The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 25, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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8 THE BRUNSWICK NEWS' _____________ I PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY k — : — * CLARENCE H. LEAVY, Editor am Manager. i.OUIS J. LEAVY, Jr., City EJitor. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., po3t ,,flice. as second claas mall matter **# SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Term* of aubacriptien In the clt and by mail free to all parti the United B ljPlft. and $f nada> Me * ico, Perto Phlilppin lalajida anci|Ha#iian lalanda. g Notice of eiacontlnuance' f Ada and Subacrlptione ipuet be made t business office In writing. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF (Jl/’in Coanty. Glvnn County Commtiswners. v The United States Geurt Bank ruptcy for this District. Correspondence a elicited, but to re ceive attention IctMU must be ac companied by a respßktdbname, not tor publication, but, ISlg|<■'* 01 Rejected comimi®pt> < w returned if accompJted }' posUge shouli be made by pos tal note. cbetfe money order or ' ivied letter- Address 'I News f üblishing Cos., Brunswick,, Go SSe —t Caruso, the tend*, seems to have 1 r i lino aud a lio'el -i.™ ••■ .y Star *, *“*'*“ 1 k- 1 game. > ir - ■ They ure still talking about that I , in nW York. They ousjk v lection CA* tj Xu. like wb s °Y' l TRE GEORGIA COAST , PIED MONT LOOKS LIKE A A CERTAINTY. It is almost safe to now- state' to jthe people of Brunswick that the ■coming of the Georgia Coast & Pied jmont Railroad Company is a certain ;ty. The representatives of the coni pany and the joint committee aje pointed from the coujicil, me Board of Trade anil the Commercial League have been in constant con fereuce sin e the arrival of Brest dfnt Emerson ami Ills party and Utm the very flist it looked Ilk*' ’JjQjjfc sides meant business and were ouf for that purpose alone. The management of the G. C. and P. are honest in ’the gta'tfment that i ir to ndvan*agcfoit!ie com, any to seek tide water afiti an outlet Brunswick and ■ ive.- of Brunswick equallyin •the assertion thai it* very ;anxi(A,to. have ? l{dWw||®de<i u> i ol ** The -t^dKr.-l peopb. haaßp-f * ? S/ llrun.-tuick I'otJ^B ,H c-il lon htr m ’ 'dpßS *& I 111.- in'll* .iMo.'Sf * 4-..% acceptance wick 'aßkh^m^nßte-i | ■ fv: W’jjjfwrl'n- that lids BBVlio \ew.. has a|- ‘ ' onil,l ' of this im \-<j It believed then and BlrmHF* that It will, in time, tjii' most imporbjPjWlifaa _ :hif t-nUr* I tttatf.T'K's- Wjil jpve llrunsw ick a'lii '• ’■ • " it,l- • ..I . . I*H o**uup IV.;- J„.| merwoft c*\* . whole sale,Vi' he,.. loforcNpijo/ * ”**• ißas,^ • iiVicr r:. J been- Hum, H \ In; J . nn il . .. wick m '■ - b in;* and uJf 1 'I -p 1 ;, | ft* OWwQm OAfi.Y H*w*, UNO.*Y, T~\ Dangerous coughs. E.vtremely peril,- a s coug"| ! / 1 PQr\prfit l>r fi|’ s^ atr! ! s P* ri,ea !-fhethr'* 3 tjndlun iS .2 JL-^COJUC/ lh3t shake the ub i- V need y~> X 1 a regular medicine, a k raedn ae, for L ouqhs s™, £& >•"'* I w* hire po wrets ! Xrl, u b m. jar,* _ Q __th< fonit; -.sofall our p *;* • m f Geo. W. Owens, CORNERjt L STREETS. j- > HKuuv ibat i: .•* B^Puiaic :<u.i !tl>* bay Hkk'-nt.-,., ro Trig HAVING LOCATED A CEMENT 3 , tc| and streets iam prepared to tWßßy||f|;: FinST WORK AT A REA3 WHITE AND COLORED HEXIGCN TIL sMilft L^g; LATION SIZE. . RESPECTFUI-L- the I RONAGE. at ‘SJIJKIptn- S J D. i --— —y -_- M Vgjt The Hi unsw ick itf -V and Mn h r '"it SODA WATER AND MINERAL VV ATE£2 TARS. VINEGARS. BIMONS SPECIAL GINGER ALjSSKm|^^*„ _ WITO* | RHONE 273 - ,il' i*r ' -i'd For [accuracy ‘ PROMPT DELIVERY and PURE DRUGS HAVE YOUR /VesLLriptions MANOE’S Pharmacy 505 GLOUCESTER BT. PHONE 37. ARE YOU THIRSTY. I you are and a good drink It Beet lUhiskey £Sk ! Beer will quench It you. See my wine list. iijr, brow V 4 '-<■ Aft* OEAU6S> v \ JK MATiiIIPA LIU REf?§ A SHippEßajgjy hallway Crosst#s AND DEALERS IN Yellow Pine Lumber BRW®, GEORGIA. WITH ■§*> .}* ; NSW | W FOR c .i ot rSv-i; 1 ’’ throhh .LES, .jjfflf. G W LCtJP P n o n tjß Call up want dirVjH or sidewalks ""l HtVash wniM v. X i