The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, January 10, 1907, Image 2

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1 Oil! MIN; PEOPLE KICKING FOR SECOND TIME RECENTLY BUPPLY HAS COMPLETELY EXHAUSTED. 1 Few people In astdV from the wholesalers they fact there is a kerosino oil famine' in the city again. But there is. Dealers have been unable to pur chase oil from the Standard Oil Cos., for the past week and they do not know’ when the company will be a 1 le to furnish them with a supply of oil There has been little or no <wnP plain among the consumers as to the scarcity of oil, but the stocks, of tle retail merchants are running low, and they are unable to replendlsh them. Unless there issaa large shipment of oil to the city in a slhort tinhe, It Is very proha Mi that those dependent upon It far lights and fuel will be unable to get what they need for those purposes. It Is explained by the Standard Oil Company, say the whol< sale dealers, that they have not received shipment that havew]|cen made. They sav that oil that hasnfcen shipped to this city hag been lostland they cannot tram it. The manreement of the company could not iboAeon yesterday, although several eff<#ts to do so were made by the ijgfa, reporter. Notice Veterans. On Friday, January 11, there will be a meeting of Camp Jackson, Uni ted Confederate Veterans ,at ihe court tiotipre, In the grand Jury room, t< make arrangements to celebrate (Jen, Lee's birthday. Horace Dart, W. B. Burroughs Commander. Adjutant. l EAL ESTATE,; ; LOANS AND ; I investments; ; ; ; * See us for tho ; * best city prop- ** i f * M * * ] Bargains in i j all kinds of * ; real estate. ,i ; * I BOYD& CO. I a 110 Newcastle Rt. Phon* 30 1 m I HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF FOUN TAIN BULB AND WHIRL SPRAY SYRINGES EVER SHOWN IN BRUNBWICK, AND YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE SAME EVERY LADY SHOULD HAVE A SYRINGE, AND I HAVE ONE TO SUIT ANY LADY, AND EVERY ONE ABSOLUTELY GUARAN TEED. ED C. BRUCE Newcastle and Gloucester St JOHN D. ROUNTOS, Brunswick’* Cindy Store. Don't buy burnt *ngar and imagine yon are getting pure chocolate, tinea substitute* are injurious to health. For pure chocolate and al> other oao dies call on me. A fresh supply received every week from Wenler the famous chocolate maker. Either in bulk ojJdßhautLfu. j pound and half poundjj^^r FINEST FRUITS. AND TO baccoi^HT TAFFY CAk I HE* * MY ORGANIZEJO I jimmm SEVERAL LOCAL MEN MAY FORM COMPANY TO ACCOMODATE NEW COMERS It Ir. understood that several well known Brunswick capitalists are fig ■ring on organizing a company with a large capital stock for the pur pose of building a number of new homts in the city for the- accomoda tion of the many new people who are arriving in the city almost daily and who arc finding it a hard task to rent a JfBWPIiFV,; ts a room. As was stat edg-liSA-sr cojn’my* a Iml tlava house nfThe city of Uiwswlctß while there are dozens of peoiuiL city who have been on the ful a house for weeks. A number of resi liences are now in course of con struction, but all of them have been enUpged and therefore they will not relieve the situation. It Is believed that it will take at least 100 new homts to accomodate all the people who will desire houses within the next sixty days, and it is hoped that the projected company will materialize and will bf gin build ing at once. i Choron t rtr-1, <;tv t ?V<btt!i -o* Herpt.-Sit*-!. This word of .'sit, Ms — : ■r. cv .