The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, January 18, 1907, Image 1

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mSi lOTROLLEY LINE J. 0. M. Sirachan Asks; City Council for a franchise mmmi u oiiike - Which He Desires the Council to Pass Grading the Franchise. ’ Definite Action Was Not Taken Last Night. At last night's session of Bnt cit:• council Capt. I*. I M Strac a the pait of himself and his associates, Phubmitti and to council in the shape of Jpa cominunicaGim an ordinance which lie will ask council to pass granting him a franchise to operate a *y t.oill of trolley lines in Bruil-witk aiid to fi.i nUh , a.- i icctricitv and < I -clvie jjyaiwer gt nerailv. The ordinance is accompanied by an Introductory remark in which .Mr. HMfJian announces that he wid Ik; ri ifßf.ii to turn over to tltu 1 ■t > lire, eut watt; plant of lire , .Vlutuui Light and Water Company at u taxed f 01 arbitrated price, ten per tent of V.h. i: i > !e p;\itie la; mater a ' with patiial payments to made -complete-' by January i, 14)09. The ordinance spedUetk rates fur gas and ‘elec-mity which ma .rial;; 1 educes the rates now obtaining- with • the Jiutlia' Light and Water.- Com- Jtivty. The trolley 1 ie will m t tra- HHbrsi Haj s-trie; and pmvid.-s lor at. entrance through Hanover park,- the m trolley people to remove (he fountain and Confederate monument at iis own expense. Provision is made for live cent fare, for continuous passage from one section of the citv to' Ihe th(er with transfer:' as iu vogue in ottier cities. Caj;t. Si rechan and his a sociales announced in the ordinance Liat -i) work is not started within' four months from the grantimt' i of tjih franchise that same is to be vitiated and unit if ft r mites are not in OP- ution within t>' >:. ve iiiemuc tin n the fianchi-t -o granted in to Ih <• uv mil! a.n> void, 'li e c >nimnn t i-n decs ii u go into and t -ii a fo an; r rails nit nt; made or pe hag li. w e’i ci,;t. Stra; ban r>n i r.a ! . t and Water Company, and of <■ : - the entire matter wi! 1 hsve to lit * ftrusije 1 out in council before any •definite action CuU he lutd or i-etore lit ordinaire can bo placid on it .i.rr.t read)bit. ft was lef.rrod ufte .a lengthly last • night to three cornmitt'e-, that, of Sanlfuafln, light and water, mil reads and halboi an 1 ordin ances. This pra. t.c.Ui Overs the efttt'e council amt 'probably * y the next m suing something' 1 n.ic and. more tangible n.-iy h* evol ved on! of the situation LIE liflU IS STILL ASHORE Efforts to Pull Her off Huve so Far Failed and She May be a Total Loss. Telegraphic reports yesterday stated that the Clyde line steamer Onondaga which went ashore ,oil Orleans b- ar ■ir Boston, la -1 Sunday, was .--.til. hard and fast, although tugs hav< trade every effort to pull her off and tt is now fr a red that she will be a total /| rss. The dispatch Mated that, another ef fort would he made to float the s‘e:iu er on ye let da: 's high tide and there some hope of saving hr r. If sh* is not 1 within the next day 1 two it is fe: .< and 'hat she will go to pieces. Mod of the cargo las ai reedy been r moved from the m tamer.' Small Police Court. Mayor Symons It- :01 I. .ring a great many ca : cs at ii- daffy mat >4**- For tbo ft w Jay, there fcv# beet) OP)V one jr two evil-doer* haforo him. Wt Brunswick News. KIEfiS HANDLED 188 SSffiL US! fiHTY ORDINANCE ,'oOHlB ITING DRUNKEN MEN AND, LEWD WOMEN FROM ATTEND- : ING OPERA HOUSE. The new city council developed thoj talking habit last night and Alder- i man Cook who is vapidly becoming j door leader, came 111> neat iwSii:,-. , this honor BevertU .limps during Uu j | evening. • Mayor Symons sustained his repu j j tat ion for -promptm -s and at 7:30 t ii< j ! meeting was down to buslnt ss. Thus. I present were Mayor Symons and Al-1 ! ttormi'ii Dart, Maun, Wright. Oook.j | and Tapper. Alderman Cook ntov< and that the -a! j ary attached to the hoard of tax as j essors ( e increased from $125 to If tr.ti to Include making up of books j Tile mol ion prevailed. j Mayor Symons, called att* htlon to the fact that the