The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, January 25, 1907, Image 2

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icon people ARE OELIGHM Over the Appropriation* for/the Oc muigee and Altamaha —it Means a Line g^fißeamers. Following from the Macon News of yesterday will be of interest In Brunswick and shows that the people of Macon are working very hard for the success of the Macon and Bruns wick Navigation Company: “Notice was received in Macon this morning that at the session of the rivers and harbors committee held latt night, $25,000 was upprojMMiii for the work to bo done on the Ocmul gee river between Macon and Haw kiasville, and that $35,000 was appro priated for work on the i Aitamaha rivers, making a total >t SOO,OOO for work between Macon ano Brunswick. % “This will be good news to the chamber ui commerce which haa bee - !: doing very hard work to secure tht appropriation for the river, and t< the promoters of the ntw boat Urn now organizing a stock com pany foWthe purpose of building fou stoaineH* to ply between Macon an Brunswlfk. “ConMrc .sman Charles L. Bartlet worky very hard to secure the at proflfiation and to his effort is large iy due the appropriation. Work wii commence on the river as soon a the appropriation is available. Tin appropriation this year nieaus cvn : Ithg-er one mxt and it is believed tho within the next two years the chaune cf the Ocmulgee river will carry boa: drawing from four to five feet oi water even in the Rumiw r time. “Pmddent Emmett Small, of th chamber of commerce and Secretar Kug< nc Anderson are highly delight ed at the outcome of the appropria tlon. “It Is also learned that $446,000 wa appropriated for improvements on tb Brunswick harbor. Every improve meat male to t/io Brunswick ha 1 br:r will make It that much better fo tho Macon line of steamers. •'At a recent meeting of the Macoi Chamber of Commerce resolution thanking Congressman Bartlett fo his work in the matter will be past ed.' . ■ : ju ; WANTED. At once, wood chopper? Good pay. Apply to S. Mark’s liv try ‘icabie. Dr. J. P. HARRELL, Physician and Surgeon, Old Mlchelson Building, Gloucester S' TELEPHONES, Office 37. Res. 9 Oillce Hour* 10 to 12 a. m. 3 to 5 p. n HAVING BOUGHT THE INTEREST OF S. L. RYAL3 IN OUR BUSINESS WE ARE BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER TO SERVE THE PUBLIC IN ALL OF OUR DEPARTMENTS. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF <*EAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INVESTMENTS 6QYD & CO. 110 Newcastle st. Phona SOI THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, The big Laughable Hit of the Year In New York, Still a Raging Success* In London. MR. EDWARD R. SALTER Presents CHARLES J. STINE and MISS OLIVE EVANS In Edgar Belwyer' Laughiest Farce ITS ALL YOUR FAULT Produced Identically *. Cv, ijf lights at Savoy Theatre ht \ vo>k Splendid Caat of iri'u Pr.ce* 25c- 50c. 75c. ■Mi^, PJMKIO CLEAN SEWERS Manufacturer of Latest Sewer Cleaner Appeared Before Council Last Night. W. W. Stewart, a St. Louis raanu facturerer appeared before the city council last night and endeavored to interest the members in the , new Stewart sewer cleaning machine which is said io bo one of the mo3t perfec: sewer cleaners in the world. The de vice $750 or the company is willing them dav the city decides then the rental is applied to the purchase price. Mr. Stewart has been illustrating the workings of the machine on the big Mansfield street sewer and those who have seen it in action say it Is a wonder. The council last night ap pointed the members of the public ■vorks and sanitary department com nittee to see the demonstration oi he work at the coiner of Newcastle md Mansfield streets this morning ai ) o’clock and report back to council NIP IT 'trt 3 r. ( t , ~n!ra :T a For*. ’• '*"■ Ualuacss. 1 '• e — 1 ! • been con ,r ; v *.' = ' ' re'eerch f ‘ ni <ropssa *k!- \ ’ ' >■ - ruff ia tv uito-. . , . a!p, cause’ v r ;<•!