-y M>es mouth, i-.i ... wuntle- nt what th- -*'■ ,i ; , u ti ore las yet been found vt : v.r. rt, r y ■CT urtol: hwio. . ■ v. . Toll, fo- lb* i-i[r-ir. .iI nc r t t f *P-C t ■ ii i:now -, j hlrp, t t-ould *„y nonnr. u <■’ ~j >- ">n" *^^^B PseoMe caured by v■ * I<* *, - vegetal-ie-p ,r ssltea. A u .mllur ir-.-erebe cause., dan druff. Itching rcnlp, nnd falKn,? l,air- t;d_- Is the microbe that NEWV.RO'S Ti'BRTl CIDD promptly dcrlroy.-i; after wh'ch the hair grows. Hold by k-ading (trueglt*. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herplctda Cos., Detroit. Mich. Two sizes—6o cents and SI.OO. Rjleh __n-ii L i The Cleanest Beer f I PaEwt Blue Ribbon Bct r is clearest because it is not I fermented in open vats, ■ imt iu special Pabst her f tneticatty sealed tanks into I which no air except pure, I J filtered air ever enters. | Pabst I I Blueßibbon I S is cleanest because it is I not cooled in rooms where I ■ men walk in and out, bu t | in specially constructed I ■ sealed coolers where no I g breath of foul air can I ■ taint it. It is stored in I ■ hermetically sealed storage B ■ tank* until perfect in age, B ifj purity and strength, the cleanest beer brewed. For hunting coats, shell belts, leg Liu* yluii cores* wtc., go to Big Levlson Increase |in\|| By Eating Your H MU Leben'e Appetite IIUII Bread. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FOR Fancy Cakes. I AM AFTER YOUR TRADE AND WILL SELL YOU THE VERY BEST Bread, Rolls and Cakes THE BAKERS ART CAN MAKE ’’rempt attention given to orders Clve me a trial and Join the great army of Pletaed A Houee Keeper*. Brunswick Bakery F. W. LIVEN. Prep. nn BRUNSWICK DAILY NEW*. THURdOAV, JANUARY Id, 190?. w * lIAVf TO FIT YOUR FEET YOU HAVE THL i ELI TO FIT OIJR • SHOES LEI'S TRADE PEEISON’S 214 NEWCASTLE ST. ' -;-: -■ * * *. * *. t ft i * * * •> ar * * •> >IBE NEWS* BUSINESS dL FACTS ABOUT BRUNSWj BKcNSWICK 18 A RAPIDLY GdOWING CITY AND IS THE BEST PORT COAST. THESE ARE AMONG HER REFRESENTATIVeImEHCHANT S Anl*|S they ARE .N POSITION TO SERVE THE PUBLIC l THEIR REPRESENTATIVE BUSINESS ALPHABET ARCHITECTS. J. George Jonzieman. Architect dim u.’if-. ,o iote of u-ittuidQ ujdi-.idi .is.) on nand. t; ,oti*l-u.j-*dt. \ building cobiurJinca-e with me. tfiCjrcies jncf Aotnmob.les. o. J. Oiewme Automobiles. bicycle*, t/oiug a uessories. uepairing and rent !’i j line *•* Ir 11,- j .; . i 3, POTT LINO WL RKS. 3rt,,.t.K Soiling ana Manufac 00.. .'iiclu.t. or Flavoring |-lx rroctu Cf / - . .a . ; - Lisi iiu dliuri't Waters. la* teles* Colors an Juices. Cluaru and \ enegars. Office Hutl factory i-.-i Ojjlttnorr PLANING MILLS. Brunswick Plaiting & Foiwzrtiing Cos. j T. U Kleumig, .ir.. Manager. Plau *ng Biiii, sa* mill, diy Klin. Hough aitd dres'-ed lumber, weainerbcardlng. Moor mg, ceilings, mounitng aud inattle tin su. POono 1112. Brunswick, Oa. TINNiRS, Cobb & Wheeler, C-ont raetlug Tinners. Fhone 3IS ji.i Newcasii*. at. CONTRACTORS. Bowen and Thomn. Ui-tiural Contractors. Tel 164. • CEMENT J. D. Baldwin General Cement Contractor All i?. a of while and culvert Hex! on and curb. Side walk builder*. Write im —.....— - - Considering the Question A good many men, about tills time, ire considering the question of suits or winter. Let us persuade you to | onsider our guarantee of THE CHOICEST MATERIALS THE CORRECT STYLES SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP FAULTLESS fITTING. rh&t graceful, easy, stylish air #bich we give garments cannot In; iuccessfutly imitated in ready-made •lolhlng. Jas. (i. Carter, The Tailor. - bv;;;- 'i '-—■■■ Attend the mid-wluter m'lhuery ,pciimg at ahs ola lei .. Sec out display of solid brass wnd ,rous. and ep<;rk guardn. Me rate a fine assortment of tnesc. I'olson Hardware Cos. r lOO For a Some. This would not be a ierge |.rke to pay for Ur. imimuiond's Ligntmug leniedles for rheumatism if one corn i 4>t gel relist any cheaper. The jriimmoDd Medicine Cos. New York, tave received hundred* oi uusolicite.i .eslimoaial* from giateim people re itored to health by the use of uneu* .