iniudlos w re in cr re ret for the rev .n that the nr#- nance fixing gas. light and water rati 1 . : had been reported a:.d postpone-; when as a mater of fact no ordinance wa- pending before com eil dying with ik - bum; ndtuiuistrp tifln. On motion the clerk was Ift-{ structed to cm net rip minutes. W. (’. Am- a Mentioned council to j compel the A.. 11. & A. railroad and j4lie. Southern railroad to conform | wKh tii.? four mite speed limit on the ■Jocinau avenue tracks A mutton j prevail'd that Bio clerk call the at tention of th;- agents of the roads jto the complaint. ! Dr. W. B. Burroughs a-lu-d cdun eil to reconvey to him ccriuhi Town I Uonfmohe i ri.-b-rty" void at tax sab ion pavnient of whh ev r taxes might !he due Kefirred to couihiitu-i: on I axes and revenues. J. 11. Hopkins r. quo: L and penult to nut root on property ai Bay lot num ber 29. Referred to cjiniulttce oa lire and building permits. The fol)owu y re 01-uious were in treduced during B e m< i ting: By Alderman < oc.k, providing that in future heads or lily iji-pariments <in ploy all subordinate labor in the various work In the city. Adopted. By Alilcrman Wright design;-iiug the afternoon paper as tlie olibka j organ of the cty. By Alderman ''.am ; r. filing for' I the pun ha eof 15* ,i o, < u nls. of ! shells for use lu t mi' lie works | depfll tmeiiß Pat - 1 at r tie ! Al 1 <n;:an 1 " - i-tr 1 .ced two rfrilinuncc-s, ’><• of ilch .. re plac'd on ft; t rrp-k The first | matit unlawfid : ■ place obfd: ■ : i n on the- In - is, I . tie- au t ; v.-.-tlki of the city without spec 1 !nit and provides for red signal B . it !tit night when obs-Buciion is n- '- . •jaaty. The ordinance is alined at t n j iracier.- who are in the cuatot leaving brick, niortor utnl <■ nr • • in ! ! various street, where buildings a l ' j I being erected. I -The other ordinance Tulroiliiccd b: j iAI lennen Wright profei - - ti w. ; wo ; - ii and- k , and or. fni t;i,-1 i k:;e. age of the bnTinc.uci ■•women | j known to be prostitutes, from Admit | taiice into, any playbbueo attendctl-by ic' -pe<l atkle people,” Tip- ordinance' j make it unlawful for any person to j sell or’give such ticket lo such di'ii- i •dual and go. s a ,-Bp farther an.. • mak s it a \Tolatf6n 6T the city m dor any mar.aegr or door keeper to admit such a per i-tr Into such p!a‘;.- house, thearei or opeia house. Ablet man Dart called attention of i council to the fact that the new i< atu j I roller was not 1> ing properly mV: rd and was being .‘ubji-eted to all kinds of bad weather. The mayoi p-fern and Hu iuauur to the committee or. ; works. A contmttnication from F 1). 11., Strachan. a TniracYiO'iini Tit wKIF!? ap pears elswhen-, was then taken up fter which council adjourned. ELLIOTT F. SHEPARD. JR. IS NOW A FREE MAN. _ _ / 'Paris. Jan. if.- FI holt K Shepard. Jr., was freed from jail today sj't is week's imprisonment for running over a child in Ms automobile, Senator Expelled. I.ii'le Rock. Ark;, Jam T7.—Sen stor ft A. Adants was expelled today from the senate and in his Mead Col. WII - Lambert who was appointed by the governor. When a former sen ator was convited of ffcribery Adams admitted accepting a bribe. .BRUNSWICK, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 13, 1907. PRESENT CORPS ! GUY OFFICERS ! ARE RE-ELtGTED ') since of bit* Jailrr wss; * ihd Oniy Piece Csn fsstad fur Mil lioiflf BMC There Were Two Applicants tor the Vacant Place on Police Force.— Capt. T. Newman Named as Tax Assessor. Alomost the entire force of olli ! ciala and cm lo. 1 now serving the city were r<‘-elected I' l the regular meeting of the city council last I nis lit. Kor 111,' tin t time in many ■year- there was prr.effcallj no oppev j sit ion; in fact thefVily contc led j plao s being that of keeper of the city guard Imtfso in which S. .!■ Get-ion | .1, ! t. Coakley ami Clinton Brown ! W're applicants. and in which elect ion ißorlcti, the present tnenmbeat. \ j -.Yus re-el' ctert. In tiio vacancy on the police force Micro w> : ; two ui• [■ 1;<• uuL-. B. 12. .Bol tin and I).