notice of oiscontlnuancs of Ada and Subscriptions must be made t business office In writing. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF Glynn County Glynn County Commissioners. The United States Court of Banlt rnptey for this District. Correspondence solicited, but to re ceive attention letters must be ae rompanied by a responsible name, not. for publication, but fie a guarantee ot good faith. Rejected communications will be returned if accompanied by postage. Remittance should be made by pos tal note, check, money order or regis tered letter. Address News Publishing Cos., Brunswick. Ga Anti Captt|tt Newman is to take charge of oSFstreeta again. Thanks. It look ia dolrtg every thing 'itl'eveiit that coal famine, , T Even tie permit": of Qufiieagpwrs eomplainlng übout the iati arrivals of trains. * / ii 4i r-t South men look uixm 'BaUfimony with an mUch misgiving :Wf |f t h e ,v thought it a nhUe Up inside. The Darien A \VoHteij l waD ( a t o come to Bniuhwitkyaiiand Brunswick wants the Weßtcnii -Let’s deal. ,'vk 1 vr’ -S —. -A It's a inarch of pro areas. ' m don't run over ■Frometheold fogies and knock them out of the citv, A town In Tennessee has gone at tor the oil trust. The uaine of the place is Jackson, am! perhaps It gets Its Inspiration from "Old Hickory." If you don’t thhlc Brunswick Is growing just take /a drive over the city and note the number of new buildings in coifSe of construction. ■ - ——v- ■ Just stop for a moment and think what the coining of the Darien & Western railroaff" ' m ■ ::_ 4 r4 The Birmingham trying to prove insanity will have one strong point against him. He had sense enough to steal that big toll. Tillman will be juardiMl by a squad of police when lie visits Chi cago. Those people must think he is going to bring his pitchfork witlr him. . —• ■. b A schoolboy in Pennsylvania went on* hunting end phot two school* teachers. other boy* no doubt think his d.ty’s hunt was a success ful one. v'' ; " • The public works department of tin- city is calk'd to the attention of Hie of New castle street from to Man park. The (-umplalnt m '--.-'Meal man ..gets that !h.-vV|!|s hota. tne 1-1 I of 1% to tliem. The istvs that in Now fYork was .suggest* that is limps to sleep for a few fcours habit wM^mton^ }wt\ ”■P*t' Me^ecled” - test* against, the charge ©fr s bunch s riotous |W Vasrd largely m professional ixtlitJcs. BMt rhen th t'nited Stotesearmy Is dominated by partisan Its usafuiness wd eßlcienr) a defense nation be M SHOOTING SPARROWS—OVER LOOKING HAWKS. Under the above caption the At lanta Constitution contained an ed itorial yesterday which touches ui" jan important matter in Georgia. The Constitution Is now making a fight against the railroads in behalf of the people and the editorial of yes terday concerns a matter of interest tn the state. The Constitution says: If the Southern rim way is able, by putting the capital stock of the Central of Georgia into the hands •of a holding committee, to evade the ! law which tit'- ownership of that j i stock would enforce upon it to the | | benefit of the people of ’ Georgia, ! ! why is it not possible to employ! j evasion in the case of the sm: Her; ! lines uju.-re joint ownership is. ! shown? This question enmes prominently | to the front sin e the state railroad j commission lias been called upon to j consider the ownership of the lA'ad- j toy Southern and the WriffUavUle j and Tennille by the Cen rat of Ooor-1 gla, with a view to the application j ot the continuous mileage rule and, a consequent reduction lr freight , rates. The cumwission very wisely and j justly pi# the continuous mileage J rule upon the Central Jind Wad ley j Southern, and yet these Toads go to j court, for injunctions in face of the; fact that the Central admitted full} ownership of the Wadtey Southern s j entire stock. • Suppose Hie courtfc upheld the ; justice and wlsdqpfl of the contnits-1 slon’n decision in the Wadler Ronfh j ern case, cannot the Central follow j the example of Hhc Southern raft- ; way, put that stock in the hands of, • a holding committee, and then snap i|. fingers fgt the contt lisahm, J painting^to its own decision in the ■ Southern Y*jra*. It would thatythe commit ulon , Is shoo tin:; at sparrows, while j the cbiekenJWk Is atiowe I to In VII te this farmer's The commission's dccMon in the j cash at the Wadley Southern was j right. " ... But why should th*- big lines es-J cape arid in their evasion provide 1 loep-hoiea for the lltrh fellow-is to] crawl through? And if the little fel tows are to he punished, why not- the big Oner? 1 The president of the Southern railway, while denying* ownership by that line of the OentrSyA skiek, admitted in the next sentence that if that stock were sold, the Souths orn railway would dementi the pro ceeds forthwith. J* not tit ait at I east indirect owne-hlp within the Idling of the commiasion's con- Hbus mileage rule, which Bays: Ktule 1, Where in this state two Hpore connecting lines of railroad are operated bv or under one man agement or company, or where the majority of the a:ock of each of two or more railroad companies whose tracks connect, is owned or controll ed, either directly or indirectly, .by any one of such companies,®he lines of railroad of all such companies shall, within the meaning and in tent of the rules of the commission, I*o considered as constituting but one 111111 the same railroad; and raitt's for the carriage of freight over sueh railroads, or any portion there of, shall be computed upon a <fttin iious mileage bwda. the same as uJn the line <r a single railroad eoNipany. whethey such railroads have separate boards *jf directors or] not. And yet the Southern railwaj and Central of Georgia jMwK*'d the con iinuouv mlteageijJ^^^^wP-.n'n.