The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, January 18, 1907, Image 2

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FOUR ECLIPSES ' OCCUR JHIS M; Some Fact* That Will Star Cazers ct This Citf and Section. m For those who keep tab oiiwurb things it twill bp Intel to kno tliat the year 1997 brings four <-olip ses, two of the sun and two of th*- raoon.— Mercury will also disport him self and make an excursion aero ? the sun's disk November, next, parti;, visible to the eastern portion ot North America. A total eclipse of the run tool place Monday, January It Tbit >t!lpse was not visible to North Am ericans, but Asiatics and tho~e#fWS* happen to bo In the Indian anil Pur-Ill* oceans had a fair view. The annual eclipse of the tin will take place July 1(1. Tills phenotm na will not be valble to North leans, Unit those in South Ameiir'i. and the adjacent oceans will make unobßtrin-ted observations. A total eclipse of the stin will taw, place on July 24 and will he visi ble In this country to those who cm* to -sit up and wall. The placet w.b be In the deepest shadow shortly alt i 11 the night of the 24f t. and will be*ear again about 1 o’clock. If there I § any style in a shoe yo lave section a bool:, look over ei sto* k and wou will be pretty o*.*s *. lied *t. jpeerson’s. OUR FOUR DOLLAR SHOES FC* WOMEN AM F BEAUTIE3. £E THEM AT fEERSON'S. ISIT* Wholesale Lqiuor Dealers AGENTS FOR ACME BREWING CC Mail order busi= ness a specialty. 224-226 BAY ST. BRUNBWICK, GA. EAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INVESTMENTS See us for tho best city prop erty. Bargains in all kinds of real estate. BOYD & CO. HO Newcastle St. Phon* 30t LADIES t HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF FOUN TAIN BULB AND WHIRL SPRAY SYRINGES EVER SHOWN IN BRUNSWICK, AND YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE SAME EVERY LADY SHOULD HAVE A SYRINGE. AND 1 HAVE ONE TO SUIT ANY LADY, AND EVERY ONE ABSOLUTELT GUARAN- T EED. ill) C. BRUCH Newcastle amt Gloucester St .or hunting costs, hell Belts, leg i.-lns, gt;u cove at, etc., go to Slg t Don’t mis* buying some of the crockery and atone cooklofl ware wn •re selling at ct. Colson CAPT. WHEELER TO ! He Will Accompany Inspector Gener al W, G. Obear on His Tour This Year. Brunswick military men learned with Interest yesterday that Capt. j Joseph Wheeler, son of the late Uen i ral Joe Wheeler, had been detailed |by the war office In Wa-hington for * the annual inspection of the National Hoard of Georgia, beginning Fe : u*tarj II and ending April 23. Capt Wheeler is in the coast artil lery service, and is now station* and at Fort Savannah. He will pr*J Col. th^^National Georgia, begin the annual Inspection a^^tcKson. Capt. Wheeler is well knov. parts of the state and the news that he has beta detailed for the regal at i army in -pert(** wilt please ltiiotaiy i%<-n throughout G*orgia. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Georgia, Glynn County. Under and by virtue of an ord -i of he court of oiilinar* of .ui I county, ia-< and at the January term, 15)00, thereof, will be sold at public outcry on the first in F<?. ruary, 1907, at tlie door in sdld erninty, between tin usual hours of sale, tb* following in-id <*s .ate, situate li. Glynn com.i.-. (b n da, belonging to the estate of .1 M Stewart, deceased, to-wlt: All that tract or pared of land ly ing and being in tin: county of Gljnu and state of Georgia, containing fifty seven and-one-half acres and bound and as follows; North, by land' of X li. Harrison, one the lands of J. A. Ward; on flic lands of T. and J. Hotttdrfnoii flic west by lands of being the awo tract of lajjpWWfv! vod to said J. M Stewart by i. A. Ward on the 21 and lay of, t!ins. the same being Oart of the original Johnson tract. Also the following lot, tract or par cel of land situate, lying and belli. 