- C Houhioji. Houston -wa:; ieliuaeu. C. M, Tilton was an upplicant for the position of tax fur the three year term: Capt. Tobias New man. While mot an applicant, was nominated for the plain and was el ected. '1 he other ofiic elect - -I during the evening were as follow-: (’H i tr: uuui-er. V B Fain. (.!/ f of police, S. A, Burney. 0-m- '■•••it. 11. 10. Owens. Chief (ire department, .1. C. linen City physician, .1. A. Butts: City -attorney, u. I). Mo.ok r City jailer, S, .1. (iorto.i. Sui.-eriitlemie-.ii- of snijitnuo.: < t Spears. Engineer pumping sturion, !-l. R. 'l'. Mundy. Assistant, W. VI. N 1 wniati lluihoc pa h. . 11. A. I'abni. City printer. u:■>: :i llolcomb. Oily clerk N J) itusml! Tax ai .a . i r , three j-ais term. Tot iky Niwmnn; two year term, 1-' Me!.'. Brown I*iliwi l air.iii slom-i-, 7 ji-ars, .1 I* >:i.veil port. .- i-xltm, white cemetery, r Moore. Be-.1-ni en'or. rl ccupd'-ry, Jackie '/bite. Imuoinirlliig officer, J. Lowe, J: i'oiiuunan, dilly one vacancy a !; idli.-e department is under civil uer vice, u. C. Houston. Bo:! witrdems .1 I! i,-o, F. M .V-t h laud O. .foliosnesen. ! 'Keeper of City clock. : war 1 1 lit M i !.of $7,50 ))■)- taonlh, lOnno'.i JUotl. Jn the matter of su-peilntcndent of [fliblic wnr ami city engineer tm [guhjeet is still in Me lia.ibi of t'.y r/mmiUce of ofllc. ! and salaries and no election was made lu- r_ night, it was also decided > i defer the elect i ion of fie- nl’emburs of the hoard of health. mrs. Joseph Champagne dead. Passed Away on St. Oimon Wdenesday! Night After a Long lllrtes>. Mrs. Joseph Champam--, of Si Si mon, passed' away Wednesday nip lit lat her home at th-- Hub; house uft< r |an illnc ?s cove rills' several months. | She woa a patient sufferer front that j .■: -:t(l 1 disease, r.antVar, for many I i-wwehs a-.ul while lit r and ath has been expected for some time, it nev-rfhe-: 'h‘ came in tin nature of a se- ere ; •rhrrrtr'To her ben .tied ;. id son. he living in a'V-tmote sbi'i-, 1 :j s ; ■ bitch fit the bedside of his mol her foi i i a week or ten day-. i Mrs C’hamtyigtjo, .way known to. a large circle of friends, in, Brunswick' where she was e teemed most’ highly' '■>r her many -tuxbl* ..U-n-lto--and her good character. * ' The funeral occurred at. Frederica i<btv raor n-p tt tnonl bSing chartered for v i ion and' a number' of Brunswick friend- uttended. Tht following g. n t’.cnjen acted as pall bearers; K. I Houscnuin, C, £>. Qgg- W-.M- Tttppcr, H. J. Read. W. F. Symons. and J. C. Green. Rev. D, Watson Winn, of whose church on fit. Simon the deceus ed was a consistent member, officiat ed at the funeral. SI; SIMCH Util ! ! IS AGOEP.TEO ; by m eon: [Wuslrifl ftfoc! will Cptr.| on SI. Simon onLrp foliar M Mm fjtj YESIEIiOA! Officers for th ejjfl' Were Elected and Mrs. D/s Giit of 350 Acres of Land On Island, waa I . Formally Accepted. The board of education held 1c r. | ular monthly sere,ion at Lite conn house yesterday niOi'ttlag, electing of | Beefs for lein year and diupo ing ei la number of other matters. The of- I beers of the hoard were reelected, j They are: Drosident, A V. Wood, j treasurer, 11. S. Bee. secretary, N'. 11. ! Ballard. ! The board :d::o took up l:ie matter lof an indtfr trial'coil, go on St. "B : -non land formally accepted the gift of ktrs A x,.’’J’. 1 i! on whieh too coll--- I IS to* be e'ected. Thin property, which Is well adapted for schpi.l pur i po;es, already has a large house on if; hut. other lni-rovenitmts will he made j By the county. In acceptng the gift the Board of .'flucaUon ph Its If to open c- : in lust rial school oil October 1. It will he sufficiently equipped to c„-,t for at 1- .mi. 31) boys y id li is believed this numoer will at fond when i: is op in. I. Tile new school is lo he directly under the tmntrt -cment *'of the Hoard and will he maintained a a public school of the county. t r* rmnm t [J , rfrrnhMM lliuus yLSI Lliudit PLEASED HOUSE RiP VAN WINKLE WAS ENJOYED BY LARGE AUDIENCE AT THE GRAND LAST NIGHT Ore of the largest audiences of the I searton 1 Thomas Toff - rron, tip | Fifth, in Rip Van Winkle at th i Gr: : and l m , at. ; .. , t i ; - H wj'h the interpr''at.'mi >’ ji be rob by I7id yotihg'. i ,'feffefsi.u wad apj :tvcni from B,e rppcatctl | and ever-1 ! u.Aln mils that. fall to bh; lot during the evening. Mr. I (~;ve)-s'.:i in a . k"d actor: be han f sstu'died the < : - racter of the jo-mpinß, I rollicking, slc-.