The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, January 15, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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2 mume ! 10 PLAYPURI As Brunswick Lawyers Argued firm Case and Won Fsirt Case in th Now Also Loses First CascA. And till Brunswick attornv ys arc • figuring In foe new appellgate eoun ! as the following Interesting card 0- notes: Editor News,- Permit me to cal! your attention to an omission In re! ei#nce to the appellate court and Ut Brunswick lawyers. My friend Mr Isaac appeared before the body and ably argued the first case, for which lie received complete and timely re# erences In th public press. My friend •Mr. Krauss went one better, ably ar gued and won the flr.-t case before the court for which he received more complete and longer reference. The matter Is that some lawyers lost before the court and you have failed to give our bar the distinct lon we are due, of having the fir .i lawyer In Georgia to lose a case bt fore the court of appeal That dis tinction Is mine. 1 lost and you have made a discrimination against me and against and not having tL<- trinity of counml —first, the one who first went, eeciad. the one who first won and the one who il.r .1 lost. § 1 ask tha# you kindly allow in'- some of gmr valuable space to men tlon this as I want to .eu us all in at the finish. Very truly yours, Ernest Dart. 1/OST—Sunday night on Union street ( or near Hanover park, an embroidered i linen belt. Return to Mews office and | receive reward. | <<EAL ESTATE, I LOANS AND ! ; INVESTMENTS! i See us for tho ; best city prop- J erty. ! .1 Bargains in J all kinds of ' real estate. * t BOYD & CO. \ 110 Newcastle St. Phone 304 * LADIES I HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF FOUN TAIN BULB AND WHIRL SPRAY SYRINGES EVER SHOWN IN BRUNSWICK. AND YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE SAME EVERY LADY SHOULD HAVE A SYRINGE, AND I HAVE ONE TO SUIT ANY LADY, AND EVERY ONE ABSOLUTEL'. GUARAN TEED. ED C. BRUCE Newcastle and Gloucester St JOHN D. KUUNTOS. Brunswick'* Candy Store. Don't buy burnt angsr and Imagine you ar* getting pur* chocolate. Such aubatltule* are Injurious to health Por por* chocolate and all other can dls* call on me. A freeh supply received every wee (be famous chocolate '§£ Either In bulk or In beautlfa IffSrod half pound boxes ■Wm ™uits, cigars AND TO CACCOES, ETC. _ y.tPs > DAILY. ttrm I news mm ! /m,m bay Arrival and Departure of Vessels, and Other Items Along the River Front Following ip tb< record of the move : pent of ves-<-l at this port yesti r day; Sailed. Steamer Chippewa, Macbeth. Hose ion. Steamer Colorado, Smith New York i-- boom r. Pendleton Hrot hers. ! loves, RivyJrd^bs. l at J he A.. B. & A. ■ ■ cargo of cios.-tiry on to j iwlck Steamship Company's -t anim Ogeechee. ”fb© Gray Dawn, a pri tfy yacht is ; coored near the old glint mill She ill %■- here for some time. Th© tug Rambler will be Heady lot' work this week. Jack Burney now iias the Ariel and as entered tin towing i: uslnes- The schooner Fa: nua suited yester ay for points up the Fatilla. The lug ('. H Evnr.s raurie-l a big relgbt and a large j>a engers for points on the Satilla rli i r. steamer Colorado left. t'rljflHnHKp mo-nlng for New York. CA%TORM For Infant.