-r. .i assuredly owne: in its owtiersl^H If ere i* to call loudly fEu- revisloi# In view of the commission's very proper action in Jhe case of the Wadley Southern, ftthcrwi*r, the nutlUplieatioin <tf dttee* may very <“*- ifijr law a nul- V, cw * JK 1 I lias ■ ■ rh-■'••n tB . 1 \ jitr , . -.tsonv If r*£* , “vJ 11 at* VUaagm. The BRUNSWICK DAILY NEW*, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, I*o6 I y\ Dangerous conghs. Extremely perilous coughs" I § Myy sy V>/~f Coughs that rasp and tear the throat and lures I fj&/ Ut-C Coughs that shake the whole body. You need X 1 a re K uiar tnedicine, a doctor’s medicine, for 1n h C such a cough - Ask your doctor about Acer’s |Vj KsU. V# / JO Cherry Pectoral for these severe cases. / W# hBT® no ! We publish j f preparations, Lew el] Ma** \ \irow \BwM ■, 1 r Hpfr” - Geo. W. Owens, CORNER E AND L STREETS. m THIS XMAS YGU’Lt. BE HAPPY! .surely if yqjn factor your friends with someone or mor c appropriate gjft sought out with being thoughtfulness from our timely display of perfumery in tajlcy bottles.^ toilet articles, re sets, shaving sets, fancy hoxod soaps, etc. The show is free end our pricing fair. THE ATkANTs PrtARMACY. Tel 310. Sub-Poatoffice Station No. 1. COLSON HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE, MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. OF ALL KINDS SAW MILL OUTFITS. K —— m __ jjps § A .V jsljE£ ATLAS* * JBp' lu WIRE COLSON HARDW# A Young “My motherj made young am intense auffaJS entirely <Umm age. wht-af Ultter-^ira 3 Cl#4 iPT AII wanted. \M p. in,,,ui it t T&' IBe. ' ■ •. ■M ’ Av-] 1 Vi 1 - 1 V I WaikeHp i Wle't. r. 2 - . WAN ir !% Siivor-V Jon Lit*' .in ! scl'ler 'I Mif". ail lire: t Maun 111 I- 'felM*' l " '>“>> u -'Old I i gll' to yelll- , ehaiice LX;lit miss r tills j Write Hfe *o make motley. ; Nichols uiars free. L. J. ! Atlanta, 'la. \ I AnTEIM ' imuse. for established advanced. V per week. Expense*, stiftnp, .1 Bt'erences., Address, with] Georgia! • ’•* Alexander, Biunswiek. i 1 Jr Cold- will vs ee peersdßl moans heavier shoes RENT. r, —: of Col \v BTlie handsome residence see Urobstol Kay. For particulars FOR SALE* Fondig A Cos. rumiture aif- Car P ets - wilK<,A ' t,Uad f s All proettea? Other household goods. Julius Mav. 3 UP , W Apply to Mrs. FOR SALE.-~" , , , . farm. Fourt A{ a hnrgain; Iruck fence; one T n :>cre undel barns; LA heii° ,lr roo,n cottae an ’ hog 8; l hors|T'f cattle; 30 heads .of implements'* Wp 1 " 1 wagon; t.irming one-fomth mi# 1 ' fr ',’ n ' V.l'l Partv leaving W^ ro,n s * a * Ply R. W. DmJl Ap 1009 <> slfeet. ■LxkNLTr. PL)NTRA.fT<. R To The Public;:| HAVING LOCATED A CEMENT STONE PLONT CORNEA OF F AN, D STREETS IAM PREPARED TO DO A GENEPAL CEMENT WORK FIRST Jt-ASS WORK AT A REASONABLE FIGURE. ALL SIZES OK WHITE AND COLOREC HEXIGON TILE AND CURB OF THE REGU LATION SIZE. . RESPECTFUL'-’" SOLICIT A SHARE OF YOUR RONAGE. J D. Baldwin Tht- Brunswick Bottling and Manufacturing Cos Manufacturers of SODA WATbP AND MINERAL W ATERS, CIDERS, CORDIALS NF.C TARS, VINEGARS, SIMONS SPEC'OL GINGER ALE AND RYE OLA, PHONE 273 218 OGLETHORPE BT For ACCURACY PROMPT, DELIVERY and PURE DRUGS § HAVE YOUR prescriptions Filled at MANOE’S Pharmacy 505 GLOUCESTER ST. PHONE 37. ARE YOU THIRSTY. If you are and a good drink of the Beat CUhiskey or Finest Seer will quench it I can fix you. See my wine and cigar list. H. Selijr, 229 Grant Street. CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS Let us be your Wash woman BRUNSWICK STEAM LAUNDRY. Cline & Ludwig, Props. Bottlers of Coco Cola and other Soft Drinks 110 RICHMOND ST. PHONE 12t |i ENGINEERING CO. K All classes of Bm AND MACHINE ni Hcially equipped for map.n^M wtly Adapted , c .*• ■ ■ J- ft Y 4 *s'm ■■ r jm * r 9 v'-' v> as* ’ *j/r "v jfr /’CJmjfeg 1 c *5 Di f§ | V;,. 1 ' c: BROWN & CO DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS AND SHIPPERS OF Railway Crossties AND DEALERS IN i i n Yellow Pine I umber BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. JULLTH' couch '-'CURE the LUNGS MCZrKT V". ysasarzr ------ *' T " 1 New E ’ /~oNSrMpJw§|lj FOR [ Smeat : THROAT LES. or Coblr'and ’ Wheeler GNEPAL TINNERS. THE OLD RELIABLES. 25 Years in the Business. GOOD WORK PROMPTLY EXECU TED. Phone 313. j, 313 Newcastle St Cali up I’/avls and Taylor's.-smith* tf von want dtr' for raising your tq or sldewr.lks.