1 n the llfdt district G. M , Glynn county, Georgia, contahiing tw-entp ind two-tenth-i acres, aud bounded on the north >bv lands of N. If. Harrison, south, Jy lands of J. A. Ward, nst by lands of .1 A. Ward and west by the Seaboard Air Line rail way, same being a part of the old original Johnson tract. And also a one-half undivided in forest in and to the following lot tract or parrel of land ‘•itriate lying md being in what i known ns liver ett City. In the county of Glynn and little of Georgia, and particularly des cribed. known and designated on tin plan of said Everett City ns lot mini hers one and two. In tdoek live, sub division IC. Together with all build, ings. houses, out-houses and improve meats upon said three tracts of land above described The sab* will continue from day to day until all of -aid property is tol l. Terms cnßh This sith. day of January, 1907. W. H. Crofton. Administrator upon the Estate of ,1 j M. Stewart, dec* used. HACKMEN’S UNION STATION Between the hours of 0 a. m. and S p. m. (Saturdays until 11.30 p, m.) you can always rely on QUICK HACK SERVICE by calling up PHONE d.US. We Fill all Orders Promptly Increase llntlj By Eating You,* r|! linl Leben’* Appetite I lUVI Bread. StECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FOP Fancy Cakes. i AM AFTER YOUR TRADE AND WILL SELL YOU THE VERY BEST Bread, Rolls and Cakes THE BAKERB ART CAN MAKE Prompt attention given to ordera Civ* me a trial and Join the great army of Pleaeed’*Woue i'aapara. Brunswick Bakery P. W. LEBEN. Pro*. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1907. PLAY BOX BALL ' Why have a restless night of toss ing In your bed from overstrain of mental work during the cay, when a game or two of BOX BALL after office hour* would give the muscles the necessary exercise aud cause the h<art to pump with a vig orous regularity which frees the sys tem of til and 'to ed feeling.” Trv it at PORTER’S BOX BALL . ALLEY To be installed in Old Western Un ion Building this week RANGES. We com plete line of VBppn Heaters and Ranges, all k! id of Sts*: R**pa>r im NEW BATH BjrCS Wc ready you* plumbing of all jus*, received anew shHr V of Bath Tubs. wW J. H. BOHNE. Phone 397. 426 Newcastle mm iimvEimi THE GREEK-AMERICAN RESTAURANT & LUNCH ROOM IS ADDING NEW EQUIPMENT. ENLARG ING TO MEET THE TRADE. BEST SERVICE IN GITJ OPEN DAY and NIGHT POLETLS & HOODENPILE 210 Gloucester St. Phone 4Sb ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. Georgia, Glynn county. Under and by virtue of an >rd • of the court of ordinary of said conn tj, granted at tbDecember torn tfiOG, then of, will 'be sold at public mlcry on the first Tuesday in K '•nary, lto7. at the court house dooi in said eotjnty, between the usual tours of sale the following real estati situated in Glynn county, belonging 10 the estate of J. R. Dillard, deceits ed, to-wit - That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in said county and stale, In the city of Brunswick there In. being a portion of what is kiupwu as the "forty-five acre tract," and he ginning at a point on the of the prolongation of Albany street 135 fed south of the southern lino of Old Town lot number stHl,*#Hd run tiltvit thence. in an ea-telly direction at right angles IKfi foot to the western line of tho prolongation of Amherst street: thence southerly and at right angles and along the western line of the prolongation of Amherst street 225 feet and to a point one hundred and fifty feet north of the Inter-ec tion of the northern line of Second avenue and the western line of the prolongation of Amherst street thence westerly and at right angles with the southern boundrv line first given and along the northern lie of Second avenue Ist) feet to the eastern line of the prolongation of Author t sired, then Cos northerly al ng th- eaa tern line of the prolongation of AI bany stvdet, 225 fed to fin point of beginning, and bounded on the north ISO feet by land of I S Ruffo; east 225 feet bv the prolongation of Am herst street: south ISO feet by other portions of the lands of said estate of said deaceased, ,1. R Dillard: and west. 225 feet by the prolongation of Albany street Tho sale will continue front day to day between the same hours until said property is sold. Terms of sale "cash. This 9th. day of January. 