- ai.d CajjißreiL The Kind Ycyiaijflfe Bought f We can fit everyone, '.row. Cinder din >o the Giant. Pierson's WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE O' ■CHOOI SHOE A T tOW PRICE* ’em tn>- Notice. A meeting of the dlteators of the Brunswick Seamen's Friend Society ill he held this evening In the par I e of the chaplain's quarters, com mencing at 7 o'clock. A full attend tice Is expected. Notice. . The balance of the stock at No. .113 Tewca tie street will tie sold today at '0 a. m. Pocket knives. 1 ,000 Isixes ‘ f) ap. plot tires, guitars, banjos, Man dolins. sewing machines, folding 'tied, t ible , chairs, stools and nth- r art! cles. Ship Notice. Neither the master. owners nor eon stances of the Spanish baik Maria • it' be responsible for any debts coil 1 acted by Iho crew of said bark. Master. Estrade, HACKMEN’S! UNION STATION Between the hours of 6 a. m. and 9 p. m. (Saturdays until 11.30 p. m.V vou can always rely on QUICK HACK SERVICE by calling up ’PHONE 338. We Fill alt Orders Promptly increase Sy Sating Your HI Illy Leben's Appetite IIUIV Bread. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FOR Fancy Cakes. t AM AFTER YOUR TRADE AND WILL SELL YOU THE VERY BEST Bread, Rolls and Cakes THE BAKERS ART CAN MAKE Prompt attention given to order* Civ* m# a trial and join th* great army of Pl*t*#d'Hou** Kaapar*. Brunswick Bakery f. W. L item, Prep. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1907. PLAY BOX RILL Why have a restless night of toss ing In your lied -from oversrra'n of mental work durkir the cay, when a game or two of BOX BALL after office hour;- would iriv• ibe I muscles the necessary exercise and cause the htarr to pump with a vig ! orotts l-egularttfl^.'cl^ | tern of tint "tored feeilng Tr it a’ PORTER’S 001 BALL - ALLEY To be installed In Old Western Un ion Budding this week SALE. STATE OF GKuKiJiA GLYNN COUNTY. By virtue of an order <n rip Hoti orahle T. A. Parker, judge of ihe su perior court of said c .utifv, in the case of the American Soda Fom or. Company, ©t. al tv Hume, Ptei iiihcx , et. pending it! *'<- -u;n i , out!, of aid ry|pi'ty, thr-),- In sold to the highest and h . t t,Hi ; for cash at SOS 'll.nn-ester -l r- t, Brunswick, Go umlii, wm-re ;.a ; • o; tty is now contained, on t; - .. , 'lay of January 1907, between t! gal hours of rale, all of Hie • , j lock of dings, goods, ware sbaudiso of the said ilnn’ter si'-! lacy an 1 Manoe's I’h-ir-u icy l s ore fixtures used bv the said P a ' nt In said . nslm ts ai naiii, A complete itiyi -to ;v Ist of said pri,pel t v ear la-■ rospectivo pun ha ar- on up. . to the undersigned Said sale of prop, rt-. to be p ; o said superior court for rn; ion. This January 7. Kl>7 H. F. duEb :;con. Ueccivei CITATION. tTATR OF GEORGIA. GLYNN COUNTY. Mrs. Kentelje Pafford Him !.< rh>. •evident of said state and ronrit' living duly applied to be appoint tuardlan of the person and pro.-err if Ivay Pafford, a minor tmd • t-u een years of age. a resident of ; ■ounty, notice is hereby given that a; ideation will he pass'd on at e © erm of the court of ordinary f ■ aid county to be held on the fii fondav in February ]' u 7 Wic, m* hand and .official- sig ■ itiii-<-. Hr tanuary S, 1!)07. HoC3c; Dhrt. Ordinary Olylin Ctiffhty Gem-..1a Oli ciothUis of t> So I- :.l i.