- ' • vPallty i nd In t , ' ented. jJS’ Newbro'a H •erm. rn J t-clr tj its natura t'-iyends r‘ '*cpl-a'l -’M'r-t t t • li the mo. ■’rmWr'ul hair ilopir.niort on the mar ■rot to-day. Sold by loodlnr dritoe-t-rte, (tend 10r. !n •tamp* for p-vnirdn li The Homicide Cos. Detroit. Mich. wo wizen—*(! ■, a *nd *I.OO Smith’s Pharmacy, Agents l handle the best line or new good n the city. Do not be fooled b uslness opponents wbo try to te ou different. CaU and t>* crmvln* ■d. Big Levtso.n Increase Ijnill 3/ Eating Your HI lira Leben’s Appetite lIUfV Bread. BFECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FOR Fancy Cakes. AM AFTER YOUH TRADE AND WILL SELL YOU THE VERY BEST Bread, Rolls and Cakes THE BAKERS ART CAN MAKI Prompt attention given to of oar Give me a trial and join th great army of Ple**ed Hone Keeper#. Brunswick Bakery P. W. LEBEN, Prop. MORGAN 8 DIS Wholesale Lqiuor Dealers AGENTS FOR ACME BREWING CO Mail order busi ness a specialty. 224-226 BAY ST. BRUNSWICK, GA. HACKMEN’S UNION STATION Between the hour* of 0 a. m. and 9 p. m. (Saturday* until 11.30 p. m.) you can always rely on QUICK HACK SERVICE by calling up ’PHONE 338. We Fill all Order* Promptly —— ——•- iMnff mmFm*tmMm'x'yJmt. THt BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1907 JOIN THE CROWD And go to PARTER’S POX BALL PARLOR. Splendid Exercise, Re fined Pleasure for Ladies and Gen tlemen. A prize will be given away each Saturday Night for the highest score made during the week. PORTER’S BOX BALL ALLEY To be Inatalted In Old Western Un ion Building this week Stoves and ranges We carry a foil and com plete line of Stoves. Heaters and Ranges, and do ail' kind of Stove Repairing. NEW BATH TUBS We are ready to do you' P!nr>(ftnj uI alii kinds, jilSt a new shipment of Bath Tubs. J. M. BOHNE. Phone 397. 428 Newcastle MAKING liKffli? THE GREEK-AMERICAN RESTAURANT 4 LUNCH ROOM IS ADDING NEW EQUIPMENT. ENLARG ING TO MEET THE TRADE. 3ES! SERVICE 111 till OPEN DAY and NIGHT POLETES & HOODENPVLE 210 Gloucester St Phone 480 Come and see Davis 6l Blackerby in ; THEIR NEW AND ENLARG ED HEADQUARTERS. AT NO. 116 MONK BT. COR. OGLETHORPE, FOR THE BARGAINS IN BTAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. WE SOLICIT YOUR OR DERS. PROMPT SERVICE HONES'A MARKET PRICES BIS 8 BLAGKERBY 116 MONK ST. PHOM? 446 See our display of solid brass and irons, and spark guards. We have a fine assortment of these. Colaoa Hardware Cos. For hunting coats, shell belts, leg sine, gun covers, etc., go to 81* Levtson JOHN l) KOUNTOS, Brunswick’s Candy Store. Don't buy burnt sugar end Imagine you aro getting pure chocolate* Sues substitutes are injurious to health. For pure chocolate and all other can dies call on me. A fresh supply received every week from Menler the famous chocolate maker. Either In hulk or In beaatlfu. pound and half pound boxes. FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOCS, BTC. TAFFY CANDY MADS FRESH DAitr. -Hit NJ.WS’ BUSINESS HirM FACTS ABOUT BRUNSWICM^H BRUNSWICK IS A RAPIDLY GROWING CITY ANO IS THE BEST PORT ON THeIH COAST. THESE ARE AMONG HEP. REPRESENTATIVE MERCHANTS AND THEY ARE IN POSITION TO SERVE 1 HE PUBLIJ IN THEIR RESPECTIVE LINES REPRESENTATIVE BUSINEB3 CLASSIFIED AI.PH M ii it and 4 4 J A J Ls a * . . u L. I. . -M ARCHITECTS, J. George 2cnzlema. Aicnttect auo oelect-s lots of builuing material i<va.> cu hand. u you uuildiug communicate with me. Bicycles and Automobiles. B. J. Automobiles, bicycles, cycling , ceasoiies. Repairing and renttu- Give ue a all Tt':- 1312 ■i t, castle St BOTTLING WORKS. Brunswick Bottling ar.d Manufac Go., ■•lAuulalvtii'.vrj wf FliVUl’iHg l' v tracts, S'.-da ’?/atur and Miner* Waters. I a - in lean Colois au Juices, Cltiara, and Venegars, Ufiles and factory 218 Oglethorn PtANING MILLS. Uiunswlck Planing & Forwarding Cos. T. Q Fleming, jr., Manager. Flan-, mg mill, sawmill. d;y kiln. Rough audi dressed iuuiFbr weaiaervoardlug, boot tug, ceilings moulding and maids tin i isli I’boue 1 02. Brunswick, <Ja. TINNERS, Cobb &. Wheeler, Contracting linners. Phone 3i3 313 Newcastle St. CONTRACTORS. Sowen ana Thomas. General tractors Tes4. CEMENT CONTRACTORS* ~ J. D. Baldwin General Cement Contractor All sires of white and cm veil Hex! on tile and curb Shlcivnlk bnllderw Write na Considering the Question A good many men, about this time, ire considering the question of suits or winter. Let ns persuade you to onsider our guarantee of THE CHOICEST MATERIALS THE CORRECT STYLES SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP* FAULTLESS FITTING. 