The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, January 23, 1907, Image 2

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TERRELL WILL I APPOINT m To Fill Hl* Place In the States Senate During In Offlce^^ 'I will appoint A. O. Bacon semi tor for Georgia on March 4 for tin Interim between, that time and the convening of the general asembly in June.” 80 stated Governor Terrell .Mon day morning In reply to a question recently raised by the announcemc-iV from “Washington of a probable ex tra session of the senate to consWff the Santo Domingo treaty. "I have never had any other inten tion than to appoint Senator Bacor. for the interim, and he is fully ntzant of my purpose. He was elect < and by the people at the August pri mary, and only the circumstance of the change in the time of the meet ing of the legi-luture creates a short period in which uus state has only one senator. “Under the constitution i have full punier to appoint for a vacancy ‘by resignation or otherwise’ amt of course tie only right thing to ci will be to'Jppoiilt Senator Bacon t,, a place v/mch justly -belongs r, This nomctlvely dlMtoses of ai. Specuismon or guos-lng about wtia will happen during the Interim. E; tra session or not Governor Terrel, will appoint Senator A. O. Bacon for the tune between the expiration oi his present term and when the Gem t;ia legislature will formally elect him. MEN ARE POWERLESS To Plarht Attitlnaf Dlaraw T'olp., The/ Strike at the I’utlorJj-lnj; Cnnae. Tn tr**r,t DtrrlrufT. Falling Hair, with Irritants or ;i 3 on which a para ■Ulc t-rm win pro-par | S llke *,> o „p) nff wr.tor from tho ocean to prevent the tie from rising. Von cannot accomplish a rntlafa-tcr euro without having right under* tann lint of tlie ftmdamoiUal causes of th trouble. • Tu must kin v, : - Dandruff Germ. Newbro's tlcrptcldo does "do b-cause !• ' rpeclally made to <!n I’int Very thing. When the germ Is rcn.'.ve.’, the hnl* has no ehotote hut* t.> resume health, growth and beautv. "Destroy tlie causo, you remove the effect.'' Sold by leadln.7 drugr!*ts S nd jOc. In •tamp* for sample to The Herplclde Cos., Detroit, Mich l" s?.i*—so cents nnd Jf.oo. Pmlth’s Piwrniacy, Agents. . 'iJ . • Ship Notice. Neither tho master, owners or consignees of the Portuguese barlt bon res Costa will he responsible for th-* debt ■ contracted by the crew ot said bark. Magano, Master. W ANTED-~At once, wood choppers. Ceod pv. Apply to S. Mark’s liv fry stable. REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INVESTMENTS See us for tho best city prop erty. Bargains in all kinds of real estate. BOYD & CO. 110 Newcastle St. Phone 301 THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, The big Laughable Hit of the Year In New York. Still a Raping Success in London. MR. EDWARD R. SALTER Presents CHARLES J. STINE and MISS OLIVE EVANS In Edgar Selwyer'e Laughlest Farce IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT Produced Identically a$ Given 100 Night* at Savoy Theatre, New York, j V. A Splendid Cast of Artists /Pries* tf.Sa SI.OO. 75c. 50c. 25e. Speqidl Matinee Price* 25c. 50c. 75c. ! 41 FMfIHT 'lira OFFICES i A., B. &.A. Force WIJI Have Nearly Everything New When They Re move into Terminal Offices. It 1* understood that the offices in the new terminal station which are rc be us ed by the local forces of the A.. !!.. & A. railroad, will be eq#lp i ted entirely with new desks and I -alter office furniture, and that tin. j furniture to be placed in the office I will be ilfseign for rail road purpos^^^ w at! o 'he offices will be and tl 5.! Tics, etc., wi’tl begin to remove tut very little of the furniture nov used in the op< ra house offices will be carried Into the new building. it was expected that the office-; In ! %c terminal station would have been occupied before this time, but then Mia been several unavoidable dc i lays in completing the building, sue) ; as lack of labor*and shortage of ma I teidal. but a large force is now ec ! gaged in work on the new buildiii- I ind it will be finished and ready to, | occupancy within fev. j tveeks. The freight hou-e is at read;. ! completed and the finishing touches -ire king put on the pretty depot Dr. J. P. HARRELL, Physician and Surgeon, Old Mlchei-on Building, TELEPHONESbagrfce 37. Office Hoim#^i - fol2 a. m. 3 to LOST .