1907. Miss Katherine D. Holzendorf, Administratrix Cum Tostamento An nexo of .1 R Dillard, deceased. JOHN O. ROUNTOS, Brunswick’s Candy Store. Ikin't bay burnt sugar and Imagine you are getting pure chocolate. Sucn substitutes are injurious to health. For pure chocolate and all other can dies call on ine. A fresh supply received every ween from Menler th famous) chocolate maker. Either in hulk or in beautlfu, pound and half pound boxes. FINEST FRUITS. CIGARS AND TO BACCOEB, ETC. TAFFY CANDY MAOS FRESH DAILY. mi im : iHL IMtWS* BIJSiNLSS DllS % —^ * FACTS ABOUT BRUNSW I I j. BRJNSWICK IS a rIAPIDLY GROWING CITY AND IS THE BEST PORT ON T>9l^| COAST. THESE Ai-E AMONG HER REPRESENTATIVE MERCHANT S AND Bill K TH£V ARE IN POSITIO.N TO SERVE THE PUBLIcfIN THEIR RESPECTIVE LlfflNH l KLP r ’ eSENTATIVE BUSINESS COGCeYnS CLASSIFIED Ai.PH ABET I CLI7. ARCHITECTS. J. George Lonateman. A'chued ami bill.da., cehscl-i lot. ot ;; li : .e.-. * .„, gp-.g* on iiapu. ii jno ~-••nu-ir.piat comm aoeu-.e vn.- me t:.cycles and Autsmebii**. * and. j. Otcwine AulOUl"biles>, bicyclk'., ;na *• j,l* v. i cj.airiug aa*l leiiii-i- Give u: a all. T*., 134 2 .1 o .Newcsu,tie a! POTTL l -X G Vv c R*v. S. Ortm.swick ijotiiing and Manufac Cc., *’actj ci c! Ftaviiiing trac.'s. Sand i Water and .Muter.' V* inters, Jir lidei*.-;, Colors an Ju::cu, I ami v enegars. Ulli; v amt facto* v Ogleinoi-’ PIANIUC- mills. Brunswick Hlaomg & Fo* wacd'iig Cos. : Q Flcisii.y,, jr. Vh'i . gei ,'lai. Hie mill, sa a mill dry kiln Jt-nign ana itre. cd :mu her. weatiicri.oanlliig, floor inr, ceilings niouldlng and inUI tin ii l'ii*.it i"2* llrin awlek, <>. TINNERS. Cobb oL Wheeler, ('iiiitraciiiig 'tinners. Phone 313 in;; Ncwcastb -u CON TRACTORS Sower, and Thomas. en**rai Contractors T*.l 194 • CEMENT CONTRACTORS J D Baldv^* General Cement Contractor X!I *to of while an-1 rulveit Hex! n tile and rnrb Sl<b wntl* Iniilders. ICTThsidering the Question A good many men. about this time are considering the finest inn of sub for winter. us persuade you P consider our guarantee of THE CHOICEST MATERIALS THE CORRECT STYLES SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP FAULTLESS FITTING. flint graceful, easy, stylish ait which we give garments cannot b< successfully Imitated in ready math clothing. Jas. (i. Carter, The Tailor. 11. IS. iiAklNh I I. GENERAL CONTRACTOR When In nssd of— A PLASTERER, A PAINTER, A CARPENTER Call on th old original H. ■. GARNETT. SIOO For a Bovoc. 'fit's would not be a large price to pay for Dr Drummond'.- Lightning ttomeilies for rheumatism *1 one coui.i nipt get relief any cheaper. The Drummond Medicine Cos. Mew York, i'- re eived nundreds ol unsollclte.i' test iuh'uii.s from giatelui people re stored to health by the use of that) remedies, who would not hesitate to pay any price rather than suffer tm former torture. If you would M>e h try these remedies, and jn.n tniggl.- hae not got them, write direct to th* company. Agents wanted , CASTOR IA For Infar.ts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Sign&tu re of Mil II ==ANl)== TIMBER CO. MANUFACTURERS. SHIPPER* AND DEALERS IN CRCSSTIES AND LUMBER New York Offlca No. 11 Broadway S -K. IgpWN, Mnjjr. BRUNSWICK A. A COMPLETE LIKE OP BMOI* IN , * P ME VEBV MT**T BTVI.E* AT tfKITWRHP* CMOSj- xjT Dfce.t-ERS. Brunswick CyjlKl e Cxeosavmg C*L Ga i4i:iuiy[i,i,e*;Ui>tt. ;iigbest caw) prices retwu*. tiuyurs aua bippei a#ot tiosaiies. COMPANIES. 