< I < n STOVES AND RANGES We carry a full and com plete line of Stoves, Heaters and Ranges, and do ail kb.ri ef Stove Repairing. NEW BATH TUBS We are ready to do yriu plumbing of all kinds, just received a hew shipment of Bath Tubs. J. H. BOHNE, Phone 397. 428 Newcastle n. b. (iarn’ t r. GENERAL CONTRACTOR When in need of—— A PLASTERER. * A PAINTER, § A CARPENTER Cell on the old origin^ H m QARNETT Rheumatism. is Quicktv relieved and promptly care l>y Dr Drummond s l.tgliluulu. Remedies. The internal remedy i pleasant to take, acts and Is fer rheumatism only In all it torturing forms. The external pr pa ration restores stiff joints, draw, cords and hardened muscles. I your druggist ha not these remedies in stock, do no' take anything eh-: Send s!> to the Drummond Medlcln j Cos., New York and the full treatmer of two large bottles will be sent t your et press address Agents want* tunußjarsTOrsf' A Sara. Cktai> ftr *fw> NEVt* HOW* TO FAIL (action fiuaraittcA .* r M.mri k< . .*!•• t > . „ t t-r fI.OO per Hox. W'Ul art, i tbe< , ci, rml o l’.ni f r *b.u rrileYiNl. Sanif’.-sd re- t r vour dr.’nitK: do** uvl b*r them b*&4 your ordets u> tbc *HTCP MCQiCAtCQ , >oi 74, Uncaster, Pe. Sold in Brunsvtlek bv Roberts & f ulnar For hunting coats, shell nel's, log Bine, gton covens etc., go to Sis 1 avisos Wrshee!! Ono thousand boxes "f sweet soap will be sold at public outcry at No. 313 Newcastle itreet on January 14. at ]1 o'clock a. m CASTOR IA For Inferta and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought j P<?t'i ml** buyißf *ptne of the I trortfrr ?d ftfffie wwkjßjj m-trt we 'gr* aaJUn* t coat. Colson Hardware *■ . ! J { FACTS ABOUT BRUNSWE®j I Jth LB;,:, IS A HmPIDLV GHOVi'lbG C TV AND IS THE BEST FORT ON TMt ' /) I CHANTS AND Bt9 ano ' • E PU I’Cirt hESH-iCTivE REPi-.ESEt.TAT, JB tiUoiWs. VaSSIFiA ALPHABETICALLY. :-+ ++ . ‘A D*inh at a * I A .y| A r-.C H t TSCTS, tt*cycis *rd t* J. oicw:r& Give us a call. Ten . tliters. Sm* i vMurr a.I M• Waters, U’fi l Colors an Juices, Clin, a mui Ui*ice aui iu'.tory :>n u^' j-H Brunswick Piatuny <L ro ,jfd .r- T. <4 i' ku'uic , ai'., :.ij..,. *, r. *i, • g i' Ue UVj, limesv,ick, G#. r innc i*i r>, i A the Question A good many men, about Ik.- time. coi-s iiieilng Hi- q , n o' .-ouaider our gimrauice of, THE CHOICES"" MATERIALS THE CORRECT STYLES SUPERIOR Vif OR KM AN SHIP FAULTLESS FITTiNG. I’htit, graceful. caav, y. dish ao ■vblch we give garuieuta cannot -uccekyfujly imitated In rctuly toad l clothing. Jas.(i. Carter, The Tailor. Attend tiie uiid'vs iitef loUiiuur) 'polling tit ylaici . Soil our (ioq-hiy o iitf brass anil > i fine n*.o>iinoin oi uv.-'hv. Colsoii j ilard-.vaFe Cos. SIOO Tor a , . ' Tide would mu be a lrrg>- (rice t. j ,)} fi.i Dr. iH "iuu>on<i s l.tgutuii,,.' tenietlieg i'or rhcutittutsiu T uno uiu, . J *>t get relict any eucajfer. Tue I jruu.ntnud .Mmlirt h Cos. New Vera * ave re eived Hundreds oi n Uswiiti • j estinv. ni.Cs from giateim pei.pie i j tori a io lieaitli by the use of tu< ■ ! emedles, who would not hesitate to I ay any price rather than suffer the ornior torture. It you would n to ry these remedies, iirtiggl-u las not got