The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, January 04, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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2 BIG PROMOTION FOB fIORTER PROMINENT* LAWYER MADE THE/ HEAD OF SOUTHERN LAW DEPARTMENT z' Judge Hamiitor has been made rank® officer in the! law department Southe n rail way for and Flor ida, and also g- eral counsel of the I law <lepartnv^fc, iH( '' the system In Georgia, Alabat,. Judge McWhorter, whose hollTe fsHftT Atlil ens, but who also haa offices In ffl? Bquitable building In Atlanta, will by this promotion have all of these states report to hint. Announcement Is also made that McDaniel, Alston & Black, the wpJK known Atlanta iaw fma, has user, appointed special couneel In charge of litigation arising from causes ot action originating beyond the limits of the state tax litigation and other designated ♦'matters. This appointment does not In any way affect o with the con nection held bN*oen the Southern railway and the Yell known firm of lawyers, Dorney, Jrewster & Howell, for so long a ti j*fe representatives of the Southern \w Georgia. I CAN iIPIpaa.VVND PLANT Of SHORT MAO NOLIA, SYTOfIfdRE, MAPLE 000 WOOD, OAK AND UMBRELL TREEB. GIVE ME A TRIAL. D. B. PVLEB. 623 E St'eeL I EAL ESTATE, ! LOANS AND •INVESTMENTS * See us for tho ; best city prop ; erty. i _ ___ i ; Bargains in ; ail kinds of : ; real estate. i [ | BOYD & GO. ! I tiO Newcastle St. Phone 30 % J LADIES I HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF FOUN TAIN, BULB AND WHIRL SPRAY SYRINGES EVER SHOWN IN BRUNSWICK, AND YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE SAME EVERY LADY SHOULD HAVE A SYRINGE, AND I HAVE ONE TO SUIT ANY LADY, AND EVERY ONE ABSOLUTELY, GUARAN TEED. ED C. BRUCE Newcastle inrt Gloucester St 9 loss Uaok lk slovMs Ous Hoffman's Baaear. JOHN l), ROUNTOS, Brunswick'* Candy Store. Uoo't buy burnt you are getting pure (SRSSBHSsucb nubetltutes are injurious ror pure chocolate and all dies call on uie. A fresh supply received evory week from Menier the famous chocolate maker. Either In bulk or In beautlfu, !>ound and half pound boxen. FINEST FRUITS. CIGAR* BACCOEB. ETC. MA TAFPY candv made daily. mjjm • Nswsastts Street. BRUjprlr IBBE included! I— . -I IN A HANDSOME BOOKLET SOON BE PRINTED BY OGLE MANAGERS. Mr. Wood, of Harvey and Wood. I i managers of a half dozen hotels, [among them being the Oglethorpe, I was in the city yesterday on busl-! I cess. ‘ w whi te bgy- Mr—at - j j rangctffffs to havtj in- \ a e'*' p^'ikl managed by ,, :K - firm. He viV tore of Fleming h ii, .. secured \h-KjJtU Kindled W, | Ulna ')< if hi •>' the-places i round *Brunxwlclc many street and river scenes atm other interesting views. Mr. Wood stated that the pic tures would be included in the vook let soon to be published. They will be handsomely printed and will or eupy a conspicuous place let. A description of the its advantages, etc., will accompany the pictures and it Is expected that tii<‘ publication will be a greal ad for the city. Mr. Wood looked over all of the views In the city and selected a handsome set for the several pages to be devoted to Brunswick In the booklet. It will be published and will he distributed the country. _-s^L old an. After many years of | and ex.-erlment, he/. xJrfKm' 1 i a prepuiattmi and permanent rur*-fo. rheumatism. The price ' is two large bottles, enc month's treatment, and will ret dm&BSmr worst case from the first Ml Sun. by express upon receipt of price by Drummond Medicine Cos. New York, with full particulars and testimonial of woMerfnl cure* C ! arvoyants Palmist ARE POU WILLING TO BE CON VINCED BP LEONARD. PROF. LEONARD HAS ARRIVED by special request I do hereby agree and guarantee to make no charge if 1 fall to tell you your name, aeeupa tion and what you call for. I prom ise to tell you whether husband, wife or sweetheart Is true or false; tell who and when you will marry; In fact will tell you every hope fear or am bition of your life giving truthful advice on matters of business, law suits, separations, dlvoces and sp(>c ulations. telling you what business or proession you are best suited for; what to do and where to go. to bring success. I reunite the separated, re store lost affection, cause happy mar riages, give good luck, develop a se cret you should know, the Power of Control. Parlors quiet; business con fidential. complete $2,00 life reading this week only, 50 cents. Parlors at 709 Howe street, third house from corner of Union 110141 ®- v Eating Your HI lyU Loben’s Appetite IIUIV Bread. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FOR Fancy Cakes. I AM AFTER YOUR TRADE AND WILL SELL YOU THE VERY BEST Bread, Rolls and Cakes THE BAKERS ART CAN MAKE Prompt attention given to order* Clvc me a trial artd jajn the great army of Pleased Keepers. Brunswick Bakery F. W. LEBEN, Prep. at Pearson^ Hr as varied as U># DAIL* NtW, PfilOAV. JANUARY 4, 1907. w i i'*' 1 i / I HAVF SHOES 10 FIT mil™ FEET YOU H4VE THE TEET TO FIT OIJR SHOES LET'S TRADE PEERSON’S 214 NEWCASTLE ST. fflE NEWS’ BUSINESS ojjg facts BRUNSWICK IS A RAPIDLY GROWING CITY AND IS THE BEST PORT [ COAST. THESE APE AMONG HER REPRESENTATIVE MEWHANT S aM I [ THEY ARE IN POSITION TO SERVE ThE PUBLIC IN THOR RESPEi^H i--- - - . -m - - jF' , ' l £ T- ■ V.' V . REPRESENTATIVE BUSINESS CONCERNSZ^^Btt|^ ikit k k iii k's kes'a 44 4 sit 4itastii** .. t • f, £sEKKsSBB&m ARCHITECTS. (j‘ J J. Ge>jrc ( e_CiiiH.|t7~ * Architect auu Uui. on iiaiiH— ►>: budding ci.uii.i iuK .ile R'C/Cles^M|^B : - • V | ■' \ . iMi.-i i. ! j' ; i■, Hlth V at P L a\ . ' I Jrunswick p.n V. 4 j T u Fleming. hit A Mil, If - . UIIII.-rJ^B 11 n. J’-Tf ’ 1 •Ii r.iilli •'J't.fSl' - .I" -I * tii^^WT Cobb & Wheeler, Cnnt i acting 'linnets. I'hone 313 ill.; .NcwcattU., .hi. CONTRACTORS* Bii.en and Thomas. . General Contractors* Tel 151. CEMENT CONTRACTORS J. D. Baldwin General Cement Contractor Mj All of while on file and curb. SldßpWmMl^P Write us *"*’ Con^mferin^ the Qtietftioii A good many men, about tills lime, lie considering the question of suits ftir winter. •et us persuade you to consider our guarantee THE CHOICEST MATERIALS THE CORRECT STYLES SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP FAULTLESS FITTINU^ I’hal. graceful, air which w give cannot be successfully imitat&r in ready made clothing. Jas. (j. Carter,_ The Tailor. ' Attend the Kuid-wluter millinery jpenlng at Ml® rilatoi V Her our diajß) of solid brass and irons. and pWk guard*. We have a tine aasoi momt of these. Colson Hardware Cos. 3100 For a floue. This would uoi be a large prlca to. pay for Dr. Drummond's Lightning Remedies for rheumatism If one com i i*n' get relief any cheaper. Tb Drummond Medicine Cos. New York, have reieived hundreds ol unsollcltei testimonials from grateful people re stored to health by the use of their remedies, who would not hesitate to pay any price rather than suffer the termer torture. If you would like to try these remedies, and jour druggist has not got them, write dtreet to me company. Agents wanted if there Is any style in a shoe you have seen in a book, lock over eur stork and you will he protly wars ii find It. Pearson's. OUR FOUR DOLLAR SHOES FOPj WOMEN ARE BEAUTIES. SE THEM AT FEERSON’9. A cokl Is much more easily cure bowels are open. Kennedy # Lnnre Honey and Tar opens th bowels and drives the cold out of the system In young or old. Sola by an' druggist*. AMERICAN TIE AND TIMBER SO. MANUFACTURERS, SHIPPERS AND DEALERS IN S CROSSTIES AND LUMBER New York Office No. 11 Broadway S. K. BROWN, Mngr. BRUNSWICK, OA. A OOMPLBTB UKC OF BHOBS iMTMnnunr latwbt stxlsbat - *HI I'U.-MCSf.^jS^E plumberp^^H^^H Gilmore & Wcod.^jH (ieimrat and sanitary lealors an plumbers' ♦Newcastle tr>-et Tel *2|. BARBER SHOPS. _ Allen A Thrash. < BM 'F Tonaorlal Artists. , i| jcial aanscurist for ladies Tc , Omra House rmfktlng. Ladies a Specialty ! Gcand WecJnpV ‘ MESSRS. OF Bj^iARD Parsifl Adapted by Wm. Lyno^^jnW^M BASED ON THE IJHPVH CRAIL' AN SfcRMOUS COST ANfggS 0. ED at A CAST OF T\ PLAYERS An !*$ ;% 'l' f'irnii-‘- r.i V : % ! i iJ ; * '* -T -14;*-r t / i c A \ 11JM 1 I •in m Touch W r j!sj| A BELL tJBBk)NL In Your Home, Your Office, Your Store CALL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT OF oulhern Bell Telephone and -ttgrapWlf AND WE’LL TELL YOU HOW Gas heaters GAS RADIATORS. INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATERS JUST RECEIVEL. THEY ARE JUST WHAT YOU NEED LURING WINTER. OUR GAS STOVES ARE A GREAT CONVENIENCE AND ALWAYS READY FOR ÜBE. NO COAL; NO WOOD; NO DIRT. PHONE NO. 7. Hutual Light & Water Cos. % /