The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, January 17, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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2 THOS. JEFFERSON IS HERE TQNIGHL He Wilt be Here for the First TjJhe in Rip Van Winkle— House is Expectec^P Brunswick theater-gof r.s have anoth er treat In store for them tonight, when Thomas Jefferson win be seen at the Grand In Rip Van Winkle The mantle of hla father has fallen on worthy shoulders, for Thomas Jef ferson's conception of Rip Van Win kle is a true likeness and nearly an imitation of his ilhistruue father Joseph Jefferson. As Rip Van Winkle Thomas Jeffer son appears to have inherited the major portion of his father's man norlerns and a great deal of ills Mtl ont. There is the fame shuffle of the old and young rip and otiur similari ties to the older comedian. His ac< ing of the role Is at every moment sat ISfactory. It 1 a moat vigorous per formance of a moat vigorous stage creation —vigorona heeause it has llv ed through all there years; hocaußo it ; Ink- and Its expressions bring laughter and tears to every genera tion that 'hoars them. Thomas Jef ferson Is proving himself to t>e a worthy successor to his father, Jos i ph Jefferson. : EAL ESTATE, i LOANS AND ; INVESTMENTS i I See us for tho 1 best city prop ! erty. t ; * I Bargains in - all kinds of real estate. BOYD & CO. 1 10 Newcastle St. Phone 30* m I HAVE THE MOT COMPLETE LINE OF FOUN TAIN BULB AND WHIRL SPRAY SYRINGES EVER SHOWN IN BRUNSWICK, AND YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE SAME EVERY LADY SHOULD HAVE A SYRINGE, AND I HAVE ONE TO SUIT ANY LADY, AND EVERY ONE ABSOLUTEL'. GUARAN TEED. El) C. BRUCE Newcastle and Gloucester St i or htiotlug coats, shell belts, lAJT Clns, pin corcijß etc., go to Slg l-ovlsou | Don't miss buying some tffethe cr oakery and stone cooUag tipSmm •r* adlliag at omc Codeoe Staagtnß; **• 1 ioijra-n •'ln GEORGIA Oil Finally Decided That Silver Service to Battleship Will Occur at Jamestown. The sliver service which the people of Georgia are to give the battleship named for this state will be presented on June 10, which will be Georgia da# at the Jame town exposition, Gover nor Terrel! i now in correspondence with the commander of the to a suitable Lpurgram for tl^Tnicest I tig jpdf letter .today from Capt. 'inquires with regard to for Georgia day at the Jamestown ex jj'Sitlon, (specially with regard to the part the new battleship i to play (Sr rvernor Terrell replied requesting C ap* Davenport to submit a program as to the exercises on board the > a' tteshlp and informing him that ar rangennnts were now being made to present the Georgia with a silver ser vice. Manager Feian has the sit Bounce the Senior JefforwonWi Actor THOMAS JEFFERSON Ut UU Famous fmperao nation RIP VAN w!nKLE As played with grout distinction at Boston Theatre, Boston, Mass. Broadwsy Theatre, Brooklyn, N. \ National Theatre, Washington, I). ( MeVicker's Theatre, nta Waliaok’fi Tiieatie, New A Walnut St. Theatre Ford's Opera Mfi Century St i.ouis, Mo. \nd all the leading theatres- In tic prlocl!>al #itlet. Stupendous Scenic and Electrical' Production. Stats now on sale Prices $1 ,y *i.on, 75c. r>n MORGAN 8 DAVIS Wholesale Lqiuor Dealers GENTS FOR ACME BREWING CO Mail order busi ness a specialty. 224-228 BAY ST. *UNWI6K, .. HACKMHN’S UNION STATION Between the hours of 6 a. nr and 3 p. m. (Saturdays until 11.30 p. m.) you can alwayt rely on QUICK HACK SERVICE by catling up PHONE 338. We Fill alt Orders Promptly Increase I I fit II By Eating Your HI IIW Leben’t Appetite IIU II Bread. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FOR Fancy Cakes. I AM AFTER YOUR TRADE AND WILL SELL YOU THE VERY BEST Bread, Rolls and Cakes THE BAKERS APT CAN MAKE °rompt attentcen given to ordere C.(vt me a trial and joJn the great army of Pleased NHouae Keeper*. Brunswick Bakery F. W. LEBFN. Prop. Attend the mid-winter millinery niWDln* at Mlaa Slatera. r 18 Twt brcnewick Gaily Ntw fHURsSAV. January li, fjr. PLAY BOX SILL Why have a restless night of toss 1 ing in your bed from overstrain of mental work during the cay, when a game or two of BOX BALL after office hour- would give the muscles the necessary exercise and cause the hcaßßM* pttmp with a vig cious regularity wh’oh free?, the sys tem of that ‘toyed feeling. ' Try if at PORTER’S BOX BALL ALLEY To be installed in Old Western Un Ain Bthis week recei^WßA^e. STATE OF OI.YNN COI’NTY By virtue of an ork-i *Bthe lion 'orable T. A Parker, rbe su perior wort of said in lh< case of the American Company, et. al. vs. UmW; Phar macy, et. al~ outt, of said county, b . old to the nizhest and ie for cash at Ghctoesfor i- Irunswlck, Georgia, where said prut ity is now contained, on the 22nd lay of January IPO7. between the h ral liours of sale, all of the cortai; ] took of and. a ?. goods, wares an t we ■hftndlse of the said Hunters Pba’ ■ iacy and Man e’s Pharmacy an ore fixtures used by the said defeuu at In said ’nsiness at said sin: " ont. A complete inventor. - Ist of Bald property can be seen hj respective purchaser; on appiicntl to Urn undersigned Said sale of property to be report! o said superior court for confirm;- ion. This January 7, lEE7. H. F. dußignon. Receive' CITATION. tate or cveoroia, <JOY'SX COUNTY. Mr*. Hrnti-11. Pafford Hleckerby, i esld&nt of said state and count nvln dub applied to bn appoints uardlfln of the person and pro-erf >f Ivay Pafford. a minor under fon ‘*'n years of ape, a resident of sal ounty. notice I, hereby given that a* ideation will he pasted on at the ne 'rm of the court of ordinary fo aid county to he held on the firs londay In February 1907. Witne? nv hand and official signature thl 'antiary 8. 1 f*o7. Horace Dart, Ordinary Olynn County Georgia C ASTOR IA For Infants and Children. ftie Kind Ynu Have Always Bough Signature of STOVE* ANB RANCIB. We earry a full and com plete line of Steves. Heaters and Ranges, and do alt Idr.d •f Stev. Repairing. NEW EATH TUES We are ready to do your plumbing of all kind*, just received anew shipment of Bath Tubs. J. H. EOHNE, • Phone 3*7. AM Nawcastf M. ii. (JARiNtiTT. GENERAL CONTRACTOR When In need of A PLASTERER, A PAINTBH, A CAPhPENTBR Call on the old original H. B. ©ARNETT Rheurr.anam. Is uutcklr relieved and promptly car*, by Dr Drummond's lightening Remedies The Id erne! remedy I pleasan' to take, aota immediate!; 1 and ts fcr rheumatism only In all it torturing forms. The eternal pre Duration restores *tlff joints, drain cords and hardened muscles. I your druggist ha not these remedte. In stock, do not. take anything else Send 15 to the Drummond Medicine Cos.. New York and the full treatment of two large ootttas will be sent t vour eypresf address Agents waster. ■ b*w .xe -aE Twr onJerg to H Lwmv*Beoiei. e 0.,... ts, u.wwV Sold In Brunswick by Roberta A Cains* JOHN D. ROUNTOS, Brunawlck’a Candy Store. Don't buy burnt sugar and Imagine you