-.-iy headed. Rip until be ilia, c hi a ; t deal of the human side of I he t! - that'wan given to it lb;, Up. , ift 1 pi re of a gifted son. The cart wot ail that could have been expected, It wa Utils', ted and the jliaplcrs ctii - r rad eventful lif • of [the dully D> 'man was told by i t. , ~it o ' tn i-,t| tb>e story. I Little Viola -■■ 1 Lconl Flugrath, whose j real name: are ,T< fferaons, son land aauyb If r of last nlrht’a Rip. have iHomothlna of the Jeffer on map ti.etn- S'd\ and promise much for the fil ' t live. The audience, r>s above stated, war j thoroughly plmi.icd with the product ion. If 1 wtu splendid,iy :-ta:;cd an-) 1 nil In si! all ' I : muc ■ l:)-u-.i night's amusement and entertainment for those present. I II would he unfair fp.r anyone who' has <*n Jo run Jeffers, nin Rio Van -Winkle to compare him with any - ho i -ayr.-l fo po; tray this rob-. Oiv thinks or the Prince of nhTrwrl-- in I laralef, one asso.cfeita"-1 , (,-win Vend.on with Far it and who 1 in the world could one a sociatc with Fit-. Van W.iaklu but Jo :r pa Jefferson, j v.-ho,fa-'i;ou.f.d tut? character with hi | 'own hand ; and m'do it mbrt; f.eaut.i f:>] , ach Mute he rl-'.yel it. Tbo T’tp 'of* last night hod, youth and polish and r;\|o rlilby. bti! ho lacked rnmO tliins in facial expression and much in the keenness of the qyo. that h,- longed oily to '.Tor *-;:h, .Jefferßon. who gathered into bis Slant af f a -torchon;-,e but a few short years ago and car ried with him much of the charm that belong* to Rip Van Wlnkl®. RUSSIA IS TO BEGIN REORGANIZATION Or li! 0 _____ (meeting, AT WHICH THE CZAR PRESIDED, WAS HELD YESTER-. DAY OF V" NEW JyiAVY WAS St. Peter.burg, Jan. 17. —A Ukase was issued toady announcing the re organization of Russia's shattered C . ~ 5 .. 1,1,„ . 1 C .. + OV li, uv e, V> UUO UvVU l\Cj)l uc practically a standstill on account of tile powerful ei ip lie which has been lighting- to prevent the probing into the naval scandals of the grand duke regime to which the defeat of the county on tile sea of Japan is largely I attributed. The: movement is receiving the per ! tonal inter: at of .... tsar who tails in' the nation to assist in the thor ough reorganization of the navy. At a conference today of the high est naval authorities, summoned by lie emperor and presided over by can. ho enjoined the officers to speak v, lib the utmost frankness and for the ur i. time was informed of the full ant of 1, -. f-swaption responsible |Oi lb t lic-f-alYiji: bauds of the Japanese. A proposal "*o adopt the (.1 i pman plan of naval adm. -'-ttlon :: reject';-1 as untimely because it I would Bo i-' parked as withdrawing t\e Low - ment, lniil those present at the j . iinference gathered that the czar was j; ily determined to put through a I complete naval program. This is to i a- elaborated as soon as the finances tin, country permit. i.rr: ting services Sunday j 1 i' r. - i. C. J c.cs to be Heard at Fir. t MftthddiSt Church. .Rev.: Herman C. Jones, the Sunday iol.ool field secretary, of the South t. of.dn. Oonfori nece, and Mr. Withaiu’ i vlve well known hank organized and 1 noted Sunday school man, will be it. the Fir: 1 Methodist churcii next i.mmluy. Mr. Jones will preach al ' "-i .Th ’ or vices Messrs. Jones and ’.Vjtliani will each deliver an address t the special Sunday school service -.rTfiu city ball at. 3 p. m. 'Four session..