The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 24, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Society Mrs. E. -C. Pi erson is improving after a severe illness. • • • Miss Lucile Kay leaves tomorrow afternoon for Jacks(Jbvl!le. • * • The Helping Circle of the Presby terian church will nold a dob and lancy article sale December 8. • mm Mrs. Alice E. Clay, of New Con don. Conn., Is the guest of Mrs. K. R. Hopkins for a few days. •* • % Miss Annie intake has arrived front Augusta as special nurse in the Spires case at the city hospital. Mr. and. Mrs. T. J. McCaJl will go housekeeping shortly In the cot tage now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Boggs • • ■ Dr. and Mrs. Stovall Smith have returned from Atlanta, where they attended the funeral of their broth er-in-law. Dr. J. 1,. Pinson. • • The marriage of Miss Georgia Wayne and Mr. Kennedy Owen, of New Orleans, takes place today in Savannah. The wedding will be a brilliant affair, occurring at St. John’s church. The Junior Sixhand [iuchre club met yesterday afternoon with Miss ftlta McKinnon. The afternoon was very pleasantly spent, many games having been played. The prize was won by Miss Irene Wood, who was a guest of the club. . . ■ Airs. G. W- Ulanlon Is In Atlanta where she wuAballed Wednesday by news of the ilKss of her daughter, fine! frees I CAN FURNISH AND PLANT ON SHORT NOTICE, CABBAGE, MAG NOLIA, SYCAMORE, MAPLE DOG WOOD, OAK AND UMBRELL TRECB. GIVE ME A TRIAL. D. B. PVLEB. 523 E Btreet Every late wrinkle In style, but not n 'Tinkle In the tit of the shoes 'torn I’eerion’s. . * HORSE' GwLLARS ■ ■ —— Quarter Sizes \=4 1 Quarter Siz&s a| * e s ‘ zes wr>ll f- ■ carried** SHK i s | y j^^Bßj oft Earth Two TOr 25 IbitlJl ' r WBpBAILg/. QTHiNG CO. Mrs. Edward E. Smith. Mrs. Smith is now improving, to the pleasure o ber friends, and will probably ac company Mrs. Blanton home on her return. ** * i The following Invitarion was re ceived yesterday by friends in this ! vity: Mr. and Mrs. Frederic King I Plttsifer request the honor r.f your j presence at the marriage of their j daughter, Sue Alice, to Mr. Tuomas I Boyd Crockett, on Thursday, De;eu j her tith. at 8 o'clock, Glen Ridge, :S. J. Mr. Crockett is a son of .Mrs. ;J- K Knibb, of this city, and lived here for some time prior to the Spanish .-jpi<-dean war. when lie ea lfi ed in the lcgjlar and won the rani: of lieutenant. Lai.., i,. was stationed at Ve’towstone Park, uic.nce, culmiuatiug in his marriage Where was i cgmi the pretty ro a It was there that lie met Alls.- Pulslfer, who was with her pan :<t their summpr home that squint i. Miss Pulslfer is the daughter of a wealthy Wall street broker and sole heiress to the fortune of her grand mother, which is rated at $20,U00,- ot)l). Parental objection to die mar riage on the too,-2 ol Air. Cr.e!;< ; i: adoption of a military life, resulted in the groom abandoning Ms profes sloMMaßd eutaring bußiueßLin New York city. The marriage _4WI be u brilliant event and the bride and groom will go abroad fo. several months. Htni. •i, , , -ANTS ] R-dnlrc the Meat ' urcflii Atteatlen aa Well sit Uot’, a Did you ever •* i ro.- mh which— -- optfe th* ocimflc nt tmrtromnMt of soil—of eunstifoe-aiuj of atmosphere - eemed never to achieve a hoalthv growth. A ton of mjiniire Iriil not lilp pi mm* that hu a canker emtng out tie heart, ou must deetrov t>-,o i&ukq before you e remove the effect. . You cannot cor- Dend'rff rod Raid cs by niht'.hy an hair lotion* and zuobtnc In vnsotlne, at- You mutt look to th. r*u- 0 f the trouble lt‘a germ ; ,t ,h root* o? ! your bslr which, c, UMI , it to fall out. Nawbro'a HrrrmjWo aoetroya, the germ, •■nd haaltby :ire roeult. Bold by leading rtrugviate., Send 100 m DrfMlL f |ofc mpte Co- j For 'pie by SnjWn’i, Wkrmapy. The MRUfv’JWfCK DAflftY NCWi, *AfufIDAY, NOVEMBER 24. HMDS DAW WITH TERRIBLE ECZEMA Suffered for Ten Years—Spreading to Body and Limbs Despite Efforts of Three Doctors—Another Re* markable and Speedy CURE BY THE a CUTICURA REMEDIED “I had eczema on my hands for ten years. At lirst it would breakout only in winter. Then it finally came to stay. I had three good doctor.