The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 24, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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The Correct For Dress Tho coming season will offer many social diversions, for wjaich of course you should dress with proper care. A Dress Suit or Tuxedo is simrly Indispensable and there will be other times when a Frock Coat or Cutaway is only ac ceptable garb of a gentleman. Such garments last for years and should be owned by every man who cares for his appearance. The man who does not have them is usuall> judged to be Ignorant or hopelessly poor. % S2O Up The science of wholesale tailoring has so fa* advanced 'bat now one can buy ready to wear ®ress clothes wl h confidence. There- Is n° longer any need of spending SSO-00 or more on such garments; you can bo fitted quite as wH a-hd be certain of at least equal style, material and satis faction from nur All-Ready stock. The makers of our* Dress Clothes are whatare termed “specialists” in this line- Schloss Bros &. Co—leaders for nearly thirty years in the making of fine Clothing. We have all their latest style* I’rices range from S2O up. Come In and let us show you tlce these garments are. f ItiHtieidtt that we have every uc ■ •MSeorJjf JLpt-ess well- \ Ttyo GlovetTW atyd HuenßpWythlnrth'ut a gentle •an needlr 9ri& %Ut cf fieer THE ORIGINAL BUDWEISER To Dealers per Barrel 110.60 To Consumers 111.00 ANMEUSER BUSCH EXPORT To Dealers I. H.fUl To Consumers |lO 00 PABSTCELEBRATED BLUE RIBBON To Dealers i lIO.OU To Consumers j 111.00 THE PABST EXPORT To Dealers I 9.00 To Consumers HO.Oo EVERARDB NEW YORK BCER To Dealers HO.Ou To Ounsumers 1U9.60 EXPORT I 1.00 Jiewman,* 218 BAY BTREET SOLE AGENT. Reason in Number o\l ft j WHY YOUR ACCOUNT SHOULD BE WITH Wwßr The Nationa Bant of Brupck DLPOBITS RECEIVED BUBJI?St TO CHECK, ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, IN THE BAVINQB - DEPARTMENT. ft Time and Bavlng Peposlta Same Interest FOUR PER CENT COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY 4. DAVIS, E. F. TAYLOR ,_f>\VlS & AYLOR LtiveryFeAand Sale Stable HEAVY DRAYAOS. PROMPT HACK SERVICE Thanksgiving Clothes Kai ' 1 V\ in n• ri A pER O “Ck i Whole Family.” \ * fwt mrnswieK **** new*, satvkoav mvtmetm u, mt Free o not prove iliatßßfs|i good for anything. If I’Np'flsexperi ment, try samples han rheumatism. You (hnig£ifi'r>r<it<<| lose time and risk chances with any niediclldßliiSh has not stood the teat o£ Drum mond's Rheumatic RemW has .a twenty year record of oass. VvAe to the Drummond Mediclß O'., Ns York, for literature. m # We can lit everyone, from Cimer ella to the Giant. Pearson's X \ Kor singl eharrel usTtgnnH jto to Slg Levison. |p por.oai#. Good horse and bu am rtmap. Fo particulars address fit-. 33, Bruns wick, Ga. Incrense II fit If 3 y Eating Your HI illy Leben’a Appetite IIUVI Bread. SPECIAL ATTENt ON GIVEN TO ORDERS FOP Fancy Cakes. ! Ato AND THE VERY BB lJr BredU, kolis Jbm-S $ / and Cakes •AKERS ART CAN MAKE mT % . Prompt attention given to orders Give me a trial and Join the great army of Pleaaed House Keepore. Brunswick Bw ffyinffit* EVTi'MLTT: \9erspnab m Charlton Wright, of Sterling, spent yesterday in the city J. F. Weaver, of Waycross, was la the city yesterday. it. C. Youmans. of Blackshear, is in thHNrity for a few days. T. A McMillan, off Beach, Oa., spent >*.!erday in the city. K L. Bennett, a well known Jesup attorney, spant ( yeuorday In (he city. J. A. Foster and J. B. Wright, of St. Simon, were in tho city yester day. C. F. Smith, of Lumber City, was among tho visitors to the city yes terday. 9 Jos. B. Wob'j, a wpj known At lanta drummc spent . •aterday in the city. Alan rJHB, of Atlanta, was among at the Oglo- J. D. Yo'aTof Atlanta, was among those at the Ogle thorpe yesterda^^m^^ J. Lee Enalgmot tMpsnaign-Os cainp Lumbcfejfljpany. It? spending a few days lNHttcity. j of A.. B. and Shaking hands ’with his friends I* the city. G. W. Brandon and' J. S. N. Davis, wn Camden county tar pontine"*. • ‘ tators, spent* yesterday in tho city.* , Si Ladles long silk gloves. Gus Bffmaa’s Bazaar. Call up Da.i-J| Hksyiops stable . If you wnm. your lot or sliowijJifs. '"ffWiiKitfi ntr!• * ram j^^Jtlscra \ For Business Most \men prefer the “Sack Coat” styles, which with their host of pockets and convenient lengths are certainly most suitable for general wear. Professional men, however, and those whose occupation demands a certain amount of dignity in dress, always favor tho Prince Albert and Walk ing Frock lllustra ed here. We have all styles; it remains only for you to suit yourself, elf you have not already bought your Winter outfit it will cortalnly pay you to ex amine our new lines sls Up k rom sls up the finer Grade of Suits and Overcoats ap pear. It is well to pay a fair price and. get the best your in the end. But we can give you the greatest value your money can command, whatever you wish to pay. Our “Har vard and other University models all among the newest things; ithe Ja tost is the "Adonis” an entirely new model and thß sWellest thing of the year. These suits come in varying, buv whatever the nnMfflP'ou will see the same unfailing smaraiess or line and shape and the sane thor oughbrend look in all. It is simply a question of finer ma terials and workmanship as the price advances m - Our Furnishing Department * now • at lte bS&t And offers you all the at low 'prices; we have what you want at the price you want to pay. FALL MEANS COAL. f W&OP WE WISH T 0 ANNOUNCE THAT •WE ARE NOW OPEN FOR BUSI- ~ NESS AND HAVE A LARGE, . , ■■■ STOCK OF COAL AND WOOD AL __ WAY* ON HAND. GIVE US*J TRIAL IVERSON COAL l WOOD CO. COR I STREET AND COCHIAN AVE PHONE 448. tr tv’r *-=4 ■ -v • • WE DO GENERAL ftONTRACTIN&AN • UILDIIsy OF ALL KINDS. ES TIMATES FUrtMftUD JTICE. f . -■ ‘ U < if & THOMAS^ ■ft- A Telephone 54. For Gentlemen 7