- of the Sunday school Institute will be held Monday and Tui: Jay. The afternoon sessions will b<- held al .Mrs, Harley's ho-mc, 400 Carpenter rlru-t, at 3 p. m and the night m s-ions will be held In the city | hall at 7,3-.). All ministers and Shn- I day school workers in the city are invited to share in the benefit of I these services. ■TP' \M TCI I c np ttLLo ur tm H^ninAPQ t/Lsiii 11 . .L SLnr iJ ; President of Sb'uthern Railway Issues Lengthly Statement Explaining the GSnera! Delays. ■- ; i President Finley ,of the Boutheni Rullavry .has fseued an address to i (he public, in which he admits that the road If. Inadequately equipped' to i cater to the transportation intosetsof the turn ory traversed by the system This condition lm attribute.: to the ex h'.ordinary industrial development of the south and to the fact that bet terments, long planned, in the way of i double tracking, extending the lines 'and increasing equipment, have, been delayed on account of the Inability lo secure labor and the impos ihll i itv of getting rolling stock. -i In order to meet the su iden and pl.t nominal demand upon the rond. J which iy, far beyond its capacity to meet., the management spring au thorised t’io criiition of a bonded in dobtedne s of J2oOJXtO,OOO of which sboul $20,000,000 of the securities haw already been sold and the pro- I: being expended in better . tivni;; as rapidly as labor and mater ial can be obtained. i , ■ . I Strange Disease. I SJ-.awii' e, Ol lx, Jan. 17.—According to advices received W~ fifteen p-r sons have db and fronr a strange dfs eac", ro enabling meningitis in the fia crod Heart neighborhood in the south - rn part of: th ocountry witlx the las* ten days. It is raid that many people aro afflicted. Physicians have been unable to determine the exact nature of the disea#*. j VmCE FIVE CENTS. qanglus for [ VESStIS- BOUND FORJIIBTON Botfcin of file Sea was FnJirely Charsed by the EarfhquEke '* 1 ■' ' LlfiST HOUSE IS OESTF.IYED The Navy Department Received Ad vices Yesterday That Great Cau tion is Necessary to Vessels Bound There. i Washington, Jan. 17. —The nav®. de partment today received advices \uat It is very dangcrou: for vessels wimp approaching Kingston, which was - practically wiped out by an earth quake Tuesday and all vessels bound for that place Huould be caioful in entering. It is stated that the bottom of the sea has changed, making the channel different and the light house 1 and been demolished, therefore it is dangerous for vessels to enter. IS GREATEST YEARJN HUNG REPORTS RECEIVED IN WASHING TON SHOW IT TO HAVE 3EEN A RECORD-BREAKER. Washington, Jan. 17.—The past year has been the biggest mining year the United Stales lias tier seen ac. cording to *.tke Geological survey re port issued today. The mining de velopments lu Nevada and Utah, ac cording to the reports, are considered of the utmost Importance, as showing that even at a late date the probabil ities of discoHvcry is B.y no mean.- ex hausted. In Utah great progress has been made in completing plans for working the low grade copper ores in the vicin ity of Bingham, where in the short spaco of two years an almost un heard of tonnage of low grade ore has been opened up for' treatment. These discoveries have made neces sary the additional increase of smelt ing facilities in that State which are now being, provided for. The mineral development through out the United States and Alaska in dicates a still larger output In 1907. reportTioe 1 GATUI OF! InteryOceanic Canal Commissioners Sent In an Interesting Report Vestcrday. Washington, Jan. 17. —A report was made today by the inter-oceanic canal I commission on the borings of the Gatumdam site. The report states t that. 127 holes have been bored and i that they all show that the walls will vest firm and suitable for soft rock. Sixty-four borings, ail extending to the rock-, have Been made across the valley charge. Franklin's Birttiday. New York, Jan. 17. —In honor of the anniversary of tlio hundredth birth day of Benjamin Franklin, the city flags are floatingg in all public build ing-. Several public meeting were held by different societies-, tonight and the National Society of . 'jw England held a banquet at the hotel Astor this evening. Destructive Lantklides. Charleston, W. \>... Jnn. 17. —Asa result of landslide-: along Elk river destroying c;ir mains, C -Heaton may bo without gar, for three days. Every industry la paralyzed, street cars and nowspe ,i crs suapen f; (1. The legit'ia turc will Drolyd-Iv a,Hern The rail way tracks by a huge for a mile.