'hat graceful, easy, stylish air vhich we give garments cannot be uccHtuUy Imitated in ready-made- Nothing j Jas. (i. Carter, Th# Tailor, h. B. HARNETT. GENERAL CONTRACTOR When in need of— A >L.A4TEKeR, A PAINTER. A CAi PSNTCP. Cell on the o'd original • CARWETT |IOO For a Bott.e. This would not be a lrrg? j rice to ay for Dr. Drurairond'e Liubtnlui .emediee for rheumatism If one couij t get relief any cheaper. The irummond Medicine Cos. New Vorit, ave re;eive<i hundreds oi uusollciuhi eetlinonlaia from gratetui people re •tored to health Oy the use of their eruedles, who would uot hesitate to jay any price rather than suffer th? ormer torture. If you would WKe to ry these remedies, and jour drugglsi nas not get them, write direct to the •ompany. Agents wanted CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought B^TJeof AMERICAN TIE —AND— iHER El. manufacturers, shippers AND DEALERS IN CROSSTIES AND LUMBER New Yark Office No. 11 Broadway S. K. BROWN, Mngr. BRUNSWICK, QA. I'M H" I II Ii ■ I ■ A COMPLETE US E OP SHOES LATEST srrvLES AT DEALERS. . Creosoting Cos. f orunswiuk, Ca Li'oMjMi not ion. Highest cash .■ icfci,# Prompt leaurns. Buyers aui ties. UEVELCPMENT COMPANIES. B'unawnik Development Co M Max l*aac. president. Bruuswick. Ua vVe lead money to build house.' ti you coutemplate buiiijrng commit Ur Ae ran enable to own your bom* BLECTRICAL ENGINEERINtT. A. M. Calder, Electrical cou tractor and dealer u oisctnc auppilcs of all klud*. f?> side wiring a specialty. Ojiera hous building. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR K. L- FAHMStt, before having your inside wlriiu done see R. L Parmer, PTTone 252- LiQUOR HOUSE&! Ccng-eas Hall Saloon J. t 4. Mays 4 Cos. Wines, liquors, cigars and toba.-eo Wo make a specialty of the mail order business. PLUMBERS. Gilmore 4 Weed. General and sanitary plumbers Him dealiyrs jlu (dumbers’ supplies ( Newcastle street Tol 22*. BARBER SHOPS Allen 4 Thrash, Tonsorlnl Artists. Special mahacijrlgt for ladles. Ts 176. One ra House building. Ladle* Hairdressing a Specialty A REMINGTON ENGINES. MARINE, STATIONARY BETTER THAN GASOLINE ENGINES. CHEAPER IN THE LONG RUN For Further Information and Prices Call on or Write to KARL FRIES. nn ordeal winch all tils'* women approach with indescribable fear, for /15 £?UP3 K^p 3 SLO not hirig compare, with M MB qJ S SHeL ti rr •"* bonor child-birth. 1 bethought of the suffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her a shadow ol gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women have found that the use of Another’s Friend during pregnancy robs confinement of ell pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother and child. This scientific liniment i* a god-send to all women at the time of their most critical trial. Not only docs Another's Friend carry women safely through tho perils of child-birth, but ita use gently prepares the system lor the coming event, prevent* “morning sickness,” and other dis- MOTHER'S st.oo per bottle. Book m m m SMmUM ■ containing valuable information free. BtF* TAJf F2\ The Brotlfield Regulator Cos., Atlanta, Go. (jT £f • oet In Touch With the Rest of Us BY HAVING a beli/telephone In Your Home, Your Office, Your Store CALL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT OF outhern Bell Telephone and Teiegraph 80, AND WE LL -ri L YOU HOW X Gas Heaters GAS RADIATORS, INSTAN TANEOUS WATER HEATERS JUST RECEIVEL. THEY ARE JUST WHAT foU NEED LURING WINTER. OUR GAS STOVES ARE A GREAT CONVENIENCE AND ALWAYS READY FOR USE. NO COAL; NO WOOD; NO DIRT. PHONE NO. 7. Hutual Light & Water Cos. INSURANCE.^! HOyt w. Ga'eA^H Life, L.luiui, a.eluent ,i/w|k vpi.-'t-Li uli> ti.c best Ah PAWN BHok^| &. Levioo luntHH The uni rename Hj -C‘'..e.- b.aii’d ’i> a... I ; ileadijinu ;er* for ...ife-j., IcjOls . s.iOv.n UNDERTAKER mNO Ebf ! Cc,a. 1 * . • i. • .X* | H| || • ..." ,lt "I KcoiP ‘ teorma. 5 K> ■ ; ’ / c. M. f '.'j'S i H - o a:. Jm y ,■ f - ’ S J )‘ £ v?IH 'I i % wh^^KHH|HB ’ akii•Lirelcr T \ #e :.; Pt • very. Vl TINN^H .h s a'ffTTW™iffnßn •■■l tin.. ■ b v ■*!r own ~ '..•r*stqjy| ■ a' with me tn-ror^H • "ntracts for tinning. r-- 125 Newcastle St. RruiM ' ' ■■ V/CSLEY H. OBtETII*®, 13 file Driioig <’r lng and Tr>-ot le Im