The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, January 05, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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2 CHANGE* IjtDULE SEVERAL MrKINS i THE Ht \ad. the formal aMSpuncement of We new schedule for Chattanoo ga, Macon, Columbus antMAjrming bam divisions of the way hsvo not yet been made, Taylor, superintendent of tion, and W. B. Car row, assistant su porlntendent, have Ulout cblnpletSl the details visions and th*r will be Uefiffltely aj. It ie safe to say, however, xbaC' tlif following changes will be made, the time being from one .to two hour* slower tnan former schedules. The schjikWflSffietween Brunswick, Macon luid Atlanta will be avout as follow*: * Wr tl will loovo AtliHlS * a. in., reaching Macon at 3:08 a. m., Brunswick at 9:30 a. m. and Jackson ville at 11 a. m. Returning, No. 15 will leave Bruns wick at 6:30 a. m., arriving in Mu con at 2:55 p. in., and Atlanta at 4 p. m. No. 16 will leave Atlanta at 6:15 a. m., arriving at Macon at 9:05 a. m., and arriving at Brunswick at 4:25 p. 111 COAL PRICEB. Lump ccal, 1 inch and up, $6.00 per ton. Block coal, hand picked. $6.50 per ton. All orders solicited. Coney & Parker. Telrfhcne No. 18. Notice. Any one having a house to will save money toy conferring 7r once. C. E. Dunn, V\ r aycros, Ga . Special Notice. w All bills against the British steam ship Eastry must be presented at our office by noon thle sth day of Janu ary, 1907, or payment thereof will be debarred. F. D. M. Strachan & Cos., Consignees. COAL PRICE3. Lump coal, 1 inch and up, $6.00 per ton. Block coal, hand picked, 46.50 per ton. All orders solicited. Coney & Parker. Telephone No, 18. BAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INVESTMENTS See us for tho best city prop erty. Bargains in all kinds of real estate. BOYD & GO. 110 Newcastle Bt. Phone 304 LADIES I HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF FOUN TAIN, BULB AND WHIRL SPRAY SYRINGES EVER 6HOWN IN BRUNSWICK, AND YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE SAME EVERY LADY SHOULD HAVE A SYRINGE, AND I HAVE ONE TO SUIT ANY LADY, AND EVERY ONE ABSOLUTELY GUARAN TEED. EL) C. BRUCE Newcastle and Gloucester St Ml* ftavaa. Wm BOTTOMS - SEES TOE CITY COAST LINE TRAVELING PASSEN GER AGENT IN THE CITY YESTERDAY. Tom J. Bottoms, of Thomasville, now traveling passenger agent of the Atlantic Coast Line, was among the visitors to Brunswick yesterday and was warmly greeted by his many Lid friends here. Years ago, when Bottoms was known as the est man in the south, he used or four monster ex- Brunswick every .stun tiuje he brought leu by t New reporter he talked most interestingly of the outlook In Btuus wick at present. "1 used to come to Brunswick when you folks were bav jbw fjv o 4 Mg k/v.>yv u I t ho< ■r H JJ looked good, but the outlook was noth ing compared with the lnipregMon your city has made upon me this time. 1 never saw so much progress and prosperity, so many new buiid timsln course of construction and ao tnucn'lhktivity in every line, l believe Brunswick is on a more substantial growth now than any city in this sec tion of the country, and there is no telling what the future has in store for you. 1 love this city and love to visit it.” Mr. Bottoms visited the several new buildings going up around tne cirv, and that while he had heard a about the city recently, he really surprised at the activity ||n all business circles. COAL PRICES 4fe. ' coal, 1 inch and up, $6.00 per coal, hand picked, $6.50 per orders solicited. Coney & Parker. Telephone No. 18. W>—Two boys to work iu our dry goods department. Apply to A. Kaiser & Bro WANTKD—Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks completes; wages Saturdays; tools given; diplomas granted. Beautiful 1907 catalogue just out mailed fiee. Write Moler Barber College, Atlanta. Ga Cia rvoyant i Palmist ARE POU WILLING TO BE CON VINCED BP LEONARD. POOF. LEONARD HAS ARRIVED by special request f do hereby agree and guarantee to make no charge If I fall to tell you your name, occupa tion and what you call for. I prom ise to toll you whether husband, wife or sweetheart 1b true or false; tell who and when you will marry; in fact wßi tell you every hope fear or am- Mtion of your life giving truthful advice on matters of business, law suits, separations, divoces and spec ulations, telling you what business or prooaslon you are best suited for; what to do and where to go. to bring success. I reunite the separated, re store lost affection, cause happy mar riages. give good luck, develop a se cret you should know, the Power of Control, Parlors quiet; business con fidential. Complete $2,00 life reading this week only, 50 cents. Parlors at 709 Howe street, third house from corner of Union. lifllll B y Ejtin S You,- H||UU Leben's Appetlta I IUVI Bread. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FOR Fancy Cakes. I AM AFTER YOUR TRADE AND WILL SELL YOU THE VERY BEST Bread, Rolls and Cakes THE BAKERS ART CAN MAKE Prompt attention given to orders Give ma a trial and JajLn the great army of Pleated Keene re. Brunswick Bakery F. W. LIVEN, Prop. fW* BRUNSWICK DAILY N*WS, SAtURDAV, JANUaW W E Ha vi shoes* TO FIT YOUR FEET YOU H4VE THE I EFT TO FIT .* OIJR SHOES LET’S TRADE * * PEWITS 214 NEWCASTLE ST. & SK 2S ! the NEWS’ RUSpH ; FACTS A BOUTpI^B BRUNSWICK 19 A RAPIDLY GROWING CITY AND I S' T H g COABT - THESE ARE AMONG HER *fresentative meml THEY AF.E IN POSITION TO SEP fL THE PUBLIC IN i - • \ — V*Y^“ ! *T (• g REPRESENTATIVE iblkEbu Cot^H U * jt c * 'a -a a— .Art . ARCHITECTS. J. GVwi ye Architect ami . ~ ,t'. lots ol nnm i aha,, on baud. !§ you building conilf^mcate^ith me. F Bicycles arid Automob.les. B. J. Qlewine bicycles, i./ciing a impairing and renting One us a. an i'ei. I'l4-u J'.’u .vdtsfle Si 80TBJBLt|UIKs! in all ui a c M a.. u’ a, ie. ; -f j 1 • * 11 acts, S Ji fjff• ie Juices, Ciliarj aiufel OlUt* a.1,1 fa l tuly fip PLANING Brunswick Planing &. Forwarding Cos, T. y Fleming, jr., Manager. Plan mg null, sawmill, dty kiln. Kottgn 'am, dressed lumber, weaiuerboardlng, boor ing. ceilings, moulding and inside tin sii. Phone IS2, Brunswick, Ua. TINNERS, Cobb & Wheeler, Contracting 1 tuner*. Rhone 313 3t.l N< wcßstlr ot. CONTRACTORS. Bowen and Thomas. ;* General Contractors \ Tel 154. | .—% CEMENT CONTRACTORS. J. D. Baldwin General Cement Contractor All size* of white and culvert Hex! on tile and curb Sidewalk builders. Write us Considering the Question A good many men, abotu till.-, ’iim are considering the attosi&n of autum or winter. Get us persu .. ■onslilii our guarantee of THE CHOICEST MATERIALS THE CQ|D£CT STYLES supjjfllfo WORKMANSHIP aPnfTLF.SS FITTING . ■ HP - ss* jmfT graceful, easy, etyllsh air we give garment* cannot be successfully Imitated In ready-mad' clothing. Jas. (1. Carter, . The Tailor. Attend the mid-winter millinery ipeulng at Mi:* vitatei s See our display o’ solid bra-;-; aud .l'OHß. and * parte guard*. We have .1 tine assoitnieut of tiiese 'i>l.-"n hardware Cos. SIOO For a Bcei.e. Thin would not be a large price t> pay for Ur. Drummond's Lightiilu* Remedies fur rheumatism if one • oai : .tpl get relief any cheaper Ttf% Drummond Medicine Cos .New York gave re el veil nufrftedk ut uusollcH'i .eßttinonial* tor< and o healip ' emeille*. whoKL pa> any price la'A.,. * lOrmer torture. It4|aifu woJjr ry these i eiiivdi* t. and ■' f&X M .ias not got them, write '-'m*! ■ompatiy. Agents wauteu > If there is any style in a have seen in a book, look stoi k and you wl!i Pjl I rra*.y H Jnd It. Peeraoa'a. " v v^Vy* jf OUR FOUR DOLLAR SHOES AOMEN ARE BEAUTIES &E THEM AT FEERSON'S A cold ia much more easily cure vrhen the bowels are open. Kennedy s Laxative Honey and ear opens th Dowels and drive* the cold out of the system In young or old Sola by ah druggist*. AMERICAN HE —AND— TIMBER CO. manufacturers, shippers AND DEALERS IN CROSSTIES AND LUMBER New York OWce No. 11 Broadway S. K. BROWN, Mngr. BRUNSWICK, OA. A COMPLETE LIKE OP BHOIS IN THE|VmRV latest styles at Etrunswicn Gioastie e, 9H^^Cc uruhdAilk, c*. 1 ui iuoiio.tgsjAj. v &j *•" ■ei t'unnpt leiuina. ouje,* ana’ .njve.s ul ciuaslies. COMPANIES. and u ' Oeveiujrineot go., liaWiav, President. ®C'e tend money houaejJ "a*-L ' - I' <,r<vrM - VUII'4III*. MMMMMBmpilr tLEfTHICAL C^Wr^^T k. 1.. fahmek, , Galore having yottr lone eeu H L. Farmer, Bi.oue 207 H LIQUOR HOUSEsT' ’ Cong'jLs Hall Saloon, <. -i- BLhlays A Ce. ” IV tubacee We mate mail order bu>;i u e PLUM SENS. Gilmore & ieiu-i II a.’.' ~!•■ -I -jfj': •US f. I . : 'll i ffiti '• n. ail a 11. l I) ■j r r k'' .fvfTftS Tnr m* •cg '•i ''}‘i i Miei Hiirdicil ARD O J festival PLA?J I AdapteSNh^tPmM BASED ON^IBiH^BF THE HOLY 0 ' .'•wSSgg Jf ’ Toi I * *1 W ‘ if) | in You Office, Your S CALL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT OF I opttiem [ell Telephone aril felepraph ['l AND WE'LL TELL YOU HOW ' flj Gas Heaters! GAS RADIATORS. INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATeB JUST RECEIVEL. THEY ARE JUST WHAT YOU n M LURING WINTER. OUR GAS STOVES ARE A v cHH CONVENIENCE AND ALWAYS READY FOR USE COAL; NO WOOD; NO DIRT. PHONE N®. 7. * I • Hutual Light & Waterl f-j y . ( iNSURANGt. HOyt VV. Gate. Au,fc, itioruu, d.ciauui .•p.eweut only tue nesl lonJJS PAWN BROKER. b.,-Levison i Untie Sim. toe uiu reliaoie pa JH .J-mei u'auoU ju . iea.dipitr.eito iur, ooou aud shoes. ■ TAKER AND EMBjafl G G. MuCre.^^^B e:.i H jf Jr " " 1: - !l evei T^B a. svM ►**% ■ . :; 's . • m ®