3'unawu.k Development Cos., -Vlax Isaac, ihaoidobl. iJruuawicK. Ga v\ e lenvi uionoy to build houses -t sou contemplate buildtug cousuit us. vVe • uli t-neiiie von to owu jrour bourn ELECTRICAL EixGINEERING. A. M. Calder, Fleetrical couti actor and dealer in electric supplies of all kinds. In side wiring a specialty. Oi>era house oulldiiio ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR n i. farm tuv, Before having your luable wdiiiii done se** It 1, l iirujer. I'fibne 2P2 LiOU'dß v|OU?ES. Cong-sss Hall Suioon J. -H. May* & Cc. Wines liituor*. cigars and tr.ha. C" iWe make a specialty of the mad order business. X - PLUMBERS. Gilmore & Wood. r-"V General and sanitary plumpers ano dealers .in iiliiTiibe's' siliipllos 4 N'sH'-asle street Tel 22i*. RARBER SHOPS. Allen &. Thrasn, Tonsorial Artiets Sri*< iw’ manaenrist for !;pli*‘s. Ta 1 1 *’. fsroia Ifo'ise building. Ladies Hairdressing a Specialty REMINGTON ENGINES. ySPIPy MARINE-:, STATIONARY V|TTER THAN GASOLINE ENGINES. CHEAPER IN THE LONG RUN For Further Information and Prices Call on or Write to KARL LRILS. " . .< Lit " ' '• ts an ordeal which all wo men approach with indescribable tear, for /I TV *>*■ ?; £7 ’ - ”/***% re.-:!im;r compares with stlsPjz S uSfcL&K i ; ,, ;f , 1 , 71 1 T r "! clnki-hirth. Ihe thought of the suffering nml danger ill sto :f -r Iter, r.d- tin: c.peotiuit mother ol a'i pleasant anticipations of the comint; even!, and ci-ts over her a shadow of gloom which cannot lte'shaken off. Thousands of women liavc tout'd tout tuc use if Mother s Friend h-aring prcnnancy robs conitneiuent of ail pain and dancer, and insures safety to life of mother and child. This scientific linim. :it is a pul-send to’all women at the time td their must critical ti tl. No' oniv docs 'Mother’s Friend carry women safely through the p rns of c!i::d-b:rth, but its use gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents “morning sickness," and other dis comforts of this period. Z% #'?/€*** mc M 39 & f* PF 3 " o<T"£i Sold by all druggists at & si.oo per bottle. Book containing valuable information free. The brad fie Id Regulator Cos., Atlanta, La. LJ L m Jaabif tw kLM <iet in Touch With the f*e-.t of Us TV m>V• W: C A BELL TELEPHONE In Vour Home, Your Office, Your Slotc CALL CONTRACT OEPARTMENI OF outhern Fell Teltphone end leiegraph Cos, AND WELL -ELL YOU HOW Gas Htaters GAS RADIATORS. INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATER3 JUST RECEIVEL. THEY ARE JUST WHAT YOU NEED LURING WINTER. OUR GAS STOVEB ARE A GREAT CONVENIENCE AND ALWAYS READY FOR USE. NO COAL; NO WOOD; NO DIRT. PHONE NO. 7- riutual Light & Water Cos. insuranceT^^H Hoyt W. Ga!*. Life, storiu, accident mearauce. 1 represent only tne best compame.*. PAWN BROKER. S. Levison fUn*le Sic-) The old reliable pawn-broker, .‘ionev loaned on anything of value. Hea-ifiuar,ers for piscots, jewelry,, ,at., ana smees. - UNDERTAKER AND EM3ALMER. Chas. G. fttiouie. Untfenakei end smbalmer. •4‘ ■■ jjni guttrauleed -u every (ao -*i jeuiba>miug. 124 A stroet, lirunsv p-s Georgia. SHOES. E. M. Peerson 4 Cos. XI heu v *i-i have nned of üboes give us a call. 211 New. asife slmet. I'elepLunu 444. UrunsTlak Exc'.usivo Shoe Store. . WOOD YARD. J. A. Davi*. Healer In oak and pine wood J Fnrner Cochran avenue and GeorpJ street. Teiephone 2C6-4. Prnmpl service. Free delivery. TINNER. *9% S. Reddick, Contracting tinner. You will con I ;jmlt your own interests bv commune --* ;l ng with in* before letting youd ontracts for tinning Rhone 2*jxj 125 Newcastle St. Brunswick. Gf WFSLEV H. GRSENFIELD, Pile Driving Contractor Wharf Uuild| ing and Trestle Work * specialty ' t ~ >n<> I Hnmtwlck Oa