-♦PI air. gold band braeele j with isprln-g clasp. Lost betweu j OeVoe’r and Gloucester or on Ghg; | eester. between'Newcastle and Wol: ! oi parpentrr between Gloucester am. Howe. Return to Weston Uniot Telegraph office and receive reward We solicit orders for everything 1i the grocery ljne. Prompt sorvle. tow prices, Davis & Blnckerhy, 11 Honk street. Increase, I {Olll Eating Your Hi Iml Leben’e Appetite llUll Bread. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FOR Fancy Cakes. t AM AFTER YOUR TRADE AND WILL BEL>. YOU THE VERY BEST Bread, Rolls and Cakes THE BAKERS ART CAN MAKI P: omot attention given to order Clve m* a trial and Join th great army of Pleased A Houe Keepere- Brunswick Bakery r. W. Ltßf.N, Prog. MORGAN 8 DIS Wholesale Lqiuor Dealers AGENTS FOR ACME BREWING CO Mail order busi ness a specialty. 224--226 BAY ST. BRUNSWICK, GA. HACKMEN’S UNION STATION Between the hour* of 6 a. m. and 9 p. m. (Saturdays until 11.30 p. m.) you can alwaya rely on QUICK HACK SERVICE by calling up ’PHONE 338. We Fill all Order* Promptly —• |C*U OB Dari/ * Blacks rbr, ill Book art, tor gtopmUa it ■|ft n ritito. . tHE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, *907 m THE CROWD I —♦— And go to PARTER’S POX BALL PARLOR. Splendid Exercise, Re fined Pleasure for Ladies and Gen tlemen. i A prize will be given away each Saturday Night for the highest score made during the week. PORTER'S *BOX BULL ALLEY *To be installed in Old Western Un ion Building this week AND RANGES. We carr-y * full and com plete line of ?‘-ivei. Heaters and Ranges, an. do all ki id of Stove Repairing. NEW BATH TUBS We are ready to do your plumb im of all klfldS. received ? new shipment of Bath Tubs. J. M. BOHNE.. Phone 397. 428 Newcastle MAKING UUpnnminjT^ **■■*-* . THE GF.EEK-AMERICAN RESTAURANT & LUNCH , ROOM IS ADDING NEW EQUIPMENT. ENLARG ING TO MEET THE TRADE. , 3ESI SERVICE INCH! i OPEN DAY and NIGHT POLETFS & HOOOENPYLE 210 Gloucester St. Phone 480 Come and see Davis & Blackerby in ; THEIR NEW AND ENLARQ ED HEADQUARTERS, AT NO. 116 MONK ST. COR. OGLETHORPE, FOR THE BARGAINS IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. WE SOLICIT YOUR OR DERS. PROMPT SERVICE HONEST MARKET PRICES. IIS 8 BLACKERBY 116 MONK ST. PHONE 446 See our display of noltd brass and irons. and spark guards. We have a lino assortment of these. * Colson hardware Cos. ■ • For hunting coats, shell Pelts, leg ;lns, gwu covets, etc., go to Stg .evlsoti JOHN D. KOUNTOS, Brunswick’s Candy Store. Don't buy burnt sugar and Imagine you are getting pure chocolate. Sucß substitutes are Injurious to health. For pnre chocolate and all other can lies call on me. A fresh supply received every week from Mentor the famous chocolate maker. Either in bulk or In beauttfu pound snd half pound botes. FINEST FRUITS. CIGARS AND TO BACCOES. ETC. TAFFY CANDY MADE FRESH DAI CY. ; fhL NflWS’ BUSINESS : HfVCTS ABOUT BRUNSWicB • BRUNSWICK IS A HAPIJv GROWING CITY AN9 isfi HE BEST PORT ON TheH .COAST. THESE AftE At®fG HER REPRE3ENTATIVI MERCHANTS AND BuJB . THEY ARE !N POSITIM TO SERVE 1 rIE PUBLIC 1L THEIR RESPECTIVE UNI j TIVE BUSINESS CONOE^r^i^MSSIi^Ib^ALPHASETj / AHCHIT£C| ! J* C*cw. jr v A}Citiitivt ifCb'-Ct*} i -*l: OI btitWilie ijistl lH* u. Uaiiti. ji ).<•* | -• l*onilUUlitC’..e V'lU*. lU'J. Bicycles curj Au' c-Mob! lea. and. J. OiewJe Au tom*bite*. Ui*;\ *. c‘ssai ie.s. l'o£nnu*r*a rcatin- j Gv* ay a . all. > Jv 8t BOTTLiNG Brunswick B'i ftiaiiufac '.ur>, c t . u-. . . I. tracts, IV.! i v Mmer-i Waters i a-ir-lt t uloir au juices, Lida..- ..mV'Venegars. 013(4 an 1 liter- Oglf >r; , planing s. Brunswick Planing b. I |H r ward-riy Cos. T. ij Fleming. jr., Hf r.r.ger. Plan-! ug mill, d,v IVa Kougb and irea ,ed lumber. weaume.*ardiag, 11*.<.- ng, ceilings si.iwv nu j oil l-’uou.. . -,a TINNcR® Ccbb & tVi.A'. Contracting Tinueiidpf9rhone 313 , 31.1 Ni wce.s^^Ht. COiNIRACT^H. Bower ano Th^^Bt. Ueneral Tel lJj^K® P S Ge n erarc to ' Alt alrr of white find vTBWori Hex I on file anil curl, Si*P- waiß lofllflerß IV'ritp hr B Considering I the Question A goodtmany men, about tbl? iltne, art* considering the question of edits for winter, Lot us per; mole y<> win consider our guarautre of THE CHOICEST THE CORRECT STYLES * SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP FAULTLESS FITTING. That graceful, easy, stylish air which we give garments cannot he successfully Imitated in ready-made clothing. * I Jas. (j. Carter, The Tailor. 