them, write direct to t:, > iompauy. Agents If there is any style in a shoe you ! have seen In a book, lock over cut ; stock nod you will be |M*.y *,: ; dad it. Pearson'*. OUR FOUR DOLUR SHOES FOP A/OMEN AKF BEAUTIES SE ' THEM AT FEERSQN S A cold Is much more easily cure whop the bowels are open. Kennedy's chxatlve Honey and Tar opens th towels and drives the cold out of the system In young or old Solo by si druggist*. .AMU I --AND mm go. manufacturers, shipper* AND DEALERS IN crossties and lumber Naw York Offle* No. 11 Broadway sTugprowN, a co¥*urrr ui'a er *Nct * • !M **H V**v Mft|T TV*. ft n j •nwtmtrm m i - y. & vi eodtotitig Ce* fl' ’ M * -4. J W / - 4$ * ** PAhi i & Si. & ~ - t? vdioptneni Cos., >s '-X ..lUiH', ritckUtJUt. iWiCix, Cit. t* •<■ 1 ruouey Ul_ Uxllid bousej U} ■; - i't buiidlug UUUu,I ux.t ** ' iiJ - j ■’-i -a „nu your uuui< ELECTRICAL C.V’GINEERINO. A. M. Catdsr, l.iectrical .-.inuii-tur aud ui ,16 , ,1 nil Iti- \ to wiring j Ugera hounc utldlug. EL E:f KI CAL CONTRACTOR ; 1. 1. FaKMDk, ’ 1 ' **;• a. y 0..1- ltistde wiring LlLUvit HOUSES. • A • :n, T it. Way* A Cb. ' nnc f oat ; ntilv of the mm! , PLUMBERS. Gt-v* ’ -t oainTary f.i-i-.ber* atlO ‘b •'*'' jTir,sepptles. t .! HAP3ER SHOPS. Ai!ro &, Thra.n, Too social Artit.tß. ’MarKicurl*f for indies Ts k vl-cire* <in, , .--cialty Opera House V esday, Jan. 16 KBS. lARTH 5 EMERY'S m PRESENTATION OF RICHARD WAGNER'S MYSTIC FESTIVAL PLAY CASED ON TA- LEGENDS OF the holy grail, 'toduced at A N ENORMOUS COST AND ENACT 1-0 BY A CAST OF 50 NOTED PLAYERS. Special. Notice— For the eotm nlcnci of -puicifnl" ‘ ‘ : rule of < - mtnencfng the .evening per ‘ '• * iM Living a two lunu dinner iatcrmls ' " 1 ' '''' *' ■"u- sth During fbl engagement ti trill ' ill! \Y*' f; '- *. ... ' --1-0,1. < aniagfg mu- tie : ,!;.'* ■'•' x ” binM 1 1, in iheir seatv at rise ' o Pt'l b sealed during the PRICES $?,00. $1.53. sl.oo. 75c. 50c. Seats Monday. Jan. 14, 10 a. m. O’alt tr t i>y will he' promptly forwarded on i 1 niu■ aiv.'e ag-.lajjcii addressed, f-nvelopv. • ,in Touch With the Rest of Us *V HVINC A BELL TELEPHONE !n Your Home, Your Office, Your Store C*U contract DEPARTMENT OF cL'utrr [t 1 ! end Co., WNO AtE’LL TFLL YOU HOW Gca S Heaters GAB RADIATORS. INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATERS JUST RECEIVEL. THEY ARE JUST WHAT YOU NEED UTRINC WINTER. OUR GAS STOVES ARE A GREAT CONVENIENCE AND ALWAYS READY FOR USE. D COAL; NO WOOD; NO DIRT. PHONE NO. 7. Hutual Light# Water Cos, INSURANCE.^JPW i-ife, storm, accideni-*UHT ce , \y, igpiesent only tn d©si S. Lvion ruiia V'.ne* ‘.oahed on ,im| '• ‘ g vlu ie* tor *Bg§ Jfjwulry, '. lolliiug, uVJOIt auu :- UNDERTAKER BALM E R. taction guaiauteed fflHVffv f-aatr -,i - mbaiinuig. i-4 A l(rui,*wii' u * (/torgia. ' i SHOES. . E. M. Fee: ton 4 When you ;.* need give 11 ' *r r -'di 3J4 .Newcastle ttrtei. Telephone 444. Hiuu-viok Eiclubivc Shoe Store. WOOD YARD. s9 J. A. 0.-stK |„ aud WM woody ■; ! < •<; ’ r T ‘ J -\ a *4* Prompt! jHTiner. Reddick, ''"titra< ting unner. You will con • • o', .wn Interest* by couiraunl -c with me before letting your ■'-tract* for tinning. Phone 2-M Y’t-xcai'thtft. Rrunswlck, fiJI H. GRtE^H^D. ' ' mtractor TThar' Rulle ar, d i r -stle Work t epectaPy "' > ft iinawlck Ot