-, to do nil they could, but Vssir' , ’ V *^iSa imnj: of. them did K-i mS/m good. 1 then fto used one box of vy Cutirpra Ointment , . J and three bottles of \ ytc r ('ijtir ura Insolvent \ /[ and was completely cured. My hands were raw all over, '' inside and out, and the eczema was spreading nil over my iwwiy and limbs. Before I had used one bottle , of CuticUrn Resolvent, together with the Ointment, my .sf,rr*s w ere nearly healed over, and by the time 1 had tired the third bottle, T tvns entirely well. 1 had a good appetite; and was fleshier than lever was. To any one who lias any skin nr blood disease 1 would honestly advise them to get (lie Cutieura Kunicdkw and get w, lUjiiicker than u)J tiro doctors in the State e*ti cure you.” Mr*. M. E. Fajin, May 19, 1905. Speers Ferry, Vt*. OF ITCHING HUMOR “ I have heefi troubled with a Ivwnor on the back of my nfek and head for fimfor five years, ft had mi itciimg ami burning sensation, and was n very un comfortable feeling. 1 hive uw-d Cuticura Soap, Ointment, anil Resolvent Piils three mimtiis, and run av I am completely cured.”. Respectfully, Mrs. H. I>. bud lam, July US, 1900. Ow-mgkity, Md. Cutli-um Oioinwirt. and MU* C‘- -••'•‘J -r Con:.. *i.v r*v,**iivw toC*reto* % \ HICKS* rdjSOiPUDINr p^^ALL^ACHtes icWfW Trial Md* la. tAi Iras Men.. Druir.mond Medleme Cos.. New York. Gentlemen:-—Send me one morr bot tle of the Remedy and one of the -.nintent. Father thinks he is al j most we’il. "He is free from pain, the swelling almost gone, and the stiff ness in bis joints better by far than Ihe ever expected. He wants another month’s treatment, and thinks by the time he takes tuat he will be sound > and well of rheumatism. T-aura Bush ong, Sulphur I.ick, Ky. Ready-to-wear hats or the latest . style will he displayed a: Miss Kate Slater’s mlflinery opening Friday ana We don’t buy once’ a veic nnr twire a year, bn* We arc rece’Vfug [ shoes all the time. tr i I will save you 1% money on cloth ing. Every steadier and railroad brings new goods. Stein Ltjvison. — JOHN 0. Rnii-vTOfe Brunswick's Ce'rdy Bfe&r e!’ Don t buy burnt sugar v:d uutigino you are getting pus,* chocolate. Sc> substitutes are iaMmonn to health For pure chOcoiate’iod al J other can dies call on me. A fr''3f¥-siipp4jdfiS||viSA every wee*: born Mfljier tMMßWiepi)* chocolate 'linker. Hither inwmlk fSf. in beautiful pound and half pound box*-- FINEST FRUITS. CIGARS AND TD BACCOE6, ETC. TAFFY CANDY MADE FRESH DAILY. . 208 Newcastle S'.’eet. - vjffoi Xi w rufL. street. 3. M. and i-a jpo., fin-e, ijhoe*. all first Class saloons SEUL HARVARD’S RYE. BLENDED -Java Coffee 3 CANS for SI.OO A fINE/COFFEE “ L/ Ah ' IMPErJ&I CHEESE par Jar 15c POT 'IBB CHOPS package 10c ■\R. 4 ;v| \ _ §K ,V ii r AT Jft \Ar ti -STERLING STANDS FOR NAME and QUALITY. IF YOU ARE PARTICULAR ABOUT WHAT YOU WRITE WITH BUY A STERLING FOUNTAIN PEN WE ARE HERE EVERY DAY TO FULLY GUARANTEE THEM They are the Very Essence of ease and satisfaction in Writing —SOLE AGENTS— FLEMING & BRYANT Dipping and Buy a STERLING FOUNTAIN PEN $125 to $6 118 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 53. Barringtqn Hall 4 * The Steel Cut CGTI £C I h e Finest Mocha & Java Per lb can . . 35C 1 For sale only at CAHN*S st ' PHOfrtE 29fi *trr. W.Krißnn "S c: ‘ 1 “ v ° 1 " 1 """' 'Mr JUmm "oimuihooti, rutting .•evc.opn.. nt ~i <■'#;.; jfsStA jW$;„ Known reinto’.y :.■ r n..0.. n ctj,i;iN t..■■ ru vwfrjft.-rag [' p "<i*- a j'-titMirr 3|.<*o ;* i: -y drujrrlstH. DR. MOtV SCUKAUCACHImerPfc,®