11 - —tv. Try 11. b. UAktN'r i I . GENERAL contractor When In need of A ?l ASTEHtR. A PAINTER. A CARPENTER Cali on tn* o and original *■ GARNET T. SIOO For a 60,t,e. Tlte would not he a large price to pay for Dr. Drummonds Lightning tenie-lies for rheumatism If one cooia opt get relief any cheaper. The jrummond Medicine Cos. New Tone, have received nundreda ot unsolicited testimonials from grateful people re stored to health by the use of their remedies, who would neft hesttate to pay any price rather than suffer tne tormer torture. If you would I*l-u to iry these reuieaiea, and joui dniggls. has not got them, write direct to the compauv. Agent* wanted CASTOR IA For Infar.ts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought sStj":, c&jfSES, AMERICAN TIE ! —AND— IM MANUFACTURERS, shipper* AND DEALERS IN CRCSBTIE3 AND LUMBER i NavMPock Offica No. 11 Broadway S. K. BROWN, Mngr. SHUNtWIRK. GA A OOMRUETP Ll*'E OP SHOO IM -HE ViJTL ’LATEST STYLES AT A>a-|f*CSHIR UEe.kEao. a. Creosoting Cc. M ferunevviirt., Ga Llverd# iuapgvtioii. Buyer* UEVELCPMENT COMPANIES. B'unswiu Development Go., Aiax Isaac. President. til AxLit> * iCk. Gil iVe ienu money to ouild hotieas > Ull COti It’ll! pfkle CO Lib u*l Üb.l . au vuauio to owu uu m*. ELEC f RIGAu E.vGINEEHI.NG. A. M. Catder, Llectrlcal wu’.: actor and denier in ■ ioerne sup-me* of all kinds. In -tie wiring a apeciaitir. Opera house ■uTlding. . C l Ci-Tois*. - - • 'vnt Vsi, ,n*\v IU it. i.. farmer, ,'icioru having your losble wiring ‘i.-no R. . banner. Kiftr.w 2'':J - CcLIUO.T htOUPES. Ccng-ess tfai! Salcon J. H. Mays 4. Ce. '•\ iues, liquors, cigars and We make a specialty of the tn;i order business. PLUMBERS. Giinior* A Weed. ticueral an t ;ti -iary piu:nbvr* aae ■if-tiinrs in plumber*’ supplies 4 Btri-t.i Tol 22r QARB EF; SHOPS. Allrn 4 Tera^h. Tonsorial Artist* Roeebi' inacacuvist fnr lndleu Ta ‘ Optra Ttense hnlMlng. Ladies Hairdressing a Specialty KEMINGT oTB-ll IB OIL ■ |L If N G I N E S. J . ‘V -' i:) MARINE, stationsH BETTER THAN GASOLINE ENGINES. CHEAPER IN THE LONG RUN For Further Information and Prices Call cn or Write to KARL FRIES. gmg*s Is an ordeal which *ll 3L? *UvkL ji > J wo ; ne \ a pp r ° uUi ** indescribable fear, for P\ nothing compares with a tr* h ■Hh an TK i,o r or k! clnUi-birth. rhethought of the suffering asui ia l-i re for her, robs the expectant mother ol all pleasant anticipations of the coining event, and casts ever her a shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken oil". Thousands of women have found that the use of Mother s Friend durii g pregnancy robs confinement ot all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother child. This scientific liniment is a god-tend to all women at tho time of their most critical t: i..1. Not only does Mother’s Friend carry- women safely throurhf the pc-la of child-birth, but its use gently prepares the system lor the coming event, p.cvcnts "morning sickness,” and other dis st; af Mil iwIP TM£R P S 5i.00 per bottle. B"k *“'**•-*’*-' * * Z*mU * IkW containing valuable information free. fIF The Brad held Regulator Cos., Atlanta, t.-a. kJ t MLi rtL Tire R*& oet in Touch With the of Us •v having* A BELL TELEPHONE In Your Home, Your Office, Your Store CALL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT OF outfiem tall leitpUr.e End le'earEfli Cos., WE'LL -FLL YOU HOW Qius .Heaters GAS RADIATORS, INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATERB JUST RECEIVE!— THEY ARE JUST WHAT YOU NEED LURING WINTER. OUR GAS STOVES ARE A GREAT CONVENIENCE AND ALWAYS READY FOR USE. NO COAL; NO WOOD; NO DIRT. PHONE NO. 7. Hutiml Light & Water Cos. f” ,v ..l > { j?'■ ■ : mg, .amigk* * | L,. JEE l ’•-! 1 ..... . k'. ‘vßfffeN wBMB <’?!) t ■ 0\ f ■aJfij ' OI ••-. 'll* -"•nt vi ..- own '-•■bn' vv*i?ii ilivTi.m .•6ntmer for mH, •'* 125 Newcastle V.ESLFY H. Clfl PMe Di tvin . Ccuitraci^B lug nndv r rasMe WoH | rdif M