*einedies, who would not hesitate to pay any price rather than suffer the .orintr torture. If you would Ilk# to ry these remedies, and your druggist las not got them, write direct to the ■.oropany. Agents wanted if there is any siyie tn a stioe you have seen in a, lock over cur stock and yoiywiil be prsaty *.‘ is nnd H. i’eeraoii'g. OUR FOUR DOLLAR SHOES FOP, WOMEN ARE BEAUTiES SE THEM AT FEERSON'S. A co'd Is much more easily cure when the bowels are open. Kennedy’s* Laxative Honey and Tar opena th bowels aud drlTes the cold out of the system In young or old Bold by ah) iruggtst* | AMERICAN I —AND— TIMBER CO. MANUFACTURERS. SHIPPER! AND DEALER! IN CROSSTIES AND LUMBER New York Office No. 11 Broadway S. fc. BROWN, Mngr. BRUNSWICK, QA. A COMPLETE LIKE OF SHOES JW THf VERY LATEST STYLES AT FREE***** . B:unsw cK *, wreoioting Cft. La Ljusir st Juitay<;UK>ii. ck*a Ipiict; j r^turo**. I Ciu&llUfe#. tv b LOPM £Nt' COMPANIES, B'unawion Development to, *tx rsaac. freetaeul. btruueWiCK. Ua. We lend rnouey to uuild houses if you eouieiupiute bunding cuusuil u.| Am can wuuoio you to own y U ur nonio ELECTRIGAt. SnGINEEKING. A. M. Calder, Electrical coul actor aud dealer electric euppltes &! ail ldnda. In- I side wtuug a specialty. Opera house building. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR K. L. KAltilfcitt, Before haoug your luaiUe wiring see K. i- karuier, t’hons 262 e LIQUOR HOUSES. Gt-ny-tu Hail Saloon, J. H. Maya 6. Ce. Wines, liquors, cigars and tobacco IW m male a specialty ot the mail order busluess. PLUMBERS. Gilmore & wood. General and *aultary plumbers ano '■ dealer* jn pluntbore* nupplle* 4i, New cast street Tel 'll*. BARBER SHOPS. Allen & Thrash, 5 Tonsorial Artists. Spt-t la 1 manacnrlst for ladl*s. To Jib. Optra House building. Ladles Hairdretsmg a Specialty Grand Opera HdKe jpednesdayyJafi. (6 lESSRS. MARTIN 8 EMERY’S ■r PRESENTATION Mi OF RICHARD WAGNER'S MYSTIC V FE9TIVAL PLAY Parsifal t Adapter' '•/ V.'rx L- tch Roberts BASED CM TIL LEGENDS OF THE HOLY CRML. PRODUCED AT AN ENORMOUS COST AND ENACT PLAYERS. CA3 ‘ ° F M NO7ED \ fcfj Specialt-Vjtice— For the convenience of gf ■’! patrons ivlfornifr rule of commencing the ev< iTsrlr- 3 ," and a hour dinner I slon hns I rlor.e away with. Ihirtng thl the curta&ilt rise at 7 sharp Carringes qW of ‘first I®' A " dl!orfi "S' l ** Iheit seats at^l action of S pV* r ° Wn ‘ b ° d ” rio “ ,h * PRICES $2.00, $1,50. SI.OO , 75c. 50c. Seats Monday, Jan. 14, 10 a. m. Tickets ordered by mail wit! be promptly ’forwarded ,n reeeipt of remittance and self addressed envelop^ Get in Touch With the of Us *Y A BELL TELEPHONE In Y our Home, Your Office, Your Store CALL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT OF cutliern fell Teiephcue anil leitfiapfc Cos., *n D WE’LL -ELL YOU HOW Gas Heaters GAS RADIATORS. INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATERS JUST RECEIVEL. THEY ARE JUST WHAT YOU NEEO LURING WINTER. CUR GAS STOVES ARE A GREAT CONVENIENCE AND ALWAYS READY FOR USE NO COAL; NO WOOD; NO DIRT. PHONE NO. 7. Hutual Light & Water Cos. Infe, ■ * • cp.ecnt Jj A s. f | ;j The Mea,l>;„-.i ' '■'luill.llg, tINOERTAK* Cnasf^^Pl Unffertakei taction guai u.ileed .ml cuioautoug. i.u a Silt tiwoi LIU. V' : £ ''C% '"3!. J t A die • /fl <*•'s'.. * j : \ - • I;