are getting pure chocolate. Bucn substitute* are Injurious to health. For pure chocolate and all other oao dies call on me. A fresh supply received every week from Menler the famous ehooolats maker. Either In bulk or In beautifu pound and half pound boxes. FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOSB, ETC. TAFFY CANDY MAOS FRBBH DAILY. ittt NtWy BISt\LSS DIRLQ fIH PACTS ABOUT BKUNSWIci JM COAST. THESE ARE AMONG HER REPRESENTATIVE tRCH^NT^AND THEY ARE IN POSITION TO c ERVL THE p UB UC .nXeiR REVpECTfvE^S* REPRESENTAT.VE BUS.NESS *-* * m * ♦ * * * * * K * as * w -w w -a. - * ARCHITECTS. J. George C'onzieifian. Arcbiuiti auu ioib ut iua* jli'wij oii l,aud. u tMjnteij.pj* COlUliiiiUtCa‘-%7 will* mo. Bicycles and Automobile*. &• J. Oiewinc cessuriea. ±-*oji4ii i*!‘j iAHd leufm. Give ut a call, m, i., j - •a' ** i k n** vi . >.M iu O BOTTLING WL RKS. Brunswick Bottling ana Manutai tunny uu., AiauUfactu.'et-'j of Kiavoilug j... tracts, S'd* Water and Miner Waters. i a miesß Colors an Junes. Ciiiau and Veuugars. Ottlus and fa-toxy dir oglrtw.. planing mills. Brunswick Planing &. Forwjrd ny Gu : v Fleming, ,n„ .VC*r.tgi t'lxi ng in til. s* * mill. <y kiln Itougu n:i, in's od lamia w eat ut: r. "u.iil. Duo. ug, ceilings moulding and inside tin eh. Phone ]O2. Brunswick. >Js TINNcRS, Cobc &. Wheele,, ■ Yoii i acting i timers. Phont 3J ;!]?, N> wcr.stk, St CONTRACTORS Sower ano Thomas Uctn ral Contractors Tel 154 f CEMENT CONTRACTORS J. D. Baldwin General Cement Contra, to- Aii sizes of white and culvert Hex! >n tile and curb Std*. wnlk builders Considering the Question A good many men, about this linn?, re considering the question of tiiiHr or winter. bet us persuade you to on eider our guarantee of THE CHOICEST MATERIALS THE CORRECT STYLES SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP FAULTLESS FITTING. hut - graceful, easy, stylish air vbich we give garnit-nta cannot ho itcccsKfully imitated in ready-made ' t lothlug. Jas. (i. Carter, The Tailor. Attend the uild-wluter millinery ponies at Mis* Ulater'*. See our display of solid brass and roue, ami spark guards We have i tine assortment of these. ,'uUon Hardware Cos. 3100 For a Soh.c This would not he a large pike to day for Dr. Uruuncond’s L.shUiins leuiedit-s for rheumail in If one tout.l *M get relief any entaper The .jruinpiond Medicine Cos New York, iave tmeived Hundreds oi uusoliclte.i ' eatiitiuniais from grateful people re I ■toi\ u io heatth by the use of tuoir emodies, who would not hesitate to ■ay auy pi ice rather than suffer the oruicr torture. If you would tgiu to ry these remedies, and yo.u druggist ias not got them, write direct to tive ■onipany Agents wanted If there is any atyte m a iboe you have seen In a book, look over cut stock and you will be |.rt*.T 0,- a f dnd it. Pearson’*. OUR FOUR DOLLAR SHOES WOMEN ARE BEAUTIES. SE *{ THEM AT f‘EERSON’B. A co'd is much more easily cure ! when the bowel* are open. Kennedy’** Laxative Honey and Tar open* th J bowel* and drives the cold out of th<M lyatern In young or old. Sold by ai" draggtata. .AMERICAN TIE —AND— TIMBER CO. MANUFACTURERS, shippers AND DEALERS IN CROBSTIES AND LUMBSR V" No - 11 Broadway s. k.^Rown, Mngr. BRUNSWICK, BA. ————w A COMPLETE LIKE OP SHOE* latest styles ft DEALERS. Brunswick B. Creosotihg Cc,j <iyuiisw!A, Ga l-tbcral,Uon. dighest oaa re.urns. aua in,,pi CUVELCPMENT COMPANIES. B'unswick Development Cos., Max Isaac. President. Brunswick. Ua Ae lead money to oulld boLsea l £ >OU CODlcnii>iUte OUllrilQj> consult US. •Vc run enauie to owu your hums electrica'l engineering. A. M. Calder, Electrical contractor and aeamr tu elccmc supplies of au kinds, in side wlriug a specialty. (Fyeeia house building. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR H 1. FARMfCIt, Before havlag your inside wiring lone see R. 1, Firmer. PEbne 2C2-r LiOUOR HOUfF.b. Cong-** Hall Saloon J Tt. Mays 6 Cos. WI lies, liquors, cigars and tobacco lAc mal.e a specialty of the mad •rder business. PLUMBERS. Gllmor* & wood. General and sanitary plumbers ana dealt*-* jin plumbers' supplies i , "’"''isi> street Tel ii2H. BARBER SHOPS. Alts* & Thrasn, Tonsorial Artista. Specia* manacurlst for ladles. Te *<G. Optra H<>use building. l a die? Hairdressing a Specialty & RHMINGTON engines. MARINE, STATIONARY BETTER THAN GASOLINE ENGINES. CHEAPER IN THE LONG RUN For Further Information and Prices Call on or Write to - KARL TRIfIS. T onlca! which *3 u IL?T bpproach .with indescribable tear, for iD ,W)ll,1 ' n f7 compares with is&a UrT- k*mmSm t! '‘‘ !> ' un !tnd horror o{ f . child-birth. The thought of the suffering and dung -r in stor • for lier, robs the expectant mother ol a:! pleasant anticipations of the cumin;? evert, and casts over her a shadow „t gloom which cannot be shaken oft'. Thomsmils <>f women Lave found that the use of Mother’s Friend during pregnancy robs confinement ot ail pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother and child. This scientific liniment is n god-send to'uli women at the time ol their most critical trial. Not only does Mother’s Friend carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but it* us* gently prepare* the system for the coining event, prevents “morning *icknet>s,” and oilier dis aft? ui % ssrt twW TfflEß’S SI.OO per bottle. ' Book Si tSmsBI m containing valuable information free. ,9§F"M 9 JFft Ihe Bradiield Regulator Cos., Atlanta, Ga. LJ k'"£i MSkm3 W Get in Touch With the Rest of Us BY H A VINO A BELL TELEPHONE In Vour Home, Your Office, Your Store CALL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT OP oulhern fell Te!fphcne aC ftlegreph Cos., AND WE’LL ”ELL YOU HOW Gfcis Heaters GAS RAOIATOR9. INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATERS JUST RECEIVEL. THEY ARE JUST WHAT YOU NEED UTRING WINTER. OUR GAS STOVES ARE A GREAT CONVENIENCE AND ALWAYS READY FOR USE. NO COAL; NO WOOD; NO DIRT. PHONE NO. 7. Hutual Light & Water Cos. INSURANCE. Hoyt W. Ga o. Lilfc, utorm, accident insurance. v\ represent only the best companies. PAWN BROKER. S. Levison (Unele Sig.) The old reiiabie pawa-brokei Moner lpauyq on an., thing of value Headquarter, for j.utoU, jewelry :lotb;ng, boot* anj snoet. UNDERTAKER AND ENiBALMER. Clias. G. Moore. IBuTortakei sou embubuer. San* i.x-iigu guniiuteed ,b every case ~, -'lubuuning. i. i a street, Bruner lis Georgia. SPOES. E. M. PeoraOn A Cos. When you have need of shoes give us u call. 214 Newcastle street. Telephone 444. Brun -, viok tixeiubivu Bboe Store WOOD YARD. J. A. Davie. '"•HJer in „,k and pine wood ' orner Cochran a venae and Georg ’feet Telephone 256-4. Pronin ’On 10. y reo df II very. * H. S. Reddick, Contracting tinner You will con suit your own iuterest. by coramunb <-a,!ng with me before letfitig youc contracts for tinning, phone axe I-o Newcastl© Bt. Brun*wick, .... VESLEY H. GREENFIELD. r> n urtviiig (.'ontractor Wharf RulM Ing and TrosHe Work e specialty 1 500 L Rtroet Brunswick Oa